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The polo-like kinase Plk4 (also called Sak) is required for late mitotic progression, cell survival and postgastrulation embryonic development. Here we identified a phenotype resulting from Plk4 haploinsufficiency in Plk4 heterozygous cells and mice. Plk4+/- embryonic fibroblasts had increased centrosomal amplification, multipolar spindle formation and aneuploidy compared with wild-type cells. The incidence of spontaneous liver and lung cancers was approximately 15 times high in elderly Plk4+/- mice than in Plk4+/+ littermates. Using the in vivo model of partial hepatectomy to induce synchronous cell cycle entry, we determined that the precise regulation of cyclins D1, E and B1 and of Cdk1 was impaired in Plk4+/- regenerating liver, and p53 activation and p21 and BubR1 expression were suppressed. These defects were associated with progressive cell cycle delays, increased spindle irregularities and accelerated hepatocellular carcinogenesis in Plk4+/- mice. Loss of heterozygosity occurs frequently (approximately 60%) at polymorphic markers adjacent to the PLK4 locus in human hepatoma. Reduced Plk4 gene dosage increases the probability of mitotic errors and cancer development.  相似文献   

Defects in cilia are associated with several human disorders, including Kartagener syndrome, polycystic kidney disease, nephronophthisis and hydrocephalus. We proposed that the pleiotropic phenotype of Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS), which encompasses retinal degeneration, truncal obesity, renal and limb malformations and developmental delay, is due to dysfunction of basal bodies and cilia. Here we show that individuals with BBS have partial or complete anosmia. To test whether this phenotype is caused by ciliary defects of olfactory sensory neurons, we examined mice with deletions of Bbs1 or Bbs4. Loss of function of either BBS protein affected the olfactory, but not the respiratory, epithelium, causing severe reduction of the ciliated border, disorganization of the dendritic microtubule network and trapping of olfactory ciliary proteins in dendrites and cell bodies. Our data indicate that BBS proteins have a role in the microtubule organization of mammalian ciliated cells and that anosmia might be a useful determinant of other pleiotropic disorders with a suspected ciliary involvement.  相似文献   

The human PAX6 gene is mutated in two patients with aniridia.   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Aniridia is an inherited ocular disorder of variable expressivity characterized by iris hypoplasia. A candidate aniridia gene, AN, which is the human homologue of the mouse Pax-6 gene, has recently been isolated by positional cloning from the WAGR region of 11p13. Here we describe mutations in this gene in two cases of sporadic aniridia, one detected at the DNA level and one at the RNA level, both of which are predicted to affect protein function. Mutations in Pax-6 have been described previously in Small eye, the proposed mouse model for aniridia. We present new phenotypic evidence for the validity of this mouse model.  相似文献   

Aniridia is a semidominant disorder in which development of the iris, lens, cornea and retina is disturbed. The mouse mutation Small eye (Sey), which has been proposed as a model for aniridia, results from defects in Pax-6, a gene containing paired-box and homeobox motifs that is specifically expressed in the developing eye and brain. To test the role of PAX6 in aniridia, we isolated human cDNA clones and determined the intron-exon structure of this gene. PAX6 spans 22 kilobases and is divided into 14 exons. Analysis of DNA from 10 unrelated aniridia patients revealed intragenic mutations in three familial and one sporadic case. These findings indicate that the human aniridia and murine Small eye phenotypes arise from homologous defects in PAX6.  相似文献   

The genetic analysis of congenital skull malformations provides insight into normal mechanisms of calvarial osteogenesis. Enlarged parietal foramina (PFM) are oval defects of the parietal bones caused by deficient ossification around the parietal notch, which is normally obliterated during the fifth fetal month. PFM are usually asymptomatic, but may be associated with headache, scalp defects and structural or vascular malformations of the brain. Inheritance is frequently autosomal dominant, but no causative mutations have been identified in non-syndromic cases. We describe here heterozygous mutations of the homeobox gene MSX2 (located on 5q34-q35) in three unrelated families with PFM. One is a deletion of approximately 206 kb including the entire gene and the others are intragenic mutations of the DNA-binding homeodomain (RK159-160del and R172H) that predict disruption of critical intramolecular and DNA contacts. Mouse Msx2 protein with either of the homeodomain mutations exhibited more than 85% reduction in binding to an optimal Msx2 DNA-binding site. Our findings contrast with the only described MSX2 homeodomain mutation (P148H), associated with craniosynostosis, that binds with enhanced affinity to the same target. This demonstrates that MSX2 dosage is critical for human skull development and suggests that PFM and craniosynostosis result, respectively, from loss and gain of activity in an MSX2-mediated pathway of calvarial osteogenic differentiation.  相似文献   

Telomere dysfunction and evolution of intestinal carcinoma in mice and humans   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
Telomerase activation is a common feature of advanced human cancers and facilitates the malignant transformation of cultured human cells and in mice. These experimental observations are in accord with the presence of robust telomerase activity in more advanced stages of human colorectal carcinogenesis. However, the occurrence of colon carcinomas in telomerase RNA (Terc)-null, p53-mutant mice has revealed complex interactions between telomere dynamics, checkpoint responses and carcinogenesis. We therefore sought to determine whether telomere dysfunction exerts differential effects on cancer initiation versus progression of mouse and human intestinal neoplasia. In successive generations of ApcMin Terc-/- mice, progressive telomere dysfunction led to an increase in initiated lesions (microscopic adenomas), yet a significant decline in the multiplicity and size of macroscopic adenomas. That telomere dysfunction also contributes to human colorectal carcinogenesis is supported by the appearance of anaphase bridges (a correlate of telomere dysfunction) at the adenoma-early carcinoma transition, a transition recognized for marked chromosomal instability. Together, these data are consistent with a model in which telomere dysfunction promotes the chromosomal instability that drives early carcinogenesis, while telomerase activation restores genomic stability to a level permissive for tumor progression. We propose that early and transient telomere dysfunction is a major mechanism underlying chromosomal instability of human cancer.  相似文献   

Mutations within the rhodopsin gene are known to give rise to autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (RP), a common hereditary form of retinal degeneration. We now describe a patient with autosomal recessive RP who is homozygous for a nonsense mutation at codon 249 within exon 4 of the rhodopsin gene. This null mutation, the first gene defect identified in autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa, should result in a functionally inactive rhodopsin protein that is missing the sixth and seventh transmembrane domains including the 11-cis-retinal attachment site. We also found a different null mutation carried heterozygously by an unrelated unaffected individual. Heterozygous carriers of either mutation had normal ophthalmologic examinations but their electroretinograms revealed an abnormality in rod photoreceptor function.  相似文献   

Angle-closure glaucoma (ACG) is a subset of glaucoma affecting 16 million people. Although 4 million people are bilaterally blind from ACG, the causative molecular mechanisms of ACG remain to be defined. High intraocular pressure induces glaucoma in ACG. High intraocular pressure traditionally was suggested to result from the iris blocking or closing the angle of the eye, thereby limiting aqueous humor drainage. Eyes from individuals with ACG often have a modestly decreased axial length, shallow anterior chamber and relatively large lens, features that predispose to angle closure. Here we show that genetic alteration of a previously unidentified serine protease (PRSS56) alters axial length and causes a mouse phenotype resembling ACG. Mutations affecting this protease also cause a severe decrease of axial length in individuals with posterior microphthalmia. Together, these data suggest that alterations of this serine protease may contribute to a spectrum of human ocular conditions including reduced ocular size and ACG.  相似文献   

Male embryonic mice with mutations in the X-linked aristaless-related homeobox gene (Arx) developed with small brains due to suppressed proliferation and regional deficiencies in the forebrain. These mice also showed aberrant migration and differentiation of interneurons containing gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABAergic interneurons) in the ganglionic eminence and neocortex as well as abnormal testicular differentiation. These characteristics recapitulate some of the clinical features of X-linked lissencephaly with abnormal genitalia (XLAG) in humans. We found multiple loss-of-function mutations in ARX in individuals affected with XLAG and in some female relatives, and conclude that mutation of ARX causes XLAG. The present report is, to our knowledge, the first to use phenotypic analysis of a knockout mouse to identify a gene associated with an X-linked human brain malformation.  相似文献   

Feingold syndrome is characterized by variable combinations of esophageal and duodenal atresias, microcephaly, learning disability, syndactyly and cardiac defect. We show here that heterozygous mutations in the gene MYCN are present in Feingold syndrome. All mutations are predicted to disrupt both the full-length protein and a new shortened MYCN isoform, suggesting that multiple aspects of early embryogenesis and postnatal brain growth in humans are tightly regulated by MYCN dosage.  相似文献   

Intergenerational mixing of DNA through meiotic recombinations of homologous chromosomes during gametogenesis is a major event that generates diversity in the eukaryotic genome. We examined genome-wide microsatellite data for 23,066 individuals, providing information on recombination events of 14,140 maternal and paternal meioses each, and found a positive correlation between maternal recombination counts of an offspring and maternal age. We postulated that the recombination rate of eggs does not increase with maternal age, but that the apparent increase is the consequence of selection. Specifically, a high recombination count increased the chance of a gamete becoming a live birth, and this effect became more pronounced with advancing maternal age. Further support for this hypothesis came from our observation that mothers with high oocyte recombination rate tend to have more children. Hence, not only do recombinations have a role in evolution by yielding diverse combinations of gene variants for natural selection, but they are also under selection themselves.  相似文献   

Ehlers-Danlos (ED) syndrome type VII is characterized by the accumulation of collagen precursors in connective tissues. ED VII A and B are caused by mutations in the genes of alpha 1 and alpha 2 collagen I which result in the disruption of the cleavage site of procollagen I N-proteinase. The existence of ED VII C in humans has been hypothesized on the basis of a disorder in cattle and sheep related to the absence of the enzyme. We now present evidence for the existence of this disease in humans, characterized by skin fragility, altered polymers seen as hieroglyphic pictures with electron microscopy, accumulation of p-N-alpha 1 and p-N-alpha 2 collagen type I in the dermis and absence of processing of the p-N-I polypeptides in fibroblast cultures.  相似文献   

Substantial efforts are focused on identifying single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) throughout the human genome, particularly in coding regions (cSNPs), for both linkage disequilibrium and association studies. Less attention, however, has been directed to the clarification of evolutionary processes that are responsible for the variability in nucleotide diversity among different regions of the genome. We report here the population sequence diversity of genomic segments within a 450-kb cluster of olfactory receptor (OR) genes on human chromosome 17. We found a dichotomy in the pattern of nucleotide diversity between OR pseudogenes and introns on the one hand and the closely interspersed intact genes on the other. We suggest that weak positive selection is responsible for the observed patterns of genetic variation. This is inferred from a lower ratio of polymorphism to divergence in genes compared with pseudogenes or introns, high non-synonymous substitution rates in OR genes, and a small but significant overall reduction in variability in the entire OR gene cluster compared with other genomic regions. The dichotomy among functionally different segments within a short genomic distance requires high recombination rates within this OR cluster. Our work demonstrates the impact of weak positive selection on human nucleotide diversity, and has implications for the evolution of the olfactory repertoire.  相似文献   

Antenatal Bartter syndrome (aBS) comprises a heterogeneous group of autosomal recessive salt-losing nephropathies. Identification of three genes that code for renal transporters and channels as responsible for aBS has resulted in new insights into renal salt handling, diuretic action and blood-pressure regulation. A gene locus of a fourth variant of aBS called BSND, which in contrast to the other forms is associated with sensorineural deafness (SND) and renal failure, has been mapped to chromosome 1p. We report here the identification by positional cloning, in a region not covered by the human genome sequencing projects, of a new gene, BSND, as the cause of BSND. We examined ten families with BSND and detected seven different mutations in BSND that probably result in loss of function. In accordance with the phenotype, BSND is expressed in the thin limb and the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle in the kidney and in the dark cells of the inner ear. The gene encodes a hitherto unknown protein with two putative transmembrane alpha-helices and thus might function as a regulator for ion-transport proteins involved in aBS, or else as a new transporter or channel itself.  相似文献   

Johanson-Blizzard syndrome (OMIM 243800) is an autosomal recessive disorder that includes congenital exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, multiple malformations such as nasal wing aplasia, and frequent mental retardation. We mapped the disease-associated locus to chromosome 15q14-21.1 and identified mutations, mostly truncating ones, in the gene UBR1 in 12 unrelated families with Johanson-Blizzard syndrome. UBR1 encodes one of at least four functionally overlapping E3 ubiquitin ligases of the N-end rule pathway, a conserved proteolytic system whose substrates include proteins with destabilizing N-terminal residues. Pancreas of individuals with Johanson-Blizzard syndrome did not express UBR1 and had intrauterine-onset destructive pancreatitis. In addition, we found that Ubr1(-/-) mice, whose previously reported phenotypes include reduced weight and behavioral abnormalities, had an exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, with impaired stimulus-secretion coupling and increased susceptibility to pancreatic injury. Our findings indicate that deficiency of UBR1 perturbs the pancreas' acinar cells and other organs, presumably owing to metabolic stabilization of specific substrates of the N-end rule pathway.  相似文献   

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