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 分析了陆地生态系统碳汇相关问题的内涵与科学意义,结合中国陆地生态系统碳汇和生物多样性领域的发展现状和问题,从加快推进生态保护和修复重大工程、构建促进生态系统碳汇增量发展的科技支撑体系、加强生态碳汇的技术研发与能力建设、推进完善生态系统碳汇交易机制、加强碳中和与生物多样性保护统筹等方面,提出了陆地生态系统碳汇促进碳中和目标实现的对策建议。  相似文献   

植硅体封存有机碳作为长期稳定的碳汇机制之一,近年来在全球碳汇研究领域备受关注.分析植硅体在陆地生态系统植被-凋落物-土壤连续体的周转,计算其封存的有机碳含量,是进一步准确估算整个陆地生态系统植硅体碳封存潜力的基础,对陆地生态系统碳稳定固存和碳中和具有重要意义.通过全面回顾中国陆地生态系统植硅体碳封存潜力研究成果,系统论...  相似文献   

The atmospheric inversion is an effective method for quantify-ing surface CO2 fluxes at global and regional scales using the gradi-ent of CO2 measurements and h...  相似文献   

Wang X  Kellner AW  Zhou Z  Campos Dde A 《Nature》2005,437(7060):875-879
New specimens and an analysis of the Jehol pterosaur faunae of northeastern China show an unexpected diversity of flying reptile groups in terrestrial Cretaceous ecosystems. Here we report two new pterosaurs that are referred to European groups previously unknown in deposits of northeastern China. Feilongus youngi, from the Yixian Formation, is closely related to the Gallodactylidae and is distinguished by the presence of two independent sagittal crests and a protruding upper jaw. Nurhachius ignaciobritoi, from the Jiufotang Formation, has teeth formed by labiolingually compressed triangular crowns, only previously reported in Istiodactylus latidens from England. With these new discoveries, the Jehol pterosaurs show a wide range of groups including both primitive and derived forms that are not matched by any other deposit in the world. The discoveries also document the turnover of pterosaur faunae, with the primitive Anurognathidae and early archaeopterodactyloids being replaced by derived pterodactyloids. Furthermore, these deposits offer an opportunity to examine the interaction and competition between birds and pterosaurs--it indicates that the avian fauna during the Lower Cretaceous (and possibly most of the Mesozoic) dominated terrestrial, inland regions, whereas pterosaurs were more abundant in coastal areas.  相似文献   

河流水-气界面碳交换研究进展及趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
河流水-气界面碳交换是区域和全球碳循环的重要环节, 对陆地碳平衡核算和碳循环模型优化具有重要意义. 介绍了全球河流水-气界面碳交换研究的相关进展, 以及现有研究存在的问题, 并在此基础上提出今后相关的研究应关注不同地质-生态和人类活动干扰背景下河流及中小河流水-气界面碳交换, 要综合利用双碳同位素示踪、化学计量学、生物标志物等方法辨识河流系统中CO2, CH4 及其他形态碳的来源和迁移转化过程, 同时还要利用野外原位观测、传统采样分析和室内培养的方法开展“水-土/沉积物-气”多界面碳交换的系统综合研究,揭示控制河流系统水-气界面碳交换的关键因子, 为相关预测模型的建立以及流域的科学管理提供依据.  相似文献   

As natural tracers, stable isotopes have been extensively used in plant physiological, ecological and environmental research. Recently, animal physiological ecologists have also applied stable isotope techniques to study plantanimal relationships. The isotopic compositions of animal body generally reflect and integrate their diets over a time period ranging from hours to years to the lifetime of an individual. When animal living habitat changes or animals move to a new environment, the animal isotopic compositions will shift accordingly. Thus, stable isotope signatures of an animal can truly reflect its food sources, habitat, distribution and movement patterns during a given time period. Moreover, by analyzing animal-tissue isotopic compositions at different temporal scales, we can improve our understanding of animal adaptation to environmental changes. Stable isotope technique also provides an ideal tool to study animal foodweb relationship and community structure because of isotopic fractionation during the processes of nutrient assimilation by animals. Stable isotope technique can continuously measure animal trophic position in a foodweb, which can eventually reveal the predator-prey relationship and its role in determining matter balance and energy flow in the entire ecosystem. Stable isotope technique has been one of the most important and efficient tools in studying plant-animal relationship. In this paper, we first review recent advances in the application of stable isotope techniques to plant-animal relationship research then evaluate their advantages and disadvantages, and finally discuss some future directions associated with stable isotope applications to plant-animal relationship research.  相似文献   

Ecosystems are structurally organized as food webs within which energy is transmitted between trophic levels and dissipated into the environment. Energy flow between two trophic levels is given by the amount of production at the lower level and by the proportion of production that is consumed, assimilated and respired at the higher level. Considerable evidence indicates that food-web structure varies predictably in different habitats, but much less is known about quantitative relationships among food web fluxes. Many of the energetic properties of herbivores in African game parks are associated with rainfall and, by inference, with net primary productivity. Respiratory costs per unit production at the consumer trophic level are higher for homeotherms than for heterotherms. Plant secondary chemicals affect herbivore dietary choices and the allocation of plant resources to those chemicals varies with resource availability. How these phenomena are translated into ecosystem fluxes is unknown. We present evidence that herbivore biomass, consumption and productivity are closely correlated with plant productivity, suggesting that the latter is a principal integrator and indicator of functional processes in food webs.  相似文献   

Humans and climate affect ecosystems and their services, which may involve continuous and discontinuous transitions from one stable state to another. Discontinuous transitions are abrupt, irreversible and among the most catastrophic changes of ecosystems identified. For terrestrial ecosystems, it has been hypothesized that vegetation patchiness could be used as a signature of imminent transitions. Here, we analyse how vegetation patchiness changes in arid ecosystems with different grazing pressures, using both field data and a modelling approach. In the modelling approach, we extrapolated our analysis to even higher grazing pressures to investigate the vegetation patchiness when desertification is imminent. In three arid Mediterranean ecosystems in Spain, Greece and Morocco, we found that the patch-size distribution of the vegetation follows a power law. Using a stochastic cellular automaton model, we show that local positive interactions among plants can explain such power-law distributions. Furthermore, with increasing grazing pressure, the field data revealed consistent deviations from power laws. Increased grazing pressure leads to similar deviations in the model. When grazing was further increased in the model, we found that these deviations always and only occurred close to transition to desert, independent of the type of transition, and regardless of the vegetation cover. Therefore, we propose that patch-size distributions may be a warning signal for the onset of desertification.  相似文献   

Emmerson MC  Solan M  Emes C  Paterson DM  Raffaelli D 《Nature》2001,411(6833):73-77
Revealing the consequences of species extinctions for ecosystem function has been a chief research goal and has been accompanied by enthusiastic debate. Studies carried out predominantly in terrestrial grassland and soil ecosystems have demonstrated that as the number of species in assembled communities increases, so too do certain ecosystem processes, such as productivity, whereas others such as decomposition can remain unaffected. Diversity can influence aspects of ecosystem function, but questions remain as to how generic the patterns observed are, and whether they are the product of diversity, as such, or of the functional roles and traits that characterize species in ecological systems. Here we demonstrate variable diversity effects for species representative of marine coastal systems at both global and regional scales. We provide evidence for an increase in complementary resource use as diversity increases and show strong evidence for diversity effects in naturally assembled communities at a regional scale. The variability among individual species responses is consistent with a positive but idiosyncratic pattern of ecosystem function with increased diversity.  相似文献   

 植物与昆虫是当今陆地生态系统的重要组成部分,两者之间的相互关系为认识陆地生态系统结构和功能提供独一无二的信息。古生代是植物和昆虫起源和早期演化的关键地质时期,然而由于缺乏对该时期化石材料的系统研究,植物和昆虫之间的相互关系及其协同演化过程还存在许多未解之谜。对二叠纪晚期(约2.53亿年前)植物茎干中甲虫蛀孔的详细解剖学研究,证实当时蛀木甲虫利用真菌实现个体发育过程中食性的转变,而且蛀木甲虫可能存在初步的社会分工,并生活在复杂的生态网络中;进一步研究显示晚二叠世蛀木甲虫或对松柏类植物引起严重的虫灾。当前研究表明,渗矿化植物化石标本在探索地质历史时期动植物相互作用方面具有巨大研究潜力,可为深时陆地生态系统的重建和演化提供宝贵信息。  相似文献   

Northern mid-latitude forests are a large terrestrial carbon sink. Ignoring nutrient limitations, large increases in carbon sequestration from carbon dioxide (CO2) fertilization are expected in these forests. Yet, forests are usually relegated to sites of moderate to poor fertility, where tree growth is often limited by nutrient supply, in particular nitrogen. Here we present evidence that estimates of increases in carbon sequestration of forests, which is expected to partially compensate for increasing CO2 in the atmosphere, are unduly optimistic. In two forest experiments on maturing pines exposed to elevated atmospheric CO2, the CO2-induced biomass carbon increment without added nutrients was undetectable at a nutritionally poor site, and the stimulation at a nutritionally moderate site was transient, stabilizing at a marginal gain after three years. However, a large synergistic gain from higher CO2 and nutrients was detected with nutrients added. This gain was even larger at the poor site (threefold higher than the expected additive effect) than at the moderate site (twofold higher). Thus, fertility can restrain the response of wood carbon sequestration to increased atmospheric CO2. Assessment of future carbon sequestration should consider the limitations imposed by soil fertility, as well as interactions with nitrogen deposition.  相似文献   

Kentsis A 《Nature》2006,441(7092):E5; discussion E5-E5; discussion E6
A stochastic queue model of human behaviour developed on the basis of the distribution of timing of tasks, as studied in a sample of e-mail messages at a university and in the written correspondence of Albert Einstein, may not be as simple as it seems. Although this model reproduces the apparently non-Poisson distribution of correspondence delays, its interpretation is more complicated than suggested by Barabási, who claims that humans execute their tasks based on some perceived priority, setting up queues that generate very uneven waiting-time distributions for different tasks. Such an explanation is intuitively appealing in the context of the queue metaphor, but does not exclude other mechanisms. By attributing delays in the correspondence to task priorities, this explanation ignores two important classes of mechanism that also contribute to the apparent distributions of task timings: the semantic content of an individual's correspondence and the social context in which this correspondence occurs.  相似文献   

 随着世界核电事业的发展,核设施产生的废离子交换树脂的安全处理已成为困扰各国的难题。湿式氧化法具有反应条件温和、工序简单、经济有效等优点,近年来在放射性废物处理领域受到广泛关注。本文概述了国内外废树脂湿式氧化处理技术,包括酸煮解、超临界水氧化分解法、间接电化学氧化分解法和湿式过氧化氢氧化法;重点分析了废树脂湿式过氧化氢氧化法的发展现状、影响因素、反应机理、反应动力学以及放射性核素的去向;并进一步探讨了湿式氧化法在废树脂处理领域的发展方向及应用前景。  相似文献   

Allen RJ  Sherwood SC  Norris JR  Zender CS 《Nature》2012,485(7398):350-354
Observational analyses have shown the width of the tropical belt increasing in recent decades as the world has warmed. This expansion is important because it is associated with shifts in large-scale atmospheric circulation and major climate zones. Although recent studies have attributed tropical expansion in the Southern Hemisphere to ozone depletion, the drivers of Northern Hemisphere expansion are not well known and the expansion has not so far been reproduced by climate models. Here we use a climate model with detailed aerosol physics to show that increases in heterogeneous warming agents--including black carbon aerosols and tropospheric ozone--are noticeably better than greenhouse gases at driving expansion, and can account for the observed summertime maximum in tropical expansion. Mechanistically, atmospheric heating from black carbon and tropospheric ozone has occurred at the mid-latitudes, generating a poleward shift of the tropospheric jet, thereby relocating the main division between tropical and temperate air masses. Although we still underestimate tropical expansion, the true aerosol forcing is poorly known and could also be underestimated. Thus, although the insensitivity of models needs further investigation, black carbon and tropospheric ozone, both of which are strongly influenced by human activities, are the most likely causes of observed Northern Hemisphere tropical expansion.  相似文献   

Stable carbon isotopes of C3 and C4 plants have completely distinct δ13C values respectively. Carbonate in tooth enamel of herbivorous mammals is significantly and regularly enriched in 13C compared to source carbon. As a result, we can reconstruct distributions of C3 and C4 plants in geological history based on carbon isotopes of mammalian tooth enamel. Carbon isotopes of 70 mammalian tooth enamel samples from 11 Quaternary localities in northern China are analyzed. This analysis indicates that C3 plants were dominant in the terrestrial ecosystem of northern China during the Quaternary, which is completely different from Pakistan with relatively close latitudes where C4 plants were absolutely dominant. The great difference was caused by the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau. A simulation implied that a marked temperature decrease would happen in the north side of the Tibetan Plateau, but a temperature increase in the south side. The warming condition caused the transition from C3 to C4 plants in Pakistan situated in the south side of this plateau. In the north side, on the contrary, the cooling condition restrained the distribution of C4 plants. As a result, C3 plants have been dominant in northern China until now.  相似文献   

提出一种学习人典型运动模式的方法,并利用该方法对环境中的人的行为做出预测,协调机器人以达到与人和谐共处的导航目的.算法首先通过非重叠多摄像头采集人在环境中不同地点间的运动轨迹;其次,应用两层模糊K均值算法分别对这些运动轨迹进行空间和时间序列上的分类,并利用TSC标准对每一次分类结果进行评估;然后建立每一聚类运动模式的概率方程,依此实现对摄像头网络观测下人运动行为的预测,进而调整机器人的导航策略以达到与人和谐共处的导航目的.实验展示了该算法能够快速地利用人的运动调整其导航行为.  相似文献   

森林在降低大气CO2含量和减缓全球气候变暖趋势方面起着非常重要的作用。估算森林的碳储量以及分析和评价森林不同碳库的组成和动态变化已成为目前生态学关注的热点之一。由于使用方法和途径的不同,导致对森林碳储量和不同碳库大小的估算结果出现很大的差异,由此,笔者对森林生态系统中不同碳库的估算方法进行了分析和综述,总结了不同估算方法的优缺点及其适用范围。  相似文献   

间伐对杉木人工林生态系统碳储量的短期影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】研究不同间伐强度下杉木人工林生态系统碳储量及其分配格局,进一步优化林分经营管理措施,准确评估间伐对杉木人工林生物量和碳储量的短期影响,为提高人工林的碳汇能力提供依据。【方法】以福建省三明市官庄国有林场11年生杉木人工林为研究对象,选择坡度、坡位、土壤条件相对一致的林分,按照完全随机区组试验设计,设置弱度间伐(31%,伐后林分2 250株/hm2,LIT)、中度间伐(45%,伐后林分1 800株/hm2,MIT)、强度间伐(63%,伐后林分1 200株/hm2,HIT)等3种间伐强度;共设置9块20 m×20 m样地,采集深度为1 m剖面内不同土层的土壤;并在样地内每木检尺,利用生物量回归方程对乔木层生物量进行估算,同时实测林下植被和凋落物生物量;通过元素分析仪测定植被和土壤碳含量,并根据碳含量估算碳储量。【结果】间伐后3年,杉木人工林乔木层碳储量随着间伐强度的增加而减小,LIT、MIT、HIT处理样地乔木层碳储量依次为66.16、58.78、49.71 t/hm2;杉木人工林灌木层和草本层的碳储量随着间伐强度的增加而显著增加,分别占生态系统碳储量的0.03%~0.19%和0.01%~0.67%;凋落物层碳储量占生态系统碳储量的2.87%~4.32%,间伐对凋落物层碳储量无显著影响;土壤有机碳储量在不同间伐处理间差异显著(P<0.05),杉木人工林土壤层碳储量随着间伐强度的增加而降低,HIT处理土壤层碳储量较LIT和MIT处理降低了32.07%和1.03%。间伐后3年,杉木人工林生态系统碳储量随着间伐强度增加而显著降低(P<0.05),LIT、MIT和HIT处理样地总碳储量依次为173.85、161.12、121.73 t/hm2。乔木层和土壤层碳储量之和占比超过90.00%,表明乔木层和土壤层是巨大的碳库,且间伐短期降低生态系统总碳储量。【结论】间伐后短期内杉木人工林乔木层、凋落物层和土壤层碳储量随着间伐强度的增加而下降,而灌木层和草本层的碳储量则随着间伐强度的增加而增加,表明间伐3年后试验林地还处于恢复期,杉木人工林间伐短期内会降低生态系统总碳储量。研究结果可部分解释间伐后短期内杉木人工林生态系统各组分碳储量的分布格局,并为研究区的人工林碳汇增加和可持续经营提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Carbondioxide(CO2),akeygreenhousegas,con-tributesgreatlytoglobalwarming.TheatmosphericCO2concentrationhasincreasedby31%since1750[1].Theincreaseratewas3.2±0.1Pga-1(1Pg=1015g)inthe1990sandthecurrentincreaserateisunprecedentedoverthepast20000years[1].TheatmosphericCO2contentismostlydependentonthenetexchangeofCO2withincarbonpoolsinvolvedinthecarboncycleprocesses.InvestigationoftheprocessesandmechanismsofCO2exchangebetweenterrestrialecosystemandtheatmos-pherehasbeenbecomingoneofthehotspotswit…  相似文献   

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