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钼酸铵的热分解机理研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用热重分析(TG),差热分析(DTA),激光拉曼光谱(LRS)和X-射线衍射(XRD)方法研究了钼酸铵的热分解机理。  相似文献   

杨峰  李鹏华 《科技资讯》2023,(18):144-147
该文介绍了道路工程盐渍土路基施工特点,并结合工程实例提出从提升路基高度、换填路基土体、强夯加固地基、浸水预溶法、设置隔水层等处理方法来进行盐渍土地基处理,降低盐渍土的腐蚀性、盐胀性,进而提高盐渍土路基物理力学性质和稳定性,使竣工后道路工程可以长期使用下去,具有较长的使用周期,降低后续工程投入使用中出现安全问题的可能性。  相似文献   

采用高温X射线衍射、差热及热重等测试方法,研究了某厂生产的钼酸铵在加热条件下的热分解过程。发现钼酸铵的热分解按以下反应步骤: (NH_4)_6Mo_7O_(24)·4H_2O→(NH_4)_4Mo_5O_(17)→(NH_4)_2Mo_4O_(13); (NH_4)_2Mo_4O_(13)和β-(NH_4)_2Mo_4O_(13)→(NH_4)_2Mo_(14)O_(43)→(NH_4)_2Mo_(22)O_(67)→ MoO_3 分别在110℃,220℃和290℃三个温度下开始进行,通过扫描电镜观察了热分解过程前后钼酸铵形貌的变化。  相似文献   

为了扩展泡沫轻质土材料在山西地区碱化软土路基上的应用,以泡沫轻质土为基础材料,研究砂粉、盐渍土、粉煤灰等掺和料对其抗压强度的影响,并对不同容重的泡沫轻质土试样进行了耐久性分析.结果表明:几种掺和料在单独添加时,泡沫轻质土的抗压强度均出现明显的下降趋势;将粉煤灰与盐渍土进行复配加入泡沫轻质土时,盐渍土会对粉煤灰产生一定的...  相似文献   

生物质燃料催化氧化燃烧机理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
定性实验验证了两种固态催化氧化剂MnO2和KMnO4的催化氧化性能.选取有代表性的生物质燃料秸秆和锯末,探讨了MnO2固相催化氧化燃烧生物质燃料机理.采用热重分析法,对锯末这种生物质燃料在空气氛围中以MnO2为催化剂的燃烧过程进行了对比研究,结果表明,添加MnO2能显著改善生物质燃料的燃烧性能,降低燃料的着火温度,提高燃料的燃烧速度,使燃料的燃烧过程更集中.采用X射线衍射分析法, 证明了燃烧过程中氧化还原反应的发生.  相似文献   

为研究经过水泥掺合处理的河道沉积淤泥作为路基填料的膨胀性能,对不同初始含水量(质量分数分别为90%,130%和170%)的淤泥经不同掺合比(按湿质量计分别为9%,11%和13%)的水泥处理后形成的多种不同的水泥土试样进行了为期一个月的初次膨胀试验及试样干燥三个月后重新浸水的二次膨胀试验。试验结果表明试样的初次膨胀值很不显著,但二次浸水膨胀试验表明试样的总膨胀量有增大的趋势。试样的X射线衍射分析从矿物形成方面解释了水泥土膨胀性能的内在机理。  相似文献   

钨酸铵的热分解机理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

为解决新疆红鄯(红山口—鄯善)高速公路沿线板块状盐渍土用于工程建设的问题,基于渗透试验、无侧限抗压强度试验、CBR试验和承载力试验,研究了板块状盐渍土的路用性能。结果发现:板块状盐渍土的天然抗压强度受含盐量分布不均匀、土样级配不同和试件尺寸效应等因素的影响,其值为2.8~28.6 Pa,相差极大;板块状盐渍土的CBR值高达120%,远大于非板块状盐渍土的CBR值(28.6%),其弯沉值远小于设计弯沉值。这些结果说明,在工程实际中控制水的浸入,就可以充分利用板块状盐渍土作为路基的地基;结合渗透性试验成果和新疆红鄯高速公路周边环境的气候条件与降雨特征,提出对现场粗粒、细粒板块状盐渍土区段盐溶的深度处理分别为80 cm和50 cm。  相似文献   

为了深入研究滨海氯盐渍土的溶陷和盐胀特性,在不同初始含水量、含盐量及上覆荷载条件下,进行了室内溶陷试验研究,完成了4次降温-升温循环下的盐胀试验,得到了不同含盐量试样的冻融循环盐胀规律,并通过改变荷载条件,对比分析了无荷和有荷情况下的盐胀规律。研究结果表明:影响氯盐渍土溶陷性质的主要因素是初始含水量和含盐量,初始含水量较小时,土样溶陷的敏感度更强,其溶陷系数较大;随着含盐量增大,不同荷载条件下的溶陷系数均表现为抛物线趋势,当含盐量为10%时,溶陷系数曲线出现明显的峰值;5℃~-10℃的降温区间是盐胀量迅速增大期;冻融循环条件下,盐渍土出现残余盐胀量,并表现盐胀累加性,累加性随着冻融循环次数的增多而减弱;上覆荷载对盐胀有明显的抑制作用,荷载作用使起胀温度大大提高,说明荷载对盐胀的发展有延缓作用。  相似文献   

矿物药雄黄的结构与热稳定性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电镜(SEM)、热重-差热分析(TG-DTA)、等离子发射光谱(ICP)等对南京中医药大学的矿物药标本雄黄进行了物相结构、微量元素、热性能分析.结果表明:该雄黄标本主要物相为α雄黄(α-AsS),单斜晶系,含有少量α石英(α-SiO2)和雌黄(As2S3),及微量Ca、K、Mg、Fe、Al、Pb等元素,表面自然结构为柱状或块状,273.2℃时发生AsS由α型转变为β型的相变,304.4℃时为AsS的熔点,355.5℃时失重分解.此项研究为矿物药雄黄的评价和安全用药提供了科学数据.  相似文献   

以黄河冲积土为研究对象,通过三组一维次固结变形试验研究其次固结特性,即相同加载比正常固结、超载预压固结和不同加载比正常固结三组试验。分析发现:黄河冲积土的次固结系数与固结压力大小相关,离散性大,均值较其他地区小;受超载预压的土,其次固结特性受影响较大,次固结系数减小;相同加载比的压实黄河冲积土,次固结系数与压缩指数之间存在较好的线性关系;三组试验的lnP/lnCa与lnP之间都有很好的直线关系,拟合出了相关公式,并给出了常数A、B的取值推荐方法;给出了次固结系数Ca的取值建议,利用经验公式和实际沉降值进行比较,验证了理论的正确性。  相似文献   

黄河下游河道萎缩过程初步分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黄河下游河道萎缩与来水来沙条件具有复杂的响应关系,根据黄河下游汛期实测水沙过程及断面形态资料,采用河槽过水面积、来沙系数、同流量水位变化、河相系数变化描述河道萎缩过程。结果表明:20世纪90年代以来,由于来水来沙条件的变化,黄河下游来沙系数增大,同流量的水位进一步抬高,河道过水面积大大减少,河道萎缩进一步加剧,并且河道萎缩与来沙系数有一定的关系,当来沙系数大于某一值后,河道由冲刷转化为淤积,河道过流能力下降;随着河道的萎缩,河床形态会有一定的调整,二者关系密切。  相似文献   

The purpose of the paper is to extract and make the best use of rainfall information contained in the Chinese historical archives of Qing Dynasty, and reconstruct the precipitation series during 1736-1911. The study followed the Yu-Fen-Cun (rainfall infiltration depth) observation method in Qing Dynasty, to conduct soil infiltration experiment under the natural rainfall conditions during 2004-2006. The related parameters, such as precipitation, intensity, initial soil moisture content and infiltration depth have been measured at 10 stations (east of 105°E, 30°-40°N) with representative climatic conditions and soil physical texture in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River and Yangtze-Huaihe River Valley. The statistical results indicate that precipitation is the primary influencing factor to infiltration depth and is positively correlated with the infiltration depth. Additionally, the effects of every factor on infiltration depth are significantly different between the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River and Yangtze-Huaihe River Valley. Finally, the relationship equations of precipitation and infiltration depth are established for each site, most of which can pass over 60% of the variance explanations and provide quantitative models to reconstruct the precipitation series using Yu-Fen-Cun records in Qing Dynasty.  相似文献   

A kind of special sedimentary structures are developed in the overwater plains of the Yellow River delta. They look like funnels: round or nearly round, concave of pit-like, with a diameter ranging from several centimeters to 20 or 30 cm, and depth from several millimeters to over 20 cm. There is a vertical pipe (called gas discharging conduit) in the center, with a diameter of several millimeters to 1 cm, depth of several centimeters to more than 10 cm. There may be a lip-like relief (called “lip-like relief”) on the periphery or some parts of the periphery, with ring structures showing horizontal stratification on the inner margin. Plant debris carbonized, plant fragments or dark-colored minerals may sometimes be found in the center of the pits. Such structures are usually developed in silt (with minor clay laminations), often underlain by one or more thin layers of mud matter. Our studies find that they are genetically related with gas discharging of organic matter during biological degradation. Therefore, they are called “gas-discharged pits”.  相似文献   

The evaluation of crustal stability in the lower Yellow River region (LYR) is vital to the engineering project of the Yellow River embankment and construction of the Huang-Huai-Hai plain. From three aspects of tectonic stability, surface stability and medium stability, this paper analyzes in detail the factors such as tectonic activity, tectonic stress, exogenic geologic disasters and ground material composition which affect crustal stability in the study area and the spatial distributions of subordinate degree of the evaluation factors. It then constructs the crustal stability evaluation model of fuzzy mathematics based on GIS by using AHP to among the various factors find out the interrelations comprehensive evaluation of fuzzy mathematics and the functions of spatial overlay and spatial database of ArcGIS. Based upon this the crustal stability evaluation is carried out, the results show that the areas of stable and instable regions are basically the same, being 48.72% and 51.28% respectively. The area of moderate stable region takes a dominant position, being about 70.58%. The crust instable region presents zonal distribution and under the control of tectonic faulted belt. But the region where the LYR runs across is mostly instable with a total length of the river being 568.345 km, or 78.93% of all. The river reach where the crustal stability is relatively poor along the LYR is concentrated in the Lankao-Dongping section.  相似文献   

Isotopic compositions of chlorine in brine and saline minerals   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Conclusion The above results indicate that37Cl/35 C1 ratios in saline minerals are higher than those in brine due to chlorine isotopic fractionation during evaporation.37Cl/35 C1 ratios of salt lakes brine reflect the change in hydrochemical condition. The chlorine isotopic composition of saline mineral is associated with environment. Therefore, chlorine isotope may be used to trace evolution of salt lakes and the environment.  相似文献   

黄河下游生态径流量计算研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选取黄河下游地区花园口、高村、利津3个代表站的实测月径流量系列,利用逐月均频率计算法和改进的Tennant法2种历史流量计算方法分别计算了3个代表站的生态径流过程.结果表明:虽然2种计算方法原理不同,但是由逐月均频率计算法得到的适宜生态径流量大都在改进的Tenannt法所得结果的最佳或极好范围之内,只有个别月份与最佳范围的数值有一定的差值,但也位于可接受的范围内.  相似文献   

基于可靠度的黄河下游堤防工程渗流稳定分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
将可靠性理论应用于黄河下游堤防工程的渗流稳定分析,根据与Monte-Carlo方法相结合的有限单元法求解单元堤段渗流稳定的基本原理,基于黄河下游堤防渗透破坏的特点,建立了黄河堤防渗透破坏计算模型,介绍了基于Monte-Carlo方法的有限单元法求解典型堤防断面渗透破坏概率的计算步骤.最后利用基于Monte-Carlo方...  相似文献   

长江中下游的河床纵剖面演变分析及预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为预测长江中下游河床纵剖面的演变趋势,利用最小能耗率理论计算了该江段的平衡河床纵剖面,研究了这些河段河床演变规律及其未来的变化。分析了长江水库拦沙、河道采砂、近期水沙变化、未来引水及需水量增长等因素。结果表明,长江中下游河床纵剖面还未达到动态平衡,大部分江段以淤积为主。在没有人类活动影响下,达到动态平衡还需要很长一段时间。由于引水和需水量的增长,未来长江中下游达到动态平衡需要淤积更多的泥沙。  相似文献   

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