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Platelets as a model for neurones?   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The multiple biochemical and pharmacological similarities existing between blood platelets and 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)-containing neurones of the CNS point to the platelets as a reliable model for the biochemical characterization of 5-HT releasers and uptake blockers which interfere with the storage and the active carrier mechanism of 5-HT in the neurones, respectively. In addition, the affinity displayed by dopamine and by dopaminergic neurotoxin MPP+ for the platelet 5-HT transport and storage indicates also some similarities between platelets and the dopaminergic system of the CNS. Since human platelets contain almost exclusively monoamine oxidase type B (MAO-B), they can be used as a source for the purification and characterization of this human enzyme. Human platelets thus offer an excellent peripheral model to indirectly assess the degree and duration of MAO-B inhibition occurring in the CNS. To date, knowledge of the many biochemical mechanisms underlying platelet physiology is still fragmentary. In fact, the functional role of binding sites located on the platelet cytoplasmic membrane, i.e. their coupling to a specific transmembrane signalling mechanism, is still in need of a precise biochemical and physiological characterization.  相似文献   

The multiple biochemical and pharmacological similarities existing between blood platelets and 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)-containing neurones of the CNS point to the platelets as a reliable model for the biochemical characterization of 5-HT releasers and uptake blockers which interfere with the storage and the active carrier mechanism of 5-HT in the neurones, respectively. In addition, the affinity displayed by dopamine and by dopaminergic neurotoxin MPP+ for the platelet 5-HT transport and storage indicates also some similarities between platelets and the dopaminergic system of the CNS. Since human platelets contain almost exclusively monoamine oxidase type B (MAO-B), they can be used as a source for the purification and characterization of this human enzyme. Human platelets thus offer an excellent peripheral model to indirectly assess the degree and duration of MAO-B inhibition occurring in the CNS. To date, knowledge of the many biochemical mechanisms underlying platelet physiology is still fragmentary. In fact, the functional role of binding sites located on the platelet cytoplasmic membrane, i.e. their coupling to a specific transmembrane signalling mechanism, is still in need of a precise biochemical and physiological characterization.  相似文献   

Many animals exhibit specific behaviors associated with sexual receptivity only when they are reproductively competent. In insects with gonadal maturation cycles, these behaviors usually coincide with ovarian matruation. In the cockroachBlattella germanica, juvenile hormone (JH), produced by the corpora allata (CA), regulates female reproductive physiology. Various experimental manipulations, including ablation of the CA, therapy with JH analogs, CA denervation, ovariectomy, and changing nutrient quality, coupled with time-lapse video recording, support the hypothesis that JH also controls female sexual receptivity. A re-examination of the role of the CA in the maturation of male sexual readiness shows that, while sexual behavior develops in the absence of JH in bothB. germanica andSupella longipalpa, JH accelerates the expression of sexual readiness.  相似文献   

The chordate amphioxus: an emerging model organism for developmental biology   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:24  
The cephalochordate amphioxus is the closest living invertebrate relative of the vertebrates. It is vertebrate-like in having a dorsal, hollow nerve cord, notochord, segmental muscles, pharyngeal gill slits and a post-anal tail that develops from a tail bud. However, amphioxus is less complex than vertebrates, lacking neural crest and having little or no mesenchyme. The genetic programs patterning the amphioxus embryo are also similar to those patterning vertebrate embryos, although the amphioxus genome lacks the extensive gene duplications characteristic of vertebrates. This relative structural and genomic simplicity in a vertebrate-like organism makes amphioxus ideal as a model organism for understanding mechanisms of vertebrate development.Received 18 February 2004; received after revision 9 April 2004; accepted 19 April 2004  相似文献   

Résumé L'évaporation des gouttes fluides de certaines solutions s'opère par saccades dues aux émissions radiaires, discontinues de la phase dissolvante. Il en résulte la formation d'anneaux concentriques de sédimentation autour d'un noyau central dense.En extrapolant les exemples de discontinuité au cas de sphères fluides librement suspendues, statiques ou rotatives, on constate de curieuses analogies passant du micro-au macro-cosmique. Il en sera question dans une prochaine communication.

The author acknowledges with grateful thanks the comments and criticism he received from the following Professors: H.Bethe, S.Bhagawantam, S.Chandrasekhar, D.Ivanenko, G. H.Keswani, V. V.Narlikar, J. V.Narlikar, J. D.North, P. C.Vaidya, J. A.Wheeler, E. P.Wigner.

However, the author alone is responsible for the view-points in this paper. Thanks are also due toShri M. C.Suryanarayana for his help in photography.  相似文献   

Riassunto Gli idrati di cloroformio sono stabilizzati in vitro dalle lecitine. Si possono così riconciliare la teoria dei clatrati e quella della fase lipidica per spiegare l'azione degli anestetici generali.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Chronische Verabreichung von Säure führt zu einer erhöhten Glutaminase-I-Konzentration in der Niere und zu einer gesteigerten Ammoniakausscheidung im Urin. Das ammoniakproduzierende biokatalytische System (Glutaminase I) ist besonders gut zum Studium der Enzymadaptation (Induktion) bei Säugetieren geeignet. Der Stand der Adaptation kann nicht nur durch die Bestimmung der Enzymveränderungen in der Niere, sondern auch durch den Nachweis des Reaktionsproduktes (Ammoniak) im Urin am lebenden Tier beurteilt werden.

This investigation was supported by a research grant, RG-3795, from the National Institutes of Health, United States Public Health Service.  相似文献   

Résumé On a obtenu des tumeurs dans des blattes (Periplaneta americana) après la section du nerf récurrent. Des extraits ou des filtrats de ces tumeurs, exempts de cellules, ont provoqué des lésions semblables quand on les a injectés à des adultes ou des nymphes.

Part of the work was carried out during the tenure of a Commonwealth Visiting Professorship at the University of East Anglia and Visiting Professorship in the Department of Anatomy, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx (New York, USA).  相似文献   

Résumé Les auteurs ont constaté que les extraits abdominaux de Phalènes mâles (Hyalophora cecropia) considérés comme une bonne source d'hormone juvénile, stimulent la croissance ovarienne et la formation du vitellus quand ils sont injectés à des femelles allatectomisées de la Blatte américaine (Periplaneta americana). Le farnésol, composé qui produit sur certains insectes les mêmes effets que l'hormone juvénile, a également une action gonadotrope définie lorsqu'on l'applique sur l'intégument de la Blatte.  相似文献   

Studies on identification, derivation and characterization of human stem cells in the last decade have led to high expectations in the field of regenerative medicine. Although it is clear that for successful stem cell-based therapy several obstacles have to be overcome, other opportunities lay ahead for the use of human stem cells. A more immediate application would be the development of human models for cell-type specific differentiation and disease in vitro. Cardiomyocytes can be generated from stem cells, which have been shown to follow similar molecular events of cardiac development in vivo. Furthermore, several monogenic cardiovascular diseases have been described, for which in vitro models in stem cells could be generated. Here, we will discuss the potential of human embryonic stem cells, cardiac stem cells and the recently described induced pluripotent stem cells as models for cardiac differentiation and disease. Received 07 August 2008; received after revision 26 September 2008; accepted 03 October 2008  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Bei Mäusegeschwistern führte homoplastische Transplantation kleiner Muskeln in toto zur Wiedererlangung ihrer vollen Funktion unter nervöser Kontrolle.

We thank ProfessorM. Otsuka, Dr.H. Ishikawa and Dr.E. Ozawa for their helpful suggestions and discussions and ProfessorM. Kuno for his review on this paper. We are also indebted to the Central Institute for Experimental Animals (Tokyo) for providing the mice.  相似文献   

S Kinoshita  Y Yoshii 《Experientia》1983,39(2):189-190
Sea urchin embryonic cells were made permeable by treating them with glycerol solution for the purpose of exchanging cytoplasmic components. When proteoglycans prepared from embryos of advanced stages of development permeated into these glycerinated cells, these substances accumulated rapidly in the nucleus, being bound with chromatin.  相似文献   

Summary The site of sex pheromone release inMusca domestica andGlossina morsitans is the legs. Unicellular glands restricted to the tarsi and to the tibia are proposed as the source of the pheromone. The structure of the glands is described.Acknowledgments. TheMusca domestica stock, obtained from Dr H. Penner at the Department of Health, Jerusalem, was the insecticide-susceptible strain of the WHO Centre, The Zoological Institute, University of Pavia, Italy. Dr A.M. Jordan of the Tsetse Research Laboratory at Bristol suppliedGlossina morsitans pupae.  相似文献   

Summary The morphotype, chromosome number and Feulgen-DNA content of bisexual and unisexual populations ofMacrobiotus pseudohufelandi were examined. Individuals of unisexual populations were triploid with ameiotic parthenogenesis. Their lowest Feulgen-DNA content is about three-fold that of sperm from a bisexual population. Egg shell shape also differs in the two types of population. However, the highest Feulgen-DNA content was the same (24 A.U.) in both diploid and triploid animals.Study funded by MPI grant.  相似文献   

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