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人的非理性因素诸如欲望、需要、情感、意志、信仰等对社会发展既有积极的作用又有负面效应。在现实中强化非理性因素的积极作用,抑制、弱化其消极作用,我们必须坚持以理性为主导、理性与非理性在社会活动中的辨证统一关系;努力使人的非理性因素顺应、契合社会发展规律;自觉维护、努力实现先进阶级的欲望和需求;加强对人的非理性因素的教育和培养,提高人的综合素质,促进人的全面发展;加强制度建设,完善法律法规,创造一个良好的社会环境。  相似文献   

法律信仰既是公民的主观行为,也是一个客观行为,它对社会经济的发展起着重要的支撑作用。但就我国当前的现实而言,公民的法律信仰缺失严重,造成这一现象的原因有很多,比如立法数量过多过快、执法不严、司法不公、法律意识淡薄等。为此,文章从国外研究成果以及国外较为成熟的法律信仰培植经验出发,结合我国现实提出了培植我国公民法律信仰的路径。  相似文献   

在一般人心目中官是强势群体中的“强势群体”,怎么会有“弱势心理”?其实,处在社会转型期的官员,虽然手握权柄,但责任也很重大,其心理压力也是其它社会群体难以体会的。当然,官员“弱势心理”产生既有信仰缺失、官本位思想等主观因素,也有用人制度不公和收益不均的客观因素;其有效疏导主要从坚定信仰、健全机制、完善制度着手。  相似文献   

非理性与现实社会的稳定和发展密切相关。网民评论的非理性所引起的涨落深深影响着现实社会。了解和把握网民评论非理性现象及其成因,辩证看待网民评论理性缺失现象,具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

社会转型期大学生信仰问题探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前的中国正处于社会的转型时期,国际国内政治社会环境复杂,各种思潮和价值观严重泛滥,由此导致大学生的信仰处于迷茫状态,呈现出信仰的多元化、功利化、非理性化以及无信仰化趋势。因此,需要改革创新对高校大学生的思想政治教育方法,加强对高校大学生社会主义核心价值体系的教育,鼓励开展大学生社会实践活动。  相似文献   

现实社会中的文化形态是纷繁复杂的,其中既有主流文化,又有非主流文化,或称为亚文化。青年亚文化是亚文化的重要组成部分。当前我国正处于深刻的社会转型期间,多元思想意识形态的盛行进一步催生了形式多样、内容时尚、价值多元的青年亚文化。青年亚文化的盛行,对大学生思想政治教育既有积极意义也有消极影响。结合当前社会现实和大学生自身特点,有必要创新和整合影响大学生思想政治教育的亚文化策略,引导各种亚文化为大学生思想政治教育和提升大学生综合素质服务。  相似文献   

精神危机是一个世界性问题。精神危机的深层次原因是信仰的缺失。西方社会的信仰问题一直都存在着严重的缺陷。个人主义人生观、世界观事实上占据了西方的主流社会。西方现代社会最深刻的危机,正是个人主义价值观导致的人生意义和社会发展意义的迷失。当前,我国社会所存在的精神危机与世界性的精神危机既有相同之处,也有不同的因素。要克服日益泛滥的精神危机,只有依靠人类整体意识价值观;要重塑信仰的感召力,才能深入领会马克思人类解放理论及其科学共产主义学说。  相似文献   

网络民意主要由全新的人际传播形态和传播方式、自由的意见表达语境、广泛的公共话题和公众舆论、大众传媒性质的传播通道等方面共同作用形成,具有议题设置快速有效、表达坦率尖锐、议题范围向权益倾斜、带有某种程度的非理性色彩等特征.对网络民意形成因素及其特征的考察表明:网络民意既有积极促进社会发展进程的一面,也有非理性的一面.  相似文献   

李彦争 《科技资讯》2014,(14):222-222
大学生的思想政治素质是人才最重要的素质,也是优秀人才最重要的特征。然而,思想政治理论课却总是得不到学生应有的重视,总是被学生们摆在"可上可不上"的尴尬位置。究其原因,既有历史的也有现实的,既有体制的也有方法的,既有社会的也有学校的,既有教师的也有学生自身的。本文主要从"教"和"学"的角度对大学生忽视思想政治理论课的原因做简单的分析。  相似文献   

坚持马克思主义信仰要坚持理性思维,其社会根基要关注以人为本、社会和谐和实现个人价值,通过本体论依据和现实性、理想性、超越性的统一完善整体维度,结合现实生活、民族精神、传统信仰,巩固马克思主义的现实生长点,确保马克思主义信仰不仅成为国人理论研究的重点,更要成为大众的主体生命信仰。  相似文献   

It has been suggested that herbivore would react to volatiles produced by herbivore infested plant due to potential change, either positive or negative, in the acceptability of the host plant. This hypothesis was tested for the brown planthopper (BPH) in the laboratory. Sixteen components of the headspace volatiles from rice seedlings with different treatments were collected with SPME and Tenax-TA trap and analyzed with GC and GC-MS. Significant differences in volatile emissions were observed for rice plants with different treatments. Undamaged control plants, mechanically damaged plants and the plants infested by BPH for 1 or 2 d emitted much lower amounts of volatiles compared to the plants infested by BPH for 3 or 5 d. The plants infested by BPH for 3 or 5 d emitted several volatiles that were not detected in undamaged control plants, mechanically damaged plants or the plants infested by BPH for 1 or 2 d. Spodoptera litura infested plants released much higher amounts of volatiles than those in all other treatments, and the contents of several green leaf volatiles, methyl salicylate and terpenoids increased dramatically. In dual-choice flight tunnel experiments, adult BPH females showed no significant preference between the untreated healthy plants and mechanically damaged plants or the plants infested by BPH adult females. However, rice plants damaged by S. litura had a clearly repellent effects on BPH adult females compared to healthy undamaged plants, mechanically damaged plants or the plants infested by BPH.  相似文献   

本实验把小白鼠的骨髓细胞,制成电镜染色体样品,探索了利用电子显微镜所产生的高度聚焦的电子束,将目标染色体或染色体片段与其他染色体或染色体片段分离、切割开的过程,检验了电子束分离、切割染色体的可行性的有效性,开发出了一套较为成熟的电子束分离、切割染色体的新技术或方法,使之成为染色体及基因研究的有效手段。  相似文献   

It has been suggested that herbivore would react to volatiles produced by herbivore infested plant due to potential change, either positive or negative, in the acceptability of the host plant. This hypothesis was tested for the brown planthopper (BPH) in the laboratory. Sixteen components of the headspace volatiles from rice seedlings with different treatments were collected with SPME and Tenax-TA trap and analyzed with GC and GC-MS. Significant differences in volatile emissions were observed for rice plants with different treatments. Undamaged control plants, mechanically damaged plants and the plants infested by BPH for 1 or 2 d emitted much lower amounts of volatiles compared to the plants infested by BPH for 3 or 5 d. The plants infested by BPH for 3 or 5 d emitted several volatiles that were not detected in undamaged control plants, mechanically damaged plants or the plants infested by BPH for 1 or 2 d. Spodoptera litura infested plants released much higher amounts of volatiles than those in all other treatments, and the contents of several green leaf volatiles, methyl salicylate and terpenoids increased dramatically. In dual-choice flight tunnel experiments, adult BPH females showed no significant preference between the untreated healthy plants and mechanically damaged plants or the plants infested by BPH adult females. However, rice plants damaged by S. litura had a clearly repellent effects on BPH adult females compared to healthy undamaged plants, mechanically damaged plants or the plants infested by BPH.  相似文献   

Traditional information systems are passive, i. e., data or knowledge is created, retrieved, modified, updated, and deleted only in response to operations issued by users or application programs, and the systems only can execute queries or transactions explicitly submitted by users or application programs but have no ability to do something actively by themselves. Unlike a traditional information system serving just as a storehouse of data or knowledge and working passively according to queries or transactions explicitly issued by users and application programs, an autonomous evolutionary information system serves as an autonomous and evolutionary partner of its users that discovers new knowledge from its database or knowledge-base autonomously, cooperates with its users in solving problems actively by providing the users with advices, and has a certain mechanism to improve its own state of “knowing” and ability of “working”. This paper seminally defines what is an autonomous evolutionary information system, explain why autonomous evolutionary information systems are needed, and presents some new issues, fundamental considerations, and research directions in design and development of autonomous evolutionary information systems.  相似文献   

委婉语就是表达同一内容或同一意思的相对委婉的说法,这种说法没有固定的格式或标志,它可以由一个词或短语构成,也可以由一个句子构成,甚至可以由一个段落构成。根据构成委婉语的语言片段的长短,《战国策》中的委婉语的范围大致可分成三个等级:即词语委婉、句子的委婉和段的委婉。  相似文献   

提高风电齿轮箱功率密度的方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从齿轮接触疲劳强度出发,讨论了提高风电齿轮箱功率密度的几种途径。通过功率分流等形式可大大降低设计的计算载荷;通过优质材料选取、精密热处理控制、喷丸强化等齿面改性技术可有效提高齿轮的疲劳极限应力;采用齿根过渡曲线形貌优化、轮齿修形、齿面超精加工等齿廓改形技术也可明显提高齿轮的承载能力;通过减小最小安全系数或增大齿宽也可有效地减小中心距;通过行星架等零件的结构优化和行星齿轮传动的均载技术,可进一步提高齿轮箱的功率密度。  相似文献   

为了方便准确地测量永磁体表面磁场强弱,脉冲磁场强弱;判断磁场极性;文章介绍了利用霍尔片做传感器,由全电子电路完成放大、求绝对值、上下报警等功能的实用高斯计电路及其原理.根据实际需要选配纵向或轴向探关,配置液晶显示,根据表头显示数值的正负,结合探头可判断磁场极性;上下限根据实测要求可随时更改设定,当所测磁场超出上限或下限时,声光报警指示.特别适合弱磁场的测量.  相似文献   

The p53 tumour suppressor gene   总被引:266,自引:0,他引:266  
A J Levine  J Momand  C A Finlay 《Nature》1991,351(6326):453-456
The cell cycle is composed of a series of steps which can be negatively or positively regulated by various factors. Chief among the negative regulators is the p53 protein. Alteration or inactivation of p53 by mutation, or by its interactions with oncogene products of DNA tumour viruses, can lead to cancer. These mutations seem to be the most common genetic change in human cancers.  相似文献   

沙漏图是在一条路的两个悬挂点上各粘上一个三角形而形成的图.对于一个图G,若没有其他非同构的图和它是L-同谱的或Q-同谱的,则它是由L-谱,或Q-谱唯一确定的(G简记为DLS或DQS).将利用讨论排除的方法来证明沙漏图的线图是由它的(无符号)拉普拉斯谱唯一确定的.  相似文献   

高级语言中子程序的副作用是指子程序(过程和函数)对全程量或非局部量的改变.在C语言子程序中由于使用了全局变量,或是使用了静态变量,或是使用了指针参数,从而产生副作用.分别分析了++、--运算符、函数参数的运算次序、逻辑表达式、赋值表达式的副作用.而Turbo PASCAL中,系统会自动对表达式中的函数运算次序进行优化,从而引发更复杂的副作用.  相似文献   

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