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本文针对不同比赛强度进行男子冰球运动员赛前赛后血压、脉率、血清皮质醇的监测,结果表明,面对不同对手比赛运动员血压、脉率出现明显变化,而短时间大强度比赛后皮质醇变化不大,赛后没有造成体内激素平衡紊乱。在冰球不同强度比赛和训练中,有目的监测这些生理指标,对评定运动员身体机能,科学安排训练和运动负荷有着重要意义。  相似文献   

身体阻截是冰球运动员在比赛中常用的一项技术,目的是阻止和破坏对方技、战术的发挥,为取得好成绩创造了好的条件。本文对国家级冰球运动员比赛中心理活动进行了调查分析,对中国齐齐哈尔冰球队对日本东京队的比赛进行了观察与统计,提出了建议。  相似文献   

目的研究空气负离子(NAI)对运动员的影响。方法以奥运会冰球比赛为例,分析历史上出现的奇迹与NAI的关系。结果前苏联是负离子应用于运动员训练最早的国家,始于20世纪40年代后期,苏联多次在奥运会冰球比赛中摘金夺银,与NAI应用于运动员训练有关;1980年冬季奥运会冰球比赛,美国战胜苏联创造了冰上奇迹,也是离子战的典型代表。结论多项研究结果表明,NAI对于提高运动员成绩,恢复体力有积极作用。  相似文献   

观察射击运动员比赛前后血清内啡肽、血清皮质醇和泌乳素以及IL-6的水平.发现射击比赛前,运动员在应激状态下,激素和炎症因子水平升高,有助于提高运动员应变能力,射击后激素水平上升不明显主要是减少应激损害.  相似文献   

关于冰球运动员的心理训练与心理调控的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在激烈的冰球比赛中,由于种种原因运动员会产生思维混乱或一片空白的现象,不能全身心地投入到比赛中,发挥不出自己应有的技术水平,直接影响了比赛的结果.心理训练和心理调控可以提高运动员的心理素质和心理自控能力.  相似文献   

为探索耐力运动对女运动员铁代谢及铁调素的影响,揭示运动时铁代谢的变化规律,并为防治运动性贫血提供依据和参考,对12名参加2015年衡阳市元旦环城赛跑(全长约6 000m)的大学女运动员,分别于赛前、赛后即刻、赛后1d、赛后3d各取静脉血5mL,测试血清铁、铁蛋白、Hepcidin和白细胞介素6(IL-6).结果显示,赛后即刻运动员血清铁和IL-6比其他各时间点显著上升(P0.05),赛后1d运动员血清Hepcidin比其他各时间点显著上升(P0.01).这说明耐力运动对女运动员血清铁、Hepcidin和IL-6产生了即时性影响,建议经常监控女运动员铁代谢相关指标及铁调素水平.  相似文献   

大负荷力量训练举重运动员血液IL-6和瘦素的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以同龄健康男性为对照,通过测定举重运动员大负荷力量训练期间血清白细胞介素-6(IL-6)和瘦素水平,探讨大负荷力量训练时举重运动员运动负荷与IL-6、瘦素水平之间的关系,以及二者作为运动训练机能评定指标的可能性。结果表明:运动强度加大伴随着IL-6水平上升,运动强度减小伴随着IL-6水平下降,但瘦素水平的变化较少。安静状态时,举重运动员和健康人的瘦素水平存在显著差异,IL-6水平差异却不显著。可见,在机能评定时,举重运动员IL-6对运动强度敏感,可以作为运动强度评价的一个指标,而瘦素则不然。  相似文献   

采用幽门螺杆菌(Hp)灌胃法建立Hp感染小鼠模型,收集小鼠血清及胃组织。通过染色法观察小鼠胃黏膜内Hp定植量及病理学改变,通过酶标记测定法检测小鼠血清及胃黏膜HMGB1,IL-6,TNF-α,IL-4和IL-10的质量浓度。结果表明:与对照组相比,虾青素微胶囊(ASX-MCs)可降低小鼠胃黏膜内Hp定植量,减轻胃黏膜炎症损伤,降低血清和胃黏膜促炎因子HMGB1,IL-6,TNF-α的质量浓度,并提高抑炎因子IL-4和IL-10的质量浓度;ASX-MCs可减轻Hp感染引起的小鼠胃黏膜炎症损伤,抑制血清和胃黏膜促炎因子的表达,促进抑炎因子的表达。  相似文献   

观察10名男子古典摔跤运动员在专项训练后体内炎症反应的变化情况,以一周的训练内容为运动模型,检测下午训练结束后2h的血清白细胞介素1β(IL-1β)和白细胞介素6(IL-6)浓度.结果显示大强度训练后两小时血清IL-1β比基础值略有升高,而IL-6的浓度则显著升高.在整个训练周中血清IL—1β和IL-6的浓度随着训练负荷的不同,其升高的幅度也不同.提示摔跤运动的专项训练导致肌肉出现类似急性期反应,引起一定程度的炎症反应,表现为炎性细胞因子尤其是IL-6血清水平的明显升高,而且变化的幅度与运动强度和运动量有关.IL-1及IL-6可用于评定运动员对运动负荷的适应能力和损伤的恢复情况.  相似文献   

采用文献整理、专家访谈、实地考察、逻辑分析等方法,调研冰球运动有关战术、战术能力研究进展,对冰球运动员个人战术类型进行系统分类,结合个人战术特点,探究攻守战术中个人的作用与任务,指出培养冰球运动员个人战术能力的重要性,提出以个人战术为基础,培养战术能力、战术意识、战术思维,提高整体竞技能力的战术训练内容、方法,为形成冰球攻防战术体系,更新冰球战术训练方式提供依据.  相似文献   

本研究对广东省女子曲棍球队17名运动员在第十届全国运动会决赛前进行5次综合数据测试。观察运动员恢复期血红蛋白(Hb)、尿素氮(BUN)、血清肌酸激酶(CK)和血清睾酮(T)四项测试指标的变化,并进行分析研究以判断运动员对训练的适应情况及赛前身体机能状况。结果显示:在赛前训练以及比赛期间,运动员的机能状况总体一般。个别运动员的体质状况和对运动负荷适应情况及恢复情况波动较大,还有待随时进行调整,以适应更大负荷的训练。  相似文献   

为探讨用Yo-Yo间歇恢复能力测试监控少年冰球运动员陆地体能训练的效果,对24名少年冰球运动员陆地体能训练期前后Yo-Yo间歇恢复能力测试结果对比血乳酸、RPE指标进行分析。与血乳酸、RPE等指标相比,Yo-Yo间歇恢复能力测试指标具有简易、无创、安全、准确等特点。  相似文献   

Raymo ME  Mitrovica JX 《Nature》2012,483(7390):453-456
Contentious observations of Pleistocene shoreline features on the tectonically stable islands of Bermuda and the Bahamas have suggested that sea level about 400,000 years ago was more than 20 metres higher than it is today. Geochronologic and geomorphic evidence indicates that these features formed during interglacial marine isotope stage (MIS) 11, an unusually long interval of warmth during the ice age. Previous work has advanced two divergent hypotheses for these shoreline features: first, significant melting of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet, in addition to the collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet and the Greenland Ice Sheet; or second, emplacement by a mega-tsunami during MIS 11 (ref. 4, 5). Here we show that the elevations of these features are corrected downwards by ~10 metres when we account for post-glacial crustal subsidence of these sites over the course of the anomalously long interglacial. On the basis of this correction, we estimate that eustatic sea level rose to ~6-13?m above the present-day value in the second half of MIS 11. This suggests that both the Greenland Ice Sheet and the West Antarctic Ice Sheet collapsed during the protracted warm period while changes in the volume of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet were relatively minor, thereby resolving the long-standing controversy over the stability of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet during MIS 11.  相似文献   

通过对冰球式封装蓄冰槽蓄冷时的传热过程进行分析,建立了数值传热方程,对蓄冷过程进行了理论计算,得到了蓄冰槽蓄冷过程中乙二醇溶液出口温度及蓄冰球温度的变化趋势.同时,设计搭建了冰球式封装蓄冷空调系统实验台,分析了冰球式蓄冷系统中蓄冰槽和蓄冰球的结构与性能,对蓄冷过程进行了实验测试,并将测试结果与理论计算进行了对比分析,提出了优化冰球式蓄冷系统的方法.  相似文献   

运动中腹股沟部疼痛是常见的运动损伤之一。腹股沟部损伤可严重影响运动员的竞技状态,甚至影响继续从事其运动项目的能力。目前,腹股沟部损伤在有关运动创伤康复研究中的讨论还不多,本文依据国内及国外文献及临床的实际应用经验,对它的受损机制以及康复措施做一简单归纳,旨在为运动员能尽早的摆脱伤病困扰、回归赛场做出贡献。  相似文献   

运用文献资料,归类、逻辑推理等方法,对我国蹦床、手球和曲棍球等项目运动员的运动经历进行了分析,旨在探寻和推理出其它运动项目的运动员向蹦床、手球和曲棍球项目流动的项群特征和趋势,为进一步促进运动员的合理流动提供参考依据.  相似文献   

利用MCA-3C心脏功能信息检测仪,探讨运动训练对心脏的张力-收缩速度及左心室功能的影响.以普通专业女大学生(对照组,n=9)、体育教育专业女大学生(体教组,n=9)和女子曲棍球队运动员(女曲组,n=9)为研究对象,测量其安静状态及40W,80W和120W负荷蹬车3min(转速为60r/min)结束即刻、120W恢复期第5min和第10min的心缩间期(STI)各项指标.结果表明,运动训练可改善训练者安静时心脏功能,通过降低HR,延长LVET,缩短ICT,延长MST来实现;运动训练可改善训练者运动时心脏功能,通过降低运动时HR上升幅度,延长LVET,缩短小强度及中等强度运动时ICT,维持大强度运动时ICT不再继续缩短来实现;运动训练对加速训练者运动后HR恢复,维持运动后恢复期MST及EML稳定具有良好的作用.  相似文献   

Wiens DA  Anandakrishnan S  Winberry JP  King MA 《Nature》2008,453(7196):770-774
Long-period seismic sources associated with glacier motion have been recently discovered, and an increase in ice flow over the past decade has been suggested on the basis of secular changes in such measurements. Their significance, however, remains uncertain, as a relationship to ice flow has not been confirmed by direct observation. Here we combine long-period surface-wave observations with simultaneous Global Positioning System measurements of ice displacement to study the tidally modulated stick-slip motion of the Whillans Ice Stream in West Antarctica. The seismic origin time corresponds to slip nucleation at a region of the bed of the Whillans Ice Stream that is likely stronger than in surrounding regions and, thus, acts like an 'asperity' in traditional fault models. In addition to the initial pulse, two seismic arrivals occurring 10-23 minutes later represent stopping phases as the slip terminates at the ice stream edge and the grounding line. Seismic amplitude and average rupture velocity are correlated with tidal amplitude for the different slip events during the spring-to-neap tidal cycle. Although the total seismic moment calculated from ice rigidity, slip displacement, and rupture area is equivalent to an earthquake of moment magnitude seven (M(w) 7), seismic amplitudes are modest (M(s) 3.6-4.2), owing to the source duration of 20-30 minutes. Seismic radiation from ice movement is proportional to the derivative of the moment rate function at periods of 25-100 seconds and very long-period radiation is not detected, owing to the source geometry. Long-period seismic waves are thus useful for detecting and studying sudden ice movements but are insensitive to the total amount of slip.  相似文献   

Hostetler SW  Bartlein PJ  Clark PU  Small EE  Solomon AM 《Nature》2000,405(6784):334-337
Eleven thousand years ago, large lakes existed in central and eastern North America along the margin of the Laurentide Ice Sheet. The large-scale North American climate at this time has been simulated with atmospheric general circulation models, but these relatively coarse global models do not resolve potentially important features of the mesoscale circulation that arise from interactions among the atmosphere, ice sheet, and proglacial lakes. Here we present simulations of the climate of central and eastern North America 11,000 years ago with a high-resolution, regional climate model nested within a general circulation model. The simulated climate is in general agreement with that inferred from palaeoecological evidence. Our experiments indicate that through mesoscale atmospheric feedbacks, the annual delivery of moisture to the Laurentide Ice Sheet was diminished at times of a large, cold Lake Agassiz relative to periods of lower lake stands. The resulting changes in the mass balance of the ice sheet may have contributed to fluctuations of the ice margin, thus affecting the routing of fresh water to the North Atlantic Ocean. A retreating ice margin during periods of high lake level may have opened an outlet for discharge of Lake Agassiz into the North Atlantic. A subsequent advance of the ice margin due to greater moisture delivery associated with a low lake level could have dammed the outlet, thereby reducing discharge to the North Atlantic. These variations may have been decisive in causing the Younger Dryas cold event.  相似文献   

New focuses of polar ice-core study: NEEM and Dome A   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ice core records from polar regions are of great value to study long-term climate and environmental change. Greenland ice-core records are celebrated for their high resolution and have provided very important knowledge for understanding the late Quaternary palaeoclimate, especially in reference to millennial-scale abrupt climatic flips during the last glaciation. Recently, a new project to retrieve a deep ice-core from Greenland known as NEEM for North Greenland Eemian Ice Drilling, has been launched with the main target being the last interglacial period. The new core will help us understand further details of climate changes during a period of warmth as the present. Antarctic ice cores have a unique advantage in providing recovery of longer time-scale paleclimate information and hence are regarded as a crucial pillar to examine climatic cycles on the time-scale of Earth-orbital phenomena. Since the bottom ice in Dome A is estimated to be older than a million years, a deep drilling there becomes a new focus for ice core studies. Supported by Knowledge Innovation Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. KZCX2-SW-354) and National Key Technology Research and Development Program (Grant No. 2006BAB18B01)  相似文献   

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