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Semiconductor properties of the passive films formed on 316L and 2205stainless steel were studied by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) in the high-temperature acetic acid. The results showed that the corrosion resistance of 2205 was higher than that of 316L, and the passive films formed on 316L and 2205 stainless steel showed p-type and n-type semiconductor behavior, respectively. Destruction and self-repairing of passive films were studied by using the constant current polarization method. The results showed that for 316L, the self-repairing process would occur when the destruction was lower than the critical extent or it would not do; for 2205, the self-repairing process only happened in a short time when the destruction was in the same extent as 316L. 相似文献
The properties of the passive film formed on 2205 stainless steel in acetic acid at high temperature that contained chloride ions were studied by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and electrochemical polarization measurements. AAS results show that molybdenum is enriched on the surface as the passive film is dissolved. This enrichment decreases the corrosion resistance because it hinders chloride adsorption and Fe ion dissolution, and acts as a local pH buffer because it consumes protons. The dissolution ratio of Fe/Cr is approximately 10 during the active dissolution of the passive film. XPS results indicate that when the potential is in the passivation region, Cr comprises about 50% of the metal cations in the near-surface region of the passive film and is the main metal constituent in this region. When the polarization potential is much greater than the transpassivation potential, the Mo content accounts for approximately 45% of the metal cations in the nearurface region; Fe and Ni have no obvious influence on the formation, dissolution, or puncture of the passive film. 相似文献
316L不锈钢在醋酸溶液中的钝化膜电化学性质 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
通过电化学阻抗方法测量316L不锈钢在25~85 ℃的醋酸溶液中的EIS曲线和Mott-Schottky曲线,并测量各温度点下的循环伏安曲线,研究了钝化膜的电化学性质. 研究结果表明:在醋酸溶液中的阻抗谱表明316L不锈钢在25~85 ℃温度范围内均能形成稳定的钝化膜,随温度升高极化阻力下降而界面电容增大. 温度对于316L不锈钢钝化膜的半导体本征性质没有根本的影响:在-0.5~0.1 V电位区间内钝化膜呈p型半导体特征;在0.1~0.9 V电位区间内钝化膜呈n型半导体特征;在0.9~1.1 V电位区间内钝化膜呈p型半导体特征. 钝化膜的循环伏安曲线显示当温度低于55 ℃时,钝化膜结构比较稳定;当温度为55 ℃时,钝化膜稳定性趋向恶化;当温度超过55 ℃时,钝化膜稳定性下降. 相似文献
316L不锈钢在含氯高温醋酸溶液中的自钝化行为 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
研究了316L不锈钢在85 ℃,含0.2% KCl的60%醋酸溶液中的自钝化行为. 通过测试试样的恒电流阴极极化曲线,以及恒电流阴极极化后开路电位随时间的变化曲线,提出了316L不锈钢钝化膜的结构模型. 该模型认为316L不锈钢钝化膜由三层构成:最外层主要是由Fe的氧化物以及少量Cr的氧化物组成;第二层主要是Cr的氧化物,含有少量Fe,Mo和Ni的氧化物;最底层主要是Mo,Ni的氧化物和少量的Fe原子. 研究发现: 316L不锈钢在实验醋酸溶液中,经10 mA阴极电流极化15 min后钝化膜生长参数γ最大,而经0.45 mA阴极电流极化30 min后钝化膜生长参数γ最小;316L不锈钢在实验醋酸溶液中,经10 mA阴极电流极化30 min后,自钝化电位最小,而经1 mA阴极电流极化15 min后,自钝化电位最大. 钝化膜结构模型能很好地解释316L不锈钢在实验醋酸溶液中的上述电化学行为. 相似文献
利用电化学及扫描电子显微镜(SEM)对316L与316LN两种不锈钢在高温高盐环境中的耐蚀性能进行了对比研究,利用Mott-Schottky曲线研究了两种材料的钝化膜半导体特征,借助X射线光电子能谱(XPS)研究了316LN不锈钢的钝化膜结构以及N元素在钝化膜中的分布状态。结果表明:在高温高盐环境中,两种材料形成的钝化膜都为n型半导体;316LN不锈钢形成的钝化膜耐点蚀性能更好,其钝化膜内缺陷浓度更低,N元素会在钝化膜中富集。最后利用点缺陷原理对316LN钝化膜的耐蚀机理进行了研究。 相似文献
醋酸介质中T-403塔不锈钢填料腐蚀机理研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
李淑英 《大连理工大学学报》2005,45(3):335-339
某化工厂PTA装置氧化单元系统中铁离子含量增高,已影响到氧化反应效果,严重威胁稳定生产,分析认为铁离子主要来自T-403溶剂回收塔316L不锈钢填料的腐蚀.利用扫描电镜、电子探针、金相显微镜等现代物理和化学分析检测手段,观察了从T-403塔取出填料的微观形貌,测试分析了所用填料的主要化学成分及元素分布,对比了未使用和已腐蚀填料的金相显微结构、力学性能变化,研究分析了不锈钢填料的腐蚀机理.实验结果表明:不锈钢填料发生了严重的局部腐蚀,腐蚀形态为晶间腐蚀和小孔腐蚀.填料发生腐蚀后,强度和硬度明显降低.测试分析结果证明,贫铬导致晶间腐蚀,Br以及不锈钢钝化膜局部破损造成蚀孔.原填料质量存在问题,不锈钢填料的含碳量未达到超低碳316L不锈钢的标准. 相似文献
在Gleeble-1500热模拟试验机上, 通过高温压缩实验对316L不锈钢的动态再结晶行为进行了系统研究. 结果表明:316L不锈钢热变形加工硬化倾向性较大, 在真应力应变曲线上没有出现明显的应力峰值σ_p;316L不锈钢在热变形过程中发生了动态再结晶, 但只是在局部区域观察到了动态再结晶晶粒. 对动态再结晶的实验数据进行拟合, 得到316L不锈钢的热激活能和热变形方程, 并给出了发生动态再结晶的临界应变和临界应力以及Zener-Hollomon参数和稳态应力的关系. 相似文献
Acoustic emission detection of 316L stainless steel welded joints during intergranular corrosion 下载免费PDF全文
This study analyzes acoustic emission (AE) signals during the intergranular corrosion (IGC) process of 316L stainless steel welded joints under different welding currents in boiling nitric acid. IGC generates several AE signals with high AE activity. The AE technique could hardly distinguish IGC in stainless steel welded joints with different welding heat inputs. However, AE signals can effectively distinguish IGC characteristics in different corrosion stages. The IGC resistance of a heat-affected zone is lower than that of a weld zone. The initiation and rapid corrosion stages can be distinguished using AE results and microstructural analysis. Moreover, energy count rate and amplitude are considered to be ideal parameters for characterizing different IGC processes. Two types of signals are detected in the rapid corrosion stage. It can be concluded that grain boundary corrosion and grain separation are the AE sources of type 1 and type 2, respectively. 相似文献
Constituent phases of the passive film formed on 2205 stainless steel by dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy 下载免费PDF全文
The passive film formed on 2205 duplex stainless steel (DSS) in 0.5 M NaHCO3+0.5 M NaCl aqueous solution was characterized by electrochemical measurements, including potentiodynamic anodic polarization and dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (DEIS). The results demonstrate that there is a great difference between the passive film evolutions of ferrite and austenite. The impedance values of ferrite are higher than those of austenite. The impedance peaks of ferritic and austenitic phases correspond to the potential of 0.15 and 0.25 V in the low potential range and correspond to 0.8 and 0.75 V in the high potential range. The evolutions of the capacitance of both phases are reverse compared to the evolutions of impedance. The thickness variations obtained from capacitance agree well with those of impedance analysis. The results can be used to explain why pitting corrosion occurs more easily in austenite phase than in ferrite phase. 相似文献
在高温水环境中,采用慢应变速率拉伸实验方法研究了温度对316 L不锈钢应力腐蚀开裂的影响规律,并通过扫描电镜(SEM)对试样断口形貌进行分析. 结果表明:在高温水环境中,温度为200~345 ℃时316 L不锈钢具有应力腐蚀开裂敏感性;材料脆性指标随温度升高而增大,应力腐蚀开裂敏感性增强,断口分析与之吻合;250 ℃是316 L不锈钢发生应力腐蚀开裂的敏感温度,断口边缘形貌呈现明显脆性断裂特征. 相似文献
Effects of chitosan inhibitor on the electrochemical corrosion behavior of 2205 duplex stainless steel 下载免费PDF全文
The effects of chitosan inhibitor on the corrosion behavior of 2205 duplex stainless steel were studied by electrochemical measurements, immersion tests, and stereology microscopy. The influences of immersion time, temperature, and chitosan concentration on the corrosion inhibition performance of chitosan were investigated. The optimum parameters of water-soluble chitosan on the corrosion inhibition performance of 2205 duplex stainless steel were also determined. The water-soluble chitosan showed excellent corrosion inhibition performance on the 2205 duplex stainless steel. Polarization curves demonstrated that chitosan acted as a mixed-type inhibitor. When the stainless steel specimen was immersed in the 0.2 g/L chitosan solution for 4 h, a dense and uniform adsorption film covered the sample surface and the inhibition efficiency (IE) reached its maximum value. Moreover, temperature was found to strongly influence the corrosion inhibition of chitosan; the inhibition efficiency gradually decreased with increasing temperature. The 2205 duplex stainless steel specimen immersed in 0.4 g/L water-soluble chitosan at 30℃ displayed the best corrosion inhibition among the investigated specimens. Moreover, chitosan decreased the corrosion rate of the 2205 duplex stainless steel in an FeCl3 solution. 相似文献
通过中心复合设计试验法设计试验,结合动电位极化曲线和电化学阻抗谱的测量以及氧化膜形貌观察和成分测量,研究了温度(30~350℃)、Cl-质量浓度(10~1000μg·L-1)和溶解氧质量浓度(0~200μg·L-1)3种因素对压水堆一回路主管道316L不锈钢电化学腐蚀性能的影响.结果表明:温度是影响316L不锈钢电化学腐蚀性能最显著的因素,温度越高,腐蚀电流密度越大,点蚀电位越低;Cl-浓度和溶解氧浓度对316L不锈钢电化学腐蚀性能的影响与温度密切相关,温度较低时(T<150℃),Cl-浓度和溶解氧浓度均对316L腐蚀电流密度几乎无影响,但点蚀电位却随Cl-浓度增加和溶解氧浓度的降低而降低;温度较高时,分别为T>130℃和T>150℃,Cl-浓度和溶解氧浓度均对316L点蚀电位几乎无影响,但腐蚀电流密度却随Cl-和溶解氧的浓度增加而显著增加,腐蚀加剧.电化学阻抗谱的测量和氧化膜形貌的观察也进一步验证了上述试验结果. 相似文献
表面状态对核级316LN不锈钢电化学腐蚀行为的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
表征了打磨态和机械抛光态316LN不锈钢表面的粗糙度、表面残余应变和表面电子功函数的分布,并研究了打磨态和机械抛光态样品在硼酸盐溶液中电化学腐蚀行为的差异.与机械抛光态316LN不锈钢相比,打磨处理后样品表面较为粗糙,且表面的微观残余应变较大,近表面产生约50 μm的加工硬化层.表面粗糙度和微观应变的增加引起打磨态表面电化学活性的增大,从而促进316LN不锈钢在硼酸盐溶液中腐蚀.机械抛光处理降低了表面钝化膜的载流子密度(供体和受体),并增大了钝化膜的阻抗,提高了钝化膜的致密性和保护性,能够有效抑制金属的进一步腐蚀. 相似文献
在常压和真空条件下研究了温度与氮分压对316L不锈钢中氮溶解度的影响,钢中氮的溶解度随着温度的降低而升高,随着氮分压的增大而增大.建立了316L不锈钢氮溶解度热力学计算模型,不同吹氮条件下氮溶解度实测值与热力学模型计算值较吻合.在1773~1873K条件下,生产控氮型316L不锈钢,氮分压要控制在6~28kPa以上;生产中氮型316L不锈钢,氮分压要控制在22~101kPa以上.常压下吹氮10min,钢液含氮量即可超过0.10%. 相似文献
采用热等静压方法对气雾化316L奥氏体不锈钢粉末致密化,用箱式电阻炉对致密体进行了固溶处理,研究了固溶前后致密体的显微组织和力学性能,并对其拉伸断口形貌进行了分析.结果表明:热等静压态致密体密度接近理论全致密,内部组织为细小的奥氏体,存在较多的碳化物,抗拉强度、屈服强度分别达到595.3MPa和263.3MPa,延伸率为58.3%,硬度为HBS152.3;固溶处理使致密体强度和硬度降低,塑性增加,且随着固溶温度的提高,强度迅速降低,塑性明显提高,最佳固溶温度为1050℃;在固溶温度为1050℃和水冷的情况下,最佳保温时间为20min;固溶处理前后拉伸试样断口呈现明显的韧性断裂,固溶韧性好于固溶前的,均高于热轧态产品的韧性. 相似文献
316L不锈钢粉末的电子束选区熔化成形 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
电子束选区熔化技术在人体植入物、航空航天小批量零件的直接快速制造方面具有重要的意义。为此,该文采用自行研制的电子束选区熔化设备,研究了电子束选区熔化316L不锈钢粉末的工艺参数、微观组织及熔化成形机理。结果表明:电子束电流、作用时间和聚焦电流对层间结合情况影响较大,作用时间和填充线间距对可成形性影响较大;当能量密度系数为62.8 GJ/m3、基板厚度为0.5mm时,制备的成形件晶粒细小,组织均匀,无气孔、裂纹及未熔颗粒等缺陷出现。 相似文献
超声喷丸处理工艺在316L不锈钢表面制备出了纳米表面晶层,对表面纳米化后和未表面纳米化的316L不锈钢试样进行拉拉低周疲劳试验,然后对试件进行表面残余应力进行测试,并对表面纳米化后材料疲劳性能的影响机理进行了初步分析探讨.研究结果表明,超声喷丸表面纳米化处理可以有效使材料在表面产生残余压应力,并使得表面晶粒细化,从而有效抑制疲劳裂缝萌生,提高材料疲劳寿命. 相似文献
研究SAF 2205双相不锈钢冷轧退火板的冲压特性以及冷轧和退火织构对其冲压性能的影响.实验钢冷轧退火板表现出较差的深冲性能和明显的45°制耳,其r平均值和Δr值分别为0.7和-0.27,这主要与其在冷轧及退火后形成的织构有关. ODF图显示,退火后SAF 2205双相不锈钢中铁素体相未形成γ纤维再结晶织构,仍然为分散的α纤维织构.实验钢中铁素体相的织构强度明显高于奥氏体相,其对钢板成形性的影响更显著,即其各种〈110〉退火织构组分均不利于实验钢r平均值的提高,并且使得Δr<0.此外,奥氏体相的{110}〈001〉织构也对钢板成形性能产生一定程度的影响. 相似文献
王金刚 《西安石油大学学报(自然科学版)》2006,21(5):79-81
奥氏体不锈钢自发钝化膜非常薄,在一些特定的阴离子环境中容易发生腐蚀而破坏,而且不锈钢仅有金属光泽,颜色过于单调.采用再钝化实验工艺使金属表层生成一层化学转化膜,不仅能提高不锈钢的耐腐蚀性能,还能利用对光的干涉作用使金属表面呈现不同的色彩.本文利用酸性化学着色,把经过再钝化的试样和未经过再钝化的试样浸入FeCl3溶液中进行腐蚀试验,全面腐蚀和点蚀结果均表明,经过再钝化的试样的耐腐蚀性能明显高于未经过再钝化的试样.该工艺具有较好的实用价值. 相似文献