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Rupert PB  Ferré-D'Amaré AR 《Nature》2001,410(6830):780-786
The hairpin ribozyme catalyses sequence-specific cleavage of RNA. The active site of this natural RNA results from the docking of two irregular helices: stems A and B. One strand of stem A harbours the scissile bond. The 2.4 A resolution structure of a hairpin ribozyme-inhibitor complex reveals that the ribozyme aligns the 2'-OH nucleophile and the 5'-oxo leaving group by twisting apart the nucleotides that flank the scissile phosphate. The base of the nucleotide preceding the cleavage site is stacked within stem A; the next nucleotide, a conserved guanine, is extruded from stem A and accommodated by a highly complementary pocket in the minor groove of stem B. Metal ions are absent from the active site. The bases of four conserved purines are positioned potentially to serve as acid-base catalysts. This is the first structure determination of a fully assembled ribozyme active site that catalyses a phosphodiester cleavage without recourse to metal ions.  相似文献   

X-ray structure of a protein-conducting channel   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A conserved heterotrimeric membrane protein complex, the Sec61 or SecY complex, forms a protein-conducting channel, allowing polypeptides to be transferred across or integrated into membranes. We report the crystal structure of the complex from Methanococcus jannaschii at a resolution of 3.2 A. The structure suggests that one copy of the heterotrimer serves as a functional translocation channel. The alpha-subunit has two linked halves, transmembrane segments 1-5 and 6-10, clamped together by the gamma-subunit. A cytoplasmic funnel leading into the channel is plugged by a short helix. Plug displacement can open the channel into an 'hourglass' with a ring of hydrophobic residues at its constriction. This ring may form a seal around the translocating polypeptide, hindering the permeation of other molecules. The structure also suggests mechanisms for signal-sequence recognition and for the lateral exit of transmembrane segments of nascent membrane proteins into lipid, and indicates binding sites for partners that provide the driving force for translocation.  相似文献   

Lizak C  Gerber S  Numao S  Aebi M  Locher KP 《Nature》2011,474(7351):350-355
Asparagine-linked glycosylation is a post-translational modification of proteins containing the conserved sequence motif Asn-X-Ser/Thr. The attachment of oligosaccharides is implicated in diverse processes such as protein folding and quality control, organism development or host-pathogen interactions. The reaction is catalysed by oligosaccharyltransferase (OST), a membrane protein complex located in the endoplasmic reticulum. The central, catalytic enzyme of OST is the STT3 subunit, which has homologues in bacteria and archaea. Here we report the X-ray structure of a bacterial OST, the PglB protein of Campylobacter lari, in complex with an acceptor peptide. The structure defines the fold of STT3 proteins and provides insight into glycosylation sequon recognition and amide nitrogen activation, both of which are prerequisites for the formation of the N-glycosidic linkage. We also identified and validated catalytically important, acidic amino acid residues. Our results provide the molecular basis for understanding the mechanism of N-linked glycosylation.  相似文献   

求解接点网络问题的DNA算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用DNA的二级结构——发卡构形,给出了求解接点网络问题的DNA算法.首先用DNA分子编码接点网络问题,然后利用DNA分子的自组装和形成二级结构的能力来求解问题.算法具有自动化实现计算的特点,计算所需的实验操作比Lipton提出的算法少,同时计算所需的DNA量也比Lipton提出的算法少.  相似文献   

Synthesis from DNA of a molecule with the connectivity of a cube   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
J H Chen  N C Seeman 《Nature》1991,350(6319):631-633
A principal goal of biotechnology is the assembly of novel biomaterials for analytical, industrial and therapeutic purposes. The advent of stable immobile nucleic acid branched junctions makes DNA a good candidate for building frameworks to which proteins or other functional molecules can be attached and thereby juxtaposed. The addition of single-stranded 'sticky' ends to branched DNA molecules converts them into macromolecular valence clusters that can be ligated together. The edges of these frameworks are double-helical DNA, and the vertices correspond to the branch points of junctions. Here, we report the construction from DNA of a covalently closed cube-like molecular complex containing twelve equal-length double-helical edges arranged about eight vertices. Each of the six 'faces' of the object is a single-stranded cyclic molecule, doubly catenated to four neighbouring strands, and each vertex is connected by an edge to three others. Each edge contains a unique restriction site for analytical purposes. This is the first construction of a closed polyhedral object from DNA.  相似文献   

X-ray structure of a voltage-dependent K+ channel   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
Jiang Y  Lee A  Chen J  Ruta V  Cadene M  Chait BT  MacKinnon R 《Nature》2003,423(6935):33-41
Voltage-dependent K+ channels are members of the family of voltage-dependent cation (K+, Na+ and Ca2+) channels that open and allow ion conduction in response to changes in cell membrane voltage. This form of gating underlies the generation of nerve and muscle action potentials, among other processes. Here we present the structure of KvAP, a voltage-dependent K+ channel from Aeropyrum pernix. We have determined a crystal structure of the full-length channel at a resolution of 3.2 A, and of the isolated voltage-sensor domain at 1.9 A, both in complex with monoclonal Fab fragments. The channel contains a central ion-conduction pore surrounded by voltage sensors, which form what we call 'voltage-sensor paddles'-hydrophobic, cationic, helix-turn-helix structures on the channel's outer perimeter. Flexible hinges suggest that the voltage-sensor paddles move in response to membrane voltage changes, carrying their positive charge across the membrane.  相似文献   

Hilf RJ  Dutzler R 《Nature》2008,452(7185):375-379
Pentameric ligand-gated ion channels (pLGICs) are key players in the early events of electrical signal transduction at chemical synapses. The family codes for a structurally conserved scaffold of channel proteins that open in response to the binding of neurotransmitter molecules. All proteins share a pentameric organization of identical or related subunits that consist of an extracellular ligand-binding domain followed by a transmembrane channel domain. The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) is the most thoroughly studied member of the pLGIC family (for recent reviews see refs 1-3). Two sources of structural information provided an architectural framework for the family. The structure of the soluble acetylcholine-binding protein (AChBP) defined the organization of the extracellular domain and revealed the chemical basis of ligand interaction. Electron microscopy studies of the nAChR from Torpedo electric ray have yielded a picture of the full-length protein and have recently led to the interpretation of an electron density map at 4.0 A resolution. Despite the wealth of experimental information, high-resolution structures of any family member have so far not been available. Until recently, the pLGICs were believed to be only expressed in multicellular eukaryotic organisms. The abundance of prokaryotic genome sequences, however, allowed the identification of several homologous proteins in bacterial sources. Here we present the X-ray structure of a prokaryotic pLGIC from the bacterium Erwinia chrysanthemi (ELIC) at 3.3 A resolution. Our study reveals the first structure of a pLGIC at high resolution and provides an important model system for the investigation of the general mechanisms of ion permeation and gating within the family.  相似文献   

Telomeric DNA dimerizes by formation of guanine tetrads between hairpin loops   总被引:82,自引:0,他引:82  
W I Sundquist  A Klug 《Nature》1989,342(6251):825-829
The telomeric ends of eukaryotic chromosomes are composed of simple repeating sequences in which one DNA strand contains short tracts of guanine residues alternating with short tracts of A/T-rich sequences. The guanine-rich strand is always oriented in a 5'-3' direction towards the end of the chromosome and is extended to produce a 3' overhang of about two repeating units in species where the telomeric terminus is known. This overhang has been implicated in the formation of several unusual intra-and intermolecular DNA structures, although none of these structures has been characterized fully. We now report that oligonucleotides encoding Tetrahymena telomeres dimerize to form stable complexes in solution. This salt-dependent dimerization is mediated entirely by the 3'-terminal telomeric overhang (TT-GGGGTTGGGG) and produces complexes in which the N7 position of every guanine in the overhangs is chemically inaccessible. We therefore propose that telomeric DNA dimerizes by hydrogen bonding between two intramolecular hairpin loops, to form antiparallel quadruplexes containing cyclic guanine base tetrads. These novel hairpin dimers may be important in telomere association and recombination and could also provide a general mechanism for pairing two double helices in other recombinational processes.  相似文献   

A circular single-stranded DNA molecule, designated DNA1, was identified from Tobacco curly shoot virus (TbCSV) isolates Y35 and Y115 containing satellite DNAβ using abutting primers based on the two reported DNA1 sequences of whitefly-transmitted geminiviruses, while DNA1 molecule was not found in TbCSV isolates Y1 and Y121 without DNAβ. The immunotrapping PCR test showed that DNA1 could be encapsidated in virus particles. Southern blot further confirmed that DNA1 molecules were only associated with TbCSV isolates (Y35 and Y115) containing DNAβ. Sequences of Y35 and Y115 DNA1 comprise 1367 and 1368 nucleotides, respectively, each having a conserved ORF encoding nanovirus-like replication-associated protein (Rep). A low nucleotide sequence identity was found between DNA1 molecules and their cognate DNA-As. Y35 and Y115 DNA1 shared 92% overall nucleotide sequence identity and 96% amino acid sequence identity for Rep, while 69%~79% overall nucleotide sequence identity and 87%~90% amino acid sequence identity were found when compared with two reported DNA1 molecules associated with Ageratum yellow vein virus and Cotton leaf curl Multon virus. Sequence analysis showed that DNA1 was less related to nanovirus DNA.  相似文献   

A circular DNA molecule, designated as DNAβ, was identified in tobacco plants infected with Tobacco leaf curl virus (TLCV) isolates Y5 and Y8 by PCR using primers based on the conserved region of the two reported DNAβsequences of whitefly-transmitted geminiviruses (WTGs). The complete nucleotide sequences of DNAβof Y5 and Y8 (TLCV DNAβ) were determined. Y5 DNAβcomprises 1333 nucleotides encoding 8 predicted ORFs with 4 ORFs in virion-sense DNA and 4 ORFs in complementary-sense DNA; Y8 DNAβconsists of 1338 nucleotides encoding 7 predicted ORFs with 4 ORFs in virion-sense DNA and 3 ORFs in complementary-sense DNA. TLCV DNAβhas little sequence homology to DNA-A of TLCV, except that it shares conserved TAATATTAC loop sequence with TLCV DNA-A. Sequence comparison showed that Y5 DNAβshared 85% sequence homology with Y8 DNAβ, and both Y5 DNAβand Y8 DNAβhad relatively low sequence identity (51%-65%) with the reported DNAβmolecules associated with Ageratum yellow vein virus and Cotton leaf curl virus. The immunotrapping PCR and whitefly transmission tests showed that DNAβmolecule could be encapsidated in virus particle and transmitted by Bemisia tabaci. This is the first report of DNAβassociated with WTGs in China.  相似文献   

A circular DNA molecule, designated as DNAβ, was identified in tobacco plants infected with Tobacco leaf curl virus (TLCV) isolates Y5 and Y8 by PCR using primers based on the conserved region of the two reported DNAβ sequences of whitefly-transmitted geminiviruses (WTGs). The complete nucleotide sequences of DNAβ of Y5 and Y8 (TLCV DNAβ) were determined. Y5 DNAβ comprises 1333 nucleotides encoding 8 predicted ORFs with 4 ORFs in virion-sense DNA and 4 ORFs in complementary-sense DNA; Y8 DNAβ consists of 1338 nucleotides encoding 7 predicted ORFs with 4 ORFs in virion-sense DNA and 3 ORFs in complementary-sense DNA. TLCV DNAβ has little sequence homology to DNA-A of TLCV., except that it shares conserved TAATATTAC loop sequence with TLCV DNA-A. Sequence comparison showed that Y5 DNAβ shared 85% sequence homology with Y8 DNAβ, and both Y5 DNAβ and Y8 DNAβ had relatively low sequence identity (51%–65%) with the reported DNAβ molecules associated with Ageratum yellow vein virus and Cotton leaf curl virus. The immunotrapping PCR and whitefly transmission tests showed that DNAβ molecule could be encapsidated in virus particle and transmitted by Bemisia tabaci. This is the first report of DNAβ associated with WTGs in China.  相似文献   

Single molecule DNA compaction by purified histones   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The compaction of single DNA molecules by purified histones is studied using magnetic tweezers. The compaction rate increases rapidly when the histone concentration is increased from 0.002 to 0.2 mmol/L, and saturates when the concentration is beyond 0.2 mmol/L. The time course of compaction is exponential at low histone concentrations. It becomes sigmoidal at high concentrations. Cooperativity between the histones bound to DNA is proposed to be responsible for the transition. The histones are loaded onto DNA randomly at low concentrations. They tend to bind DNA cooperatively at high con-centrations because the structural torsions of DNA induced by the bound histones become overlapping so that the binding of one histone facilitates the binding of others. Under very large forces, the com- pacted histone-DNA complex can be disrupted in a discrete manner with a step size of -60 nm. But the histones cannot be completely stripped off DNA, as is revealed by the lowered B-S transition plateau of the histone-bound DNA.  相似文献   

槲皮素分子的几何构型优化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
 以槲皮素分子为例用DFT/B3LYP5种基组,HF3种基组,和AM1方法分别进行了结构全优化,并将优化结果与实验结构进行比较.就计算与实验数据的异同,基组与优化效果的关系,最低能量对照等作了分析,进而对非平面共轭有机分子的构型优化提出建议.  相似文献   

DNA structure. Curves with a function   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A Travers 《Nature》1989,341(6239):184-185

Phospholipases A2 play a part in a number of physiologically important cellular processes such as inflammation, blood platelet aggregation and acute hypersensitivity. These processes are all initiated by the release of arachidonic acid from cell membranes which is catalysed by intracellular phospholipases A2 and followed by conversion of arachidonic acid to prostaglandins, leukotrienes or thromboxanes. An imbalance in the production of these compounds can lead to chronic inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and asthma. Inhibitors of phospholipase A2 might therefore act to reduce the effects of inflammation, so structural information about the binding of phospholipase A2 to its substrates could be helpful in the design of therapeutic drugs. The three-dimensional structure is not known for any intracellular phospholipase A2, but these enzymes share significant sequence homology with secreted phospholipases, for which some of the structures have been determined. Here we report the structure of a complex between an extracellular phospholipase A2 and a competitively inhibiting substrate analogue, which reveals considerable detail about the interaction and suggests a mechanism for catalysis by this enzyme.  相似文献   

M L Silver  H C Guo  J L Strominger  D C Wiley 《Nature》1992,360(6402):367-369
Infection by influenza virus results in the stimulation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes specific for killing virally infected cells. Specificity is provided by clonally distributed, hypervariable T-cell receptors on cytotoxic T lymphocytes which react with peptide fragments that are derived from viral proteins expressed in the cytoplasm and 'presented' on the surface of infected cells, bound to class I histocompatibility glycoproteins. Here we describe the structure of the complex between the human class I histocompatibility glycoprotein HLA-Aw68 and the influenza virus nucleoprotein peptide Np 91-99 as determined by X-ray cryocrystallography. Residues at both ends of the peptide are substantially buried in the peptide binding-site, whereas those in the middle of the peptide, P4 to P8, are predominantly exposed and could be recognized directly by T-cell receptors. The extended conformation of the bound viral peptide is remarkably similar to that of a collection of endogenous peptides with a different sequence motif bound to another human allele, HLA-B27. The structure defines in atomic detail the antigenic surface constructed of major histocompatibility complex and viral peptide atoms that is recognized by T-cell receptors.  相似文献   

Chromatin structure, DNA structure   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
S C Elgin 《Nature》1982,300(5891):402-403

用Gaussian 03中两种不同的杂化密度泛函方法分别优化了铬分子在多种自旋多重度下的分子结构,并计算了相应分子结构的总能量、平衡键长和谐振频率,确定了铬分子的基态结构。考虑自旋多重度后,铬分子的基态结构为11重态。计算结果表明自旋极化存在于铬分子当中,自旋多重度对铬分子结构的影响非常明显,特别是谐振频率。自然成键轨道分析表明有10个自旋平行电子存在于铬分子并占据3d轨道,这与铬分子的基态为11重态相一致。  相似文献   

D M Freymann  P Metcalf  M Turner  D C Wiley 《Nature》1984,311(5982):167-169
The variable surface glycoprotein (VSG) is the predominant component of the surface coat of the African trypanosome. The expression of antigenically distinct VSGs on minor populations during infection allows the parasite to escape the host immune response. Purification of the protein is facilitated by the enzymatic release of a soluble form of VSG (sVSG) which occurs on cell lysis. The soluble form is a dimer with an approximate molecular weight of 120,000-130,000. Partial proteolysis of sVSG reveals a protease-sensitive link between an amino-terminal domain which comprises about two-thirds of the molecule, and a C-terminal domain which contains the membrane attachment site. We have obtained crystals suitable for high-resolution structural analysis from preparations of three sVSG: MITat 1.2, ILTat 1.25 and ILTat 1.22. The crystal structure of the dimer of the MITat 1.2 amino-terminal domain has been solved to 6 A resolution. We report here that the dimer is an unusual 90 A rod-like molecule composed of a helical bundle of at least four 80 A-long alpha-helices.  相似文献   

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