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Transposon-dependent mutant phenotypes at the Notch locus of Drosophila   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
S Kidd  M W Young 《Nature》1986,323(6083):89-91
Many mutations at complex genetic loci in the fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster are associated with insertions of transposable elements. At the Notch locus, members of one class of insertion-associated mutations, termed glossy-like, produce a recessive viable, smooth-eye phenotype with mottled pigmentation. Members of a second class, facet, produce a recessive viable, rough-eye phenotype with homogeneous pigmentation. Both classes of mutations fail to complement Notch lethal mutations, so they behave as Notch alleles. Here we report that each glossy-like mutation is associated with an insertion of the same transposable element (flea). Each flea insertion occurs in the same orientation, but at different locations within intervening sequences of the Notch locus. In contrast, each facet mutation is associated with insertion of a unique, non-flea, transposable element. Insertions producing a facet phenotype and insertions causing a glossy-like phenotype can break Notch intervening sequences at precisely the same location. This suggests that the type of insertion element rather than its position within an affected gene is the primary determinant of the phenotype observed.  相似文献   

Adaptive protein evolution at the Adh locus in Drosophila   总被引:75,自引:0,他引:75  
J H McDonald  M Kreitman 《Nature》1991,351(6328):652-654
Proteins often differ in amino-acid sequence across species. This difference has evolved by the accumulation of neutral mutations by random drift, the fixation of adaptive mutations by selection, or a mixture of the two. Here we propose a simple statistical test of the neutral protein evolution hypothesis based on a comparison of the number of amino-acid replacement substitutions to synonymous substitutions in the coding region of a locus. If the observed substitutions are neutral, the ratio of replacement to synonymous fixed differences between species should be the same as the ratio of replacement to synonymous polymorphisms within species. DNA sequence data on the Adh locus (encoding alcohol dehydrogenase, EC in three species in the Drosophila melanogaster species subgroup do not fit this expectation; instead, there are more fixed replacement differences between species than expected. We suggest that these excess replacement substitutions result from adaptive fixation of selectively advantageous mutations.  相似文献   

Natural selection at the alpha-GDH locus in Drosophila.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
S Alahiotis  S Miller  E Berger 《Nature》1977,269(5624):144-145

D A O'Brochta  P J Bryant 《Nature》1985,313(5998):138-141
The use of X-ray-induced mitotic recombination to genetically mark individual cells and their descendants during development has led to the discovery of lineage restriction boundaries in Drosophila imaginal disks, dividing the disks into areas called compartments. Clones of cells initiated after a given developmental stage are unable to grow across these boundaries, even if provided with a growth rate advantage over the remaining cells. It has been suggested that cells within compartments are distinguished by the differential activation of selector genes and that the lineage restrictions are maintained by adhesivity differences between the cells in different compartments, but other mechanisms have not been ruled out. Recently a discrete population of cells with unusual permeability properties has been described along an intersegmental lineage restriction boundary in Oncopeltus, suggesting that a lineage restriction could be maintained by a zone of cells which present a barrier to clone growth. Here we demonstrate by autoradiography the presence of a narrow zone of non-proliferating cells (ZNC) coincident with the presumptive wing margin in the Drosophila wing disk, and suggest that this could account for the observed lineage restriction between presumptive dorsal and ventral surfaces of the wing. As the anterior/posterior compartment boundary does not coincide with a ZNC, the results indicate that different lineage boundaries may be maintained by different mechanisms.  相似文献   

Wolbachia在Drosophila auraria复合种和Drosophila simulans中的感染   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用 P C R 方法检测了多种果蝇中共生菌 W olbachia 的感染,发现 Drosophila auraria 复合种以及采集于北京地区的 Drosophila sim ulans为 Wolbachia 所感染, R F L P分析证实为单一感染.克隆了编码 W olbachia 外膜蛋白质的 w sp 基因并进行了序列测定.同时比较了 Drosophila auraria 复合种内 4 个种和采集于北京及美国加州的 Drosophila sim ulans 的线粒体的细胞色素氧化酶 2 亚基基因的部分序列. 进而讨论了 Wolbachia 对 Drosophila auraria 复合种成员之间进化关系的影响.  相似文献   

Visual transduction in Drosophila   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Hardie RC  Raghu P 《Nature》2001,413(6852):186-193
The brain's capacity to analyse and interpret information is limited ultimately by the input it receives. This sets a premium on information capacity of sensory receptors, which can be maximized by optimizing sensitivity, speed and reliability of response. Nowhere is selection pressure for information capacity stronger than in the visual system, where speed and sensitivity can mean the difference between life and death. Phototransduction in flies represents the fastest G-protein-signalling cascade known. Analysis in Drosophila has revealed many of the underlying molecular strategies, leading to the discovery and characterization of signalling molecules of widespread importance.  相似文献   

Drosophila back to front   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
K Howard 《Nature》1989,338(6217):618-619

STROMNAES O 《Nature》1959,183(4658):409-410

Associative learning of Drosophila melanogaster   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
H C Spatz  A Emanns  H Reichert 《Nature》1974,248(446):359-361

Antigens of developing Drosophila melanogaster   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
D B Roberts 《Nature》1971,233(5319):394-397

Zoltowski BD  Vaidya AT  Top D  Widom J  Young MW  Crane BR 《Nature》2011,480(7377):396-399
The cryptochrome/photolyase (CRY/PL) family of photoreceptors mediates adaptive responses to ultraviolet and blue light exposure in all kingdoms of life. Whereas PLs function predominantly in DNA repair of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) and 6-4 photolesions caused by ultraviolet radiation, CRYs transduce signals important for growth, development, magnetosensitivity and circadian clocks. Despite these diverse functions, PLs/CRYs preserve a common structural fold, a dependence on flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) and an internal photoactivation mechanism. However, members of the CRY/PL family differ in the substrates recognized (protein or DNA), photochemical reactions catalysed and involvement of an antenna cofactor. It is largely unknown how the animal CRYs that regulate circadian rhythms act on their substrates. CRYs contain a variable carboxy-terminal tail that appends the conserved PL homology domain (PHD) and is important for function. Here, we report a 2.3-? resolution crystal structure of Drosophila CRY with an intact C terminus. The C-terminal helix docks in the analogous groove that binds DNA substrates in PLs. Conserved Trp?536 juts into the CRY catalytic centre to mimic PL recognition of DNA photolesions. The FAD anionic semiquinone found in the crystals assumes a conformation to facilitate restructuring of the tail helix. These results help reconcile the diverse functions of the CRY/PL family by demonstrating how conserved protein architecture and photochemistry can be elaborated into a range of light-driven functions.  相似文献   

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