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Baroclinic transport and the barotropic effect are two different viewpoints for understanding the mechanism of the Greenland-Scotland Ridge overflow. The mechanism of this overflow, being an important deep branch of thermohaline circulation, deserves research discussion, especially against the background of global warming. Using the newly developed ECHAM5/MPI-OM, of the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, which is an advanced atmospheresea iceocean coupled climate model, the mechanism of the Greenland-Scotland Ridge overflow variation under different atmospheric CO2 scenarios is studied. First, a control experiment is forced by a fixed CO2 concentration of 280 ppmv, which is the pre-industrial level before 1860. Three sensitive experiments are carried out under different scenarios of increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations, which are listed in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessment report (B1, A1B and A2). In the control run, more water with higher salinity intruding into the Greenland-Icelandic-Norwegian Seas results in greater barotropic transport and greater overflow because of the baroclinic effect. Therefore, the barotropic effect and baroclinic effect on the overflow are unified. Under the atmospheric CO2 scenarios, the strength of overflow across the Faro-Bank Channel is controlled by the baroclinic effect and the increase in Denmark Strait overflow is attributed to the barotropic effect.  相似文献   

黑河水库单薄分水岭渗透稳定性分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
黑河水库是解决西安市城市供水、农田灌溉及水力发电的大型水利水电工程。其左岸的单薄分水岭既构成大坝坝肩岩体,蓄水后又成为一天然坝体。分水岭内切岭断层发育,岩体破碎,蓄水后可能产生渗漏,渗流可能会引起分水岭东侧坡体稳定及断层渗透破坏等问题,针对这些问题进行了分析。  相似文献   

应用坝工水力学理论,分析了影响土石过水围堰溢流工况的主要不确定因素及其分布,提出了不利溢流工况的设计风险率计算模型。  相似文献   

Hydrothermal circulation within the sea floor, through lithosphere older than one million years (Myr), is responsible for 30% of the energy released from plate cooling, and for 70% of the global heat flow anomaly (the difference between observed thermal output and that predicted by conductive cooling models). Hydrothermal fluids remove significant amounts of heat from the oceanic lithosphere for plates typically up to about 65 Myr old. But in view of the relatively impermeable sediments that cover most ridge flanks, it has been difficult to explain how these fluids transport heat from the crust to the ocean. Here we present results of swath mapping, heat flow, geochemistry and seismic surveys from the young eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca ridge, which show that isolated basement outcrops penetrating through thick sediments guide hydrothermal discharge and recharge between sites separated by more than 50 km. Our analyses reveal distinct thermal patterns at the sea floor adjacent to recharging and discharging outcrops. We find that such a circulation through basement outcrops can be sustained in a setting of pressure differences and crustal properties as reported in independent observations and modelling studies.  相似文献   

汪淑彬  张杰 《工程与建设》2010,24(2):167-168,235
管道工程穿越堤防等水利设施产生渗流稳定等影响,传统方法对这种影响的评价主要通过解析法来进行的,该文通过管道所在地的地质条件概化水文地质模型,并建立数学模型计算管道穿越工程对现有堤防的渗流稳定安全影响,依据临界水力梯度法,定量评价工程诱发渗透破坏的可能性.  相似文献   

缓冲区溢出是被黑客利用得最多的漏洞之一,为了对其进行动态的检测及防范,提出了一种基于地址认证的缓冲区防护(Authentication-Guard)技术.该技术通过修改编译代码,动态检测缓冲区是否发生溢出,对返回地址进行保护,避免了恶意代码的运行.利用该技术,攻击者无法利用计算缓冲区长度来绕开检测,同时也避免了返回地址不可预知的问题.  相似文献   

Mathematical models have become a necessary tool for organizing the rapidly increasing amounts of large-scale data on biochemical pathways and for advanced evaluation of their structure and regulation. Most of these models have addressed specific pathways using either stoichiometric or flux-balance analysis, or fully kinetic Michaelis-Menten representations, metabolic control analysis, or biochemical systems theory. So far, the predictions of kinetic models have rarely been tested using direct experimentation. Here, we validate experimentally a biochemical systems theoretical model of sphingolipid metabolism in yeast. Simulations of metabolic fluxes, enzyme deletion and the effects of inositol (a key regulator of phospholipid metabolism) led to predictions that show significant concordance with experimental results generated post hoc. The model also allowed the simulation of the effects of acute perturbations in fatty-acid precursors of sphingolipids, a situation that is not amenable to direct experimentation. The results demonstrate that modelling now allows testable predictions as well as the design and evaluation of hypothetical 'thought experiments' that may generate new metabolomic approaches.  相似文献   

Present-day spreading motion of the mid-Atlantic ridge   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Over a long period of time, the spreading rate of the mid-Atlantic ridge has been ascertained by the geological age of the magnetic stripe laid out on either side of the mid-ocean ridge in conjunction with the annals of the magnetic reversal history. Is the mid-Atlantic ridge still spreading today? How fast is it moving or are there any changes? All these questions remain unsolved. Based on the newest ITRF2000 velocity field published by the International Earth Rotation Service (IERS), the contemporary global plate motion model ITRF2000VEL is constructed, independent of any plate model hypothesis. Solutions for relative Euler’s vectors of plate pairs as North America-Eurasia, North America-Africa and South America-Africa are obtained, implying current spreading rates of the mid-Atlantic ridge. Comparing them with results from the NNR-NUVEL1A model displays the present-day motion characteristics of the mid-Atlantic ridge that the mid-ridge of the South Atlantic, whose spreading is slowing down, spreads faster than the North Atlantic, whose spreading is speeding up.  相似文献   

文章讨论了上溢的数用数组和链表表示的方法和计算过程,所使用的大数超出常规数据类型,并给出具体表示和计算.  相似文献   

通过采用数值模拟、水模型实验和工业试验相结合的方法研究了中间包内钢水液面在下挡墙时的卷渣行为.数值模拟结果发现:当钢液面接近下挡墙时,上下挡墙问钢液面容易暴露,造成钢水氧化,在下挡墙出口区一侧容易造成钢渣乳化和卷渣,在出口区下挡墙与中间包壁形成的角部区域卷渣趋势更大;溢过下挡墙的流体对下挡墙冲蚀较严重,在实际生产中将缩短中间包寿命;当中间包液面降低到下挡墙附近时在下挡墙处形成的卷渣很难在中间包内上浮去除,容易进入结晶器.水模型实验和工业试验同时验证了这一结果.  相似文献   

全球观测应力场应力取向数据的加权统计分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
论文将全球划分成一系列的5°×5°基本单元,通过对世界应力图计划中的全球应力指标数据进行加权系数法统计分析,计算了全球应力场在尺度为500km左右的平均应力取向;用Rayleigh检验检验了应力取向是否为随机分布;讨论了应力取向的统计分析和检验结果.统计结果显示考虑了加权系数情况下的有关统计结果相对比较符合实际,它提高了高质量数据在统计分析中的作用,并降低了观测数据呈随机分布特征的可能性.  相似文献   

经典的大样本理论研究了当自变量数 p固定(或p→∞ ),并且样本容量 n→∞时估计量的性质,但 n固定并且 p→∞这种情况几乎没有被讨论过.后者对髙维数据的研究具有重要意义,本文研究了刀切广义岭估计在 n固定 p→∞时的渐近性质,建立了刀切广义岭估计在一定条件下的均方误差相合性,提供了一个剔除次要变量的变量筛选方法,并证明了这个筛选程序的强相合性.  相似文献   

文章采用FLAC数值模拟的方法,分析了徐州旗山煤矿13311工作面采煤期间对底部软岩巷道的影响,指出跨采采动后,巷道两帮和顶、底板应力明显增大,且顶底板出现拉应力,产生拉裂破坏;塑性区的范围约为1.8 m,据此制定了采用锚杆、锚索与注浆联合加固技术的预加固方案和措施,并进行了巷道围岩变形监测.现场实践表明,巷道加固效果良好,保证了巷道的稳定和正常使用,达到了预期目的.  相似文献   

Barium (Ba) isotopes can be used as potential tracers for crustal material recycling in the mantle. Determination of the Ba isotope composition of the depleted mantle is essential for such applications. However, Ba isotope data for mantle-derived basalts are still rare. In this study, we reported high-precision Ba isotope data of 30 oceanic basalts including 25 mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORBs) from geochemically and geologically diverse mid-ocean ridge segments and five back-arc basin basalts. The δ138/134Ba values of these samples varied from ?0.06‰ to +0.11‰, with no systematic cross-region variation. Together with published data, we constrained the average δ138/134Ba of global MORBs to +0.05‰±0.09‰ (2 standard deviation, n = 51). Based on depleted MORBs that have (La/Sm)N < 0.8, low 87Sr/86Sr (< 0.70263), and low Ba/Th < 71.3, we estimated the average δ138/134Ba of the depleted MORB mantle (DMM) as + 0.05‰ ± 0.05‰ (2SD, n = 16) that is significantly lower than the DMM (≈ 0.14‰) reported previously. If a new estimation of the DMM is applied, it is unreasonable to infer that the Ba isotope signatures of the “enriched-type” MORBs (E-MORBs) could be attributed to pervasive sediment recycling in the upper mantle. We, therefore, conclude that the Ba isotope compositions of the E-MORBs could be sourced from the incorporation of subducted altered oceanic crust and/or sediments depending on the Ba isotope composition and other geochemical information of the local mantle.  相似文献   

随着COM构件技术的广泛使用,COM构件暴露出越来越多的缓冲区溢出安全漏洞。为进一步提高COM构件的安全性,本文设计实现了COM构件栈缓冲区溢出漏洞检测系统CSDS(component stack-overflow detectingsystem),并在其中实现了一个栈溢出检测算法。CSDS主要有接口分析、函数定位、栈溢出静态分析和结果输出4个模块,接口分析模块分析被测COM构件得到构件的对象、接口及函数的详细信息;函数定位模块获取构件中用户编写的函数在该构件对应的汇编代码中的线性地址;栈溢出静态分析模块使用提出的栈溢出检测算法生成COM构件汇编代码及分析栈溢出漏洞;结果输出模块将检测结果用XML的形式表示出来。所实现的原型系统CSDS对COM构件栈缓冲区溢出漏洞具有一定的检测效果。  相似文献   

九井岗拱坝溢流表孔最大施工难点在表孔下游堰尾,悬挑长度达7.87 m,下部斜撑贴角坡比1∶2.溢流表孔所在坝段在贴角位置以下皆为倒悬段,无法在外侧立承重模板,施工难度极大.文章着重介绍堰尾悬挑段的施工技术.  相似文献   

The source of Galactic cosmic rays (with energies up to 10(15) eV) remains unclear, although it is widely believed that they originate in the shock waves of expanding supernova remnants. At present the best way to investigate their acceleration and propagation is by observing the gamma-rays produced when cosmic rays interact with interstellar gas. Here we report observations of an extended region of very-high-energy (> 10(11) eV) gamma-ray emission correlated spatially with a complex of giant molecular clouds in the central 200 parsecs of the Milky Way. The hardness of the gamma-ray spectrum and the conditions in those molecular clouds indicate that the cosmic rays giving rise to the gamma-rays are likely to be protons and nuclei rather than electrons. The energy associated with the cosmic rays could have come from a single supernova explosion around 10(4) years ago.  相似文献   

文章首先解释了缓冲区溢出的概念,从程序语言本身存在缺陷,不够健壮的角度出发,对缓冲区溢出的原理进行了详细的阐述;通过一个会导致缓冲区溢出的程序代码对缓冲区溢出攻击的产生进行了实例分析,最后结合缓冲区溢出攻击的类型,从几个方面提出了缓冲区溢出攻击的防范策略。  相似文献   

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