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用一元磁流体力学广义行波展开法进一步研究了近磁愉内边界的位不稳定性。将笔者以前关于近磁尾赤道面附近的漂移气球模不稳定性工作推广到非赤道区和存在非定常地向流的情形。论证了减切地向流将导致近磁尾内边界绝对不稳定,并使增长率显著增加。  相似文献   

采用实际的磁尾位型,利用数值模拟研究地球近地磁尾磁层亚暴过程中的磁岛合并过程,选取了磁尾电流片中三个测量点,分析了电流、磁场、等离子体密度以及速度随时间的变化规律,合理的解释磁层亚暴过程中的观测现象。  相似文献   

分析了由ISEE-1和ISEE-2飞船在亚暴期间观测到的场向电流的特性,包括场向电流所伴随的行星际磁场、地方时与L值分布以及场向电流强度和密度随亚暴位相的变化,并着重分析了亚暴电流楔的特征。结果表明,亚暴膨胀相的场向电流强度和密度都达到极大值;亚暴的膨胀相是由行星际磁场转向或南向分量变小触发的,其起始位置很可能位于近地等离子体片内边缘。  相似文献   

磁层顶是由经过舷激波的太阳风和地磁层相互作用而形成的边界层,其上有电流流动.本文将这种电流看成电子剪切流,来讨论夜侧磁层顶的电子剪切流所引起的Kelvin-Helmholtz(K-H)不稳定性问题.电子剪切流受到的洛仑兹力中包括了电场的作用,正是这种作用使得剪切不稳定性要复杂一些.本文对电子剪切流激发的K-H不稳定性进行了细致的分析,从而得知,电子流剪切引起的K-H不稳定性倾向于在磁层顶内侧激发,并且只有当剪切速率在上下两阈值之间时,才可能激发K-H不稳定性.本文对比了夜侧近地磁层顶和磁尾磁层顶,发现当磁层顶两侧电子数密度之比恒定时,高电子数密度的磁层顶侧易产生K-H不稳定性.而磁鞘侧电子数密度n2与磁层侧电子数密度n1之比n2/n1的改变对不稳定性的影响也很显著:较大的n2/n1产生的K-H波主要是在低速区域,其有效增长率较小.  相似文献   

场向电流与地磁和亚暴活动的相关性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
检验了场向电流与地磁和亚暴活动的相关性。按极光电集流指数AL的大小,地磁活动被分为4个水平,即|AL|<=50,50<|AL|<=150,150<|AL|<=300和|AL|>300分别相应于非常平静、平静、扰动和强烈扰动。统计结果表明,场向电流的发生率、强度和密度都随地磁活动的增加而增大。在最低活动水平,发生率只有8.9%,而73.2%的事件发生在扰动水平以上。对于夜间的场向电流,65.5%的事件伴随着磁层亚暴。  相似文献   

本文从Lorentz协变方程和推迟势出发,讨论了在脉冲星表面磁层强磁场条件下电子的运动和辐射.并根据天体物理的有关实测数据参数,给出了曲率辐射表达式的具体形式及临界频率与峰频的数值.  相似文献   

本文以多变热力过程为基础建立了有摩擦管路的计算公式,并对计算方法和有关问题作了分析说明.  相似文献   

随着社交网络、在线视频、电子商务、即时通信及微博等新兴业务的不断涌现及迅速发展,网络中UDP流量的比例及特性均发生了较大变化。文章通过对现有的流超时策略进行分析,指出其适用于UDP流量时存在的局限及不足,针对实际UDP网络流特性展开研究,并提出了一种UDP流区分更新的流超时策略(DUToS)。实验结果证明,DUToS算法能够更好地适用于UDP流量,有效改善了网络流量测量的性能。  相似文献   

提出一种面向高速乱序流的top-k连续查询方法.使用基于缓存的方法等待迟到元组,但不对缓冲区内数据进行排序,通过统计运行信息实现缓存时长自适应,然后使用改造的MinTopk算法计算当前窗口的top-k结果集.实验结果表明,该方法在高速乱序流上实现了高效的top-k查询,在保证用户允许的最小正确率的情况下计算出最小缓存时...  相似文献   

为满足我国高速电气化铁路的发展要求,研制新型的高速列车受电弓-滑板材料的试验研究。我们研制了HST-100型高速载流摩擦磨损试验机,其主要性能完全满足模拟高速铁路实际工况下的速度、载荷及电流等参数的要求,能够对不同材质的摩擦配副材料进行高速工况条件下的载流摩擦磨损试验。  相似文献   

Data on plasma sheet crossing measured by Cluster/HIA and Cluster/FGM during the period from July to October in 2001 -2003 are analyzed. Based on previous work on the characteristic features of continuous lobe reconnection (CLR) described in reference, two case studies and a statistical analysis were carried out on correlation between CLR in the mid magnetotail and substorm expansion onset for the events occurring during this period. It is found that almost all CLR events are in close connection with substorms. The beginning of CLR is almost always a few minutes ahead of substorm activities seen in the near Earth magnetotail and on the ground-based stations. This provides a clear indication that CLR is the virtual cause of substorm expansion onset during the period of continuous southward interplanetary magnetic field.  相似文献   

From June 1, 2004 to October 31, 2006, a total 465 high-speed flow events are observed by the TC-1 satellite in the near-Earth region (-13 RE〈X〈-9 RE, |Y|〈10 RE, |Z+〈5 RE), Based on the angle between the flow and the magnetic field, the high-speed flow events are further divided into two types, that is, field-aligned high-speed flow (FAHF) in the plasma sheet boundary and convective bursty bulk flow (BBF) in the center plasma sheet, Among the total 465 high-speed flow events, there are 371 FAHFs, and 94 BBFs, The CHF are mainly concentrated in the plasma sheet, the intersection angle between the flow and the magnetic field is larger, the magnetic field intensity is relatively weak, The FHF are mainly distributed near the boundary layer of the plasma sheet, the intersection angle between the flow and magnetic field is smaller, and the magnetic field intensity is relatively strong, The convective BBFs have an important effect on the substorm,  相似文献   

Using the east-west geomagnetic disturbance fields observed from stations at mid-latitudes, we investigate the characteristics of field-aligned currents on the nightside during the April 6, 2000 superstorm. The results indicate that there is an eastward disturbance on the nightside of Northern Hemisphere during the main phase of magnetic storm, while the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) is continued southward. The positive disturbances in the postmidnight are larger than that in the premidnight. This suggests that upward field-aligned currents develop on the nightside, when the IMF is directed southward. The peak of upward field- aligned currents is located in postmidnight, and it will be more obvious at substorm expansion. We get the conclusion that both partial ring current and region-2 field-aligned current shift to dusk sector. The upward region-2 current is decreased at substorm onset, and intensified after it. We also investigate the relationship between the upward field-aligned currents on the nightside and the auroral electrojets at high latitudes. It shows a good correspondence between region-2 current and the westward electrojet in the postmidnight. We suppose that they are both associated with the convection electric field.  相似文献   

从理论上分析了入射到高速列车车体上的垂直极化平面波在车体上产生的二次辐射场.利用爱因斯坦相对论和正反2次洛伦兹变换,得到了经过列车体的反射波解析式、二次辐射场的频率和反射角等参数.反射波频率和反射角不再遵守反射定律,而是与速度、入射角和方位角有关的函数.当y方向速度大于或等于0时,反射角均小于或等于入射角;y方向速度小于0时,反射角则大于入射角.随着入射角的增大,反射频率和入射频率之间的差距越来越大;随着y方向速度的增大,两者之差也逐渐增大.最后通过仿真计算和实测数据验证了理论分析的正确性.  相似文献   

As well known, the magnetic cross-tail component By in the magnetotail is in direct proportion to the in-terplanetary magnetic field (IMF) By component. And the polarity of IMF and plasmoid / flux rope By components do indeed agree. This results indicate that the IMF By penetrates plasmoids and the magnetic structures must therefore be three-dimensional. In this note, the dynamical processes of magnetotail in the course of a substorm are studied using a MHD code with two-dimensions and three components on the basis of two types of initial equilibrium solutions of the quiet magnetotail. The numerical results of two cases illustrate various features of time evolution of By component that correspond to two kinds of plasmoid-like structures: one is associated with a flux rope core and the other resembles a “closed loop” plamoid. Therefore, the occurrence of various magnetic structures in the magnetotail might be related to nonsteady driven reconnection with different distributions of the By component.  相似文献   

On July 11, 2004, a substorm process in the period of continuous tailward flow was observed by the joint exploration of the TC-1, IMAGE and ACE satellites. The substorm observed by the TC-1 in the near-Earth has three stages: the growth phase (from 11:43 to 12:19), the pre-expansion process (from 12:19 to 12:28) and the dipolarization process. The auroral brightening was at 12:26 recorded by the FUV instrument on IMAGE, and the dipolarization occurred two minutes later. During the 45 min period of the tailward flow, the magnetotail experienced the growth phase and the pre-expansion process. When the dipolarization process began, the TC-1 entered the plasma sheet and observed a high speed earthward flow. The field-aligned tailward flow is characterized by the low temperature and high density, which is consistent with the properties of the flow from the ionosphere detected in the near-Earth magnetotail by other satellites. The tailward flow is closely related with the southward interplanetary magnetic field (IMF), and may have an important effect on the substorm.  相似文献   

为实现地震勘探仪器采集的大容量数据的高速远距离长线传输,比较数据传输方式,提出了RS-485总线的高速串行数据传输方法,应用FPGA技术,研制了数据传输系统。分析RS-485数据传输的影响因素,设计了系统总体结构及传输协议。基于以太网供电原理,采用RS-485总线供电方式,实现48V直流能量与数据沿同一线对的叠加传输。利用串行信号的跳变沿作为高速时钟采样的起始标志,结合8B/10B的链路编码方案,实现位同步时钟恢复与数据帧提取,且检测时钟频率10倍于发送时钟频率。数传实验结果表明,系统可实现串行编码数据流以20Mb/s沿220m双绞线电缆的远距离数据传输,误码率可达10-11。  相似文献   

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