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Genetic screens carried out in lower organisms such as yeast, Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans have revealed many signaling pathways. For example, components of the RAS signaling cascade were identified using a mutant eye phenotype in D. melanogaster as a readout. Screening is usually based on enhancing or suppressing a phenotype by way of a known mutation in a particular signaling pathway. Such in vivo screens have been difficult to carry out in mammals, however, owing to their relatively long generation times and the limited number of animals that can be screened. Here we describe an in vivo mammalian genetic screen used to identify components of pathways contributing to oncogenic transformation. We applied retroviral insertional mutagenesis in Myc transgenic (E mu Myc) mice lacking expression of Pim1 and Pim2 to search for genes that can substitute for Pim1 and Pim2 in lymphomagenesis. We determined the chromosomal positions of 477 retroviral insertion sites (RISs) derived from 38 tumors from E mu Myc Pim1(-/-) Pim2(-/-) mice and 27 tumors from E mu Myc control mice using the Ensembl and Celera annotated mouse genome databases. There were 52 sites occupied by proviruses in more than one tumor. These common insertion sites (CISs) are likely to contain genes contributing to tumorigenesis. Comparison of the RISs in tumors of Pim-null mice with the RISs in tumors of E mu Myc control mice indicated that 10 of the 52 CISs belong to the Pim complementation group. In addition, we found that Pim3 is selectively activated in Pim-null tumor cells, which supports the validity of our approach.  相似文献   

We present direct evidence of an activator-inhibitor system in the generation of the regularly spaced transverse ridges of the palate. We show that new ridges, called rugae, that are marked by stripes of expression of Shh (encoding Sonic hedgehog), appear at two growth zones where the space between previously laid rugae increases. However, inter-rugal growth is not absolutely required: new stripes of Shh expression still appeared when growth was inhibited. Furthermore, when a ruga was excised, new Shh expression appeared not at the cut edge but as bifurcating stripes branching from the neighboring stripe of Shh expression, diagnostic of a Turing-type reaction-diffusion mechanism. Genetic and inhibitor experiments identified fibroblast growth factor (FGF) and Shh as components of an activator-inhibitor pair in this system. These findings demonstrate a reaction-diffusion mechanism that is likely to be widely relevant in vertebrate development.  相似文献   

In blastocyst chimeras, embryonic stem (ES) cells contribute to embryonic tissues but not extraembryonic trophectoderm. Conditional activation of HRas1(Q61L) in ES cells in vitro induces the trophectoderm marker Cdx2 and enables derivation of trophoblast stem (TS) cell lines that, when injected into blastocysts, chimerize placental tissues. Erk2, the downstream effector of Ras-mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling, is asymmetrically expressed in the apical membranes of the 8-cell-stage embryo just before morula compaction. Inhibition of MAPK signaling in cultured mouse embryos compromises Cdx2 expression, delays blastocyst development and reduces trophectoderm outgrowth from embryo explants. These data show that ectopic Ras activation can divert ES cells toward extraembryonic trophoblastic fates and implicate Ras-MAPK signaling in promoting trophectoderm formation from mouse embryos.  相似文献   

A peptide needle in a signaling haystack   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Primary cilia are microtubule-based organelles that project from the surface of nearly every animal cell. Although important functions of primary cilia in morphogenesis and tissue homeostasis have been identified, the mechanisms that control the formation of primary cilia are not understood. Here we characterize a zebrafish gene, termed duboraya (dub), that is essential for ciliogenesis. Knockdown of dub in zebrafish embryos results in both defects in primary cilia formation in Kupffer's vesicle and randomization of left-right organ asymmetries. We show that, at the molecular level, the function of dub in ciliogenesis is regulated by phosphorylation, which in turn depends on Frizzled-2-mediated noncanonical Wnt signaling. We also provide evidence that, at the cellular level, dub function is essential for actin organization in the cells lining Kupffer's vesicle. Taken together, our findings identify a molecular factor that links noncanonical Wnt signaling with the control of left-right axis specification, and provide an entry point for analyzing the mechanisms that regulate primary cilia formation.  相似文献   

Niwa N  Hiromi Y  Okabe M 《Nature genetics》2004,36(3):293-297
Different sensory organs, such the eye and ear, are widely thought to have separate origins, guided by distinct organ-specific factors that direct all aspects of their development. Previous studies of the D. melanogaster gene eyeless (ey) and its vertebrate homolog Pax6 suggested that this gene acts in such a manner and specifically drives eye development. But diverse sensory organs might instead arise by segment-specific modification of a developmental program that is involved more generally in sensory organ formation. In D. melanogaster, a common proneural gene called atonal (ato) functions in the initial process of development of a number of segment-specific organs, including the compound eye, the auditory organ and the stretch receptor, suggesting that these organs share an evolutionary origin. Here we show that D. melanogaster segment-specific sensory organs form through the integration of decapentaplegic (dpp), wingless (wg) and ecdysone signals into a single cis-regulatory element of ato. The induction of ectopic eyes by ey also depends on these signals for ato expression, and the ey mutant eye imaginal disc allows ato expression if cell death is blocked. These results imply that ey does not induce the entire eye morphogenetic program but rather modifies ato-dependent neuronal development. Our findings strongly suggest that various sensory organs evolved from an ato-dependent protosensory organ through segment specification by ey and Hox genes.  相似文献   

In the fungal phylum Ascomycota, the ability to cause disease in plants and animals has been gained and lost repeatedly during phylogenesis. In monocotyledonous barley, loss-of-function mlo alleles result in effective immunity against the Ascomycete Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei, the causal agent of powdery mildew disease. However, mlo-based disease resistance has been considered a barley-specific phenomenon to date. Here, we demonstrate a conserved requirement for MLO proteins in powdery mildew pathogenesis in the dicotyledonous plant species Arabidopsis thaliana. Epistasis analysis showed that mlo resistance in A. thaliana does not involve the signaling molecules ethylene, jasmonic acid or salicylic acid, but requires a syntaxin, glycosyl hydrolase and ABC transporter. These findings imply that a common host cell entry mechanism of powdery mildew fungi evolved once and at least 200 million years ago, suggesting that within the Erysiphales (powdery mildews) the ability to cause disease has been a stable trait throughout phylogenesis.  相似文献   

Craniofacial malformations are among the most frequent congenital birth defects in humans; cleft palate, that is inadequate fusion of the palatal shelves, occurs with an annual incidence of 1 in 700 to 1 in 1,000 live births among individuals of European descent. The secondary palate arises as bilateral outgrowths from the maxillary processes, and its formation depends on the coordinated development of craniofacial structures including the Meckel's cartilage and the mandible. Cleft lip and palate syndromes in humans are associated with polymorphisms in the gene (TGFA) encoding transforming growth factor-alpha (TGF-alpha), an epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) ligand made by most epithelia. Here we have characterized craniofacial development in Egfr-deficient (Egfr-/-) mice. Newborn Egfr-/- mice have facial mediolateral defects including narrow, elongated snouts, underdeveloped lower jaw and a high incidence of cleft palate. Palatal shelf explants from Egfr-/- mice fused, but frequently had residual epithelium in the midline. In addition, morphogenesis of Meckel's cartilage was deficient in cultured mandibular processes from Egfr-/- embryos. The secretion of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) was diminished in Egfr-/- explants, consistent with the ability of EGF to increase MMP secretion and with the decreased MMP expression caused by inhibition of Egfr signalling in wild-type explants. Accordingly, inactivation of MMPs in wild-type explants phenocopied the defective morphology of Meckel's cartilage seen in Egfr-/- explants. Our results indicate that EGFR signalling is necessary for normal craniofacial development and that its role is mediated in part by its downstream targets, the MMPs, and may explain the genetic correlation of human cleft palate with polymorphisms in TGFA.  相似文献   

Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome (SLOS), desmosterolosis and lathosterolosis are human syndromes caused by defects in the final stages of cholesterol biosynthesis. Many of the developmental malformations in these syndromes occur in tissues and structures whose embryonic patterning depends on signaling by the Hedgehog (Hh) family of secreted proteins. Here we report that response to the Hh signal is compromised in mutant cells from mouse models of SLOS and lathosterolosis and in normal cells pharmacologically depleted of sterols. We show that decreasing levels of cellular sterols correlate with diminishing responsiveness to the Hh signal. This diminished response occurs at sterol levels sufficient for normal autoprocessing of Hh protein, which requires cholesterol as cofactor and covalent adduct. We further find that sterol depletion affects the activity of Smoothened (Smo), an essential component of the Hh signal transduction apparatus.  相似文献   

Members of the Hedgehog (Hh) family of signaling proteins are powerful regulators of developmental processes in many organisms and have been implicated in many human disease states. Here we report the results of a genome-wide RNA interference screen in Drosophila melanogaster cells for new components of the Hh signaling pathway. The screen identified hundreds of potential new regulators of Hh signaling, including many large protein complexes with pleiotropic effects, such as the coat protein complex I (COPI) complex, the ribosome and the proteasome. We identified the multimeric protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) and two new kinases, the D. melanogaster orthologs of the vertebrate PITSLRE and cyclin-dependent kinase-9 (CDK9) kinases, as Hh regulators. We also identified a large group of constitutive and alternative splicing factors, two nucleoporins involved in mRNA export and several RNA-regulatory proteins as potent regulators of Hh signal transduction, indicating that splicing regulation and mRNA transport have a previously unrecognized role in Hh signaling. Finally, we showed that several of these genes have conserved roles in mammalian Hh signaling.  相似文献   

Removal of toxic substances from the blood depends on patent connections between the kidney, ureters and bladder that are established when the ureter is transposed from its original insertion site in the male genital tract to the bladder. This transposition is thought to occur as the trigone forms from the common nephric duct and incorporates into the bladder. Here we re-examine this model in the context of normal and abnormal development. We show that the common nephric duct does not differentiate into the trigone but instead undergoes apoptosis, a crucial step for ureter transposition controlled by vitamin A-induced signals from the primitive bladder. Ureter abnormalities occur in 1-2% of the human population and can cause obstruction and end-stage renal disease. These studies provide an explanation for ureter defects underlying some forms of obstruction in humans and redefine the current model of ureter maturation.  相似文献   

TGF-beta signaling in tumor suppression and cancer progression   总被引:44,自引:0,他引:44  
Epithelial and hematopoietic cells have a high turnover and their progenitor cells divide continuously, making them prime targets for genetic and epigenetic changes that lead to cell transformation and tumorigenesis. The consequent changes in cell behavior and responsiveness result not only from genetic alterations such as activation of oncogenes or inactivation of tumor suppressor genes, but also from altered production of, or responsiveness to, stimulatory or inhibitory growth and differentiation factors. Among these, transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) and its signaling effectors act as key determinants of carcinoma cell behavior. The autocrine and paracrine effects of TGF-beta on tumor cells and the tumor micro-environment exert both positive and negative influences on cancer development. Accordingly, the TGF-beta signaling pathway has been considered as both a tumor suppressor pathway and a promoter of tumor progression and invasion. Here we evaluate the role of TGF-beta in tumor development and attempt to reconcile the positive and negative effects of TGF-beta in carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

Requirement for Wnt3 in vertebrate axis formation.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Several studies have implicated Wnt signalling in primary axis formation during vertebrate embryogenesis, yet no Wnt protein has been shown to be essential for this process. In the mouse, primitive streak formation is the first overt morphological sign of the anterior-posterior axis. Here we show that Wnt3 is expressed before gastrulation in the proximal epiblast of the egg cylinder, then is restricted to the posterior proximal epiblast and its associated visceral endoderm and subsequently to the primitive streak and mesoderm. Wnt3-/- mice develop a normal egg cylinder but do not form a primitive streak, mesoderm or node. The epiblast continues to proliferate in an undifferentiated state that lacks anterior-posterior neural patterning, but anterior visceral endoderm markers are expressed and correctly positioned. Our results suggest that regional patterning of the visceral endoderm is independent of primitive streak formation, but the subsequent establishment of anterior-posterior neural pattern in the ectoderm is dependent on derivatives of the primitive streak. These studies provide genetic proof for the requirement of Wnt3 in primary axis formation in the mouse.  相似文献   

Regulation of gene expression through microRNAs (miRNAs) and antiviral defense through small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) are aspects of RNA silencing, a process originally discovered as an unintended consequence of plant transformation by disarmed Agrobacterium tumefaciens strains. Although RNA silencing protects cells against foreign genetic elements, its defensive role against virulent, tumor-inducing bacteria has remained unexplored. Here, we show that siRNAs corresponding to transferred-DNA oncogenes initially accumulate in virulent A. tumefaciens-infected tissues and that RNA interference-deficient plants are hypersusceptible to the pathogen. Successful infection relies on a potent antisilencing state established in tumors whereby siRNA synthesis is specifically inhibited. This inhibition has only modest side effects on the miRNA pathway, shown here to be essential for disease development. The similarities and specificities of the A. tumefaciens RNA silencing interaction are discussed and contrasted with the situation encountered with plant viruses.  相似文献   

Germline mutations in STK11 (also known as LKB1) are found in individuals with Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (PJS) manifesting with gastrointestinal polyps that contain a prominent stromal component. Epithelia in polyps of Stk11(+/-) mice can retain a functional copy of Stk11 (refs. 2,3), and loss of heterozygosity is not an obligate feature of human polyps, raising the possibility of non-epithelial origins in tumorigenesis. Here we show that either monoallelic or biallelic loss of murine Stk11 limited to Tagln-expressing mesenchymal cells results in premature postnatal death as a result of gastrointestinal polyps indistinguishable from those in PJS. Stk11-deficient mesenchymal cells produced less TGFbeta, and defective TGFbeta signaling to epithelial cells coincided with epithelial proliferation. We also noted TGFbeta signaling defects in polyps of individuals with PJS, suggesting that the identified stromal-derived mechanism of tumor suppression is also relevant in PJS.  相似文献   

Convergent evidence for impaired AKT1-GSK3beta signaling in schizophrenia   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
AKT-GSK3beta signaling is a target of lithium and as such has been implicated in the pathogenesis of mood disorders. Here, we provide evidence that this signaling pathway also has a role in schizophrenia. Specifically, we present convergent evidence for a decrease in AKT1 protein levels and levels of phosphorylation of GSK3beta at Ser9 in the peripheral lymphocytes and brains of individuals with schizophrenia; a significant association between schizophrenia and an AKT1 haplotype associated with lower AKT1 protein levels; and a greater sensitivity to the sensorimotor gating-disruptive effect of amphetamine, conferred by AKT1 deficiency. Our findings support the proposal that alterations in AKT1-GSK3beta signaling contribute to schizophrenia pathogenesis and identify AKT1 as a potential schizophrenia susceptibility gene. Consistent with this proposal, we also show that haloperidol induces a stepwise increase in regulatory phosphorylation of AKT1 in the brains of treated mice that could compensate for an impaired function of this signaling pathway in schizophrenia.  相似文献   

The levels of a specific mitochondrial DNA deletion (mtDNA4977) measured in 12 brain regions of 6 normal adults 39 to 82 years old exhibited striking variation among anatomical locations. Comparisons of the same region among individuals showed an increase of mtDNA4977 with age. The three regions with the highest levels, caudate, putamen and substantia nigra, are characterized by a high dopamine metabolism. The breakdown of dopamine by mitochondrial MAO produces H2O2 which can lead to oxygen radical formation. We suggest that mtDNA4977 may be the "tip of the iceberg" of the spectrum of somatic mutations produced by oxidative damage.  相似文献   

The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is a source of unique individual odors that influence individual recognition, mating preferences, nesting behavior and selective block of pregnancy in animals. Such phenomena have been difficult to study in humans, because the human leukocyte antigen (HLA, human MHC) loci are the most polymorphic loci in the human genome, with the potential to generate millions of unique combinations of genotypes. In addition, high variability in background odors, encoded by the rest of the genome and influenced by cultural practices, contribute to a low signal-to-noise ratio that could mask HLA-based olfactory cues. Here we show that women can detect differences of one HLA allele among male odor donors with different MHC genotypes. Notably, the mechanism for a woman's ability to discriminate and choose odors is based on HLA alleles inherited from her father but not her mother. The parents' HLA alleles that she does not inherit show no relationship with odor choice, despite exposure to these HLA-encoded odors throughout her life. Our data indicate that paternally inherited HLA-associated odors influence odor preference and may serve as social cues.  相似文献   

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