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Hoskin CJ  Higgie M  McDonald KR  Moritz C 《Nature》2005,437(7063):1353-1356
Allopatric speciation results from geographic isolation between populations. In the absence of gene flow, reproductive isolation arises gradually and incidentally as a result of mutation, genetic drift and the indirect effects of natural selection driving local adaptation. In contrast, speciation by reinforcement is driven directly by natural selection against maladaptive hybridization. This gives individuals that choose the traits of their own lineage greater fitness, potentially leading to rapid speciation between the lineages. Reinforcing natural selection on a population of one of the lineages in a mosaic contact zone could also result in divergence of the population from the allopatric range of its own lineage outside the zone. Here we test this with molecular data, experimental crosses, field measurements and mate choice experiments in a mosaic contact zone between two lineages of a rainforest frog. We show that reinforcing natural selection has resulted in significant premating isolation of a population in the contact zone not only from the other lineage but also, incidentally, from the closely related main range of its own lineage. Thus we show the potential for reinforcement to drive rapid allopatric speciation.  相似文献   

Nussbaumer AD  Fisher CR  Bright M 《Nature》2006,441(7091):345-348
Transmission of obligate bacterial symbionts between generations is vital for the survival of the host. Although the larvae of certain hydrothermal vent tubeworms (Vestimentifera, Siboglinidae) are symbiont-free and possess a transient digestive system, these structures are lost during development, resulting in adult animals that are nutritionally dependent on their bacterial symbionts. Thus, each generation of tubeworms must be newly colonized with its specific symbiont. Here we present a model for tubeworm symbiont acquisition and the development of the symbiont-housing organ, the trophosome. Our data indicate that the bacterial symbionts colonize the developing tube of the settled larvae and enter the host through the skin, a process that continues through the early juvenile stages during which the trophosome is established from mesodermal tissue. In later juvenile stages we observed massive apoptosis of host epidermis, muscles and undifferentiated mesodermal tissue, which was coincident with the cessation of the colonization process. Characterizing the symbiont transmission process in this finely tuned mutualistic symbiosis provides another model of symbiont acquisition and additional insights into underlying mechanisms common to both pathogenic infections and beneficial host-symbiont interactions.  相似文献   

Adaptive visual metamorphosis in a deep-sea hydrothermal vent crab   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Hydrothermal vents along the mid-ocean ridges host ephemeral ecosystems of diverse endemic fauna including several crustacean species, some of which undergo planktonic development as larvae up to 1,000 m above and 100 km away from the vents. Little is known about the role of vision in the life history of vent fauna. Here we report that planktonic zoea larvae of the vent crab Bythograea thermydron possess image-forming compound eyes with a visual pigment sensitive to the blue light of mesopelagic waters. As they metamorphose and begin to descend to and settle at the vents, they lose their image-forming optics and develop high-sensitivity naked-retina eyes. The spectral absorbance of the visual pigment in these eyes shifts towards longer wavelengths from larva to postlarva to adult. This progressive visual metamorphosis trades imaging for increased sensitivity, and changes spectral sensitivity from the blue wavelengths of the larval environment towards the dim, longer wavelengths produced in the deeper bathypelagic vent environment of the adults. As hydrothermal vents produce light, vision may supplement thermal and chemical senses to orient postlarval settlement at vent sites.  相似文献   

Hydrogen is an energy source for hydrothermal vent symbioses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The discovery of deep-sea hydrothermal vents in 1977 revolutionized our understanding of the energy sources that fuel primary productivity on Earth. Hydrothermal vent ecosystems are dominated by animals that live in symbiosis with chemosynthetic bacteria. So far, only two energy sources have been shown to power chemosynthetic symbioses: reduced sulphur compounds and methane. Using metagenome sequencing, single-gene fluorescence in situ hybridization, immunohistochemistry, shipboard incubations and in situ mass spectrometry, we show here that the symbionts of the hydrothermal vent mussel Bathymodiolus from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge use hydrogen to power primary production. In addition, we show that the symbionts of Bathymodiolus mussels from Pacific vents have hupL, the key gene for hydrogen oxidation. Furthermore, the symbionts of other vent animals such as the tubeworm Riftia pachyptila and the shrimp Rimicaris exoculata also have hupL. We propose that the ability to use hydrogen as an energy source is widespread in hydrothermal vent symbioses, particularly at sites where hydrogen is abundant.  相似文献   

Pradillon F  Shillito B  Young CM  Gaill F 《Nature》2001,413(6857):698-699
Temperature is a key factor in controlling the distribution of marine organisms and is particularly important at hydrothermal vents, where steep thermal gradients are present over a scale of centimetres. The thermophilic worm Alvinella pompejana, which is found at the vents of the East Pacific Rise (2,500-m depth), has an unusually broad thermotolerance (20-80 degrees C) as an adult, but we show here that the temperature range required by the developing embryo is very different from that tolerated by adults. Our results indicate that early embryos may disperse through cold abyssal water in a state of developmental arrest, completing their development only when they encounter water that is warm enough for their growth and survival.  相似文献   

Jeng MS  Ng NK  Ng PK 《Nature》2004,432(7020):969
The crab Xenograpsus testudinatus lives at enormously high densities around the sulphur-rich hydrothermal vents found in shallow waters off Taiwan, even though this acidic environment is low in nutrients. Here we show that these crabs swarm out of their crevices at slack water and feed on the vast numbers of zooplankton that are killed by the vents' sulphurous plumes, and that rain down like marine 'snow'. This opportunistic feeding behaviour explains how the crabs are able to survive in the adverse toxic environment of these shallow hydrothermal vents.  相似文献   

Lilley MD  Butterfield DA  Lupton JE  Olson EJ 《Nature》2003,422(6934):878-881
The Endeavour segment of the Juan de Fuca ridge is host to one of the most vigorous hydrothermal areas found on the global mid-ocean-ridge system, with five separate vent fields located within 15 km along the top of the ridge segment. Over the past decade, the largest of these vent fields, the 'Main Endeavour Field', has exhibited a constant spatial gradient in temperature and chloride concentration in its vent fluids, apparently driven by differences in the nature and extent of subsurface phase separation. This stable situation was disturbed on 8 June 1999 by an earthquake swarm. Owing to the nature of the seismic signals and the lack of new lava flows observed in the area during subsequent dives of the Alvin and Jason submersibles (August-September 1999), the event was interpreted to be tectonic in nature. Here we show that chemical data from hydrothermal fluid samples collected in September 1999 and June 2000 strongly suggest that the event was instead volcanic in origin. Volatile data from this event and an earlier one at 9 degrees N on the East Pacific Rise show that such magmatic events can have profound and rapid effects on fluid-mineral equilibria, phase separation, 3He/heat ratios and fluxes of volatiles from submarine hydrothermal systems.  相似文献   

Evidence is growing that hydrothermal venting occurs not only along mid-ocean ridges but also on old regions of the oceanic crust away from spreading centres. Here we report the discovery of an extensive hydrothermal field at 30 degrees N near the eastern intersection of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the Atlantis fracture zone. The vent field--named 'Lost City'--is distinctly different from all other known sea-floor hydrothermal fields in that it is located on 1.5-Myr-old crust, nearly 15 km from the spreading axis, and may be driven by the heat of exothermic serpentinization reactions between sea water and mantle rocks. It is located on a dome-like massif and is dominated by steep-sided carbonate chimneys, rather than the sulphide structures typical of 'black smoker' hydrothermal fields. We found that vent fluids are relatively cool (40-75 degrees C) and alkaline (pH 9.0-9.8), supporting dense microbial communities that include anaerobic thermophiles. Because the geological characteristics of the Atlantis massif are similar to numerous areas of old crust along the Mid-Atlantic, Indian and Arctic ridges, these results indicate that a much larger portion of the oceanic crust may support hydrothermal activity and microbial life than previously thought.  相似文献   

During DY105-17 cruise onboard the PJV "Da Yang Yi Hao" in 2005, methane concentrations in the water column above Logachev hydrothermal vent field were measured by applying stripping/trapping-gas chromatographic (GC) and the distinct methane plumes were detected. Results show that the background methane concentration within the Logachev area is from 1.05 nmol/L to 1.68 nmol/L, significantly higher than the background level of the Atlantic abyssal plain of 0.4-0.5 nmol/L, suggesting that hydrothermal venting is a major source of dissolved methane to the ocean. The highest anomalies of methane concentrations in the water column range from 7.14 nmol/L to 113.9 nmol/L and occur just at 180-500 m above the seafloor. The distribution of methane concentration and the structural characteristics of hydrothermal plumes are strongly influenced by the supply of underlying hydrothermal fluids, the mixing process of ocean bottom currents and the microbial oxidation. Furthermore, the differences in distribution of methane plume between the station MAR-CTD3 and the other stations indicate a probable unknown hydrothermal vent site nearby. There occurs high concentration of methane along with temperature and nephelometry anomalies, which strongly confirms that the subtle measurement of methane concentration in water column is one of the effective ways to locate active sites of hydrothermal venting.  相似文献   

Chemical ecology: in defence of maize   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lincoln T 《Nature》2006,439(7074):278

During DY105-17 cruise onboard the R/V "Da Yang Yi Hao" in 2005,methane concentrations in the wa-ter column above Logachev hydrothermal vent field were measured by applying stripping/trapping-gas chromatographic (GC) and the distinct methane plumes were detected. Results show that the back-ground methane concentration within the Logachev area is from 1.05 nmol/L to 1.68 nmol/L,signifi-cantly higher than the background level of the Atlantic abyssal plain of 0.4―0.5 nmol/L,suggesting that hydrothermal venting is a major source of dissolved methane to the ocean. The highest anomalies of methane concentrations in the water column range from 7.14 nmol/L to 113.9 nmol/L and occur just at 180―500 m above the seafloor. The distribution of methane concentration and the structural charac-teristics of hydrothermal plumes are strongly influenced by the supply of underlying hydrothermal fluids,the mixing process of ocean bottom currents and the microbial oxidation. Furthermore,the dif-ferences in distribution of methane plume between the station MAR-CTD3 and the other stations indi-cate a probable unknown hydrothermal vent site nearby. There occurs high concentration of methane along with temperature and nephelometry anomalies,which strongly confirms that the subtle meas-urement of methane concentration in water column is one of the effective ways to locate active sites of hydrothermal venting.  相似文献   

Microbial mats, several millimeters thick and brown-yellow to white in color, were collected in hollow inside of chimney structure from Edmond hydrothermal field on the Central Indian Ridge. Microbes with shapes of rod and helical stalk-like filaments were observed in the microbial mats, and are com- monly characterized by their cells completely encrusted by thick mineralized layers, made up of large amounts of amorphous silica and minor amounts of iron oxides. Transmission Electron Microscope observation has demonstrated that the acicular Fe-bearing matter was not only heterogenously dis- tributed on the surface of the cell wall, but also deposited in the inside of cell, suggesting that bio-precipitation of Fe had occurred both on the surface and in the interior of cell. Microbial silicification was also commonly found in the mats. Silica usually precipitated homogeneously on the surface of the microbes and forms micro-laminated layers, which might be controlled by the inorganic process of precipitation in hydrothermal environment. The biomineralization phenomenon in the mi- crobial mats showed that the precipitation of Fe and Si was closely related to microbes in hydrothermal environment. Considering that hydrothermal activities provided required chemical elements for miner- alization, it is suggested that this biomineralization process also might be driven by hydrothermal ac- tivities at the sea floor to some extent.  相似文献   

Moore P 《Nature》2005,435(7039):235

M Slatkin 《Nature》1974,252(5485):701-702

Wade MJ 《Nature》2001,409(6821):675-677

Hybrid speciation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mallet J 《Nature》2007,446(7133):279-283
Botanists have long believed that hybrid speciation is important, especially after chromosomal doubling (allopolyploidy). Until recently, hybridization was not thought to play a very constructive part in animal evolution. Now, new genetic evidence suggests that hybrid speciation, even without polyploidy, is more common in plants and also animals than we thought.  相似文献   

Winker K 《Nature》2000,404(6773):36

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