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采用光电子能谱和Si核磁共振及化学分析方法研究了五种不同分子筛钠型和钾型的化学组成.结果发现,分子筛的表面Al/(Si Al)比和骨架Al/(Si Al)比与其体相Al/(Si Al)比具有一致性,其电子结构与其组成及阳离子有关.分子筛表面晶格氧碱强度与其铝含量成正比,与阳离子的电负性成反比.  相似文献   

高硅MCM-41分别在干燥的空气中于800℃条件下和在水蒸汽饱和的空气中于600℃条件下焙烧不同的时间。用XRD和环己烷吸附等温线,IR,^29SiMAS NMR表征了它们的性质。结果表明,经高温焙烧后的MCM-41,结构更加稳定;水热处理在不同程度上破坏了样品的结构;但未经热处理的样品,结构破坏程度很大。热处理和水热处理对样品的孔径影响不大。  相似文献   

求非线性演化方程精确解的新方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对文献[10]中所提出的试探函数法进行改进,提出了一种求非线性演化方程精确解的新方法,并用该方法求得了几个非线性演化方程的许多显式精确解。该方法也可用于求解其它非线性演化方程。  相似文献   

采用光电子能谱和Si核磁共振及化学分析方法研究了五种不同分子筛钠型和钾型的化学组成.结果发现,分子筛的表面Al/(Si+Al)比和骨架Al/(Si+Al)比与其体相Al/(Si+Al)比具有一致性,其电子结构与其组成及阳离子有关.分子筛表面晶格氧碱强度与其铝含量成正比,与阳离子的电负性成反比.  相似文献   

The cooling curves are obtained using specific40Ar/39Ar stage heating procedure and MDD modeling. In addition to the results of dating hornblende (K-Ar) and apatite (FT), the widespread existence of rapid cooling events has further been confirmed. A new knowledge of the starting time of Gangdese overthrust faulting in the east of Zedang, which was earlier in south and later in north is acquired.  相似文献   

So far, many important questions and problems concerning the structure and mechanism of photosynthetic oxygen evolution are still unsolved. On the basis of recent achievements in this field, a new structure model is proposed whereby two H2O molecules bind asymmetrically to two manganese ions (Mn1Ⅱ and Mn4Ⅲ) at the open end of "C" shaped cluster and keep rather large distance. Two histidine residues coordinate to the other two manganese ions in higher oxidation state (Mn2Ⅳ and Mn3Ⅳ ) through their nitrogen atoms of the imidazole. Cl bound as terminal ligand to Mn4Ⅲl is connected to Ca, and the latter is needed to maintain the special configuration of two Mn2O2 units by bridged-oxo and bridged-carboxylate ligands. The whole structure of oxygen evolution center is asymmetry. A new mechanism for oxygen evolution invokes predictions of asymmetric oxidation of two H2O molecules, dynamic structural changes of oxygen e-volving center and indirect proton transport, etc. Only in S2 state, could Mn1Ⅳ = O. intermediate with high oxidation potential be formed. The S2→S3 process occurs with significant structural changes, as well as intramolecular and intermolecular hydrogen transfer. The S3 state corresponds to intermediate of Mn1Ⅳ-O… H… O-Mn4Ⅳ . During S3→ [S4] →S0, the O-O bond is formed only in S4 state. The change of nucleophilic interaction between Cl and manganese ions different oxidation states has consequence for the significant structural changes in H2O oxidation process.  相似文献   

张双楼矿区构造特征及其演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解张双楼矿区构造发育情况,根据钻孔资料及井下揭露的构造特征,分析该矿区构造及演化特征。结果表明:张双楼矿区为一倾向NNW、走向略有变化的单斜构造,地层倾角一般在18°~25°;褶皱主要为冯家向斜和后周田背斜;断层以张性断层为主,压性断层较少;浆岩活动发生在燕山晚期,以基性岩为主。矿区先后经历了NW—SE向挤压、SN向拉张、EW向拉张三期应力场的演化,构造特征为多期次构造运动的叠加。该研究可为煤矿深度开采提供依据。  相似文献   

Adularia sample was collected from epithermal Au-, Ag-bearing quartz-adularia veins from Hishikari, Japan. This adularia is rich in K, Or=94.63, clear, transparent, fine-grained and closely associated with quartz. In this study, it was determined by XRD, IR and29Si,27Al MAS NMR methods. The adularia studied is of high sanidine with triclinic domains in it. The occupancy of Al 2t1=0.60, IR ordering θ=0.15.29Si NMR spectrum of this adularia shows a broad triplet peak, i.e. 3 poorly separated peaks at −94.9, −96.7, −99.9. This kind29Si NMR spectrum for natural high sanidine has never been reported before. And the27Al NMR spectrum gives an asymmetry peak with chemical shift at 58.7 extending slightly to the low frequency. Under a violent boiling environment, Hishikari adularia rapidly crystallized from a supersaturated solution.  相似文献   

By means of Py-GC,13c NMR and fluorescent analysis, the properties of hydrocarbon generation of rnacerals are determined, and the evolution model of hydrocarbon generation is established for macerals and coal of the Tuha Basin. There are two stages of oil generation for the coal of the Tuha Basin, whose values are 0.40 %–0.80 % and 0.90 %–1.20 % respectively.  相似文献   

研究了500℃高温条件下注氢对V-4Cr、V-4Ti和V-4Cr-4Ti三种合金微观结构的影响。在注氢实验之前,V-4Cr合金的基体清晰干净,而V-4Ti和V-4Cr-4Ti两种合金的基体中则出现很多相互平行和垂直的针状析出相,且大部分析出相周围都存在着位错。在500℃注氢实验之后,V-4Cr合金基体中出现大量的分布不均的黑色点状缺陷和缺陷簇,而V-4Ti和V-4Cr-4Ti两种合金的基体中除产生点状缺陷外,还出现高密度的气泡,且V-4Cr-4Ti合金中气泡的平均尺寸要稍小一些。另外,V-4Ti和V-4Cr-4Ti合金基体中原有的析出相在注氢实验之后都发生不同程度的溶解。在观察V-4Cr-4Ti合金基体中气泡分布规律时发现,在距离晶界25 nm的范围内几乎看不到气泡的存在,由此推断晶界的存在可以抑制氢气泡等辐照缺陷的产生。  相似文献   

李慧  邵荃 《科学技术与工程》2023,23(23):10147-10151
为更好地应对航班延误引发的群体性事件,以机场、旅客、航空公司为群体性事件的博弈主体,明确各个主体在群体性事件中的策略选择,分析其对于群体性事件的影响机理。并基于演化博弈理论,利用复制动态方程,构建三方两两博弈演化模型,采用三个两方博弈模型对航班延误的旅客群体性事件进行分析。在航空公司与旅客、机场与旅客两个博弈模型中,多数情况下,博弈双方在多次博弈后会调整各自的策略,形成一个循环的闭合博弈圈。在机场与航空公司的博弈模型分析中,引入了契约下的核战略的囚徒困境,并得出结论:博弈双方会同时积极应对旅客群体性事件。  相似文献   

Brain evolution is one of the most important aspects of human evolution,usually studied through endocasts.Analysis of fossil hominid endocasts allows inferences on functional anatomy,physiology,and phylogeny.In this paper,we describe the general features of endocast studies and review some of the major topics in paleoneurology.These are:absolute and relative brain size evolution;brain shape variation;brain asymmetry and lateralization;middle meningeal vessels and venous sinuses;application of computed tomography and virtual imaging;the history of Chinese brain endocast studies.In particular,this review emphasizes endocast studies on Chinese hominin fossils.  相似文献   

利用Lyapunov范数给出了Banach空间中发展算子的一致指数稳定性的新的Datko型标准,所得结果推广了指数稳定性理论中的已有结果.  相似文献   

非常规突发事件的演化分析需以对其所处客观事物系统的有效认知为基础.借鉴本体论思想,从非常规突发事件所处客观事物系统本原的角度出发构建其知识元模型,全面揭示其个体要素运动行为及其综合联系机理与规律;基于知识元属性间关系的显性及隐性描述,构建其知识元网络模型;通过知识元网络的推理,实现为非常规突发事件的演化分析提供跨领域、跨学科、相对微观的、综合的知识支持.算例分析证明了该模型的有效性.  相似文献   

针对产品风格进化现象与创新设计问题,提出了产品风格历时性与共时性进化模型.在该模型基础上,结合生物遗传学理论定义产品风格基因.以典型汽车产品风格为例,在引入造型参数化表征前提下,运用主成分分析进行参数规约,并利用形状文法实现风格基因表达.然后,建立基于遗传算法的生成设计机制,该机制采用正交分析的策略来精简初始种群规模,通过适应度函数实现方案收敛.最后,开发出面向汽车产品的风格生成设计系统,并验证其有效性和实用性.风格进化规律、风格基因建模方法及创新设计技术对于动漫设计、平面设计、服装设计等领域研究也具有指导或借鉴作用.  相似文献   

本文借助于偏微分方程的一些标准技巧对方程的非线性项进行估计,利用嵌入定理和算子半群的方法得到一类四阶非线性发展方程整体解和吸引子的存在唯一性.  相似文献   

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