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Grouping of image fragments in primary visual cortex.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Y Sugita 《Nature》1999,401(6750):269-272
In the visual world, objects are partially occluded by nearer objects, separating them into image fragments. However, the image fragments of the object can easily be grouped and organized together by the visual system. Psychophysical data and theoretical analysis indicate that such perceptual grouping might be mediated in the early stages of visual processing. Here I show that some orientation-selective cells in the primary visual cortex (V1) have response properties that can mediate the grouping of image fragments. These cells stopped responding to a stimulus bar when it was partly occluded by a small patch. The cells also did not respond when the patch had uncrossed disparity so that it appeared to be behind the bar. However, the cells began responding again when the patch had crossed disparity so that it appeared to be in front of the bar. These results indicate that cells as early as V1 have the computational power to make inferences about the nature of partially invisible forms seen behind occluding structures.  相似文献   

Receptive field dynamics in adult primary visual cortex.   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38  
C D Gilbert  T N Wiesel 《Nature》1992,356(6365):150-152
The adult brain has a remarkable ability to adjust to changes in sensory input. Removal of afferent input to the somatosensory, auditory, motor or visual cortex results in a marked change of cortical topography. Changes in sensory activity can, over a period of months, alter receptive field size and cortical topography. Here we remove visual input by focal binocular retinal lesions and record from the same cortical sites before and within minutes after making the lesion and find immediate striking increases in receptive field size for cortical cells with receptive fields near the edge of the retinal scotoma. After a few months even the cortical areas that were initially silenced by the lesion recover visual activity, representing retinotopic loci surrounding the lesion. At the level of the lateral geniculate nucleus, which provides the visual input to the striate cortex, a large silent region remains. Furthermore, anatomical studies show that the spread of geniculocortical afferents is insufficient to account for the cortical recovery. The results indicate that the topographic reorganization within the cortex was largely due to synaptic changes intrinsic to the cortex, perhaps through the plexus of long-range horizontal connections.  相似文献   

Zhang LI  Tan AY  Schreiner CE  Merzenich MM 《Nature》2003,424(6945):201-205
The direction of frequency-modulated (FM) sweeps is an important temporal cue in animal and human communication. FM direction-selective neurons are found in the primary auditory cortex (A1), but their topography and the mechanisms underlying their selectivity remain largely unknown. Here we report that in the rat A1, direction selectivity is topographically ordered in parallel with characteristic frequency (CF): low CF neurons preferred upward sweeps, whereas high CF neurons preferred downward sweeps. The asymmetry of 'inhibitory sidebands', suppressive regions flanking the tonal receptive field (TRF) of the spike response, also co-varied with CF. In vivo whole-cell recordings showed that the direction selectivity already present in the synaptic inputs was enhanced by cortical synaptic inhibition, which suppressed the synaptic excitation of the non-preferred direction more than that of the preferred. The excitatory and inhibitory synaptic TRFs had identical spectral tuning, but with inhibition delayed relative to excitation. The spectral asymmetry of the synaptic TRFs co-varied with CF, as had direction selectivity and sideband asymmetry, and thus suggested a synaptic mechanism for the shaping of FM direction selectivity and its topographic ordering.  相似文献   

Chatterjee S  Callaway EM 《Nature》2003,426(6967):668-671
The trichromatic primate retina parses the colour content of a visual scene into 'red/green' and 'blue/yellow' representations. Cortical circuits must combine the information encoded in these colour-opponent signals to reconstruct the full range of perceived colours. Red/green and blue/yellow inputs are relayed by the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) of thalamus to primary visual cortex (V1), so understanding how cortical circuits transform these signals requires understanding how LGN inputs to V1 are organized. Here we report direct recordings from LGN afferent axons in muscimol-inactivated V1. We found that blue/yellow afferents terminated exclusively in superficial cortical layers 3B and 4A, whereas red/green afferents were encountered only in deeper cortex, in lower layer 4C. We also describe a distinct cortical target for 'blue-OFF' cells, whose afferents terminated in layer 4A and seemed patchy in organization. The more common 'blue-ON' afferents were found in 4A as well as lower layer 2/3. Chromatic information is thus conveyed to V1 by parallel, anatomically segregated colour-opponent systems, to be combined at a later stage of the colour circuit.  相似文献   

Inhibitory threshold for critical-period activation in primary visual cortex   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Fagiolini M  Hensch TK 《Nature》2000,404(6774):183-186
Neuronal circuits across several systems display remarkable plasticity to sensory input during postnatal development. Experience-dependent refinements are often restricted to well-defined critical periods in early life, but how these are established remains mostly unknown. A representative example is the loss of responsiveness in neocortex to an eye deprived of vision. Here we show that the potential for plasticity is retained throughout life until an inhibitory threshold is attained. In mice of all ages lacking an isoform of GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) synthetic enzyme (GAD65), as well as in immature wild-type animals before the onset of their natural critical period, benzodiazepines selectively reduced a prolonged discharge phenotype to unmask plasticity. Enhancing GABA-mediated transmission early in life rendered mutant animals insensitive to monocular deprivation as adults, similar to normal wild-type mice. Short-term presynaptic dynamics reflected a synaptic reorganization in GAD65 knockout mice after chronic diazepam treatment. A threshold level of inhibition within the visual cortex may thus trigger, once in life, an experience-dependent critical period for circuit consolidation, which may otherwise lie dormant.  相似文献   

Cumming BG 《Nature》2002,418(6898):633-636
The horizontal separation of the eyes means that objects nearer or farther than the fixation point project to different locations on the two retinae, differing principally in their horizontal coordinates (horizontal binocular disparity). Disparity-selective neurons have generally been studied with disparities applied in only one direction (often horizontal), which cannot determine whether the encoding is specialized for processing disparities along the horizontal axis. It is therefore unclear if disparity selectivity represents a specialization for naturally occurring disparities. I used random dot stereograms to study disparity-selective neurons from the primary visual cortex (V1) of awake fixating monkeys. Many combinations of vertical and horizontal disparity were used, characterizing the surface of responses as a function of two-dimensional disparity. Here I report that the response surface usually showed elongation along the horizontal disparity axis, despite the isotropic stimulus. Thus these neurons modulated their firing rate over a wider range of horizontal disparity than vertical disparity. This demonstrates that disparity-selective cells are specialized for processing horizontal disparity, and that existing models of disparity selectivity require substantial revision.  相似文献   

This study researches the coding model adaptive for information processing of the bottom-up attention mechanism.We constructed a coding model satisfying the neurobiological constraints of the primary visual cortex.By quantitatively changing the coding constraints,we carried out experiments on images used in cognitive psychology and natural image sets to compare the effects on the saliency detection performance.The experimental results statistically demonstrated that the encoding of invariant features and representation of overcomplete bases is advantageous to the bottom-up attention mechanism.  相似文献   

In fMRI experiments on object representation in visual cortex, we designed two types of stimuli: one is the gray face image and its line drawing, and the other is the illusion and its corresponding completed illusion. Both of them have the same global features with different minute details so that the results of fMRI experiments can be compared with each other. The first kind of visual stimuli was used in a block design fMRI experiment, and the second was used in an event-related fMRI experiment. Comparing and analyzing interesting visual cortex activity patterns and blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD)- fMRI signal, we obtained results to show some invariance of global features of visual images. A plausible explanation about the invariant mechanism is related with the cooperation of synchronized response to the global features of the visual image with a feedback of shape perception from higher cortex to cortex V1, namely the integration of global features and embodiment of sparse representation and distributed population code.  相似文献   

通过分析猕猴初级视皮层(V1)神经元的群体活动在轮廓线检测训练过程中的变化发现:知觉训练可以降低V1神经元响应在不同试次之间的变异性,促使V1神经元对相同刺激的响应更加稳定;训练还可降低V1神经元群体中神经元活动之间的相关性,使V1神经元之间的活动更加独立;增加了神经活动的维度,提高了神经元表征信息的容量,减少了冗余的神经活动,进而提升了感知能力.  相似文献   

Involvement of visual cortex in tactile discrimination of orientation.   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
A Zangaladze  C M Epstein  S T Grafton  K Sathian 《Nature》1999,401(6753):587-590
The primary sense modalities (vision, touch and so on) are generally thought of as distinct. However, visual imagery is implicated in the normal tactile perception of some object properties, such as orientation, shape and size. Furthermore, certain tactile tasks, such as discrimination of grating orientation and object recognition, are associated with activity in areas of visual cortex. Here we show that disrupting function of the occipital cortex using focal transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) interferes with the tactile discrimination of grating orientation. The specificity of this effect is illustrated by its time course and spatial restriction over the scalp, and by the failure of occipital TMS to affect either detection of an electrical stimulus applied to the fingerpad or tactile discrimination of grating texture. In contrast, TMS over the somatosensory cortex blocked discrimination of grating texture as well as orientation. We also report that, during tactile discrimination of grating orientation, an evoked potential is recorded over posterior scalp regions with a latency corresponding to the peak of the TMS interference effect (about 180 ms). The findings indicate that visual cortex is closely involved in tactile discrimination of orientation. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration that visual cortical processing is necessary for normal tactile perception.  相似文献   

Plasticity in the visual cortex   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A M Sillito 《Nature》1983,303(5917):477-478

Y Sugase  S Yamane  S Ueno  K Kawano 《Nature》1999,400(6747):869-873
When we see a person's face, we can easily recognize their species, individual identity and emotional state. How does the brain represent such complex information? A substantial number of neurons in the macaque temporal cortex respond to faces. However, the neuronal mechanisms underlying the processing of complex information are not yet clear. Here we recorded the activity of single neurons in the temporal cortex of macaque monkeys while presenting visual stimuli consisting of geometric shapes, and monkey and human faces with various expressions. Information theory was used to investigate how well the neuronal responses could categorize the stimuli. We found that single neurons conveyed two different scales of facial information in their firing patterns, starting at different latencies. Global information, categorizing stimuli as monkey faces, human faces or shapes, was conveyed in the earliest part of the responses. Fine information about identity or expression was conveyed later, beginning on average 51 ms after global information. We speculate that global information could be used as a 'header' to prepare destination areas for receiving more detailed information.  相似文献   

Early consolidation in human primary motor cortex.   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
Behavioural studies indicate that a newly acquired motor skill is rapidly consolidated from an initially unstable state to a more stable state, whereas neuroimaging studies demonstrate that the brain engages new regions for performance of the task as a result of this consolidation. However, it is not known where a new skill is retained and processed before it is firmly consolidated. Some early aspects of motor skill acquisition involve the primary motor cortex (M1), but the nature of that involvement is unclear. We tested the possibility that the human M1 is essential to early motor consolidation. We monitored changes in elementary motor behaviour while subjects practised fast finger movements that rapidly improved in movement acceleration and muscle force generation. Here we show that low-frequency, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of M1 but not other brain areas specifically disrupted the retention of the behavioural improvement, but did not affect basal motor behaviour, task performance, motor learning by subsequent practice, or recall of the newly acquired motor skill. These findings indicate that the human M1 is specifically engaged during the early stage of motor consolidation.  相似文献   

Functional specialisation in the visual cortex of the rhesus monkey.   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
S M Zeki 《Nature》1978,274(5670):423-428
Anatomical and functional studies of the visual cortex of the rhesus monkey have shown that it is made up of a multiplicity of distinct areas. These seem to be functionally specialised to analyse different features of the visual environment.  相似文献   

Eye dominance in the visual cortex   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
C Blakemore  J D Pettigrew 《Nature》1970,225(5231):426-429

Columns for visual features of objects in monkey inferotemporal cortex.   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
I Fujita  K Tanaka  M Ito  K Cheng 《Nature》1992,360(6402):343-346
At early stages of the mammalian visual cortex, neurons with similar stimulus selectivities are vertically arrayed through the thickness of the cortical sheet and clustered in patches or bands across the surface. This organization, referred to as a 'column', has been found with respect to one-dimensional stimulus parameters such as orientation of stimulus contours, eye dominance of visual inputs, and direction of stimulus motion. It is unclear, however, whether information with extremely high dimensions, such as visual shape, is organized in a similar columnar fashion or in a different manner in the brain. Here we report that the anterior inferotemporal area of the monkey cortex, the final station of the visual cortical stream crucial for object recognition, consists of columns, each containing cells responsive to similar visual features of objects.  相似文献   

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