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1 IntroductionIn the last few decades, symplectic geometry becomes a lbcus fOr multi-disciplines. Aspointed out in [1l: '"' cIassical mechanics, statistical mechanics, and quantum mechanics aretreated from the same perspective, that ofsylllplectic geornetry thus showing the unifying powerof the symp1ectic geometric approach." Particularly it becomes a new frame fOr Hamiltoniansystems[2--5]. Symp1ectic a1gorithm, [6] etc., provides a numerical method fOr solving the relatedproblems.In contr…  相似文献   

1 IntroductionWe consider the system of one-dimensiona1 viscoelastic materials with non--convekity of thefOrm.with the illitial-boundary conditionshere v is the strain, u is the ve1ocity p > 0 is the viscous constallt, v and u are givenconstants, a is the pressure to be a known smooth fUnction of v satisfying the fOllOwing signconditions:a'(v) > 0 fOr all v u-nder consideration, (1.4)a"(v) 2 0 fOr v 2 0 under consideration, (l.5)so that rr(v) has a point of inflection at v = 0. We see that…  相似文献   

1 IntroductionIn 1981, H..,.,,[1] introduced the notion of invexity aJnd showed that for inequality con-strained programs, Karush~Kuhn-Tucker(KKT) conditions are sufficient fOr optimality if thefunctions involved are invex(differentiable) functiolis. Sinc…  相似文献   

The mixed l1/H2 optimization problem for MIMO (multiple input-multiple output) discrete-time systems is considered. This problem is formulated as minimizing the l1-norm of a closed-loop transfer matrix while maintaining the H2-norm of another closed-loop transfer matrix at prescribed level. The continuity property of the optimal value in respect to changes in the H2-norm constraint is studied. The existence of the optimal solutions of mixed l1/H2 problem is proved. Because the solution of the mixed l1/H2 problem is based on the scaled-Q method, it avoids the zero interpolation difficulties. The convergent upper and lower bounds can be obtained by solving a sequence of finite dimensional nonlinear programming for which many efficient numerical optimization algorithms exist.  相似文献   

1. INTRoDUCTIONThe dynamic behavior of many physical processes consists of inherent time--delays and uncertainties (due tomode1ing errors3 measu-rement errors9 1inearization approkimations, and so on), which can be modeled by anuncertain 1inear system with state/contro1 delay [1ro5l. Since the presence of time-delay is frequelltly a cause ofinstability, stability testing and robust stabilization of uncertain time--delay systems have gained considerableatteniion around the world. In this di…  相似文献   

Journal of Systems Science and Complexity (JSSC) is a quarterly journal distributed inter-nationally seeking to publish high-quality papers on theories, methodologies and applicationsof systems science and comp1exity science. It focuses on systems theory systems engineering,systems control,systems modeling and statistics, systems management, itelligent systems,  相似文献   

1. IntroductionIn the past decade, various pull controlled production systems have received much attentionalong with the influence of Japanese manufacturing techniques. Pull systems are motivatedby the concept of just-in-time(JIT) whose objective is that material should be produced onlywhen it is needed, and only in the quantities needed. The most typical pull systems are Kanban(Japanese for card) systems(see e.g., [l--gi) and CONWIP (constant work--in-process) systems(see e.g., [1], [10]…  相似文献   

1. INTRODUCTION The robust stability test of time-delay systems with interval parameters is to determine whether the eigenvalues of the characteristic polynomials of the systems are located at open left half complex plane. Different from classical 1-D systems, the eigenvalues of the characteristic polynomials are infinite, classical robust stability results (Kharitonov extreme test and Edge test) for 1-D systems are not suitable for the stability test of the characteristic polynomials of…  相似文献   

1 .INTRODUCTIONFeedback control systems wherein the control loopsare closed through networks are called networkedcontrol systems ( NCSs) . (See Fig.1) . Differenttypes of network systems are promoted in terms ofvarious network architectures embedded in controlsystems . There are approxi mately two kinds of NC-Ss :specific NCSs and generalized NCSs . The formerare based on common bus technology (e .g. De-viceNet ,ControlNet and LonWorks[1]) and the laterare constructed through comm…  相似文献   

Study of optimal control problems for hybrid dynamical systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1.INTRODUCTIONHybrid dynamical systems(HDS)include two dis-tinct types of systems,i.e.continuous variable dy-namical system(CVDS)and discrete event dynamicalsystem(DEDS),whichinteract witheach other.Butmost of the systemsinreality are not perfect continu-ous systems,and they consist of continuous subsys-tems and a set of discrete events,one of which canchange the continuous state.So we may investigatethis class of systems based ontheframework of HDS.Because of the extensiveness of H…  相似文献   

The Similar Structures and Control Problems of Complex Systems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 Introduction1 We consider the naturally evolving complex systems, such as biotic and social systems. In their evolving process, they always make up their weaknesses and develop their favorable factors. In such a way, their structures are gradually formed. In the structures of these systems, a feature is noteworthy, i.e., the local(partial) structure is similar to the global(overall). For social systems, for instance, in a country, the management organization of a province is similar to tha…  相似文献   

1.INTRODUCTION Themultidisciplinarydesignoptimization(MDO)is anapproachwhichimprovesandspeedsupthedesign process,andlowersthedesigncostofcomplexand coupledengineeringsystems[1,2],Themainfactor thatresultsinthecomplexityofMDOistheinterdis ciplinarycoupling.Thegeneralstrategytohandlethe couplingisdecompositionofthecomplexsysteminto sub systems,eachpertainingtothephysicalphe nomenonorcomponent,andtop systemwhichpre servesthecouplingsbetweenthesub systems.How ever,algorithmsbasedondecomposi…  相似文献   

1 .INTRODUCTIONChaotic synchronizationis a key technology in cha-otic secure communication, the low di mensionalchaotic systems have only one positive Lyapunovexponent ,the performance of securityis not ideal ,hyperchaotic systems have two or more than twopositive Lyapunov exponents , the performance ofsecurityisi mproved greatly ,sothe synchronizationof hyperchotic systems has arisen great inter-est[1 ~4].N-scroll( N =3,4,5...)attractor is akind of hyperchaotic attractor ,the method of g…  相似文献   

1. INTanDUCTIONIn recent years, a number of research efforts have been made on stability analysis ed design for large-scaletime--delay systems. Hmamed [1] adopted a generalized linear system model and solxred the complex LyaPu-novequation to obtain the main results. Mori, et al.[2I worked ont a stability criterion for large--scale systemswith time delays by using comparison methods and M--matrix properties. Suh and Bien [3l and Lewis andAnderson [4] deve1oped some stability criteria for…  相似文献   

1.INTRODUCTIONIn order tosupport integrated services and provide differ-ent quality of service(QoS)guarantees,asynchronoustransfer mode(ATM)technology is advocated in manymulti media broadbandsatellite systems that are under de-velopment worldwide[1].As the performance of satellitechannelsis muchlessreliablethanthose of terrestrial fiberoptics,satellite systems haveto deal withthis problemonphysical layer andlinklayer.For example,somelinklay-er control(LLC)protocols based on ARQ(autom…  相似文献   

1 .INTRODUCTIONTi me delayis commonly encounteredin various en-gineering systems ,which often occursinthe trans-mission of information or material between differ-ent parts of a systemand is frequently a source ofinstability and poor performance[1]. Transporta-tion systems , communications systems , chemicalprocess , power systems are typical examples ofti me-delay systems . In the recent years , muchwork has been devoted to the analysis and synthe-sis of controller for state-delayed system…  相似文献   

1 .INTRODUCTIONHigh-accuracy headinginformationis ani mportantparameter which is used to ensure the security ofships and the kilter of the weapon systems . One ofthe main factors which affect the precision of navi-gation devices’heading information is initial erec-tion error and drift error of the devices . Dynamicinitial calibrationin dockis al ways a difficult prob-lem when navigation devices are first installed orthe ships are mooring. This results a series ofharmful effects such as l…  相似文献   

1. INTRODUCTION Matrix second-order linear (MSOL) systems capture the dynamic behavior of many natural phenomena and have wide applications in several fields, such as vibration and structural analysis, spacecraft control and robotics control thus, they have attracted consider- able attention[1~10]. In Ref. [3], the controllability and observability theory of MSOL systems was studied directly in the matrix second-order framework. One type of observers for MSOL systems was proposed in …  相似文献   

Characteristic Polynomial Assignment in 2-D System   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
CONTROL THEORY AND APPLICATION1. IWTSODUCTIONTwo-dimensional (2-D) systems have mad applications such as 2-D digital Kalman filtering, image processing,etc., and have been studied extensively during the past two decades [1, 2]. The characteristic polynomialassignment problem for 2-D systems is one of the most important problems in the research of 2-D systems,and has been considered by many authors. In reference 13], the author has presellt a method for coefficielltassignmellt …  相似文献   

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