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过凯元 《科技信息》2007,(5):136-139
文章主要对于高职教学中的如下三个问题进行一些讨论:1、无穷小量问题:主要是无穷多个无穷小量的积的问题;2、定积分中求弧长的问题:主要是极坐标为何要转化为直角坐标的问题;3、微分方程通解中互相独立的常数与线性无关的关系问题。  相似文献   

问题意识,是指主体在学术研究中具有强烈探索真实问题或想做出发现创新的一种心理状态和思维品质。在人文社科学术论文写作中,研究主体问题意识建构的内在机制,表征为心理的焦虑与怀疑;得力于职业的特殊敏感;根植于合理的专业知识结构;优化于对有价值问题链的智慧选择。而问题意识的解构,关键在于研究主体对问题的科学分解、推演与有效论证。  相似文献   

深化行政事业单位会计管理体制改革,是加强党风廉政建设的迫切需要。会计集中核算作为会计管理体制改革中出现的新生事物,在从源头上预防和治理腐败、规范财务行为方面,无疑有着极其深刻的重要意义。与此同时,会计集中核算运行过程中也确实存在着一些无法回避的实际问题,如会计职能发挥问题;会计责任主体与法律责任问题;财务与会计关系问题适用的范围问题;造成财政负担加重问题;会计档案保管问题;会计信息传送等问题。如果这些问题不引起重视并及时加以解决,就会影响会计核算工作的正常进行。摘要  相似文献   

通过揭示数学问题中模糊与精确的含义,指出模糊与精确的特性、区别与联系;指出利用模糊思维与精确结果的密不可分、相辅相成的关系,解决数学问题,尤其是求解动态规划问题的优越性.  相似文献   

在整个基础教育阶段,语文课程常常是争议最大的;而在语文课程中,文学教育又是争议最大、受到社会各种因素影响最多的问题.焦点主要在下面几个问题:汉语言文学教育的中国文化思维特性;文学界与语文界的两条话语系统的时间差;文学理论对于文学教育的影响;语文课程中文学作品的选文问题;作为"例子"的文学教育与作为"精神"的文学教育.  相似文献   

通过对物理教学改革过程中出现的4个问题:知识与能力、过程与方法、情感态度价值观三部分课程目标孰轻孰重的问题;探究式学习、合作学习、自主学习等新颖教学模式与传统的讲授模式孰优孰劣的问题;网络、白板、计算机等多媒体教学手段与粉笔、实物、实验等传统教学手段孰好孰坏的问题;学生主动性与教师主导性孰强孰弱的问题进行了深度反思.认为应该吸收传统教学的优点而不是全面否定传统教学,这样才不会使物理教学改革走入误区。  相似文献   

 具体阐述农业科技论文写作中,在选题、研究方法、正文写作、结果与分析、结论与讨论以及参考文献中出现的常见问题,包括选题不当,研究方法不规范,结果与讨论不围绕主题,参考文献不全等问题.并针对存在的具体问题提出相应的建议.  相似文献   

数字图书馆和数字化信息资源的建设与发展是知识经济时代的必然要求。高校数字图书馆具有收藏数字化、资源共享化、传递网络化、服务智能化等特点。目前建设工程中存在整体规划与全面协调问题、信息安全与知识产权问题、经费短缺问题、馆员专业水平问题。严格遵守数字图书馆的整体化、规范化、标准化建设原则;尽快完善相关法律政策,加强数字图书馆的安全保护;合理使用经费,资源共享;积极引进专业人才,提高图书馆员技术水平,将有助于稳步推进我国高校数字图书馆建设,实现资源的共建共享。  相似文献   

论研究性学习在体育教学中的组织实施与指导   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
运用文献资料、专家咨询、教育观察、逻辑推理等研究方法,在对体育教学中组织实施研究性学习的必要性与可行性进行分析的基础上,重点探讨了研究性学习在体育教学中的组织实施与指导:创设情境,提出问题;发动引导,传授策略;开展研究,得出结论;展示交流,评价反思,并提出体育教学中组织实施研究性学习应注意的问题.  相似文献   

本文主要关注Web应用项目中关于性能指标的问题及估计。首先分析性能指标的重要性;其次针对项目中存在的指标表述错误、表述不完整、表述无意义或遗漏这三类典型问题,进行原因剖析;而后提出指标的描述准则、估计原则与估计策略,最后从技术与应用层面对指标进行估计分析。  相似文献   

为了探讨显微组织与形变织构的相关性,对纯铜线材运用精确的线材织构测定方法进行织构测定,采用取向分布函数法(ODF)分析了织构沿纯铜线材径向的分布.研究表明:单晶铜线材表面织构组分由〈100〉,〈112〉与〈110〉组成.由表及里〈100〉呈现增加趋势,并在中心层成为主要织构组分;〈112〉先增加后减少;〈110〉呈现减少趋势.多晶铜线材表面织构组分有〈100〉,〈111〉,〈112〉.由表及里〈100〉呈现先增加后减少;〈111〉呈现增加趋势,并在中心层与〈100〉成为主要织构组分;〈112〉先减少后增加.  相似文献   

Polyoxometalate (POM) has promising antiviral activities. It shows broad-spectrum inhibiting ability, high efficiency, and low tox-icity. Experimental assays show that titanium containing polyoxotungstates have anti-influenza-virus activity. In this paper, the bind-ing mechanisms of five isomers of di-Ti-substituted polyoxotungstate, [α-1,2-PTi2W10O40]7– (α-1,2), [α-1,6-PTi2W10O40]7– (α-1,6), [α-1,5-PTi2W10O40]7– (α-1,5), [α-1,4-PTi2W10O40]7– (α-1,4) and [α-1,11-PTi2W10O40]7– (α-1,11), to five subtypes of influenza virus A neuraminidase (FluV-A NA) were investigated in the context of aqueous solution by using molecular docking and molecular dynamics studies. The results show that the isomer α-1,2 is superior to other isomers as a potential inhibitor to neuraminidase. The positively charged arginine residues around the active site of NA could be induced by negatively charged POM to adapt themselves and could form salt bridge interactions and hydrogen bond interactions with POM. The binding free energies of POM/NA complexes range from –5.36 to –8.31 kcal mol–1. The electrostatic interactions are found to be the driving force during the binding process of POM to NA. The conformational analysis shows that POM tends to bind primarily with N1 and N8 at the edge of the active pocket, which causes the conformational change of the pincers structure comprising residue 347 and loop 150. Whereas, the active pockets of N2, N9 and N4 are found to be more spacious, which allows POM to enter into the active pockets directly and anchor there firmly. This study shows that negatively charged ligand as POM could induce the reorganization of the active site of NA and highlights POM as a promising inhibitor to NA despite the ever increasing mutants of NA.  相似文献   

Dispersed Pd nanoparticles (Pdn) have been synthesized by reducing H2PdCI4 with ethanol, and stabilized using poly(vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP). The Pdn is applied to the glassy carbon substrate to form a thin film, and then the potential cyclic scanning at 50 mV.s^-1 from -0.25 to 1.25 V was carried out for about 30 min to form the aggregations of Pdn (Pdn^ag). FTIR spectroscopy of both transmission and reflection modes was employed to study CO adsorption on Pdn and Pdn^ag in both solidlliquid and solidlgas interfaces. It has been revealed that CO adsorption on Pdn film yields two IRbands near 1964 and 1906 cm-1, which are assigned to IR absorption of CO bonded on asymmetric and symmetric bridge sites, respectively. In contrast to the IR properties of CO adsorbed on Pdn, only species of CO bonded on asymmetric bridge sites was determined on Pdn^ag, and the direction of the IR band near 1963 cm^-1 is completely inverted. The full width at half-maximum (FWHM) of the COB^as band near 1964 cm^-1 is measured to be 14 cm^-1 on Pdn film, while it is 24 cm^-1 on Pdn^ag film. The results of the present study demonstrated that the inverting of the IR band direction is a general phenomenon that is closely related to the interaction between nanoparticles in aggregation of Pdn.  相似文献   

把实数域上的M对称矩阵的概念推广到四元数体上,形成M自共轭矩阵,然后在四元数体上讨论矩阵方程AXB+CXD=E的M自共轭解及其最佳逼近问题.利用四元数矩阵的实分解和复分解,以及M自共轭矩阵的特征结构,借助Kronecker积把约束四元数矩阵方程转化为实数域上的无约束方程,克服了四元数乘法非交换运算的困难,并得到该方程具有M自共轭解的充要条件及其通解表达式.同时在解集非空的条件下,运用矩阵的分块技术及矩阵的拉直算子,获得与预先给定的四元数矩阵有极小Frobenius范数的最佳逼近解.由于M自共轭矩阵是四元数自共轭矩阵的推广,因此所得结果拓展了该方程的结构解类型.  相似文献   

添加物对镍铁尖晶石惰性阳极微观结构和性能的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了改善镍铁尖晶石陶瓷的抗热震性、抗弯强度等性能,尝试在合成镍铁尖晶石的过程中添加微量添加剂MnO2,TiO2,V2O5,采用粉末冶金法在1200℃下烧结6h,制备掺杂的镍铁尖晶石惰性阳极材料·研究了不同添加剂和添加量对材料烧结和微观结构的影响以及微观结构对材料抗热震性、抗弯强度等性能的影响·研究结果表明,这些添加剂均能不同程度地促进烧结,提高制品的密度·添加MnO2能够细化晶粒,且粒径分布均匀;而TiO2和V2O5使晶粒变大,且大小分布不均匀·因此只有添加MnO2才能够改善制品的抗弯强度和抗热震性·  相似文献   

Five marine organisms in Daya Bay are selected for estimating the dose rates. Internal exposure and its 5 pathways are also considered. The concentrations of 43 kinds of background and additional radionuclides in seawater are from the survey of background radioactivity and the prediction of routine radioactive releases of the 4 reactors. Point source dose distribution functions are used to estimate the dose rates to various organisms from α and β radiation. Monte-Carlo method is used to determine the absorbed fractions in the organisms from γ radiation. Results indicate that the background dose rates are 2.72 mGya · a-1 to phytoplankton and 1.75 mGy · a-1 to zooplankton. The dose rates to other organisms are in the range of 0.31–0. 49 mGy · a-1. The additional dose rates from the routine releases are varied to different organisms. They reach the range of 5.7–6.1 times of the background dose rates to benthic crustaceans and mollusks, which are 8.3%–15.3% to fishes, and only 0.2% to plankton. β internal irradiation from additional radionuclides is the critical pathway to plankton.131I and60Co are the major contributors to zooplankton, while103Ru,60Co and58Co are the main contributors to phytoplankton. γ external irradiation from sediment is the critical pathway to benthic organisms.58Co and60Co are the main contributors. The main pathways to fishes are internal β and γ irradiation.124Sb is the critical radionuclide.  相似文献   

采用自设固定源PM2.5稀释采集系统对陕西省关中地区多个燃煤电厂烟气中的颗粒物开展了现场实测与样品化学源组分分析。结果表明:4个燃煤电厂PM2.5、PM10占颗粒物比重差异较大(PM2.5占比范围为6.92%~54.34%,PM10占比范围为36.36%~73.02%);4个燃煤电厂数浓度水平最高值(2.0×104~4.0×105个/cm3)差异较大,相差约1个数量级;燃煤电厂PM2.5小粒径段颗粒物质量浓度占比大多较低,但其对PM2.5数浓度贡献却很大(最小值>95%),大粒径段颗粒物则相反;煤粉炉PM1/PM2.5较大,占比范围为35.29%~51.35%,循环流化床锅炉PM1/PM2.5较小,占比范围为16.62%~21.47%;SO42-是燃煤电厂PM2.5中最丰富的离子成分,各电厂SO42-占总离子浓度比重范围为50.02~65.52%,Na+和Ca2+位于第2或第3位;各燃煤电厂主要检出无机元素是Si、Al、Ca、Na、Fe、Na等地壳元素;燃煤电厂PM2.5、PM10和颗粒物的排放因子范围分别为0.001~0.028 kg/t、0.002~0.086 kg/t、0.003~0.236 kg/t;除尘设施组合越复杂先进,排放因子就可能越小。  相似文献   

Analytical-reagent-grade Al2O3 was added to magnetite ore during the process of pelletizing, and the methods of mercury intrusion, scanning electron microscopy, and image processing were used to investigate the effect of Al2O3 on the compressive strength of the pellets. The results showed that, as the Al2O3 content increased, the compressive strength of the pellets increased slightly and then decreased gradually. When a small amount of Al2O3 was added to the pellets, the Al2O3 combined with fayalite (2FeO·SiO2) and the aluminosilicate (2FeO·2Al2O3·5SiO2) was generated, which releases some iron oxide and reduces the inhibition of fayalite to the solid phase of consolidation. When Al2O3 increased sequentially, high melting point of Al2O3 particles hinder the oxidation of Fe3O4 and the recrystallization of Fe2O3, making the internal porosity of the pellets increase, which leads to the decrease in compressive strength of the pellets.  相似文献   

Among entomopathogenic fungi the Entomophthor- ales plays an important role in natural control of insect pests through induction of epizootics in insect popula-tions[1—3]. Since most species of the fungal group are 4 - characteristic with their special capability of actively dis-charging conidia to favor infection and dissemination in host populations, they are ideal targets for epizootiologi-cal study, being considered as important microbial control agents. Currently, 66 species …  相似文献   

与产品相关的谣言影响个体对于产品的判断及购买欲望,进而波及整个供应链中产品的市场需求.考虑个体的情绪和个体对谣言的判断,将经典谣言传播模型中的免疫者R细分成为蒙蔽者R_a和清醒者R_d,两种状态的个体都知道但不传播谣言,不同的是R_a受谣言蒙蔽相信谣言不购买产品,R_d作为清醒者不相信谣言,且继续购买产品.基于系统动力学构建CISR_aR_d谣言传播模型,对模型进行稳定性证明,探讨谣言攻击对产品需求的遏制情况,并在此基础上进行了数值模拟.研究表明,与产品相关的谣言严重制约产品的市场需求,商家在应对谣言攻击时所作出的正面宣传对于产品需求的恢复有其积极意义.  相似文献   

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