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Internal solitons in the northern South China Sea from insitu observations   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper, we demonstrate the characteristics of strong internal solitons at the southern edge of Dongsha Islands in the northern South China Sea (SCS) during May-June 1998, using in situ time series data from the conductivity temperature depth (CTD), acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) and thermistor chain. Our measurements indicated that the strongest internal solitons were larger than 90 m in wave amplitude, and propagated approximately westward in traveling direction, with the maximum current speed of about 2 m/s and the period of 10-20 min. The strongest internal solitons occurred noticeably during May 14- 16, 1998, which is consistent with the occurrence period of the diurnal-dominated spring internal tides.  相似文献   

Mooring ADCP current observations from August to November are used to study the barotropic tides, baroclinic tides and near-inertial motions in the upper 450 m layer of the northern South China Sea. The barotropic and baroclinic tides at the mooring station are all dominated by M2, K1, O1, P1, with the barotropic amplitudes being 7.8 cm·s^-1, 7.0 cm·s^-1, 5.4 cm·s^-1 and 3.5 cm·s^-1 respectively. The amplitudes of M2, K1, O1, P1 internal tides vary greatly, which are 12--15 cm·s^-1 in the thermocline, and then decrease with increasing depth. The amplitude of the barootropic near-inertial motions is less than 1 cm·s^-1, contributing little to the barotropic currents. However, that of the baroclinic nearinertial motions can be as large as 5 cm·s^-1. The inclination of tidal ellipse tends to increase with increasing depth, implying upward propagation of energy, while that of the near-inertial ellipse tends to decrease with increasing depth, implying downward propagation of energy.  相似文献   

Heat flow plays an important role in the study of thermal structure and thermal evolution of continental margin of the northern South China Sea. The analysis of heat flow value shows that margin heat flow in the northern South China Sea is relatively high setting, but the percentage of crustal heat flow is lower than 35% in terrestrial heat flow. The terrestrial heat flow exhibited a current of rise from the Northern Continental Margin to the Southern Central Basin. However, the proportion of crustal heat flow in terrestrial heat flow slowly dropped down in the same direction. It is suggested that the main factor causing high heat flow setting is the moving up of hot material from asthenosphere.  相似文献   

Thermal structures of three deep seismic profiles in the continental margin in the northern South China Sea are calculated, their "thermal" lithospheric thicknesses are evaluated based on the basalt dry solidus, and their rheological structures are evaluated with linear frictional failure criterion and power-law creep equation. "Thermal" lithosphere is about 90 km in thickness in shelf area, and thins toward the slope, lowers to 60-65 km in the lower slope, ocean crust and Xisha Trough. In the mid-west of the studied area, the lithospheric rheological structure in shelf area and Xisha Islands is of four layers: brittle, ductile, brittle and ductile. Because of uprising of heat mantle and thinning of crust and lithosphere in Xisha Trough, the bottom of the upper brittle layer is only buried at 16 km. In the eastern area, the bottom of the upper brittle layer in the north is buried at 20 km or so, while in lower slope and ocean crust, the rheological structure is of two layers of brittle and ductile, and crust and uppermost mantle form one whole brittle layer whose bottom is buried at 30-32 km. Analyses show that the characteristics of rheological structure accord with the seismic result observed. The character of rheological stratification implies that before the extension of the continent margin, there likely was a ductile layer in mid-lower crust. The influence of the existence of ductile layer to the evolution of the continent margin and the different extensions of ductile layer and brittle layer should not be overlooked. Its thickness, depth and extent in influencing continent margin's extension and evolution should be well evaluated in building a dynamic model for the area.  相似文献   

The geotectonic evolution of the northern South China Sea (SCS) is controlled by the Eurasian, the Pa-cific and the Indian-Australian Plates. With regard to its tectonic evolution, the northern margin composed of faulted terraces and basins and deposited …  相似文献   

Upper pycnocline turbulence in the northern South China Sea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The first regional mapping of the averaged turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate <εp> in the upper pycnocline of the northern South China Sea is presented and discussed.At φ=20°N and to the north of this latitude,<εp> appears to be more than two times larger than that to the south of 20°N.It is suggested that this asymmetry is associated with the predominant northwestward propagation and dissipation of the internal waves originated in the Luzon Strait area.An approximately linear relationship between <εp> and the available potential energy of the waves P IW,suggests a characteristic time of the P IW dissipation of about 6 h.  相似文献   

The winter counter-wind current (also named the South China Sea Warm Current (SCSWC)) in the northern South China Sea (SCS) has been known well for decades, but its mass and momentum origination have not be quantitatively evaluated before. In this paper, the high resolution three-dimensional ocean circulation model is adopted to reproduce the circulation in the northern SCS. The diagnostic analyses are performed to investigate the momentum budget in the northern SCS continental shelf/slope and the momentum propulsion of the SCSWC. It is indicated that the across-shelf pressure gradient and the across-shelf transport are responsible for the formation of the SCSWC, while the along-shelf pressure gradient is balanced by the surface stress, bottom stress, and Coriolis force. The magnitude of the terms in the along-shelf momentum equation is smaller than that in the across-shelf one. The analysis on the momentum budget in the northem SCS will benefit the marine environmental prediction in the future.  相似文献   

Although the huge potential of the northern South China Sea deepwater basins has been proven by a series of discoveries that followed the exploration breakthrough of well LW 3-1-1, recent drilling and other studies have demonstrated the uniqueness and complicated nature of hydrocarbon accumulations of the deepwater basins there. Based on a review of previous work and the latest exploration activities and studies, the purpose of this paper is to discuss the critical controls for hydrocarbon accumulations in the deepwater basins of the northern South China Sea. A terrestrial-marine transitional coal-bearing source rock is proposed to be the primary source rock for the deepwater basins. A marine source rock, which was first identified as contributing to hydro-carbon generation in this region, probably plays a significant role in the deep-and ultra-deep water basins south to the Pearl River Mouth and Qingdongnan basins. The shelf margin delta depositional systems in the Baiyun Sag, sourced from the Pearl River, are currently primary exploration targets in the deepwater part of the Pearl River Mouth Basin, whereas the western Red River delta-ic-submarine fan depositional systems, initially proven by drilling, are the possible major exploration reservoirs in the Qing-dongnan deepwater areas. Current deepwater exploration targets at the large-sized structural traps and deep and ultra-deep areas in the south of the Pearl River Mouth and Qingdongnan basins will be the future exploration focus. Deepwater exploration activities and relevant fundamental studies, supporting and promoting each other, are of great importance to the national energy supply of China, the basic regional studies of the South China Sea, advancements in technology, and development of related deepwater industries, and will safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity.  相似文献   

南海东沙群岛南侧海域的潮余流特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为分析南海东沙群岛南侧海域次表层潮余流特征,基于布放在该海区的锚碇潜标海流资料,利用T-TIDE调和函数和低通滤波等方法,实现潮流调和常数的提取和余流的分离。该海区次表层潮流分潮K1,Msm,O1,M2和Ssa为主要分潮,各分潮东分量振幅大于北分量振幅。研究表明:潮流东西向运动强于南北向;各分潮振幅随深度变化不一致,造成潮流类型在不同深度上有所变化;二月平均余流出现相对异常现象,流速相对较大,可达83.65cm/s。次表层月平均余流变化与南海季风的盛衰有较好的对应关系,季风对该海区影响可达次表层深度。结合相应的温盐数据和高度计资料发现,余流异常与经过该海区的反气旋涡有关,涡旋改变了该海区原有的水体结构。  相似文献   

Quantitative analysis of benthic foraminifera from ODP Site 1146 in the northern South China Sea (SCS) shows that abundance of Bulimina alazanensis, sometimes up to about 90%, decreased gradually since 3.2 Ma, especially at 2.1 Ma. Abundance of other benthic foraminiferal species, Globobulimina sub-globosa and Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi, increased after 2.1 Ma. Comparison with changes in oxygen and carbon isotopes of planktonic and benthic foraminifera shows that high abundance values of B. alazanensis corresponded with lower values of oxygen isotope, but for carbon isotope, high values of the species were consistent with heavier carbon isotope of benthic foraminifera and lighter carbon isotope of planktonic foraminifera, respectively, and vice versa. Considering factors such as uplift of Bashi Strait, expansion of the North Hemisphere Glaciation, strengthening of East Asian winter mon-soon and variations in oxygen and carbon isotope of foraminifera, changes of B. alazanensis in ODP Site 1146 suggest that the source of deep water masses of the northern South China Sea changed from the warm Pacific deep water with high oxygen content to Pacific Intermediate water with low oxygen content at 2.1 Ma. In addition, the strengthened East Asian winter monsoon resulted in increased pri-mary productivity, high nutrient and suboxic bottom water. Variations in species of B. alazanensis seemed to be unable to tolerate environmental stress induced by deep water masses and productivity changes.  相似文献   

南海表面海温异常对南海季风影响的数值模拟   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用P-σ混合坐标系区域气候模式模拟了4-7月南海季风的爆发、演变过程,并进行了3组敏感性数值试验,研究南海表面海温异常对南海季风的影响,得到以下结论:(1)南海4月份海温异常对南海季风的爆发日期影响不大,但对季风爆发后的强度有所影响,异常增温造成南海季风增强,异常降温则南海季风减弱。(2)南海季风爆发和强度的变化与南海本身的海温变化情况有密切的关系,尤其是5月份南海海温异常。5月份南海异常增温可以使南海季风提前爆发,季风增强,南海海温异常降低时,南海季风爆发的时间推迟,季风减弱。(3)南海海温持续异常可以影响南海及中国大陆的高低空环流变化,海温持续异常增温可以使南海季风提前爆发,显地加强南海季风,并有利于南海季风向北推进,但当海温在6月份进一步持续增温时,则有利于季风维持在较南地区,阻碍季风向北发展;当海温持续异常降低时,南海季风推迟爆发,且明显减弱。  相似文献   

In this study, we analyzed stable calcium isotope results of authigenic carbonates from two cold seep areas of the Dongsha area and the Baiyun Sag in the northern South China Sea. The stable isotopes of carbon and oxygen as well as the mineral composition of authigenic carbonates were used to investigate control calcium isotope fractionation. The δ44/40Ca ratios of the southwestern Dongsha area samples ranged from 1.21‰ to 1.52‰ and the ratio of the Baiyun Sag sample was 1.55‰ of the SRM915a isotope standard. X-ray diffraction analysis showed that the carbonate samples consisted of dolomite, calcite and aragonite, with small amounts of high-Mg calcite and siderite. The δ13C values of the carbonates of the southwestern Dongsha area varied between δ49.21‰ and δ16.86‰ of the Vienna PeeDee Belemnite (VPDB) standard and the δ18O values ranged from 2.25‰ to 3.72‰ VPDB. The δ13C value of the Baiyun Sag sample was 2.36‰ VPDB and the δ18O value was 0.44‰ VPDB. The δ13C values of the carbonates of the southwestern Dongsha area revealed there is methane seeping into this area, with a variable contribution of methane-derived carbon. The sampled carbonates covered a range of δ13C values suggesting a dominant methane carbon source for the light samples and mixtures of δ13C values for the heavier samples, with possibly an organic or seawater carbon source. The δ18O values indicated that there is enrichment in 18O, which is related to the larger oxygen isotope fractionation in dolomite compared to calcite. The results of the Baiyun Sag sample exhibited normal seawater carbon and oxygen isotopic values, indicating that this sample is not related to methane seepage but instead to precipitation from seawater. The relatively high δ44/40Ca values indicated either precipitation at comparatively high rates in pore-water regimes with high alkalinity, or precipitation from an evolved heavy fluid with high degrees of Ca consumption (Raleigh type fractionation). The dolomite samples from the Dongsha area revealed a clear correlation between the carbon and calcium isotope composition, indicating a link between the amount and/or rate of carbonate precipitation and methane contribution to the bicarbonate source. The results of the three stable isotope systems, mineralogy and petrography, show that mineral composition, the geochemical environment of authigenic carbonates and carbon source can control the calcium isotope fractionation.  相似文献   

The South China Sea (SCS) is one of the largest marginal seas in the western Pacific. Its northern part has the features of a passive continental margin. The studies of deep crustal structure in this area are very important for understanding the tectonic nature, evolution history, basin formation of the northern margin, and the origin of the SCS. In the past decades, the deep seismic experiments of crustal studies in the northern SCS have gone through three stages, namely the sonobuoy, two-ship Expanding Spread Profile (ESP), and Ocean Bottom Hydrophone/Seismometer (OBH/OBS). Along the continental slope, the sonobuoy experiments provided useful information about the velocity structure of the upper crust, while the ESP data recorded for the first time the seismic signals from deep crustal structure and Moho interface. And the OBH/OBS profiles revealed the crustal structure in much greater detail. This paper first gives a brief historical review of these deep seismic experiments and studies, then a summary of the latest progress and important research results. The remaining problems and suggestions for further research work are presented as conclusive remarks.  相似文献   

This paper discusses deep crustal architecture of the Baiyun Sag of the Pearl River Mouth Basin, northern South China Sea based on velocity analysis, time-depth conversion and seismic interpretation of the deep seismic reflection profile DSRP-2002. The profile was acquired and processed to 14 S TWT by the China National Offshore Oil Corp. (CNOOC) in 2002. It extends across the Baiyun Sag of the Pearl River Mouth Basin, from the northern continental shelf of the SCS to the deepwater province. As the first deep seismic reflection profile in the Pearl River Mouth Basin, this profile reveals seismic phases from basement down to upper most mantle. The Moho surface appears in the profile as an undulating layer of varying thickness of 1-3 km. It is not a single reflector interface, but a velocity gradient or interconversion layer. The crust thins stepwisely from the shelf to the continental slope and the abyssal plain (from north to south), and also thins under depocenters. The crustal thickness is only 7 km in the depocenter of the main Baiyun Sag, which corresponds to a Moho upwelling mirroring the basement topography. In the lower slope and the ocean-continental transition zone of the southernmost portion of the profile, three sub-parallel, NW-dipping strong reflectors found at depths around 10--21 km are interpreted as indications of a subducted Mesozoic oceanic crust. Crustal faults exist in the northern and southern boundaries of the Baiyun Sag. The intense and persistent subsidence of the Baiyun Sag might be related to the long-term activity of the crustal faults.  相似文献   

A quantitative study was undertaken on diatoms from cores (SA08-34) obtained from the southwestern continental slope of the South China Sea (SCS). A total of 165 diatom species belonging to 45 genera were identified. We constructed a stratigraphic subdivision and correlation according to the characteristics of diatom assemblages together with 14C dating and carbonate analysis. We also discuss the sedimentary environment in the sea area since the last glacial times. The research shows that the diatom assemblages coincide with interglacial and glacial times, and changes in diatom abundance reflect the instability of the climate in the southern part of the SCS, such that short-term, temperature descending events correlate with the interglacial interval. The abundance of diatoms is relevant to interglacial and glacial times, since high abundance values were associated with an interglacial interval, and low abundance values with the last glacial maximum. We assume that strong upwelling developed in the interglacial interval, the development of which was influenced by variations of monsoons in the East Asian region.  相似文献   

The low-velocity layer (LVL), closely related with tectonic activities and dynamic settings, has always been a hot topic in the deep crustal structure studies. The deep seismic (OBS/OBH) and onshore-offshore experiments have been extensively implemented in the northern South China Sea (SCS) since the 1990s. Six seismic profiles were finished on the northern margin of SCS by domestic and international cooperations. The features of crustal structures were revealed and five velocity-inversion layers were discovered. Among them three LVLs with 3.0—3.5 km?s-1 velocity are located in the sedimentary structure (2.0—6.0 km in depth and 2.0—4.6 km in thickness) of the Yinggehai Basin and Pearl River Mouth Basin. They were identified by the reflective and refractive phases for their shallow depth. The other two LVLs with 5.5—6.0 km?s-1 velocity generally existed in the middle crust (7.0—18.0 km in depth) with an about 2.5—6.0 km thickness in the transitional crustal structure of the northeastern and northwestern SCS. They were detected by the refractive phase from their overlain and underlying layers. We explored the possible tectonic formation mechanisms combining with previously reported results, which provided evidence for the formation and evolution of SCS.  相似文献   

The low-velocity layer (LVL), closely related with tectonic activities and dynamic settings, has always been a hot topic in the deep crustal structure studies. The deep seismic (OBS/OBH) and onshore-offshore experiments have been extensively implemented in the northern South China Sea (SCS) since the 1990s. Six seismic profiles were finished on the northern margin of SCS by domestic and international cooperations. The features of crustal structures were revealed and five velocity-inversion layers were discovered. Among them three LVLs with 3.0—3. 5 km·s-1 velocity are located in the sedimentary structure (2.0—6.0 km in depth and 2.0—4. 6 km in thickness) of the Yinggehai Basin and Pearl River Mouth Basin. They were identified by the reflective and refractive phases for their shallow depth. The other two LVLs with 5.5—6.0 km·s-1 velocity generally existed in the middle crust (7.0—18.0 km in depth) with an about 2.5—6.0 km thickness in the transitional crustal structure of the northeastern and northwestern SCS. They were detected by the refractive phase from their overlain and underlying layers. We explored the possible tectonic formation mechanisms combining with previously reported results, which provided evidence for the formation and evolution of SCS.  相似文献   

为了详细地认识南海岛礁潮汐特征,基于大洋潮汐模式NAO.99b的全球8个分潮(M_2、S_2、N_2、K_2、K_1、O_1、P_1、Q_1)调和常数资料建立南海潮汐计算模型。利用该模型计算南海主要岛礁2010年逐分钟的潮位,得出了这些岛礁的最大潮差、平均潮差、平均高潮间隙和潮汐特征系数。结果表明:南海岛礁绝大部分为不正规日潮型,潮汐特征系数在2.98~4.34;在半个月中,有连续六七天为每日2个高低潮。平均高潮间隙整体从南海东北部往西南部逐渐增大,范围为8.32~11.63h,曾母暗沙为1.57h;平均潮差和最大潮差从南海东北部向西南部逐渐增大,平均潮差变化范围为65~92cm,最大潮差变化范围144~200cm。  相似文献   

This paper reports high-resolution biomarker records of the last 260 ka for core MD05-2904 from the northern South China Sea (SCS). The sea surface temperature (SST) record using the U37^k', index reveals a minimum of 21.5℃(MIS 2) and a maximum of 28.3℃(MIS 5.5), for a temperature difference of almost 7℃, and provides the longest high-resolution U37^k' SST record in northern SCS. The content of odd-number long chain n-alkanes and several n-alkanes indexes such as the CPI, ACL and the C31/C27 ratio, all reveal generally higher values during the glacials and lower values during the interglaclals. Terrestrial input as Indicated by n-alkane content was mostly controlled by sea-level changes: During the glacials, lower sea-level exposed the continental shelf to enable rivers to transport more terrestrial materials to the slope; and the situation reverses during the interglacials. The n-alkane indexes changes reveal more n-alkanes from contemporary vegetation during glacials as a result of the proximity of the core site to the source region, while the increases in ACL and C81/C27 ratio during glaclals indicate a change to more grassy vegetation. However, the highest values for CPI, ACL and the C81/C27 ratio all occurred during late MIS 3, and it was suggested that this period was characterized by a strong summer monsoon-dominated humid climate which resulted in a denser vegetation for the exposed continental shelf region.  相似文献   

利用美国NCEP1958-1998年高斯网格月平均再分析资料,分析了南海地区(0°-20°N,100°-125°E)对流活动(OLR)的时空变化,结果表明:南海地区对流活动具有明显的季节转换特征,南海地区对流活动主要呈一致性的分布形势,且具有多时间尺度的变化特征,不同时间尺度的振动,其周期显著性和强度存在明显的年际差异。  相似文献   

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