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Mating strategies are the key to understanding both reproduction and evolution. The majority of the previous work on the mating strategies of the Sichuan snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana), a polygynous species, has concentrated on the character of sexual behavior between heterosexual individuals, mating patterns, and the seasonality of mating and births in captivity and in wild. The importance of multiple copulations of them, both wild and captivity, has so far been neglected.  相似文献   

从 2 0 0 2年 3月到 2 0 0 3年 5月 ,在秦岭北坡周至国家级自然保护区玉皇庙西梁 ,我们采用野外跟踪法和扫描动物取样法对一个川金丝猴投食群的组成和结构进行了观察 ,结果发现这个群是由 8个社会单位组成的 ,平均每个家庭有一个成年雄性、3 .75个成年雌性、1.1个亚成年雌性和 3 .75青少年猴组成 ,春季是产子季节 .金丝猴的社群结构是一雄多雌母系社会 .两年的繁殖情况比较分析 ,发现川金丝猴在野生条件下更倾向于隔年生育 .  相似文献   

秦岭川金丝猴秋冬季节活动时间分配的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对秦岭川金丝猴活动时间分配的研究,探讨影响"家庭"活动时间分配的内在因素和环境因素.结果表明,在秦岭川金丝猴秋冬季活动时间的分配中,平均时间比例分别为:觅食占14.90±0.26%,移动占10.16±0.16%,理毛占5.68±0.63%,休息占69.26±0.24%.其时间分配从秋季到冬季有明显地变化,即休息和觅食时间增长,而理毛时间变短.对秦岭野生川金丝猴不同年龄组的日活动时间分配进行了比较,结果表明不同年龄组的活动时间分配是有差异的.  相似文献   

The effects of individual removal by zoo managers on behavior and fecal glucocorticoid changes in snub-nosed monkeys(Rhinopithecus roxellana) were investigated at Beijing Zoo.The results showed that the effect of the removal of three subordinate individuals(DD,male,4 years;XZZ,male,3 years and LL,female,3 years) from a group varied across the remaining group members that may be related to individual’s social status,gender and age.The dominant male was impacted less than subordinate individuals in both the frequency and time duration for the four main behavioral categories.The frequency of stereotypic behavior significantly decreased in the dominant female after the removal of three animals(Z= 2.862,P=0.003).Fluctuations were found in both the behavioral frequency and time duration in other remaining individuals.These findings suggest that small,socially stable groups were somewhat resilient to changes in member composition.Moreover,the cortisol level did not change significantly in the remaining members.An alternative method of hormone assay using fecal samples for vulnerable animals was presented,and that may be useful for monitoring wild golden monkeys and other endangered species of animal.  相似文献   

Genetic variation is generally believed to be important in studying endangered species’ adaptive potential.Early studies assessed genetic diversity using nearly neutral markers,such as microsatellite loci and mitochondrial DNA(mtDNA),which are very informative for phylogenetic and phylogeographic reconstructions.However,the variation at these loci cannot provide direct information on selective processes involving the interaction of individuals with their environment,or on the capability to resist continuously evolving pathogens and parasites.The importance of genetic diversity at informative adaptive markers,such as major histocompatibility complex(MHC) genes,is increasingly being realized,especially in endangered,isolated species.Small population size and isolation make the golden snub-nosed monkey(Rhinopithecus roxellana) particularly susceptible to genetic variation losses through inbreeding and restricted gene flow.In this study,we compared the genetic variation and population structure of microsatellites,mtDNA,and the most relevant adaptive region of the MHC II-DRB genes in the golden snub-nosed monkey.We examined three Chinese R.roxellana populations and found the same variation patterns in all gene regions,with the population from Shennongjia population,Hubei Province,showing the lowest polymorphism among three populations.Genetic drift that outweighed balancing selection and the founder effect in these populations may explain the similar genetic variation pattern found in these neutral and adaptive genes.  相似文献   

Wang  XiaoPing  Jin  Wei  Yu  Li  Zhang  YaPing 《科学通报(英文版)》2010,55(36):4132-4135
Chinese snub-nosed monkeys (genus Rhinopithecus, subfamily Colobinae), including R. bieti, R. brelichi and R. roxellana, are well-known as the non-human primates with the highest known altitudinal distribution. They represent an interesting model organism of adaptation to the extreme environmental stresses. However, no study at the molecular level has yet been reported for the high-altitude adaptation in Chinese snub-nosed monkeys. Leptin, as an adipocyte-derived hormone, is believed to play an important role in energy homeostasis in adaptation to high altitude environments. In the present study, we sequenced and compared leptin sequences of the Chinese snub-nosed monkeys (R. bieti and R. roxellana) with their lowland close relative R. avunculus and other Colobines. Unexpectedly, no amino acid changes were observed in the 7 Colobinae species examined, including the 2 Chinese snub-nosed monkeys, indicating no difference in the evolutionary pattern of the Leptin gene between high-altitude monkeys and their lowland counterparts. In contrast to a previous finding of adaptive evolution of Leptin gene in plateau pikas, our study suggests that this gene may not have an important role in high-altitude adaptation of Chinese snub-nosed monkeys. Other nuclear genes associated with energy metabolism, or mitochondrial genes, are most likely to be involved the molecular mechanism underlying adaptation of these monkeys to cold and hypoxia associated with the highland environment.  相似文献   

Guizhou snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus brelichi) is a unique, endangered primate in China, mainly distributed in Fanjing Mountain National Natural Reserve, Guizhou Province, in an area of 275 km2. Recently, habitat loss and fragmentation have caused population isolation. To assess genetic diversity within this species and its population structure, we sequenced 400 bp of the hypervariable I segment from the mitochondrial DNA control region for 128 individuals. Only one haplotype was identified from these individuals. Compared with other primate species, R. brelichi can be regarded as a species with very low genetic diversity, which further adds to the conservation concern.  相似文献   

Effective population management relies on assessments of population size and sex ratio.However,these estimates are difficult to obtain for elusive and rare species.Recently,noninvasive genetic census methods have been developed as an alternative to tradi-tional capture-mark-recapture methods.In this study,we estimated the size of the Sichuan snub-nosed monkey(Rhinopithecus roxellana) population in the Shennongjia Nature Reserve(SNR) using a noninvasive sampling method based on 16 microsatellite loci.We also used a PCR-based genetic method to sex the sampled individuals and infer the population sex ratio.The population size of R.roxellana in the SNR was estimated to be 1044 individuals(95% CITIRM:613-1409) .The estimated population sex ratio is more female-biased than expected,which we attribute to the sampling biased towards one male units and limited sampling of bachelor male units.Moreover,there is no suggestion that the heavy traffic road through the reserve might block movement of monkeys.The results of this study indicate genetic assessments based on a noninvasive sampling method can provide useful in-formation regarding populations of elusive primates.  相似文献   

仰鼻猴属及其下几个种的分类地位长期以来处于争论和变化当中,这与整个疣猴亚科分类体系的变动有密切关系。近年来,仰鼻猴研究有较大进展。在分类学上,重新确认了仰鼻猴属(Rhinopithecus)的地位,最初发表的四个种[川仰鼻猴(roxellana)、滇仰鼻猴(R.bieti)、黔仰鼻猴(R.brelichi)和越南仰鼻猴(R.avunculus)]均为有效种;在川仰鼻猴中,区别出三个亚种,即指名亚种R.r.roxellana,秦岭亚种R.R.qinlingensis和湖北亚种R.r.hubeiensis。  相似文献   

雌性川金丝猴尿液中雌二醇与孕酮水平的季节性变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的通过测定不同季节雌性川金丝猴尿液中的雌二醇与孕酮水平,对不同时期雌性川金丝猴的繁殖力进行评价。方法应用放射免疫方法测定尿液中的雌二醇与孕酮水平。结果在非繁殖季节,滤泡期与黄体期雌二醇的基础分泌水平分别为8.151和19.758pg/mgCr,峰值为89.038pg/mgCr;孕酮在滤泡期与黄体期的基础分泌水平分别为0.118和0.481ng/mgCr,峰值为1.094ng/mgCr。在繁殖季节,滤泡期与黄体期雌二醇的基础分泌水平分别为587.902和1776.447pg/mgCr,峰值为6673.185pg/mgCr,分别是同一个体在非繁殖季节的72、13,89.91和74.95倍;孕酮在滤泡期与黄体期的基础分泌水平分别为28、935和162.054ng/mgCr,峰值为964、650ng/mgCr,分别是同一个体在非繁殖季节的245.21,336.91和881.76倍。结论雌二醇与孕酮的分泌水平具有显著的季节性差异,这可能是其性欲、性交频次和雌猴受孕几率所呈现季节性差异的内在原因之一。  相似文献   

摘要:厂坝一李家沟矿床规模巨大,是秦岭地区西成铅锌成矿带的重要矿床之一。矿体形态和规模明显受沉积洼地控制。矿石常显微莓球状、针状、他形隐晶质、显微球粒结构。可识别的矿石沉积一成矿作用构造有浸染一条带状、条纹一条带状、隐晶质条带、条块状、块状构造等。矿体中下部主要为块状矿石,富黄铁矿、闪锌矿、钠长石和石英;上部为条带状、浸染状和层纹状矿石,富闪锌矿、重晶石和方解石。条带状的石英钠长石岩和重晶石所含的典型喷气元素B和As的含量比正常沉积岩高出几倍到几十倍。闪锌矿中Zn/Cd〉〉500,黄铁矿中Co/Ni为O.2~O.8。另外,该矿主要形成于受裂谷控制的克拉通内部及其边缘的沉降盆地。结果表明,厂坝矿具有较典型的Sedex型矿床特征。[第一段]  相似文献   

龙门山中段构造特征与汶川地震   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
通过地表地质调查、钻井资料和各种地球物理资料分析,剖析了龙门山中段的构造特征和岩石圈结构特征的特殊性:(1)10 Ma以来龙门山中段隆升幅度和速率最大,(2)龙门山中北段喜马拉雅期构造活动较南段弱;(3)龙门山中段主构造带之下存在有大干10 000 Ω·m的高阻异常体;(4)龙门山中段具有 0.015 cm/s2的剩余(60 km×60 km~120 km×120 km)布格重力异常,(5)龙门山中段为正的均衡重力异常区.在此基础上,结合汶川地震主震和余震的分布特征,得出:(1)四川汶川地震主震和绝大多数余震震源多位于映秀-北川主断层下盘(扬子地块上),断层活动的主动盘是下盘,映秀-北川主断层的活动为俯冲兼左旋走滑;(2)此次地震是扬子板块向西俯冲(L型俯冲)、四川盆地顺时针旋转和青藏高原隆升逆冲相互作用的产物;(3)四川汶川地震有可能是构造地震的一种新类型,其孕育巨大能量的最重要条件为地块坚硬(能量不易释放)和位于地块边缘(构造作用强烈,有能量来源).最后,建议有关部门和地学界重视中国主要地块边缘的重力场,尤其是剩余布格异常和均衡重力异常的研究.这也许对地震的长期预测有所帮助.  相似文献   

秦岭野生大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)的觅食行为   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
首次利用定量图像分析的方法研究野生大熊猫的取食行为,结果显示:其取食行为存在固定的模式,这一模式是在其身体发育的过程中逐步形成的.到了老年,随着年龄的增大、牙齿的磨损和其他生理机能的衰退,这种模式逐渐解体.总的取食时间可以分为准备时间(38.08%)、间歇时间(5.13%)和吃的时间(56.79%),在取食时间总量不变的情况下,大熊猫通过3种途径有效地增加日食量,即提高动作熟练程度、减少准备时间和减少间歇时间.  相似文献   

通过野外跟踪观察, 采用焦点取样和瞬时记录法,对神农架大龙潭投食点川金丝猴群春季日活动情况进行研究.结果表明,在神农架投食点川金丝猴春季日活动时间的分配中,平均时间比例分别为休息占73.12%,觅食占12.65%,移动占8.96%,理毛占5.27%.同时对神农架投食点川金丝猴不同性别年龄组的日活动时间分配进行比较,结果表明不同性别年龄组的活动时间分配是有差异的.  相似文献   

秦岭大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)的种群存活力分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以对秦岭野生大熊猫多年研究的资料,建立了一个机理性的随机模型,并用此模型对秦岭大熊猫种群进行了种群动态的模拟.分析了该种群的存活力,结果显示:秦岭大熊猫种群具有正的增长潜力;在环境维持现状的情况下,秦岭大熊猫种群以小于5%的灭绝概率维持200年所需的最小种群规模为28~30只,低于此数值,由于种群统计学随机性,种群会有较高的灭绝概率;在密度制约因素的影响下,种群维持需要50~60只个体;在非密度制约因素的影响下,每年由种群中减少的个体不应超过种群数量的1%.结合秦岭目前大熊猫种群的实际数量,秦岭的大熊猫种群由于种群统计学随机性而发生灭绝的可能性很小,如果能够在保证现有的环境状况不恶化,并且能够逐步恢复的前提下,秦岭的野生大熊猫种群是可以维持的.  相似文献   

目的探讨秦岭大熊猫产仔育幼洞穴的选择机制。方法对产仔育幼洞穴的性能和构造等物理参数及洞穴外部环境因子进行样方调查,通过系统聚类分析对所调查洞穴的物理属性进行分类。结果大熊猫产仔育幼洞穴选择的主要影响生态因子是坡型、干扰高度和隐蔽性等。结论洞穴内外生态因子的异质性是影响大熊猫洞穴选择的主要因素:大熊猫对偏岩型和隧道型两种洞穴具有较为相近的选择性。  相似文献   

The Fengzhou loess section is very typical in the Qinling Mountains. The section, about 82 m thick and underlain by the Neogene red clay, consists of 33 layers of loess and 33 layers of paleosol. The section covers Brunnes normal polarity zone and Matuyama reversed polarity zone, and the B/M boundary is located in the middle of L8. Matuyama reversed polarity zone records Jaramillo, Olduvai and Reunion normal polarity subchrons. The boundary between Matuyama reversed polarity zone and Gauss normal polarity zone (M/Ga) appears in the lithological boundary between loess and the Neogene red clay. Loess accumulation in Fengzhou started before 2.48 Ma. The magnetic susceptibility curve indicates 33 cold-dry and humid-warm cycles of paleoclimatic variation in the Qinling Mountains during the last 2.48 Ma. The above climatic fluctuation may be well compared with that of the oxygen isotopic records from deep-sea deposits.  相似文献   

The genus of snub-nosed monkey comprises five species that are only distributed in very limited areas in China,Vietnam and Myanmar.Tokin snub-nosed monkey(Rhinopithecus avunculus)is endemic to northern Viet-  相似文献   

龙门山中段川西前陆盆地初始盆山边界及其变迁   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对龙门山中段造山带、前陆盆地、飞来蜂的构造变形和构造演化研究,结合前陆盆地物源分析.确定了盆山转换时期川西前陆盆地初始盆山边界,重塑了盆山边界的变迁过程.研究表明,盆山转换初期川西前陆盆地盆山初始边界断裂为茂汶断裂,现今分布于冲断带内的飞来蜂均来自于茂县-汶川断裂与北川-映秀断裂之间的区域.印支-燕山期造山带向南东挤出,使位于茂县-汶川断裂带与映秀-北川断裂带问的地层发生交形和冲断隆升,形成北东向构造.作为前陆盆地基底的海相碳酸盐岩地层逐渐被抬升剥露,成为飞来蜂的源.随着造山带不断地冲断隆升,前陆冲断带向南东扩展,盆山边界由初始的茂县-汶川断裂依次向南东迁移至北川-映秀断裂、彭-灌断裂和关口-彰明断裂以东.  相似文献   

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