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采用扫描电镜、透射电镜及其附带的能谱仪和碳复型萃取技术等多种手段研究了不同Hf含量的FGH96合金粉末颗粒显微组织、枝晶间合金元素偏析和析出相.发现Hf含量可以改变粉末颗粒内部树枝晶、胞状长大晶和微晶凝固组织的比例,粉末的快速凝固组织形态主要取决于冷却速率和固液界面前沿温度梯度与长大速度的比值.不同Hf含量的FGH96合金粉末颗粒中,Nb、Ti、Zr和Al均富集于枝晶间,Co、Cr、W和Ni均富集于枝晶轴.当Hf质量分数为0.3%时,Ti、Nb、Zr、Hf等强碳化物形成元素的枝晶偏析程度最小.在快速凝固粉末颗粒中,Hf对氧含量比碳含量更敏感,优先形成更稳定的氧化物HfO2.  相似文献   

对快速凝固FGH95高温合金粉末中的碳化物及其稳定性进行实验研究,分析了粉末颗粒凝固过程中的热学参数和非平衡溶质分配对碳化物形成过程的影响.结果表明合金粉末中亚稳MC'型碳化物形态的几何完整度随粉末颗粒尺寸减小由规则形态向复杂多样化变化,碳化物在热处理时发生分解与合金元素再分配,其形态由复杂形状为主转变为规则形态的稳定MC型碳化物.  相似文献   

对急冷凝固镍基高温合金松散粉末热等静压成型合金中亚稳碳化物及其相间反应进行了研究。随着热处理温度的升高,粉末中合金元素的分布逐渐均匀化,但枝晶间 MC 能在较高的温度下保持稳定,使 Ti 和 Zr 在该处仍有较高含量。原始粉末中枝晶间主要分布着块状和花状的 MC 型碳化物,在预热处理过程中粉末枝晶间块状碳化物分解,发生M23C6和 M6C 的析出反应,而花状碳化物的成分及形貌则保持相对稳定。成型合金残余枝晶间分布的碳化物主要由块状 M6C 和 MC 及花状 MC 组成,形变再结晶可以促进枝晶间碳化物的溶解。  相似文献   

镍基高温合金长期时效过程中第二相的析出   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为考察合金在高温长期时效过程中的组织变化情况,使合金分别在800℃,900℃进行了100~1000h的长期时效,并对由镍基基体上析出的第二相粒子利用扫描电镜、透射电镜、电子探针等测试手段进行了观察与分析·发现碳化物和TCP相的析出有着类似之处,都在800℃时效时比在更高温度时效容易析出,颗粒尺寸也大于900℃时效时的尺寸;观察到析出碳化物种类有M23C6型、M7C3型;TCP相种类有μ相、σ相·通过测量γ′相的平均半径得到其析出特性符合里夫希茨·瓦格纳的第二相粒子成熟理论·相与组织的准确确定,为其后确定合金的拉伸与持久性能提供了有力的分析基础·  相似文献   

GH586合金的晶界碳化物高温强化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对GH586合金在不同固溶处理温度下的金相组织观察,晶界碳化物萃取复型的透射电镜观察,定量相分析及850℃拉伸性能的测试,研究了晶界碳化物对合金高温拉伸性能的影响,探讨了高温下合金晶界碳化物的强化作用,并结合理论分析提出了晶界碳化物高温强化关系式。结果表明,该合金中均匀分布的细小晶界碳化物在高温下提高了合金强度;晶界碳化物对850℃屈服强度的贡献,用理论模型分析的结果与实验结果符合良好。  相似文献   

万华明  熊文琳 《江西科学》1992,10(4):210-213
利用SPEED方法萃取定向凝固镍基高温合金中的MC碳化物晶体后进行SEM-EDX分析,其结果在似稳场条件下的MC碳化物晶体与从高温合金熔体中的生长的MC碳化物的浓度分布规律相一致。  相似文献   

通过热力学平衡相计算方法,系统研究了某新型镍基粉末高温合金时效温度下合金元素对热力学平衡相析出行为的影响.计算结果表明:René104合金析出的主要平衡相为γ′、MC、M23C6、M3B2和TCP相.Cr和Co含量主要影响TCP相的析出行为及γ′相的析出温度,Cr含量对M23C6和M3B2的析出行为有一定的影响,Cr的建议质量分数为13%;Mo和W含量影响TCP相和M3B2的析出行为.质量比Al/Ti和Nb/Ta影响γ′相的析出行为,建议控制Al/Ti和Nb/Ta比平衡,以使γ′相起到理想的强化效果.C和B含量显著影响碳化物和硼化物的析出量,还可间接抑制TCP相析出;Zr含量对MC和M23C6碳化物的析出有影响;增Co降Cr和调节合金元素含量以获得小的点阵错配度是第3代涡轮盘用粉末冶金高温合金成分优化设计的趋势.  相似文献   

GH586合金的晶界碳化物高温强换   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对GH586合金在不同固溶处理温度下的金相组织观察、晶界碳化物萃取复型的透射电镜观察、定量相分析及850℃拉伸性能的测试,研究了晶界碳化物对合金高温拉伸性能的影响.探讨了高温下合金晶界碳化物的强化作用,并结合理论分析提出了晶界碳化物高温强化关系式.结果表明,该合金中均匀分布的细小晶界碳化物在高温下提高了合金强度;晶界碳化物对850℃屈服强度的贡献,用理论模型分析的结果与实验结果符合良好.  相似文献   

采用TEM观察沿界断口萃取碳复型和金属薄膜,结果表明,固溶处理后,晶界表面C/Cr比较高(或较低)的区域存在Cr7C3(或Cr23C6)炉冷时析出大尺寸的Cr7C3;775℃时效,TiC退化成Cr23C6片状Cr7C3析出倾向较大,850℃时效,Cr23C6密集分布,数量较多,铝含量较高时,晶内γ的沉淀倾向和长大速度较大;第三段时效处理时γ有两种沉积淀机制。  相似文献   

拉伸载荷下镍基粉末高温合金中夹杂物行为   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用扫描电镜原位拉伸方法,跟踪观察了人工植入A12O3夹杂物的镍基粉末高温合金P/MRene95中夹杂物导致裂纹萌生、扩展乃至断裂的过程.结果表明,在单轴拉伸载荷下,裂纹首先萌生于脆性非金属夹杂物A12O3处,大于一定尺寸的夹杂物,还会使该裂纹扩展成为导致合金断裂的主裂纹,从而大大降低合金的屈服强度及断裂强度.  相似文献   

研究了一种新型镍基单晶高温合金拉伸性能及断裂模式。采用[001]取向制备拉伸性能试样,以平行于单晶[001]取向作为应力轴方向,采用扫描电镜观察断口形貌。实验结果表明,随着拉伸温度升高,合金的抗拉和屈服强度逐渐升高,并分别在760℃和850℃达到峰值,之后随着温度升高迅速下降。塑性随温度的变化则相反,在760℃塑性指标达到最低值,随后断面收缩率急剧增加,而延伸率在850℃达到峰值后迅速下降。合金的拉伸断裂模式在980℃从准解理断裂转向塑韧性断裂。  相似文献   

Pores are uncommon defects in superalloy bars, which deserve to be investigated. In this work, a type of pore defect within GH4710 nickel-based superalloy was investigated by 3D X-ray imaging method combined with metallographic analysis. 3D X-ray imaging was used for locating and visualizing the defects in the alloy. The 3D X-ray imaging result of the defects showed a good agreement with the defect anatomical morphologies. It was observed that the pore defect was accompanied by MC carbides, micro-crack, and non-metallic inclusions. The origin of pore defect was attributed to the shrinkage pores, inclusion and the complex precipitates. The analysis showed that the pore defects in GH4710 alloy was associated with strong micro-segregation and complex phase precipitation during solidification, induced by the high weight content of Ti and C in the alloy.  相似文献   

叶片在服役过程中主要承受〈001〉轴向的离心载荷,由离心应力导致的蠕变损伤是叶片的主要失效机制之一。基于单晶叶片的典型服役条件,总结了国内外关于高温低应力和中温高应力蠕变变形损伤机制的研究现状,指出深入开展含典型缺陷单晶高温合金蠕变行为、氧化和热腐蚀对单晶合金蠕变-疲劳变形损伤机制影响研究十分必要。  相似文献   

Turbine discs in gas-turbine engines always experience high-temperature and high-stress environment. Extensive investigations have been performed towards achieving high performance. Deformation behaviors and degradation factors above normal service temperature are important to be comprehensively understood for further development and optimization of turbine disc superalloys. In this study, the low cycle fatigue behaviors were investigated under total strain amplitude control in U720 Li disc supe...  相似文献   

The creep behavior of the DZ125 superalloy at high temperatures has been investigated based on the creep properties measurement and microstructure observations. The experimental results show that, after full heat treatment, the fine and coarser cuboidal γ0precipitates distributed in the dendrite arm and inter-dendrite regions, respectively, the boundaries with various configurations located in the inter-dendrite regions. In the primary creep stage, the cuboidal γ0phase in the alloy transformed into the rafted structure along the direction vertical to the stress axis.The dislocations slipping and climbing over the rafted γ0phase are attributed the deformation mechanism of the alloy during steady-state creep.The(1/2)?1 1 0? dislocations slipping in the γ matrix and ?1 1 0? super-dislocations shearing into the γ0phase are the deformation mechanisms of the alloy in the latter stage of creep. And then the alternate slipping of dislocations results in the initiation and propagation of the micro-cracks along the boundaries until the occurrence of the creep fracture. Since the grain boundaries with various angles relative to the stress axis distribute in the different regions, the initiation and propagation of micro-cracks along the boundaries display the various features.& 2014 Chinese Materials Research Society. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Selective laser melting(SLM),an additive manufacturing process mostly applied in the metal material field,can fabricate complex-shaped metal objects with high precision.Nickel-based superalloy exhibits excellent mechanical properties at elevated temperatures and plays an important role in the aviation industry.This paper emphasizes the research of SLM processed Inconel 718,Inconel 625,CM247LC,and Hastelloy X,which are typical alloys with different strengthening mechanisms and operating temperatures.The strengthening mechanism and phase change evolution of different nickel-based superalloys under laser irradiation are discussed.The influence of laser parameters and the heat-treatment process on mechanical properties of SLM nickel-based superalloys are systematically introduced.Moreover,the attractive in-dustrial applications of SLM nickel-based superalloy and printed components are presented.Finally,the prospects for nickel-based superalloy materials for SLM technology are presented.  相似文献   

为探讨高速切削中切屑的微观形态和变形机理,以镍基高温合金GH3039为基体,采用单因素铣削实验的方法,对锯齿形切屑变形机理及切屑进行了相关研究。分析了高速铣削状态下锯齿形切屑的演变过程,切削参数的改变对锯齿形切屑的影响,使用Digimizer测量软件对不同切屑参数下的切屑进行测量分析。结果表明:在高速铣削加工状态下,切屑形态为锯齿形切屑,并随着铣削速度的提高,锯齿形切屑频率增高,铣削深度和每齿进给量对切屑形态无太大影响;剪切角随铣削速度的增高而增大,锯齿化程度越来越高;铣削速度的变化对切屑有决定性的影响,是形成锯齿形切屑的重要因素。  相似文献   

Selective laser melting (SLM) is a promising additive manufacturing (AM) technology for fabricating the near net-shaped parts by selectively melting and solidifying a thin powder layer with a high-intensity laser beam according to the CAD data for arbitrary components. In this work, Ni-based superalloy K418 samples were fabricated by selective laser melting (SLM). To evaluate the anisotropic mechanical behavior of the SLM processed K418 samples with layer-by-layer melting, the samples were manufactured parallel (transverse specimens) and vertical (longitudinal specimens) to the building direction on the substrate. The microstructural anisotropy analysis was performed by optical microscopy (OM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) analysis was used to identify their crystallographic preferred orientation (texture) and to correlate the anisotropy of the mechanical strength with the texture of the material. The results showed that the transverse specimens had slightly higher yield strength, but much significantly higher ductility than that of the transverse specimens with the elongated columnar grains along the building direction.  相似文献   

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