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北半球冬季大气环流变化对中国汛期雨带类型分布的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 基于1951~2001年1~5月500hPa高度场资料,研究了前期大气环流与中国汛期雨带类型分布的关系.通过分析前期各雨带类型对应的距平合成场和格点样本平均值显著性检验图,以及各雨带类型相应的前期大气环流特征.指出1~2月500hPa层次上,大气环流明显的表现为大尺度分布特征,而3~5月的大尺度分布特征不明显.这表明冬季(1~2月)各雨带类型的显著性关键区的大气环流异常是影响中国汛期雨带类型分布的一个重要因素.从而提出了一些预报线索,可供夏季我国大范围旱涝趋势的长期预报参考.  相似文献   

We identified geomorphological, sedimentary and biological evidence of high lake levels around the current Jilantai Salt Lake through field investigations and through analyses of regional remote sensing images. There are four groups of shorelines at elevations of around 1060, 1050, 1044 and 1035 m a.s.l., being 37, 27, 21 and 12 m above the current salt lake surface, respectively. Littoral deposits of sand and gravels are found at elevations between 1070 and 1080 m a.s.l., 47 to 57 m higher than the current salt lake surface, although palaeoshoreline landforms are only preserved at several sites. At Herimuxini, on the northern margin of the Ulan Buh Desert, typical lacustrine sediments and sand-gravel littoral deposits also occur at elevations of 1080 m a.s.I, and below. A 11-km-long typical spit extends eastward from this shoreline gradually reducing in elevation from 1050 to 1035 m a.s.I. In some sand-gravel quarries along the southern bank of the Yellow River on its Great Bend, such as those located near the Hydrological Gauge Station and Shilazhao Town, shoreline features were identified. Littoral deposits overlying the alluvial-diluvial layers occur in a sand quarry near Balagong in Hangjin County. There are also beachrock and littoral deposits preserved on the cut-and-built terraces at several sites along the southern piedmont of Langshan-Yinshan Mountains. In addition, a profile revealing subaqueous delta sediments was identified near Wuhai, where the Yellow River enters the basin. Typical lake sediments also exist at the Togtoh Platform on the eastern end of the Hetao Plain. Aquatic Mollusk shells are common in the littoral deposits, including several species of Corbicula, Radix lagotis, R. xauricularia and Gyraulus convexiusculus. Ostracode shells can also be identified in finer sediments. Typical ver- tical prograding sequences are evident in outcrops where lacustrine sediments were well preserved. Wave-rolled cobbles and beachrock are very commonly preserved on the top of profiles in the embankments at  相似文献   

Layered cave passages formed on the walls of the Qianyou River valley in the middle part of the Qinling Mountains since the Pleistocene due to the intermittent uplifts. 12 speleothem samples near ruins of palaeowater tables in 3 cave passages are dated by using the 230Th method. The results show that the 3 caves began to uplift (358±38) ka, (247±28) ka, (118±19) ka ago respectively. Given the differences of elevation between the caves, we could obtain the downcutting rates of the valley: (0.23(0.02) mm/a during 358-247 ka, (0.19(0.03) mm/a during 247-118 ka, and (0.51(0.08) mm/a since 118 ka. This implies that more andmore strong uplifting sustained in the middle part of Qinling since 358 k  相似文献   

The late Quaternary paleosols in the Yangtze Delta area developed in the period of 25 000-12 000 aBP. Phytolith ratios (value A) of contents of fan, square and rectangle types indicating the warm and humid climate to those of bar, hat and point types indicating cold and dry climates decrease upwards overall on profiles of the paleosols, suggesting that the climates turned from warm and humid to cold and dry. So, the paleosols developed mainly during the regression before the last glacial maximum. Changes of value A indicate no trend of warming, suggesting that the transgression was rapid after the last glacial maximum. The development of the paleosols exhibited obvious stages, which were controlled remarkably by transgression and regression : Ⅰ . Period of alternation of deposition and pedogenesis, which was from the occurrence of regresson before the last glacial maximum to the time when sea levels fell close to the lowest; Ⅱ . Exposure period with continual pedogenesis, which was terminated when the paleosols were drown in the post-glacial transgression; Ⅲ . Period of being drown and buried, the paleosols were buried by marine sediments, and reworked by early diagenesis.  相似文献   

东海陆架与冲绳海槽晚第四纪沉积硅藻的对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对东海陆架DG9617孔以及冲绳海槽A孔和B孔岩芯沉积硅藻进行高分辨率的采样分析,总共鉴定出166种和变种,其中有近14个主要硅藻种在3个钻孔中都连续分布,且有较高的含量,而其余种类含量较低或分布不连续或仅零星检出.根据3个钻孔岩芯中产出硅藻属种组成、含量变化及热带远洋种丰度等特征建立起各自的硅藻组合带.通过对比分析,表明硅藻植物群在东海陆架及冲绳海槽不同沉积环境条件下均记录了自晚第四纪以来古海洋、古气候的变化.  相似文献   

A possible approach to assess the fine grain OSL dating is discussed through comparison of equivalent dose (DE) values and ages obtained by IRSL and GLSL of fine grains for 31 sediment samples from North China. The IRSL and GLSL were measured with the same aliquots for each sample, i.e. shine-down was by 100 s of IRSL (880 nm) followed by 100 s of GLSL (514 nm) on the same discs. The DE values and ages found by IRSL are in good agreement with those by GLSL within 1—2σ for 80% samples, especially for aeolian loess samples. Considering that IRSL from feldspar differs obviously from GLSL dominated from quartz in dose response, thermal stability and optical bleaching characteristic, the agreement between the DE values may be taken as evidence that the two clocks of IRSL and GLSL had been well reset during deposition. The consistent ages of IRSL and GLSL, in turn, may be referred to an indicator to evaluate the fine grain OSL dating of sediments.  相似文献   

1951—2012年中国降水集中度和 集中期的时空格局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以1978年为分界点,对1978年前后的以周为单位的降水集中度和集中期的时空格局和变化趋势进行研究.结果表明:1)中国的降水集中度首先具有明显南北分异规律,其次在中国北部具有明显东西差异;最后,中国整体降水集中度波动呈现减小趋势,且1978年之前波动较大,1978年之后趋于平稳.2)中国的降水集中期主要集中在一年中的第26—30周左右,并在1978年前后有1~3周不同幅度的滞后和提前,且南方以推迟为主,北方以提前为主;中国整体降水集中期波动呈现微弱减少趋势,且1978年前显著减少,但1978年后显著增加.  相似文献   

The large scale character of the interannual variation of precipitation and the urban effect on local annual precipitation anomaly are investigated in this paper based on the 1960-2000 annual precipitation observations at 20 stations in the Beijing region.The results show that:the annual precipitation in the Beijing region possesses the large scale variation character with the linear trend of-1.197/10 yr,which corresponds to a total reduction of 27.82 mm in annual precipitation in the 41 years;the local annual precipitation anomalies(percent of the normal 1960-2000)show a positive center near the urban area,i.e.urban precipitation island(UPI),whose intensity increases with the linear trend of 0.6621%/10 yr,opposite to the interannual trend of large scale precipitation over the Beijing region;changes in the UPI are also associated with the intensity of synoptic processes of precipitation,and when the synoptic processes are strong(wet years),the intensity of UPI strengthens,while the synoptic processes are weak(dry years),and the UPI disappears in the Beijing region.  相似文献   

Yu Shuqiu 《自然科学进展》2007,17(9):1042-1050
The large scale character of the interannual variation of precipitation and the urban effect on local annual precipitation anomaly are investigated in this paper based on the 1960—2000 annual precipitation observations at 20 stations in the Beijing region. The results show that: the annual precipitation in the Beijing region possesses the large scale variation character with the linear trend of -1.197/10 yr, which corresponds to a total reduction of 27.82 mm in annual precipitation in the 41 years; the local annual precipitation anomalies (percent of the normal 1960—2000) show a positive center near the urban area, i.e. urban precipitation island (UPI), whose intensity increases with the linear trend of 0.6621%/10 yr, opposite to the interannual trend of large scale precipitation over the Beijing region; changes in the UPI are also associated with the intensity of synoptic processes of precipitation, and when the synoptic processes are strong (wet years), the intensity of UPI strengthens, while the synoptic processes are weak (dry years), and the UPI disappears in the Beijing region.  相似文献   

Stable carbon isotopes of C3 and C4 plants have completely distinct δ13C values respectively. Carbonate in tooth enamel of herbivorous mammals is significantly and regularly enriched in 13C compared to source carbon. As a result, we can reconstruct distributions of C3 and C4 plants in geological history based on carbon isotopes of mammalian tooth enamel. Carbon isotopes of 70 mammalian tooth enamel samples from 11 Quaternary localities in northern China are analyzed. This analysis indicates that C3 plants were dominant in the terrestrial ecosystem of northern China during the Quaternary, which is completely different from Pakistan with relatively close latitudes where C4 plants were absolutely dominant. The great difference was caused by the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau. A simulation implied that a marked temperature decrease would happen in the north side of the Tibetan Plateau, but a temperature increase in the south side. The warming condition caused the transition from C3 to C4 plants in Pakistan situated in the south side of this plateau. In the north side, on the contrary, the cooling condition restrained the distribution of C4 plants. As a result, C3 plants have been dominant in northern China until now.  相似文献   

The preservation and dissolution of calcium carbonate (namely calcium carbonate pump) controls the pH of seawater in global oceans by its buffer effect, and in turn plays a significant role in global changes in atmospheric CO2 concentration. The results from measured carbonate contents over the past 2 Ma at ODP Site 1143 in the South China Sea provide high-resolution records to explore the process of the calcium carbonate pump during Quaternary glacial cycles. The results indicate statistically that the highest carbonate accumulation rate leads the lightest δ^18O by about 3.6ka at transitions from glacials to interglacials, and that the strongest carbonate dissolution lags the lightest δ^18O by about 5.6 ka at transitions from interglacials to glacials. The calcium carbonate pump releases CO2 to the at mosphere atthe glacial-interglacial transitions, but transports atmospheric CO2 to deep sea at the interglacial-glacial transitions.The adjustable function of the calcium carbonate pump for the deep-sea CO3^2- concentration directly controls parts of global changes in atmospheric CO2, and contributes the global carbon cycle system during the Quaternary.  相似文献   

 分析了101 a北半球低层和高层大气环流(包含四大涛动及W,C,E 3种环流型、副高强度)的演变特征,并讨论了大气环流因子的年际和年代际变化与中国降水的关系.结果表明,无论是高层还是低层大气环流特征随时间尺度的不同而不同,最显著的变化是7 a以下的年际变化.低层因子的年际变化比对流层因子明显;对流层因子的气候基本态的变化比低层因子明显.SO是低层因子中发生年际变化的强信号,NPO是低层因子中时间尺度28 a以上变化的强信号.副高是对流层中发生年际变化的强信号,E型环流是对流层中时间尺度28 a以上变化的强信号;中国近百年的降水量变化有显著的小于3.5 a,3.5~7 a,7~14 a的周期变化;中国降水和高、低层大气环流因子之间存在明显的同时相关和滞后相关关系.同时相关中,影响中国降水的主要因子为:W,NPO,SO;滞后相关中,影响中国降水的主要因子为:W,NAO,AO,E.  相似文献   

中国典型酸雨区大气湿沉降化学特性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以湖南蔡家塘、贵州雷公山和重庆铁山坪3个小流域长年大气降水及森林穿透水的监测数据为基础,对三地的大气降水和森林林冠穿透水的化学成分的分布特征进行分析研究。研究结果表明:3个地区大气降水都已出现严重的酸化现象,大气降水多年平均pH从大至小的顺序为雷公山(4.96)、蔡家塘(4.62)和铁山坪(4.12);蔡家塘与铁山坪大气降水和森林穿透水中的阴离子均以SO42-为主,阳离子以NH4+为主;蔡家塘大气降水和森林穿透水中SO42-占总离子量的26.67%和24.14%,NH4+占总离子量的31.67%和23.69%;铁山坪大气降水和森林穿透水中SO42-占总离子量的54.73%和12.26%,NH4+占到总离子量的8.92%和59.14%;雷公山大气降水中的阴离子以Cl-为主,占总离子量的16.59%;阳离子以NH4+为主,占总离子量的20.99%;森林穿透水中的阴离子以SO42-为主,占总离子量的19.83%,阳离子以K+为主,占总离子量的16.73%;3个地区森林穿透水与大气降水相比,森林穿透水中的各种离子组分都发生了富集现象,蔡家塘、雷公山、铁山坪离子总量增加量分别为2.75倍、1.79倍和4.63倍。  相似文献   

1980-2010年华北地区极端高温天气气候事件特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于1980-2010年共31年NCEP再分析资料和华北地区地面台站资料,采用百分位阈值法研究了华北地区夏季极端高温天气事件的时空特征,并对其环流成因进行了分析.结果表明,1980-2010年华北地区极端高温日数和极端高温事件发生时的日平均、最高温度都有明显的增加趋势,其中极端高温日数的增加趋势尤为显著,线性趋势系数达到0.261,通过了0.01的显著性水平检验.空间分布上,近10年华北地区的极端高温日数显著增加,并且北部地区增加大于南部,极端高温多发区由20世纪80年代的"南多北少"向目前的"北多南少"分布态势转变;合成分析的结果表明,在华北地区极端高温日数偏多年,副高势力较强,且西伸脊点偏西,中高纬度地区为两高一低型,造成华北地区极端高温日数偏多的大气环流系统是其中偏东的深厚大陆高压,此系统强度大且在对流层低层势力尤为强盛,位势高度异常在850 h Pa上超过5 gpm.  相似文献   

中国西北地区黄土及第四纪地层研究的新进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用沉积学、古地磁学、同位素年代学、微生物学及构造地貌学等学科,结合区域地层对比,对中国西北地区黄土及第四纪地层和晚新生代构造变形特征进行了较为广泛、系统和深入的多学科综合分析研究。认为在更新世地质事件及发生年龄、典型风成黄土及形成下限、新疆西域砾岩时代归属、西北地区第四纪下限、黄土地层中的微生物及地质意义和新构造演化性质等第四纪地质的前沿领域取得了重要进展。  相似文献   

宁夏冬季气温变化与大气环流异常的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1961~2015年冬季(12月到次年2月)宁夏20个气象站月平均气温资料,NCEP/NCAR发布的500 h Pa位势高度场和海平面气压场,200 h Pa、850 h Pa风场月平均再分析资料,运用线性倾向估计、M-K法及合成分析等方法,在研究宁夏冬季平均气温的年际变化及年代际变化特征的基础上,分突变前后的冷、暖期时段进一步分析大气环流场不同影响因子与宁夏冬季气温异常的关系,揭示宁夏冬季气温异常的成因。结果表明:(1)宁夏冬季平均气温由冷变暖的趋势非常显著,在1985年之前为冷期,1985年以后为暖期;冬季平均气温年代际变化在20世纪增暖趋势显著,21世纪后上升趋势趋于平缓。(2)不仅500 h Pa位势高度场的乌拉尔山高压脊和西太平洋副高是影响宁夏冬季气温异常的主要系统,海平面气压场的西伯利亚高压也是影响宁夏冬季气温异常的关键系统;高低空的偏北气流和偏南暖湿气流异常流场也对宁夏冬季气温变化造成一定影响。  相似文献   

中国降水场的时空分布变化   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:9  
 分析了全国160个气象观测站51a(1951-03~2002-02)的月季降水量距平场的时空分布变化规律得出:我国降水空间分布的主要类型是南北分布;统计降水量的时间尺度越大,则降水量的空间分布尺度也越大;冬季降水的空间分布尺度比夏季大;夏季降水空间分布的年际变化比冬季大;春、夏季的降水空间分布变化具有较为显著的正相关关系;春季降水空间分布具有2.4~3.0a的显著周期存在,冬季降水空间分布也具有2.3~2.8a的显著周期存在.  相似文献   

冬季北极海冰面积异常与中国气温变化之间的年际关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用1957-2001年冬季的北极海冰资料、中国160站气温资料以及NCEP再分析的大气环流资料分析了冬季北极海冰面积异常与中国气温变化之间的年际关系.过去44年来,北极海冰面积总体上具有减小趋势(鄂霍次克海是例外,那里海冰面积有增加趋势),相应地北极涛动趋于增强,我国大部分地区趋于增暖.叠加这种趋势变化之上的是年际变化.在年际时间尺度上,冬季海冰变化的主要空间型表现为格陵兰海和白令海的海冰异常总是和鄂霍次克海、巴伦支海东部、喀拉海(新地岛附近)以及哈得孙湾的海冰异常符号相反,并且与500 hPa高度场上的EU和WP型遥相关对应.当冬季格陵兰海和白令海的海冰异常偏少,而鄂霍次克海、巴伦支海东部、喀拉海(新地岛附近)以及哈得孙湾的海冰异常偏多时,西伯利亚高压和阿留申低压都偏弱,冬季风减弱,东亚西风增强,我国冬季大部分地区温度升高;反之亦然.  相似文献   

选择TSP、SO2质量浓度、NOx质量浓度、年降尘量等指标,主要利用统计资料研究了中国西部河谷型城市近30年来大气环境污染的变化趋势,以及大气环境污染的发展阶段.在此基础上,从大气污染物的排放与治理等角度总结了该类城市大气环境污染的机制.  相似文献   

Geologic and geomorphologic evidence from the Shaluli Mountain indicates that the planation surface that formed in the Late Tertiary disintegrated during the Late PUocene-Early Quaternary. At the same time, rift basins appeared on some parts of the planation surface, and began to accumulate fluvial-lacustrine sediment. These are interpreted as being the response of this region to Phase-A of the Qingzang Teetnnic Movement. After this, the Shaluli Mountain eontinued to rise in several pulses. Faulting and incision by some large tributaries of the Jinsha and Yalong Rivers resulted in several rift river valleys and the earliest terraces. Generally. the planation surface in this region had been uplifted to ahout 3500--3700 m a.s.I, no later than 550-600 ka BP. after the Kunlun-Huanghe Tectonic Movement, and coupled with global glacial climate, and resulted in the earliest glaciation recognized so far in the Hengduan Mountains. At the same time, Ioess was deposited in the Ganzi area of the northern Shaluli Mountain. During the last glacial period, the Shaluii Mountain approached its present altitude and developed several large ice caps, such as the Daocheng Ice Cap and Xinlong Ice Cap, as well as several huge valley glaciers. These paleoglaciers produced some of the most Spectacnlar glacial topography on the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

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