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Dr. Craig Mello, the Nobel Prize Winner of 2006 in Physiology or Medicine, delivered a speech entitled "Return to The RNA World:Rethinking Gene Expression, Evolution  相似文献   

Since its launching on September 13, 2007, the Tsinghua Global Vision Lectures series, which has been incorporated into Tsinghua's elective course system, has received a warm welcome from students. In the past week, several famous university and company leaders delivered speeches in the series, including Professor Jeffery Lehman, Former President of Cornell University, Professor M.M. Salunkhe, Vice-Chancellor of Shivaji University in India, Mr. Maurice Greenberg, Former Chairman and CEO of American International Group (AIG), Mr. Ronnie Chan, Chairman of the Hang Lung Group, and Mr. Joseph M. Tucci, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of EMC Corporation.  相似文献   

Born in 1977, Dr. Nieng Yan is currently Tsinghua University's youngest professor. As a Tsinghua undergraduate, she developed a strong interest in science and was deeply influenced by Beijing's unique civil milieu. After receiving a bachelor's degree in biology in 2000, she traveled to New Jersey to pursue graduate training in the Department of Molecular Biology at Princeton University. Under the guidance of Dr. Yigong Shi,  相似文献   

The President of the California Institute of Technology Professor Jean-Lou Chameau and the Chancellor of the University of  相似文献   

Professor Jun Murai, distinguished IT expert in Japan and Vice President of Keio University, was appointed Tsinghua Guest Professor on December 10, 2007. Tsinghua Deputy Vice President He Jiankun attended the conferral ceremony and presented the honorary appointment book to Professor Jun Murai. Professor Sun Jiaguang, Dean of School of Information Science and Technology, also attended the ceremony. "In the course of building the university into a world class university, we are keen on exchanging views and resources with other distinguished universities and scholars in the world," said Deputy Vice President He. After the conferral ceremony, Professor Jun Murai delivered a speech on the Next Generation Internet. Professor Jun Murai is the Japan's foremost IT expert and most authoritative policy-maker on informatization and industrialization. He has made significant contributions to internet development in Japan and the Asia Pacific Region and received many awards from international organizations and the Japanese government.  相似文献   

Tsinghua University and the University of Waterloo signed their first Memorandum of Understanding for Educational and Scientific Cooperation on June 17, 2005. As one of Canada’s leading research universities, the University of Waterloo was ranked most innovative among 47 universities in Canada in 2004, according to the national magazine Maclean’s. Its School of Computer Science has been ranked first across Canada and is famous in the world. This MOU will provide a platform for the ex…  相似文献   

The 2001 Science and Technology Rewarded Meeting was held in the Main Building recently. In the meeting, Gong Ke,the vice president of Tsinghua,reviewed the scientific research in 2001.Wen Shizhu, academician of the PrecisionInstruments Department,Wu Zongxin,professor of the Nuclear Energy Research Institute, Liu Guanzhong, professor of  相似文献   

The Laboratory of Bioinformatics,which is the newest key lab of the Ministry of Education(MOE) thatoperates out of Tsinghua University,was formally opened at the Life Science Building in June 2 7.  Attending the opening ceremony were heads of the MOE,the Ministry of Science and Technology,andthe National Natural Science Foundation,Gong Ke,vice presidentof Tsinghua University,Chi Huisheng,vice president of Peking University,and academicians and experts of many related fields.Teache…  相似文献   

Tsinghua University was chosen as the 53rd member of PIM (Partnership in International Management) at the 32nd Annual Conference of PIM, held in Prague on Nov. 12, 2005. Professor Zhao Chunjun, former Dean of the School of Economics and Management, Dr. Qi…  相似文献   

A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between Tsinghua University and the University of Wisconsin at Madison on May 24, 2007, during the visit of Chancellor John D. Wiley, the University of Wisconsin at Madison.  相似文献   

Professor Richard Brodhead, President of Duke University, was awarded Tsinghua University Doctorate on June 29,2006. Tsinghua President Gu Binglin attended the awarding ceremony held in the main building and awarded the di- ploma to Professor Brodhead. Ts…  相似文献   

The Department of Chemical Engineering ofTsinghua University was founded in1 946.It hasundergone several adjustments in its more than ahalf century's development.The major disciplinesin the Department are chemical engineering andtechnology including polymers,reactionengineering and reactor design,separation scienceand technology,thermodynamics,process systemengineering,biochemical engineering,and appliedchemistry.There are over 80 full- time facultymembers in the Department.Among them are o…  相似文献   

简要介绍清华大学天文学科发展的历史以及清华大学天体物理中心目前的研究方向及主要的成绩.这些研究主要包括:卫星载带硬X射线调制望远镜的研究,高能天体物理的研究,光学波段的天文观测与研究,宇宙学的研究,引力波观测数据的分析与处理以及理论天体物理的研究.  相似文献   

硼中子俘获治疗(BNCT)是中子治癌研究中的一个重要课题。将清华大学屏蔽试验堆(901堆)的1#孔道改建成BNCT的治疗孔道实现硼中子俘获治疗。为估价孔道改建的可行性,利用MonteCarlo程序进行了计算,并同实验和SN计算方法的结果进行了对比。其结论是功率为1MW的901反应堆1#孔完全可以满足BNCT的要求,超热中子通量达109cm-2s-1。  相似文献   

大学城高校图书馆讲座的实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了东华大学图书馆在松江大学城举办图书馆讲座的业务内容,分析了在大学城举办图书馆讲座的意义。  相似文献   

网上出版物据有信息量大、更新速度快、读者面大、传播速度快等优势,其发展速度使传统出版媒体望尘莫及.1991年,世界网上期刊有100种,1996年1000 种,1998年1万种[1].1998年,中国建成了第一个全国性计算机学术网络中国教育科研网(Cernet).Cernet中心连接了中国70多个城市的450多所高等学校和科研单位,入网计算机15万台,用户50万个[2].  相似文献   

1932年,清华大学增设电机、机械两系,加上原有的土木系,一并组成工学院。一批海外留学归来的工科博士、硕士组成了最初的教授阵容,他们把致力于学术的理念融入到工学院初创时期的学科建设、研究活动以及学术共同体的组建等各方面。通过对清华大学工学院初创时期各方面史料的考察,可以看到:与以往那些依附于行业发展的工科教育相比,清华大学工学院进行的工科教育在继续技术的实用性价值的同时,带有了学术化的特征,由此近代工程技术向中国的移植和发展进入了一个新的阶段。  相似文献   

清华大学信息系统体系结构发展策略   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
介绍清华大学校园网上正在运行的信息系统,针对应用中出现的问题,结合当前IT发展的主流技术,提出了信息系统体系结构的解决方案,即采用三层服务器结构与负载均衡技术优化服务器资源;建立电子身份认证系统,实现统一的用户管理;建立大学资源计划(URP),形成统一资源管理,实现学校资源信息标准统一,数据共享和优化。  相似文献   

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