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Lewis ME  Avrith DB  Fitzsimons JT 《Nature》1979,279(5712):440-442
NERVE GROWTH FACTOR (NGF) is a polypeptide trophic factor for peripheral sympathetic and sensory neurones(1,2). Apparent NGF(3-5) and NGF receptors(6,7) have also been identified in the brain, and intracerebral administration of NGF in the adult rat produces marked biochemical(8) and morphologica(9,10) changes in brain tissue. These findings, taken together with the observations that central injections of NGF facilitate behavioural recovery from brain damage(11,12), indicate that this polypeptide may have an important role in brain function. It has been observed that rats given intraventricular injections of up to 2.3 microg NGF drink copiously (M.E.L. and G. Guroff, unpublished observations). Perkins et al.(13) reported that diencephalic application of crystalline NGF (1-15 microg) resulted in an intense polydipsia. The present report confirms the observations of M.E.L. and Guroff, and extends the findings of Perkins et al.(13) by using solutions of NGF instead of crystals. It also describes for the first time a second phenomenon produced by intracranial administration of NGF, namely an intense appetite for aversive concentrations of sodium solutions.  相似文献   

Morphine-induced suppression of voluntary alcohol drinking in rats   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
J D Sinclair  J Adkins  S Walker 《Nature》1973,246(5433):425-427

I W Henderson  A McKeever  C J Kenyon 《Nature》1979,281(5732):569-570
Angiotensin II is dipsogenic, and vasopressin (ADH) regulates renal water excretion. Together, these hormones govern overall mammalian water balance. The Brattleboro rat with inherited diabetes insipidus (DI) lacks ADH and is therefore a convenient model with which to elucidate mechanisms regulating water metabolism. In the present studies, angiotensin II has also been removed from DI rats by the administration of an inhibitor (captopril, SQ 14225; D-2-methyl-3-mercaptopropanoyl-L-proline) of the enzyme which converts angiotensin I, the relatively inert component of the renin-angiotensin system, to angiotensin II, the biologically active substance. SQ 14225 reduced the drinking rates, and after 6 days lowered peripheral plasma aldosterone concentrations were associated with hyperkalaemia. We conclude that the polydipsia of diabetes insipidus partly results from elevated plasma renin activities and angiotensin II concentrations seen in this syndrome. Further, the apparent hypoaldosteronism of DI Brattleboro rats reflects differences in both tissue usage of the steroid and adrenocortical sensitivities associated with polyuria, hyperosmolarity and possibly potassium wasting.  相似文献   

国家质量验检局2004年颁布的《车辆驾驶人员血液、呼气酒精含量阈值与检验》,规定了驾驶人员血液中的酒精含量标准。根据这一标准,建立了对饮酒驾车进行分析的数学模型。  相似文献   

E M Blass  W G Hall 《Nature》1974,249(456):485-486

目的探讨甲硝唑、右旋糖酐腹腔灌洗预防腹腔感染手术术后肠粘连的可行性.方法 60例腹腔感染明显的手术病人中,任选30例为对照组,另30例为治疗组;术后第1天治疗组用甲硝唑、右旋糖酐混合配制溶液进行腹腔灌洗,疗程3~5日,1次/d;对照组则采用常规治疗.结果治疗组病例未发现明显有阵发性腹痛、腹胀等现象,有2例轻微腹痛不能排除肠粘连原因;对照组病例均发生轻重不一的阵发性腹痛、腹胀现象,其中2例出现典型肠梗阻表现,对比有显著差异性(P<0.05).结论采用甲硝唑、右旋糖酐配制液对腹腔感染手术进行腹腔灌洗,有效地防止了腹腔感染手术后肠粘连的发生,无明显不良反应,适用于在基层医院推广.  相似文献   

目的探讨甲硝唑、右旋糖酐腹腔灌洗预防腹腔感染手术术后肠粘连的可行性.方法 60例腹腔感染明显的手术病人中,任选30例为对照组,另30例为治疗组;术后第1天治疗组用甲硝唑、右旋糖酐混合配制溶液进行腹腔灌洗,疗程3~5日,1次/d;对照组则采用常规治疗.结果治疗组病例未发现明显有阵发性腹痛、腹胀等现象,有2例轻微腹痛不能排除肠粘连原因;对照组病例均发生轻重不一的阵发性腹痛、腹胀现象,其中2例出现典型肠梗阻表现,对比有显著差异性(P<0.05).结论采用甲硝唑、右旋糖酐配制液对腹腔感染手术进行腹腔灌洗,有效地防止了腹腔感染手术后肠粘连的发生,无明显不良反应,适用于在基层医院推广.  相似文献   

目的探讨甲硝唑、右旋糖酐腹腔灌洗预防腹腔感染手术术后肠粘连的可行性。方法60例腹腔感染明显的手术病人中,任选30例为对照组,另30例为治疗组;术后第1天治疗组用甲硝唑、右旋糖酐混合配制溶液进行腹腔灌洗,疗程3~5日,1次/d;对照组则采用常规治疗。结果治疗组病例未发现明显有阵发性腹痛、腹胀等现象,有2例轻微腹痛不能排除肠粘连原因;对照组病例均发生轻重不一的阵发性腹痛、腹胀现象,其中2例出现典型肠梗阻表现,对比有显著差异性(P<0.05)。结论采用甲硝唑、右旋糖酐配制液对腹腔感染手术进行腹腔灌洗,有效地防止了腹腔感染手术后肠粘连的发生,无明显不良反应,适用于在基层医院推广。  相似文献   

本文利用图展开方法,提出了无序材料中激子型和光学声子型电磁耦合场量子的量子理论。材料的结构无序等效为有序格子中原子电偶极矩和有效电荷的无序。在略去不同格点无序关联性的近似下,给出了电磁耦合场量子自能图展开和式的显式表示。  相似文献   

利用传递矩阵法分析研究了带阻尼失谐周期多跨梁中的振动局部化现象,将阻尼和失谐对于近周期结构的动力性能的影响进行了比较,并分析了两者同时存在时引起的综合效应与它们各自的影响之间的关系.结果表明:在无阻尼周期结构中处于"通频"范围内的振动能够传遍整个结构而不会发生衰减,但当结构中存在阻尼或失谐时,同样的振动在传播过程中将会发生指数衰减.  相似文献   

本文从非决定论的Fokker-Planck方程和Master方程入手,讨论了无序材料在外场下的输运理论,得到在平衡态下的F-P方程解和近平衡态下的F-P方程的形成.  相似文献   

本文建立有边界的二维与三维无序结构的数学模型,证明了Voronoi网络的全萌性与无隙性定理,给出判定皮肤细胞核的有效算法,用数学方法解决有界Voronoi网络的结构问题.  相似文献   

M Sendtner  B Holtmann  R Kolbeck  H Thoenen  Y A Barde 《Nature》1992,360(6406):757-759
Motoneurons innervating the skeletal musculature were among the first neurons shown to require the presence of their target cells to develop appropriately. But the characterization of molecules allowing motoneuron survival has been difficult. Ciliary neurotrophic factor prevents the death of motoneurons, but its gene is not expressed during development. Although the presence of a neurotrophin receptor on developing motoneurons has suggested a role for neurotrophins, none could be shown to promote motoneuron survival in vitro. We report here that brain-derived neurotrophic factor can prevent the death of axotomized motoneurons in newborn rats, suggesting a role for this neurotrophin for motoneuron survival in vivo.  相似文献   

无序金属薄膜中的局域化和相互作用效应杨永宏(东南大学物理学系,南京210018)由于弱局域化效应和相互作用效应的影响,无序金属薄膜的电阻率与玻耳兹曼输运理论的结果有很大的偏离.近年来,该方面的实验和理论研究均已取得丰硕的成果[1~4].Ovadyah...  相似文献   

周期结构在工程中有很多应用实例.失谐可使周期结构的力学特性产生本质变化,产生振动局部化现象.局部化破坏了周期结构模态的规则性,在外激励下会使结构某些部位的响应幅值过大,产生能量积聚,甚至导致结构发生疲劳破坏,因此,分析失谐周期结构中振动和能量的传播方式与规律,具有重要的理论与实际意义.现主要针对失谐周期结构中的结构动力特性及直线型失谐周期结构的一些研究现状做一些概要的介绍.  相似文献   

采用电解渗氢的方法研究室温下氢在无序态和有序态Ni3Fe合金中的扩散行为.研究结果表明,在相同渗氢温度下,渗氢后的Ni3Fe合金的延伸率随渗氢时间的增加而降低,拉伸断口上的沿晶断裂区(IG)的深度随渗氢时间的增加而增加;在相同渗氢时间下,合金拉伸断口上的沿晶断裂区的深度随渗氢温度的增加而增加.沿晶脆性断裂区的深度与渗氢温度和时间的关系符合菲克扩散方程的解.时间滞后法计算结果表明,氢在无序态Ni3Fe合金中的表观扩散系数高于在有序态合金中的表观扩散系数.氢在无序态和有序态Ni3Fe合金中的扩散激活能分别为44.9 kJ/mol和29.5 kJ/mol.  相似文献   

对一般地{xn}n≥1建立了平面波(e-ikx)通过势时系统透射振幅和反射振幅的递推公式,研究了{xn+1-xn}n≥1为两个字母上一维无序链时系统的导通性。  相似文献   

Changes in the visual cortex of rats after unilateral deprivation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
E Fifková 《Nature》1968,220(5165):379-381

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