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Bayesian Model Averaging under Regime Switching with Application to Cyclical Macro Variable Forecasting

Jianmin Shi 《Journal of forecasting》2016,35(3):250-262
Model uncertainty and recurrent or cyclical structural changes in macroeconomic time series dynamics are substantial challenges to macroeconomic forecasting. This paper discusses a macro variable forecasting methodology that combines model uncertainty and regime switching simultaneously. The proposed predictive regression specification permits both regime switching of the regression parameters and uncertainty about the inclusion of forecasting variables by employing Bayesian model averaging. In an empirical exercise involving quarterly US inflation, we observed that our Bayesian model averaging with regime switching leads to substantial improvements in forecast performance, particularly in the medium horizon (two to four quarters). Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Semi‐Structural Forecasting of UK Inflation Based on the Hybrid New Keynesian Phillips Curve

We develop a semi‐structural model for forecasting inflation in the UK in which the New Keynesian Phillips curve (NKPC) is augmented with a time series model for marginal cost. By combining structural and time series elements we hope to reap the benefits of both approaches, namely the relatively better forecasting performance of time series models in the short run and a theory‐consistent economic interpretation of the forecast coming from the structural model. In our model we consider the hybrid version of the NKPC and use an open‐economy measure of marginal cost. The results suggest that our semi‐structural model performs better than a random‐walk forecast and most of the competing models (conventional time series models and strictly structural models) only in the short run (one quarter ahead) but it is outperformed by some of the competing models at medium and long forecast horizons (four and eight quarters ahead). In addition, the open‐economy specification of our semi‐structural model delivers more accurate forecasts than its closed‐economy alternative at all horizons. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Standard measures of prices are often contaminated by transitory shocks. This has prompted economists to suggest the use of measures of underlying inflation to formulate monetary policy and assist in forecasting observed inflation. Recent work has concentrated on modelling large data sets using factor models. In this paper we estimate factors from data sets of disaggregated price indices for European countries. We then assess the forecasting ability of these factor estimates against other measures of underlying inflation built from more traditional methods. The power to forecast headline inflation over horizons of 12 to 18 months is adopted as a valid criterion to assess forecasting. Empirical results for the five largest euro area countries, as well as for the euro area itself, are presented. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
In order to provide short‐run forecasts of headline and core HICP inflation for France, we assess the forecasting performance of a large set of economic indicators, individually and jointly, as well as using dynamic factor models. We run out‐of‐sample forecasts implementing the Stock and Watson (1999) methodology. We find that, according to usual statistical criteria, the combination of several indicators—in particular those derived from surveys—provides better results than factor models, even after pre‐selection of the variables included in the panel. However, factors included in VAR models exhibit more stable forecasting performance over time. Results for the HICP excluding unprocessed food and energy are very encouraging. Moreover, we show that the aggregation of forecasts on subcomponents exhibits the best performance for projecting total inflation and that it is robust to data snooping. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Jarita Duasa Nursilah Ahmad Mansor H. Ibrahim Mohd Pisal Zainal 《Journal of forecasting》2010,29(6):573-594
This paper aims to identify the best indicator in forecasting inflation in Malaysia. In methodology, the study constructs a simple forecasting model that incorporates the indicator/variable using the vector error correction (VECM) model of quasi‐tradable inflation index and selected indicators: commodity prices, financial indicators and economic activities. For each indicator, the forecasting horizon used is 24 months and the VECM model is applied for seven sample windows over sample periods starting with the first month of 1980 and ending with the 12th month of every 2 years from 1992 to 2004. The degree of independence of each indicator from inflation is tested by analyzing the variance decomposition of each indicator and Granger causality between each indicator and inflation. We propose that a simple model using an aggregation of indices improves the accuracy of inflation forecasts. The results support our hypothesis. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
We compare models for forecasting growth and inflation in the enlarged euro area. Forecasts are built from univariate autoregressive and single‐equation models. The analysis is undertaken for both individual countries and EU aggregate variables. Aggregate forecasts are constructed by both employing aggregate variables and by aggregating country‐specific forecasts. Using financial variables for country‐specific forecasts tends to add little to the predictive ability of a simple AR model. However, they do help to predict EU aggregates. Furthermore, forecasts from pooling individual country models usually outperform those of the aggregate itself, particularly for the EU25 grouping. This is particularly interesting from the perspective of the European Central Bank, who require forecasts of economic activity and inflation to formulate appropriate economic policy across the enlarged group. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
This paper investigates robust model rankings in out‐of‐sample, short‐horizon forecasting. We provide strong evidence that rolling window averaging consistently produces robust model rankings while improving the forecasting performance of both individual models and model averaging. The rolling window averaging outperforms the (ex post) “optimal” window forecasts in more than 50% of the times across all rolling windows. 相似文献
Carlos Díaz 《Journal of forecasting》2018,37(3):316-326
This paper shows how to extract the density of information shocks from revisions of the Bank of England's inflation density forecasts. An information shock is defined in this paper as a random variable that contains the set of information made available between two consecutive forecasting exercises and that has been incorporated into a revised forecast for a fixed point event. Studying the moments of these information shocks can be useful in understanding how the Bank has changed its assessment of risks surrounding inflation in the light of new information, and how it has modified its forecasts accordingly. The variance of the information shock is interpreted in this paper as a new measure of ex ante inflation uncertainty that measures the uncertainty that the Bank anticipates information perceived in a particular quarter will pose on inflation. A measure of information absorption that indicates the approximate proportion of the information content in a revised forecast that is attributable to information made available since the last forecast release is also proposed. 相似文献
We consider a Bayesian model averaging approach for the purpose of forecasting Swedish consumer price index inflation using a large set of potential indicators, comprising some 80 quarterly time series covering a wide spectrum of Swedish economic activity. The paper demonstrates how to efficiently and systematically evaluate (almost) all possible models that these indicators in combination can give rise to. The results, in terms of out‐of‐sample performance, suggest that Bayesian model averaging is a useful alternative to other forecasting procedures, in particular recognizing the flexibility by which new information can be incorporated. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
This paper uses monthly survey data for the G7 countries for the time period 1989–2007 to explore the link between expectations on nominal wages, prices and unemployment rates as suggested by the wage and price Phillips curves. Four major findings stand out. First, we find that survey participants trust in both types of Phillips curve relationships. Second, we find evidence in favor of nonlinearities in the price Phillips curve. Third, we take into account a kink in the price Phillips curve to indicate that the slope of the Phillips curve differs during the business cycle. We find strong evidence of this feature in the data which confirms recent theoretical discussions. Fourth, we employ our data to the expectations‐augmented Phillips curve model. The results suggest that professional forecasters adopt this model when forecasting macroeconomic variables. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
The track record of a 20‐year history of density forecasts of state tax revenue in Iowa is studied, and potential improvements sought through a search for better‐performing ‘priors’ similar to that conducted three decades ago for point forecasts by Doan, Litterman and Sims (Econometric Reviews, 1984). Comparisons of the point and density forecasts produced under the flat prior are made to those produced by the traditional (mixed estimation) ‘Bayesian VAR’ methods of Doan, Litterman and Sims, as well as to fully Bayesian ‘Minnesota Prior’ forecasts. The actual record and, to a somewhat lesser extent, the record of the alternative procedures studied in pseudo‐real‐time forecasting experiments, share a characteristic: subsequently realized revenues are in the lower tails of the predicted distributions ‘too often’. An alternative empirically based prior is found by working directly on the probability distribution for the vector autoregression parameters—the goal being to discover a better‐performing entropically tilted prior that minimizes out‐of‐sample mean squared error subject to a Kullback–Leibler divergence constraint that the new prior not differ ‘too much’ from the original. We also study the closely related topic of robust prediction appropriate for situations of ambiguity. Robust ‘priors’ are competitive in out‐of‐sample forecasting; despite the freedom afforded the entropically tilted prior, it does not perform better than the simple alternatives. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
This paper undertakes a comprehensive examination of 10 measures of core inflation and evaluates which measure produces the best forecast of headline inflation out‐of‐sample. We use the Personal Consumption Expenditure Price Index as our measure of inflation. We use two sets of components (17 and 50) of the Personal Consumption Expenditure Price Index to construct these core inflation measures and evaluate these measures at the three time horizons (6, 12 and 24 months) most relevant for monetary policy decisions. The best measure of core inflation for both sets of components and over all time horizons uses weights based on the first principal component of the disaggregated (component‐level) prices. Interestingly, the results vary by the number of components used; when more components are used the weights based on the persistence of each component is statistically equivalent to the weights generated by the first principal component. However, those forecasts using the persistence of 50 components are statistically worse than those generated using the first principal component of 17 components. The statistical superiority of the principal component method is due to the fact that it extracts (in the first principal component) the common source of variation in the component level prices that accurately describes trend inflation over the next 6–24 months. 相似文献
We develop a small model for forecasting inflation for the euro area using quarterly data over the period June 1973 to March 1999. The model is used to provide inflation forecasts from June 1999 to March 2002. We compare the forecasts from our model with those derived from six competing forecasting models, including autoregressions, vector autoregressions and Phillips‐curve based models. A considerable gain in forecasting performance is demonstrated using a relative root mean squared error criterion and the Diebold–Mariano test to make forecast comparisons. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
The Informational Content of the Term Spread in Forecasting the US Inflation Rate: A Nonlinear Approach

Vasilios Plakandaras Periklis Gogas Theophilos Papadimitriou Rangan Gupta 《Journal of forecasting》2017,36(2):109-121
The difficulty in modelling inflation and the significance in discovering the underlying data‐generating process of inflation is expressed in an extensive literature regarding inflation forecasting. In this paper we evaluate nonlinear machine learning and econometric methodologies in forecasting US inflation based on autoregressive and structural models of the term structure. We employ two nonlinear methodologies: the econometric least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) and the machine‐learning support vector regression (SVR) method. The SVR has never been used before in inflation forecasting considering the term spread as a regressor. In doing so, we use a long monthly dataset spanning the period 1871:1–2015:3 that covers the entire history of inflation in the US economy. For comparison purposes we also use ordinary least squares regression models as a benchmark. In order to evaluate the contribution of the term spread in inflation forecasting in different time periods, we measure the out‐of‐sample forecasting performance of all models using rolling window regressions. Considering various forecasting horizons, the empirical evidence suggests that the structural models do not outperform the autoregressive ones, regardless of the model's method. Thus we conclude that the term spread models are not more accurate than autoregressive models in inflation forecasting. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
S. Mahdi Barakchian 《Journal of forecasting》2013,32(7):639-653
This paper is a counterfactual analysis investigating the consequences of the formation of a currency union for Canada and the USA: whether outputs increase and prices decrease if these countries form a currency union. We use a two‐country cointegrated model to conduct the counterfactual analysis, where the conditional forecasts are generated based on the Gaussian assumption. To deal with structural breaks and model uncertainty, conditional forecasts are generated from different models/estimation windows and the model‐averaging technique is used to combine the forecasts. We also examine the robustness of our results to parameter uncertainty using the wild bootstrap method. The results show that forming the currency union would probably boost the Canadian economy, whereas it would not have significant effects on US output or Canadian and US price levels. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
We introduce a versatile and robust model that may help policymakers, bond portfolio managers and financial institutions to gain insight into the future shape of the yield curve. The Burg model forecasts a 20‐day yield curve, which fits a pth‐order autoregressive (AR) model to the input signal by minimizing (least squares) the forward and backward prediction errors while constraining the autoregressive parameters to satisfy the Levinson–Durbin recursion. Then, it uses an infinite impulse response prediction error filter. Results are striking when the Burg model is compared to the Diebold and Li model: the model not only significantly improves accuracy, but also its forecast yield curves stick to the shape of observed yield curves, whether normal, humped, flat or inverted. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Patricia Toledo;Roberto Duncan; 《Journal of forecasting》2024,43(4):1087-1113
In this paper, we consider the forecasting of domestic food price inflation (DFPI) using global indicators, with emphasis on episodes of macroeconomic turbulence, namely, the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) and the COVID-19 pandemic and its subsequent repercussions. Our monthly dataset covers about two decades for more than a hundred economies. We employ dynamic model averaging (DMA) to tackle both model uncertainty and parameter instability and produce pseudo out-of-sample forecasts. Thus, we are able to focus on the forecasting ability of the global predictors of DFPI before and during the global crises. We find evidence that the DMA specification tends to outperform statistical models frequently used in the literature such as random walks, autoregressive models, and time-varying parameter models, especially during global crises. We also identify the most successful predictors during the crises using their posterior probabilities of inclusion. By comparing the distributions of such probabilities, we find that the international food price inflation is the most useful predictor of DFPI for numerous countries during both crises. Other indicators such as domestic CPI inflation as well as the international inflation of agricultural commodities, fertilizers, and other food categories improved their forecasting ability, particularly during the COVID-19 period. 相似文献
Youngjin Hwang 《Journal of forecasting》2017,36(5):581-596
The specification choices of vector autoregressions (VARs) in forecasting are often not straightforward, as they are complicated by various factors. To deal with model uncertainty and better utilize multiple VARs, this paper adopts the dynamic model averaging/selection (DMA/DMS) algorithm, in which forecasting models are updated and switch over time in a Bayesian manner. In an empirical application to a pool of Bayesian VAR (BVAR) models whose specifications include level and difference, along with differing lag lengths, we demonstrate that specification‐switching VARs are flexible and powerful forecast tools that yield good performance. In particular, they beat the overall best BVAR in most cases and are comparable to or better than the individual best models (for each combination of variable, forecast horizon, and evaluation metrics) for medium‐ and long‐horizon forecasts. We also examine several extensions in which forecast model pools consist of additional individual models in partial differences as well as all level/difference models, and/or time variations in VAR innovations are allowed, and discuss the potential advantages and disadvantages of such specification choices. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Paolo Fornaro 《Journal of forecasting》2016,35(6):477-492
In this paper, I use a large set of macroeconomic and financial predictors to forecast US recession periods. I adopt Bayesian methodology with shrinkage in the parameters of the probit model for the binary time series tracking the state of the economy. The in‐sample and out‐of‐sample results show that utilizing a large cross‐section of indicators yields superior US recession forecasts in comparison to a number of parsimonious benchmark models. Moreover, the data‐rich probit model gives similar accuracy to the factor‐based model for the 1‐month‐ahead forecasts, while it provides superior performance for 1‐year‐ahead predictions. Finally, in a pseudo‐real‐time application for the Great Recession, I find that the large probit model with shrinkage is able to pick up the recession signals in a timely fashion and does well in comparison to the more parsimonious specification and to nonparametric alternatives. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
The paper proposes a simulation‐based approach to multistep probabilistic forecasting, applied for predicting the probability and duration of negative inflation. The essence of this approach is in counting runs simulated from a multivariate distribution representing the probabilistic forecasts, which enters the negative inflation regime. The marginal distributions of forecasts are estimated using the series of past forecast errors, and the joint distribution is obtained by a multivariate copula approach. This technique is applied for estimating the probability of negative inflation in China and its expected duration, with the marginal distributions computed by fitting weighted skew‐normal and two‐piece normal distributions to autoregressive moving average ex post forecast errors and using the multivariate Student t copula. 相似文献