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Summary The axons of motorneurons in rotated cockroach ganglia grow into the limb opposite the one they normally innervate and appear to synapse with appropriate muscles. Apparently the classification of motorneurons is duplicated about the mid-line.I thankNan Cowan for her expert technical assistance.  相似文献   

Treatment of house crickets and American cockroaches with any one of a variety of insecticides increased the rate of melanization in hemolymph incubated with diphenol substrates.  相似文献   

Summary Treatment of house crickets and American cockroaches with any one of a variety of insecticides increased the rate of melanization in hemolymph incubated with diphenol substrates.  相似文献   

Résumé Le benzopyrène le pyrène et l'anthracène peuvent être révélés au moyen du spectrophotomètre dans les extraits de tissu des blattes (Periplaneta americana) nourries avec ces hydrocarbures; ils sont excrétés lorsqu'on interrompt l'alimentation.

Supported by grant CA 01469-11 from the National Cancer Institute, Public Health Service.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Der biogenetische Ursprung des Marinobufagins in KrötenBufo paracnemis wurde durch Injektion von Cholesterol-20-14C nachgewiesen. Durch Abbau wurde festgestellt, dass die Gesamtaktivität des Produktes im C-20 des Marinobufagins enthalten ist.  相似文献   

Summary Aspartate (AAT) and alanine aminotransferase (AIAT) activities in nervous system and coxal leg muscle of the cockroach showed circadian variations with maximal activity around midnight, alternating with minimal activity at 12.00 noon of the solar day. The enhanced activity levels of the enzymes observed during night dark hours may be related to higher energy requirements during increased locomotor activity of the animals.We thank Prof. K. S. Swami, for providing facilities. The financial help rendered by UGC and CSIR, in the form of Junior (to SV) and Senior (to TPK) Research Fellowships is acknowledged.  相似文献   

Summary The gnawing activity of adult female cockroaches was assessed by the dry weight loss of cotton fibre supplied to individual insects. In animals maintained on a carbohydrate-deficient diet the use of fibre was significantly less than in animals receiving a balanced diet. A comparison with controls showed that under both dietary regimes access to a fibre source did not significantly increase the mean, total number of oothecae produced.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es gelang, in Tauben die Umwandlung von injiziertem Cholesterol-C14 in Gallen-Cholestanol nachzuweisen, wobei Chenodeoxycholinsäure als Hauptmetabolit des Cholesterols-C14 in der Galle ermittelt wurde.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Das Vorkommen von Sexualpheromon wurde an dem Werbeverhalten von selektierten einzelnen Männchen getestet. Das Pheromon kommt in larvalen und adulten Insekten beiderlei Geschlechts vor, wird aber von geschlechtsreifen Weibchen in grösseren Mengen produziert. Es kommt hauptsächlich im Kopf vor und wird wahrscheinlich an Orten modifizierter Körperdecke abgesondert.  相似文献   

Summary The brain neurosecretory material is involved in the control of Corpora allata activity during post-embryonic development. A high concentration of neurosecretory material within the Corpora allata restrains the activity of the gland.  相似文献   

Résumé On expose une méthode rapide de la coloration vitale à l'acridine orange des produits de neurosécrétion dans le tissu nerveux des insectes. Irradiés avec la lumière bleue, tout les types connus de produits de neurosécrétions entrent en fluorescence en prenant une teinte métachromique rouge.

I am indebted to Prof.B. Johnson for helpful suggestions and criticisms. This study was supported by a University of Tasmania Research Grant and the author has received financial support from I.C.I.A.N.Z. and University of Tasmania Post-Graduate Scholarships.  相似文献   

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