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秦岭川金丝猴秋冬季节活动时间分配的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对秦岭川金丝猴活动时间分配的研究,探讨影响"家庭"活动时间分配的内在因素和环境因素.结果表明,在秦岭川金丝猴秋冬季活动时间的分配中,平均时间比例分别为:觅食占14.90±0.26%,移动占10.16±0.16%,理毛占5.68±0.63%,休息占69.26±0.24%.其时间分配从秋季到冬季有明显地变化,即休息和觅食时间增长,而理毛时间变短.对秦岭野生川金丝猴不同年龄组的日活动时间分配进行了比较,结果表明不同年龄组的活动时间分配是有差异的.  相似文献   

Mating strategies are the key to understanding both reproduction and evolution. The majority of the previous work on the mating strategies of the Sichuan snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana), a polygynous species, has concentrated on the character of sexual behavior between heterosexual individuals, mating patterns, and the seasonality of mating and births in captivity and in wild. The importance of multiple copulations of them, both wild and captivity, has so far been neglected.  相似文献   

The effects of individual removal by zoo managers on behavior and fecal glucocorticoid changes in snub-nosed monkeys(Rhinopithecus roxellana) were investigated at Beijing Zoo.The results showed that the effect of the removal of three subordinate individuals(DD,male,4 years;XZZ,male,3 years and LL,female,3 years) from a group varied across the remaining group members that may be related to individual’s social status,gender and age.The dominant male was impacted less than subordinate individuals in both the frequency and time duration for the four main behavioral categories.The frequency of stereotypic behavior significantly decreased in the dominant female after the removal of three animals(Z= 2.862,P=0.003).Fluctuations were found in both the behavioral frequency and time duration in other remaining individuals.These findings suggest that small,socially stable groups were somewhat resilient to changes in member composition.Moreover,the cortisol level did not change significantly in the remaining members.An alternative method of hormone assay using fecal samples for vulnerable animals was presented,and that may be useful for monitoring wild golden monkeys and other endangered species of animal.  相似文献   

Dominance hierarchy reflects resource competition in male primates as well as females.In this study,we collected data on the social rank and mating competition of female Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys from September 2009 to June 2010 in the Qinling Mountains,Shaanxi,China.Displacement was used to determine social hierarchy of the studied wild females.A total of 1223 displacement bouts between adult females and 316 mating behaviors within one-male units(OMUs) were recorded.Competitive displacement among females was very low(0.22 displacements per observation hour).The dominant ranks of females in target OMUs were determined by displacement,from one OMU to another:JB unit:YL > DBC > YCM >XBC > BD;JZT unit:XHW > JG > DT;PK unit:QQ > TM > HF;LP unit:SK > TH > WM.Higher-ranking females performed significantly more sexual behavior than lower-ranking females in this rare monkey.High-ranking females were more likely to win mating contests within those OMUs.Based on these studies,we assessed the social relationships among adult females and clarified possible explanations for the strategies of female mating competition in the OMUs.Furthermore,the notion that reproductive success may also be related to female dominance hierarchies in this polygynous species should be considered in future research.  相似文献   

Guizhou snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus brelichi) is a unique, endangered primate in China, mainly distributed in Fanjing Mountain National Natural Reserve, Guizhou Province, in an area of 275 km2. Recently, habitat loss and fragmentation have caused population isolation. To assess genetic diversity within this species and its population structure, we sequenced 400 bp of the hypervariable I segment from the mitochondrial DNA control region for 128 individuals. Only one haplotype was identified from these individuals. Compared with other primate species, R. brelichi can be regarded as a species with very low genetic diversity, which further adds to the conservation concern.  相似文献   

Wang  XiaoPing  Jin  Wei  Yu  Li  Zhang  YaPing 《科学通报(英文版)》2010,55(36):4132-4135
Chinese snub-nosed monkeys (genus Rhinopithecus, subfamily Colobinae), including R. bieti, R. brelichi and R. roxellana, are well-known as the non-human primates with the highest known altitudinal distribution. They represent an interesting model organism of adaptation to the extreme environmental stresses. However, no study at the molecular level has yet been reported for the high-altitude adaptation in Chinese snub-nosed monkeys. Leptin, as an adipocyte-derived hormone, is believed to play an important role in energy homeostasis in adaptation to high altitude environments. In the present study, we sequenced and compared leptin sequences of the Chinese snub-nosed monkeys (R. bieti and R. roxellana) with their lowland close relative R. avunculus and other Colobines. Unexpectedly, no amino acid changes were observed in the 7 Colobinae species examined, including the 2 Chinese snub-nosed monkeys, indicating no difference in the evolutionary pattern of the Leptin gene between high-altitude monkeys and their lowland counterparts. In contrast to a previous finding of adaptive evolution of Leptin gene in plateau pikas, our study suggests that this gene may not have an important role in high-altitude adaptation of Chinese snub-nosed monkeys. Other nuclear genes associated with energy metabolism, or mitochondrial genes, are most likely to be involved the molecular mechanism underlying adaptation of these monkeys to cold and hypoxia associated with the highland environment.  相似文献   

通过野外跟踪观察, 采用焦点取样和瞬时记录法,对神农架大龙潭投食点川金丝猴群春季日活动情况进行研究.结果表明,在神农架投食点川金丝猴春季日活动时间的分配中,平均时间比例分别为休息占73.12%,觅食占12.65%,移动占8.96%,理毛占5.27%.同时对神农架投食点川金丝猴不同性别年龄组的日活动时间分配进行比较,结果表明不同性别年龄组的活动时间分配是有差异的.  相似文献   

The origin of MHC class II gene polymorphism within the genus Mus   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The I region of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) of the mouse (H-2) contains a tightly-linked cluster of highly polymorphic genes (class II MHC genes) which control immune responsiveness. Speculation on the origin of this polymorphism, which is believed to be essential for the function of the class II proteins in immune responses to disease, has given rise to two hypotheses. The first is that hypermutational mechanisms (gene conversion or segmental exchange) promote the rapid generation of diversity in MHC genes. The alternative is that polymorphism has arisen from the steady accumulation of mutations over long evolutionary periods, and multiple specific alleles have survived speciation (trans-species evolution). We have looked for evidence of 'segmental exchange' and/or 'trans-species evolution' in the class II genes of the genus Mus by molecular genetic analysis of I-A beta alleles. The results indicate that greater than 90% (28 out of 31) of the alleles examined can be organized into two evolutionary groups both on the basis of restriction site polymorphisms and by the presence or absence of a short interspersed nucleotide element (SINE). Using this SINE sequence as an evolutionary tag, we demonstrate that I-A beta alleles in these two evolutionary groups diverged at least three million years ago and have survived the speciation events leading to several modern Mus species. Nucleotide sequence comparisons of eight Mus m. domesticus I-A beta alleles representing all three evolutionary groups indicate that most of the divergence in exon sequences is due to the steady accumulation of mutations that are maintained independently in the different alleles. But segmental exchanges between alleles from different evolutionary groups have also played a role in the diversification of beta 1 exons.  相似文献   

This study examined genetic variation in the major histocompatibility complex(MHC) Class II B gene in turbot(Scophthalmus maximus) by virulent bacterial pathogen challenge.One hundred fry from each of six families were infected with Edwardsiella tarda by intraperitoneal injection.Family mortality ranged from 28.0% to 83.3%.Complete exon 2 and intron 1 sequences of MHC Class II B genes were amplified from five survivor and five non-survivor individuals per family using the clone-sequence method.Thirty-seven sequences from 60 individuals revealed 37 different alleles,25 of which were unique to this study.The 25 unique alleles belonged to 16 major allele types.Nine alleles were used to examine the association between alleles and resistance/susceptibility to disease.Five alleles were present in an individual,suggesting a minimum of three loci or copies of the turbot MHC Class II B gene.The rate of non-synonymous substitution(d N) was 2.30 and 1.58 times higher than synonymous substitution(d S) in the peptide-binding regions(PBR) and non-PBR in whole families,respectively,which suggested balancing selection on exon 2 of the MHC Class II B gene in turbot.One allele,Scma-DBB1*02,was significantly more prevalent in survivor stock than in non-survivor stock(P=0.001).Therefore,this allele might be associated with resistance to bacteria.A second allele,Scma-DBB1*10,was significantly more prevalent in non-survivor stock(P=0.021),and is likely associated with susceptibility to bacteria.  相似文献   

报道作者 2 0 0 1年 6月对长青保护区金丝猴种群数量及分布调查结果 ,调查采用访问、监测数据、现地落实猴群数量及分布相结合的方法 .结果显示 ,区内有金丝猴 2 0群 470~ 63 0只 ,密度为 5 .88~ 7.88只 /km2 ,分布面积为 80km2 .主要活动于天然林、择伐迹地林、伐后天然更新林斑块中 ,人工林、灌木林、皆伐迹地林、疏林地、宜林荒山荒地斑块对金丝猴利用形成不同程度阻隔和限制 .通过比较可知 ,金丝猴种群处于恢复期 ,栖息地恢复和改造是金丝猴管理工作的当务之急 .  相似文献   

Effective population management relies on assessments of population size and sex ratio.However,these estimates are difficult to obtain for elusive and rare species.Recently,noninvasive genetic census methods have been developed as an alternative to tradi-tional capture-mark-recapture methods.In this study,we estimated the size of the Sichuan snub-nosed monkey(Rhinopithecus roxellana) population in the Shennongjia Nature Reserve(SNR) using a noninvasive sampling method based on 16 microsatellite loci.We also used a PCR-based genetic method to sex the sampled individuals and infer the population sex ratio.The population size of R.roxellana in the SNR was estimated to be 1044 individuals(95% CITIRM:613-1409) .The estimated population sex ratio is more female-biased than expected,which we attribute to the sampling biased towards one male units and limited sampling of bachelor male units.Moreover,there is no suggestion that the heavy traffic road through the reserve might block movement of monkeys.The results of this study indicate genetic assessments based on a noninvasive sampling method can provide useful in-formation regarding populations of elusive primates.  相似文献   

有关怒江金丝猴的研究尚属于空白。2013年9月怒江州高黎贡山国家级自然保护区姚家坪管理站,收容并笼养了1只2岁左右的雌性怒江金丝猴。统计分析2013年9月至2014年9月间,该怒江金丝猴日行为活动时间分配、食物投放情况和笼养效果等结果。投喂食物主要为保护区内的野生植物,通过观察和记录,目前掌握了该猴子取食的23种物种以及取食部位。日行为时间分配为:61%休息,15%取食,15%移动,7%理毛,2%玩耍。不同时段行为类型分析显示:该金丝猴早取食高峰明显,同时也存在移动和休息高峰。存在地面活动行为,占日活动时间的5.8%,地面活动的主要行为类型为取食。  相似文献   

报道黔金丝猴血清睾酮(TEST)与血清雌二醇(E2)放射免疫测定。采用贵州梵净山自然保护区管理局野生动物救护中心饲养3年的5只黔金丝猴,取下肢静脉血,采用中美合资九鼎医学生物工程有限公司生产的血清睾酮免疫测定试剂盒、血清雌二醇免疫测定试剂盒,对黔金丝猴及藏酋猴分别进行体外双抗体放射免疫测定(RIA)。结合野生动物救护中心野外调查资料和饲养资料,分析其TEST和E2浓度与龄阶、性别、在种群中所处等级、和发育状况的关系。  相似文献   

中国的金丝猴资源现状及其保护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
金丝猴(Rhinopithecus)是系我国极其珍贵的野生动物,其分布区仅在我国和越南,在越南数量已经很少,在我国主要分布于四川南部、甘肃南部、湖北的神农架、陕西的秦岭、江西、云南西北部、西藏东南部以及贵州省,数量在2.5万只。同时结合近年已发表的资料,得出金丝猴现在分布在我国的42个保护区,并结合金丝猴目前面临的生存压力,提出了建立自然保护区、迁地保护、生态移民、控制当地人口和解决人生存问题等是保护金丝猴的一些保护措施。  相似文献   

The major histocompatibility complex(MHC) genes play pivotal roles in the immune system of vertebrates against antigens.They are also significant indicators of genetic structure,and are vital to species-level population viability analyses and disease risk assessments.In this study,two DRA and two DQA sequences were isolated from Hainan Eld’s deer(Cervus eldi hainanus) using rapid amplification of cDNA ends(RACE) and single-strand conformation polymorphism-heteroduplex(SSCP-HD) analysis.Nucleotide sequence analysis revealed large differences between the two DQA sequences,especially in their exon 2 regions,but only minimal differences between the variants of the DRA gene.Comparison of the predicted amino acid sequences of the Ceel-MHC class Ⅱ A variants with those from six other species revealed that these molecules share high homology among ruminants.A phylogenetic tree of four class Ⅱ A sequences from Hainan Eld’s deer and the other species placed the newly identified DQA and DRA genes on two distinct branches(100%-supportively),and further divided the two DQA sequences into 98%-supportive DQA1 and 99%-supportive DQA2 clusters,respectively.Therefore,this study identified monomorphic Ceel-DQA1 and Ceel-DQA2 genes,and one dimorphic Ceel-DRA gene from Hainan Eld’s deer.  相似文献   

Second proteasome-related gene in the human MHC class II region   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
A Kelly  S H Powis  R Glynne  E Radley  S Beck  J Trowsdale 《Nature》1991,353(6345):667-668
Antgen processing involves the generation of peptides from cytosolic proteins and their transport into the endoplasmic reticulum where they associate with major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules. Two genes have been identified in the MHC class II region, RING4 and RING11 in humans, which are believed to encode the peptide transport proteins. Attention is now focused on how the transporters are provided with peptides. The proteasome, a large complex of subunits with multiple proteolytic activities, is a candidate for this function. Recently we reported a proteasome-related sequence, RING10, mapping between the transporter genes. Here we describe a second human proteasome-like gene, RING12, immediately centromeric of the RING4 locus. Therefore RING12, 4, 10 and 11 form a tightly linked cluster of interferon-inducible genes within the MHC with an essential role in antigen processing.  相似文献   

2005年9月到11月初,作者在云南省维西县塔城乡格华箐对一群滇金丝猴的初秋生境选择情况进行初步调查.根据记录到的滇金丝猴活动位置设置50个20m×20m的样方,测定了12个生态因子(郁闭度、地形特征、海拔、坡向、坡度、植被类型、水源距离、人为干扰、乔木数量、死树情况、乔木胸径、地衣等级).对该群滇金丝猴初秋生境喜好程度分析表明,初秋时节,滇金丝猴喜欢在20°-40°之间的坡度、郁闭度在40%-80%之间的山坡坡面活动,活动区间一般在海拔2 700-3 300 m之间,对阔叶落叶林和针阔混交林比较喜欢,喜欢乔木的平均胸径>20 cm和远离人群(>500 m)的生境.尽管地衣是其主要食物,但对地衣和乔木数量的要求不高,对离水源的远近和活动地点有无死树无要求.对各种生态因子的主成分分析表明,前6个主成分的累积贡献率达到了78.37%,可以较好的反映初秋滇金丝猴的生境特征.  相似文献   

MHC及其免疫学意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
MHC不仅与移值排斥反应有关 ,而且广泛参与免疫应答的诱导与调节 ,所以具有很重要的免疫学意义 文章概括地介绍了MHC的基因排列、遗传特性、生理学特性及与疾病的关系等方面的基本知识和最新研究进展  相似文献   

仰鼻猴属及其下几个种的分类地位长期以来处于争论和变化当中,这与整个疣猴亚科分类体系的变动有密切关系。近年来,仰鼻猴研究有较大进展。在分类学上,重新确认了仰鼻猴属(Rhinopithecus)的地位,最初发表的四个种[川仰鼻猴(roxellana)、滇仰鼻猴(R.bieti)、黔仰鼻猴(R.brelichi)和越南仰鼻猴(R.avunculus)]均为有效种;在川仰鼻猴中,区别出三个亚种,即指名亚种R.r.roxellana,秦岭亚种R.R.qinlingensis和湖北亚种R.r.hubeiensis。  相似文献   

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