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A partial elucidation of the gauge principle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The elucidation of the gauge principle “is the most pressing problem in current philosophy of physics” said Michael Redhead in 2003. This paper argues for two points that contribute to this elucidation in the context of Yang–Mills theories. (1) Yang–Mills theories, including quantum electrodynamics, form a class. They should be interpreted together. To focus on electrodynamics is potentially misleading. (2) The essential role of gauge and BRST symmetries is to provide a local field theory that can be quantized and would be equivalent to the quantization of the non-local reduced theory. If this is correct, the gauge symmetry is significant, not so much because it implies ontological consequences, but because it allows us to quantize theories that we would not be able to quantize otherwise. Thus, in the context of Yang–Mills theories, it is essentially a pragmatic principle. This does not seem to be the case for the gauge symmetry in general relativity.  相似文献   

After the publication of The structure of scientific revolutions, Kuhn attempted to fend off accusations of extremism by explaining that his allegedly “relativist” theory is little more than the mundane analytical apparatus common to most historians. The appearance of radicalism is due to the novelty of applying this machinery to the history of science. This defence fails, but it provides an important clue. The claim of this paper is that Kuhn inadvertently allowed features of his procedure and experience as an historian to pass over into his general account of science. Kuhn’s familiar claims, that science is directed in part by extra-scientific influences; that the history of science is divided by revolutionary breaks into periods that cannot be easily compared; that there is no ahistorical standard of rationality by which past episodes may be judged; and that science cannot be shown to be heading towards the Truth—these now appear as methodological commitments rather than historico-philosophical theses.  相似文献   

Yves Gingras says of my book Gravity’s shadow that it is too long, the style is poor, and in its 870 pages there is nothing new that is not to be regretted. Gingras’s purity of vision would be a cause for congratulation were it not for the appalling implications of one of his claims. For the sake of the future of social science—indeed for the sake of the future of civilisation—it is impossible to leave unchallenged the idea that respondents, who don’t like to see their use of data questioned, are to be commended when they withhold those data from public scrutiny.  相似文献   

The quantum mechanical measurement problem is the difficulty of dealing with the indefiniteness of the pointer observable at the conclusion of a measurement process governed by unitary quantum dynamics. There has been hope to solve this problem by eliminating idealizations from the characterization of measurement. We state and prove two ‘insolubility theorems’ that disappoint this hope. In both the initial state of the apparatus is taken to be mixed rather than pure, and the correlation of the object observable and the pointer observable is allowed to be imperfect. In the insolubility theorem for sharp observables, which is only a modest extension of previous results, the object observable is taken to be an arbitrary projection valued measure. In the insolubility theorem for unsharp observables, which is essentially new, the object observable is taken to be a positive operator valued measure. Both theorems show that the measurement problem is not the consequence of neglecting the ever-present imperfections of actual measurements.  相似文献   

This paper rejects as unfounded a recent criticism of research on the so-called left wing of the Vienna Circle and the claim that it sported a political philosophy of science. The demand for ‘specific, local periodized claims’ is turned against the critic. It is shown (i) that certain criticisms of Red Vienna’s leading party cannot be transferred to the members of the Circle involved in popular education, nor can criticism of Carnap’s Aufbau be transferred to Neurath’s unified science project; (ii) that neither with regard to Carnap nor to Neurath does the criticism raise points that either engage with the thesis proposed or stand up to closer scrutiny; (iii) that the main thesis attacked is just what I had warned the claim that the Vienna Circle had a political philosophy of science should not be understood as. The question whether theirs is ‘political enough’ today can and should be discussed without distortion of the historical record.  相似文献   

Pliny’s Natural History has been traditionally considered as the unoriginal work of an uncritical compiler. This has also been held to be true of the “biological” books, especially when one compares them with the works of Aristotle, one of Pliny’s main authorities in this domain. Aristotle’s achievements would be remarkable, especially in the field of classification, of which the philosopher is traditionally celebrated as the scientific father. However, by carefully reading HN XXXII it is possible to find a certain “taxonomic” awareness—as, for instance, the need for a more accurate nomenclature in order to distinguish some aquatic animals beyond the proliferation of different vernacular terms—which is not to be found in the works of Aristotle. This, in a rather positivist way, may seem to anticipate Renaissance naturalists, but is in fact the consequence of both Pliny’s encyclopedic project and contingent ethnobiological, linguistic and social factors.  相似文献   

What sort of justification can be claimed for abduction? In this paper we reconstruct Peirce’s answer to this question. We show that in his early works on the logic of science Peirce provided an abductive justification of abduction, and that in his mature writings the early solution is enriched by a reference to the place abduction has in a typical scientific inquiry. Since abduction is the first stage of inquiry by which a hypothesis is suggested and which then has to be subjected to inductive testing, the fundamental abduction (ur-abduction) that justifies abduction has also to be subjected to a verification by means of a fundamental induction (ur-induction), namely that the abduction that abduction is valid is verified by an appeal to the history of science.  相似文献   

Naturalized metaphysics remains the default presupposition of much contemporary philosophy of physics. As metaphysics is supposed to concern the general structure of reality, so scientific naturalism draws upon our best physical theories to attempt to answer the foundational question “par excellenceviz., “how could the world possibly be the way this theory says it is?” A particular case study, Hilbert's attempt to analyze and explain a seeming “pre-established harmony” between mind and nature, is offered as a salutary reminder that naturalism's ready inference from physical theory to ontology may be too quick.  相似文献   

In this paper, we shall describe a new account of information in communicational contexts, namely, a causal-deflationary one. Our approach draws from Timpson's deflationary view and supplies the field of philosophy of information with new tools that will help to clarify the underlying structure of communication: information is an abstract entity that must be involved in a causal link in order to achieve communication. In light of our account, communication is not merely the existence of statistical correlations between source and receiver, as usually understood from a purely formal view. Instead, communication is an asymmetric phenomenon involving causal notions: the destination system must be able to be causally manipulated by intervening on the source for successful communication. In a nutshell, we shall support the following lemma: no communication without manipulation.  相似文献   

Philosophers of science have paid little attention, positive or negative, to Lyotard’s book The postmodern condition, even though it has been popular in other fields. We set out some of the reasons for this neglect. Lyotard thought that sciences could be justified by non-scientific narratives (a position he later abandoned). We show why this is unacceptable, and why many of Lyotard’s characterisations of science are either implausible or are narrowly positivist. One of Lyotard’s themes is that the nature of knowledge has changed and thereby so has society itself. However much of what Lyotard says muddles epistemological matters about the definition of ‘knowledge’ with sociological claims about how information circulates in modern society. We distinguish two kinds of legitimation of science: epistemic and socio-political. In proclaiming ‘incredulity towards metanarratives’ Lyotard has nothing to say about how epistemic and methodological principles are to be justified (legitimated). He also gives a bad argument as to why there can be no epistemic legitimation, which is based on an act/content confusion, and a confusion between making an agreement and the content of what is agreed to. As for socio-political legitimation, Lyotard’s discussion remains at the abstract level of science as a whole rather than at the level of the particular applications of sciences. Moreover his positive points can be accepted without taking on board any of his postmodernist account of science. Finally we argue that Lyotard’s account of paralogy, which is meant to provide a ‘postmodern’ style of justification, is a failure.  相似文献   

Multipotent adult stem cells capable of developing into particular neuronal cell types have great potential for autologous cell replacement therapy for central nervous system neurodegenerative disorders and traumatic injury. Bone marrow-derived stromal mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) appear to be attractive starting materials. One question is whether BMSCs could be coaxed to differentiate in vitro along neuronal or glial lineages that would aid their functional integration post-transplantation, while reducing the risk of malignant transformation. Recent works suggest that BMSCs could indeed be differentiated in vitro to exhibit some cellular and physiological characteristics of neural cell lineages, but it is not likely to be achievable with simple chemical treatments. We discussed recent findings pertaining to efforts in neuronal differentiation of BMSCs in vitro, and results obtained when these were transplanted in vivo. Received 19 January 2006; received after revision 24 February 2006; accepted 12 April 2006  相似文献   

Summary 3318 CT [bis(piperidinométhylcoumaranyl-5) cetone diméthiodide] a compound recently synthesized byA. Funke andK. von Däniken, is shown to be a potent and selective inhibitor, bothin vitro andin vivo, of the blood acetyl-cholinesterase (AcChE) of the dog. It produces acetylcholinomimetic symptoms in the animal and sensitizes different responses to acetylcholine and to stimulation of cholinergic nerves without inhibiting the blood non-specific cholinesterase (XChE). However, the action of 3318 CT appears to be limited, both in nature and in intensity, when compared to that of prostigmine, although the latter substance is a less potent inhibitor of AcChEin vitro than is 3318 CT. This difference is probably related to many factors, one of which may be the fact that prostigmine inhibits not only AcChE but also XChE; and it is not yet ascertained that XChE plays no role at all in the limitation of the effect of the stimulations of cholinergic nerves.  相似文献   

I address questions about values in model-making in engineering, specifically: Might the role of values be attributable solely to interests involved in specifying and using the model? Selected examples illustrate the surprisingly wide variety of things one must take into account in the model-making itself. The notions of system (as used in engineering thermodynamics), and physically similar systems (as used in the physical sciences) are important and powerful in determining what is relevant to an engineering model. Another example (windfarms) illustrates how an idea to completely re-characterize, or reframe, an engineering problem arose during model-making.I employ a qualitative analogue of the notion of physically similar systems. Historical cases can thus be drawn upon; I illustrate with a comparison between a geoengineering proposal to inject, or spray, sulfate aerosols, and two different historical cases involving the spraying of DDT (fire ant eradication; malaria eradication). The current geoengineering proposal is seen to be like the disastrous and counterproductive case, and unlike the successful case, of the spraying of DDT. I conclude by explaining my view that model-making in science is analogous to moral perception in action, drawing on a view in moral theory that has come to be called moral particularism.  相似文献   

The paper challenges a recent attempt by Jouni-Matti Kuukkanen to show that since Thomas Kuhn’s philosophical standpoint can be incorporated into coherentist epistemology, it does not necessarily lead to: (Thesis 1) an abandonment of rationality and rational interparadigm theory comparison, nor to (Thesis 2) an abandonment of convergent realism. Leaving aside the interpretation of Kuhn as a coherentist, we will show that Kuukkanen’s first thesis is not sufficiently explicated, while the second one entirely fails. With regard to Thesis 1, we argue that Kuhn’s view on inter-paradigm theory comparison allows only for (what we shall dub as) ‘the weak notion of rationality’, and that Kuukkanen’s argument is thus acceptable only in view of such a notion. With regard to Thesis 2, we show that even if we interpret Kuhn as a coherentist, his philosophical standpoint cannot be seen as compatible with convergent realism since Kuhn’s argument against it is not ‘ultimately empirical’, as Kuukkanen takes it to be.  相似文献   

Summary According to considerations put forwards byW. Kuhn andA. Rittmann some years ago, it follows that the chemical composition of the interior of the earth must be rather homogeneous; the well-known discontinuity which occurs at 2900 km with respect to the propagation of longitudinal and transverse waves should not be due to a discontinuity of the material composition (not to an iron core). It is due to a continous decrease of the viscosity and thereby of the relaxation time; transverse waves of a period of e.g. 30 seconds will no more be propagated in a material whose relaxation time for tangential stress is below 30 seconds, while the longitudinal waves will suffer a decrease of the velocity at the same time.A criticism put forward byA. Eucken consists in the argument that a material in which the time of relaxation for tangential stress becomes equal to the period of the vibration will exhibit a considerable absorption coefficient for longitudinal waves too. It is now shown that the distance on which the period of vibration and the relaxation time are approximately equal is small compared with the wave length of the seismic waves in question, from which it follows that the resulting absorption of the longitudinal waves too will only be small.A further consideration shows that a mixture of 99 atomic % hydrogen and 1 atomic % of iron is most probably supercritical at a temperature of 5000° abs.A survey of the solubilities in question shows further that the hydrogen present in a mixture of 90% hydrogen and 10% iron should on the strength of the absorption coefficient be completely absorbed by the iron at 5000° abs. and at a total pressure of 2.106 atmospheres.The main argument why the assumption of an iron core inside the earth must be dismissed remains the fact that the present state must be the result of an asymptotic processus which at least in its final phase has occurred under conditions similar to the present conditions of temperature, pressure and viscosity; these latter conditions are far from permitting the processus of sedimentation etc. which would be required.  相似文献   

About a century ago, Ernst Mach argued that Archimedes’s deduction of the principle of the lever is invalid, since its premises contain the conclusion to be demonstrated. Subsequently, many scholars defended Archimedes, mostly on historical grounds, by raising objections to Mach’s reconstruction of Archimedes’s deduction. In the debate, the Italian philosopher and historian of science Giovanni Vailati stood out. Vailati responded to Mach with an analysis of Archimedes’s deduction which was later quoted and praised by Mach himself. In this paper, my objective is to show that the debate can be further advanced, as Mach indicated, by reframing it in terms of the empirical vs. the logical dimensions of mechanics. In this way, I will suggest, the debate about Archimedes’s deduction can be resolved in Mach’s favour.  相似文献   

Although there is widespread agreement that many cancers have environmental causes we are often unable to see associations between specific cancers and exposure to environmental chemicals. One might also speulate that the more widespread, common-place and normal a chemical exposure is perceived to be then the less likely it will be that the exposure is recognised, let alone be considered to cause cancer. Widespread contamination of air by chemicals associated with internal combustion may be an example of one such invisible carcinogenic exposure. Yet evidence is available which suggests that many leukaemia and lymphoma cases, as well as other cancers, may be caused by this mundane and ubiquitous environmental contamination. The hypothesis is developed that leukaemia clustering as well as national leukaemia incidence may be related to non-occupational exposure to benzene formed by petrol combustion and resulting from petrol evaporation1. The possible association between exposure to fuel vapours, internal combustion products and cancer merits much closer examination than it receives at present.  相似文献   

Summary In order to obtain further knowledge on the action of radiation on living cells we studied the nuclear transformations ofE. coli after exposure to X-rays. Three different phenomena could be observed; One is producting the polychromosomal form of nucleoids, and is reversible. The second, which is probably a rapid lethal effect, expresses himself by the vesicular form of the nucleoids. The third is only concerned with very high doses. The hypothesis, that the fragmentation of nucleoids may be directly related to induction of lysogenic cells is postulated.  相似文献   

Huntington’s disease (HD) is an autosomal-dominant neurodegenerative disorder caused by polyglutamine expansion in the amino-terminus of huntingtin (HTT). HD offers unique opportunities for promising RNA-based therapeutic approaches aimed at reducing mutant HTT expression, since the HD mutation is considered to be a “gain-of-function” mutation. Allele-specific strategies that preserve expression from the wild-type allele and reduce the levels of mutant protein would be of particular interest. Here, we have conducted proof-of-concept studies to demonstrate that spliceosome-mediated trans-splicing is a viable molecular strategy to specifically repair the HTT allele. We employed a dual plasmid transfection system consisting of a pre-mRNA trans-splicing module (PTM) containing HTT exon 1 and a HTT minigene to demonstrate that HTT exon 1 can be replaced in trans. We detected the presence of the trans-spliced RNA in which PTM exon 1 was correctly joined to minigene exons 2 and 3. Furthermore, exon 1 from the PTM was trans-spliced to the endogenous HTT pre-mRNA in cultured cells as well as disease-relevant models, including HD patient fibroblasts and primary neurons from a previously described HD mouse model. These results suggest that the repeat expansion of HTT can be repaired successfully not only in the context of synthetic minigenes but also within the context of HD neurons. Therefore, pre-mRNA trans-splicing may be a promising approach for the treatment of HD and other dominant genetic disorders.  相似文献   

Matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9) is one of the most studied enzymes in cancer. MMP-9 can cleave proteins of the extracellular matrix and a large number of receptors and growth factors. Accordingly, its expression must be tightly regulated to avoid excessive enzymatic activity, which is associated with disease progression. Although we know that epigenetic mechanisms play a central role in controlling mmp-9 gene expression, predicting how epigenetic drugs could be used to suppress mmp-9 gene expression is not trivial because epigenetic drugs also regulate the expression of key proteins that can tip the balance towards activation or suppression of MMP-9. Here, we review how our understanding of the biology and expression of MMP-9 could be exploited to augment clinical benefits, most notably in terms of the prevention and management of degenerative diseases and cancer.  相似文献   

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