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Some notes on sustainable development and scientific outlook on development were given.It is addressed that the mission of higher education to contribute to sustainable development should be reinforced and further expanded.The present situation of China’s higher education and the improvements required were analyzed.Two modes of thinking(reductionism and holism)and the relationship between the mode of thinking and the mode of development were discussed.The change in the mode of thinking is the key point for Chinese higher education,and more intensive reform of teaching affairs is necessary.A proposal of the revision of China’s Higher Education Act and University Constitutions was put forward.  相似文献   

This paper talks about low-carbon economy,a new mode of sustainable development in China.At first,the strategic significance to develop low-carbon economy from the angle of energy shortages and climate change is analyzed through relevant figures.And then on the base of China's reality,many measures such as human capital,laws and regulations,and life-styles should be paid more attention in developing the low-carbon economy.  相似文献   

Based on the questionnaire survey, this article reveals the effects of the current university compensation system on faculties in three psychological aspects, namely performance exam effect, work pressure and endurance capability. The results indicate that university faculties have a strong pursuit for self-fulfillment and successful career. Most of them love their teaching career and wish to further improve the fairness and efficiency of university management system by deepening the management systemic reform. Multi-leveled, multi-purposed and multi-modeled managing strategy of university compensation system is proved to be the main methods of improving fairness and efficiency.  相似文献   

Based on an analysis of small enterprises'features,com-bined with an example which the authors experienced,the sustainable development strategy and tectics that thesmall enterprises can adopt in the new century are dis-cussed and presented in this paper.These strategies arefocusing on one target strategy,finding the vacancystrategy,management characteristic strategy,unitedcompetition strategy and contract management strategy.And the tactics are internal reformation,united refor-mation,technology purchase and technology transfer-ring.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the development, compositions and characteristics of the domestic and foreign blowing-carding technique, discusses the technology of blowing-carding machines and the structures and functions of the main machines, analyses the production experiments of three types of blowing-carding flow lines in detail, and puts forward the effective measures to control the main quality index of blowing-carding sliver and the trend of blowing-carding technique development.  相似文献   

Public art may promote the image and inner culture of the city, build and accumulate the gentle pulse of history and the cultural atmosphere, make public environment serve the people better, meet modern demand more to whom spirit enjoy. How are the whole development, cultural inside information, living standard of a city, can be embodied through the state of development of observing its public art at first, public art and development of the city complement each other.  相似文献   

Sustainable development strategy is the only choice for steel companies in China. Starting with environment protection, energysaving and integrated resource utilization, supported by technology advancement and environmental investment, sustainable development strategy can be implemented to drive the circular economy. Thereby, the responsibility to realize the long-term harmony and synergy between society and enterprises is taken by Baosteel.  相似文献   

0 IntroductionIn the end of the 20th century, data encryption standard(DES) was cracked and then Advanced encryption stand-ard (AES) was established. While no new concepts or newtheory wasincludedin AES,and the enhancement of the en-cryption strength only depends ontheincreasing blocklength.Inthis paper ,a newconcept of the block cipher is presented.There are mainly two kinds of modern encryption mode:the symmetric algorithmand the asymmetric algorithm. Theasymmetric algorithm uses a publ…  相似文献   

1 Preface Thank you so much for giving me the honor to speak here today. There is a famous story about a bhnd person trying to figure out what an elephant looks like. When he touches the tail, he said the elephant looks like the tail. When he touches the ears, he said that the elephant looks like the ears. The reason is because the elephant is huge and unless you can examine both closely and afar, with open eyes, you may not see the whole Dicture.  相似文献   

This paper makes an Introduction of the advantages and the foreground of Distance Education developing in China,and also some problems we are facing. At last, it gives out a solution of Network Education Application in college English teaching. With the development of Internet and information technology, the intercourses between human beings are becoming more and more convenient. Distance education have appeared in educational area, which has greatly promoted the development of education. As a totally new m...  相似文献   

According to the macromarket law, the total supply will go to equilibrium with the total demand for the world as a whole. Textiles are consumables, the total demand of which must be proportional to the population. For any large district, the share ratio - the ratio of the local productivity world share to the local population world share,will approach unity in long term period. The uncommon prosperity of the textile industry in the developed countries before the Second World War had been established by super economical means of the old era. The developing countries nowadays have no such means, and will never be able to establish the local textile Industry to an uncommon large scale. The development model of the textile industry must be in four stages: the first two are common both for the developed and for the developing countries, namely demand leading - supply leading. The third stage is quite different: uncommon expansion followed by significant declination, for the developed, and the re - arrangemen  相似文献   

Many developed countries in the world have adopted high tec hnology to rebuild andimprove the rail transportation industry ae—tively.It has greatly increased the security and automation degree of railtransportation.Since“the ninth five year plan”.the veloeity andquality of rai transportation infrastructure construction have been improved quickly by applying high teehnology in China.However.there still exist many differences between China and the developed countries in the development of rail transportation.In this paper theauthor systematically introduced the application of high technology.in rail transportation suchasrailway,metro,light railway.railway nearbySU—burb,maglev railway,etc.and also the development road to high technology.industrialization in transportation field.on thebasis of view.ing the current development condition and the trend of rail transportation in the world and analyzing the development status andtrend of railtransoortation in China.  相似文献   

孙利苹 《科技信息》2008,(8):149-150
Pride and Prejudice and Little Women both describe girls' love stories with the former revealing the essence of bourgeoisie's marriage system while the latter paying more attention to the importance of personality's consummation.From the research and analysis of the two novels we can find that family education plays a crucial role in the forming of children's personalities while different personalities can lead to different outlooks of life and attitudes towards marriage.The totally different ways the two families adopt in educating their children really can give us some inspiration.  相似文献   

ThePresentStatusandFutureDevelopmentofPredictiveControlAlgorithmsXieKeming**ZhangJianwei(Dept.ofAutomation)AbstractThedevelo...  相似文献   

Standard examination is an effective approach to promote the teaching quality of modern education. On terms of the analysis of main target, function and constitution of special course examination system for remote education, the internet scheme of the examination system is given according to the students and teachers' requirements. The implementation method for the communication and dynamic production of tests on home page of the exam system are elaborated by using programming technology of Active Server Pages (ASP) 3.0. The query of exam information and automatic marking of test questions can be easily realized by the developed exam system under World Wide Web environment according to users' requirements.  相似文献   

1Foreword TheSixteenthCongressofChinaCommunistPartyputoutthatinthefirsttwodecadesofthiscentury,Chinawillstriveforanwell offsocietywhichwillbebeneficialtobillionsofpeople ,whileonthebaseofoptimizingstructureandincreas ingefficiency ,thedomesticGDPof 2 0 2 0willbefourtimesasthatof2 0 0 0 ,andthethroughoutnationalpowerandcom petitivenesswillbeconsiderablyimproved . Theconsumptionofpetroleumproductshascloserelation shipwiththeGDPincreasing .Recently ,expertspredictedtheaverageincreasingspee…  相似文献   

Polarizing phenomenon in English in middle school is a difficult problem. In order to solve it, teachers need to get the essence of some instructional designs and methodologies such as “Task-Based Learning”; “Communicative Approach” and “Learning by Finding Approach”. It also requires teachers to understand the educational psychology theories on which they based. First of all, however, it is better to analyze the causes. This research focuses on the students who need help, because after all, the aim is to keep the students who fall behind up with the ones who study well.  相似文献   

Although the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has developed a profound theory system and a fame of outstanding advantage in curative effect, it seems that the TCM is not quite adaptable to the deveiopment and requirement of the modern society. A principle of "Adopting the advanced part of Western medicine to serve the TCM" should be adhered to for the traditional Chinese medicine. First, TCM should strive for a consensus of TCM theory which focuses on the guiding principles of "diagnosis and treatment based on an overall analysis of the illness and the patient' s condition"and "the opposite principle of five internal organs". Among these principles, "keeping relative balance of three internal systems"is a valuable guidance of the diagnosis and treatment theory. Secondly, macroscopic should be integrated with microscopic, totality with parts, phenomenology with materialism. A dialectical law should be applied to guide analysis. In treatment, adjustment and balance are basic principles. It is necessary not only prepare the medicine in advance accoding to the predicted disease of the year, but also adopt methods to restrict disease in advance. Basides, TCM dose type should be ameliorated in order to meet the needs of society.  相似文献   

ACenturyprojectonintroducingseawaterfromBohaiseatowestChinawassuggestedandrelatedpaperwaspublishedinNo 10 ,2 0 0 1ofEngineerScience(seeFig 1inInsidebackcover) [1] ,inwhich 10benefitsofthisprojectweredis cussed .Inthispaper,someproblemsontheprojectwillbepointedbytheviewpointofsustainabledevelopmentinnorth westofChina .1Slowbutprofoundcharacterofthena turalaridityprocess Itwasmainlydiscussedinauthor’sformerpaperthatthewithdrawalandaridityofmarsh ,causedbyhumaninfluenceinlast5 0years,accele…  相似文献   

China‘s rapid economic growth, high-energy-intensitive industrial and product structure, coaldominated energy structure, and low-energy efficiency result in China being the second largest energy consumer as well as the second largest C02 emission country in the world. The Markal model, an integrated energy, environment, and economic model, was used to analyze China‘s energy development scenarios from 1995 through 2050 for policy study of long-term energy strategies. The results show that diversified, reliable, and environmentally sound energy development strategies should be adopted for China to solve the challenges of the increasing energy demand, the enlarging gap between the oil demand and supply, and growing concerns over local as well as global environmental issues. Coal-derived synthetic transportation fuels through coal liquefaction, hydrogen making, and advanced coal-based poly-generation technologies should be developed to solve energy security issues.  相似文献   

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