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土木工程结构模型的自由度数目很大,按照原结构模型设计的控制器阶次非常高,从而导致主动控制和半主动控制实施过程中时滞效应十分突出.首先采用均衡实现技术对结构模型的状态变量重新排序形成内部均衡的模型,然后分别基于系统的可观度和可控度指标与内平衡系统二次型性能指标来进行结构模型降阶,略去对结构动力反应贡献小的状态变量.通过对Highway Bridge的Benchmark模型进行多目标模型降阶计算,得到最优的降阶模型,说明方法的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

基于内平衡变换和Riccati方程的模型降阶及应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对于一个高阶的控制系统,为了实现对其适时控制,需要一个降阶模型与之对应,对此低阶模型设计控制器以达到对原系统控制的目的。首先,在内平衡变换的基础上,确定降阶模型的阶数;其次,通过解一个Riccati方程得到一个变换矩阵,进而得到降阶以后的模型;然后,介绍了两种经典的模型降阶方法,以作为与此方法的比较。最后,对两个实例进行了仿真计算。计算表明,此方法是有效和可行的。  相似文献   

广义系统的H2及H∞次优模型降阶   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讨论广义系统的H2及H模型降阶问题。首先建立了误差系统,从而将H2及H模型降阶问题转化为使误差系统的传递函数的H2及H范数是有限的,并给出了其有限的充要条件。然后对单输入的情况,给出了一种切实有效的降阶算法,且保持了原系统的脉冲性或非因果性。该算法的优点是不需对原系统进 行分解,且得到的降阶系统阶数最低,计算量亦较小。数值仿真进一步说明了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

讨论广义系统的H  相似文献   

对于具有重复运动特性的系统,迭代学习控制是一种简单有效的控制方法。为便于实时应用,所有迭代学习控制方案的设计必须在离散时间域进行。初始状态问题是学习控制设计中遇到的一个重要问题。针对具有变初始状态的离散时间系统,利用2-D线性连续.离散型系统理论设计了闭环迭代学习控制器,并给出了保证控制器收敛的充分必要条件。仿真结果证明了该方案的有效性。  相似文献   

在对模型数据转换研究的基础上,分析了应用于模型简化的一阶降阶方法,提出了一种应用于二阶系统模型简化的二阶降阶方法。通过实例分析,证明了该方法的可行性,进一步验证了该方法在高频段和低频段都保持了较高的精度。实验结果表明,在频率达到100 Hz时,相对误差仅为1.18%。同时,使用该方法还保留了二阶系统所固有的一些性质。  相似文献   

崔玲丽  张建宇  高立新  肖志权 《系统仿真学报》2007,19(5):1011-1013,1071
应用有限元法进行柔性机械臂的建模和分析非常有效,然而随着对柔性机械臂分段数的增加,系统动力学模型阶数急剧增大,需要进行模型简化。建立了基于能量范数的能量判据,将能量判据作为柔性机械臂系统模态截断的一个标准,以能量响应信息的收敛程度或者模态能量贡献作为系统模态截断的判断标准。通过与基于均衡实现的模态截断的比较,显示基于能量判据的模态截断法更适合于考虑刚柔耦合的柔性机械臂系统。对单连杆柔性机械臂有限元模型进行降阶,仿真结果表明提出方法的有效性。  相似文献   

卡尔曼滤波器的计算负担与其阶数的三次方成正比,为了研究GPS/PINS(Platform Inertial Navigationsystem)组合导航系统的性能,基于卡尔曼滤波器降阶模型,设计了GPS/PINS实时组合导航跑车试验系统,跑车试验过程中实时采集GPS的位置和速度信息以及平台惯组的加速度和姿态角等信息,进行滤波解算,实时输出解算结果。为评估二者的组合效果,同时接入差分高精度GPS,跟组合结果进行比对。试验结果表明,基于降阶模型的组合导航系统可以满意的完成导航任务。  相似文献   

基于混沌粒子群优化算法的弹性飞机模型降阶   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统的弹性飞机模型降阶算法主要有平衡截断法、平衡奇异摄动法等,但这些算法的缺陷就是得到的降阶模型只适用于特定的频段内.以某弹性飞机纵向运动模型为例,在合理选择时域模型降阶匹配误差函数的基础上,首次将混沌粒子群优化算法用于弹性飞机的模型降阶.仿真结果表明,与传统的弹性飞机模型降阶算法相比,基于混沌粒子群优化算法得到的降阶模型能在更宽广的频域内和时域内更好地近似全阶模型,取得了更好的降阶效果.  相似文献   

It is revealed that the dynamic stability of 2-D recursive continuous-discrete systems with interval parameters involves the problem of robust Hurwitz-Schur stability of bivariate polynomials family. It is proved that the Hurwitz-Schur stability of the denominator polynomials of the systems is necessary and sufficient for the asymptotic stability of the 2-D hybrid systems. The 2-D hybrid transformation, i. e. 2-D Laplace-Z transformation, has been proposed to solve the stability analysis of the 2-D continuous-discrete systems, to get the 2-D hybrid transfer functions of the systems. The edge test for the Hurwitz-Schur stability of interval bivariate polynomials is introduced. The Hurwitz-Schur stability of the interval family of 2-D polynomials can be guaranteed by the stability of its finite edge polynomials of the family. An algorithm about the stability test of edge polynomials is given.  相似文献   

The problems of characteristic polynomial assignment in Fornasini-Marchesini (F-M) model Ⅱ of 2-D systems are investigated. The corresponding closed-loop systems described by F-M model Ⅱ are obtained via the state feedback.Using the algebraic geometry method, the characteristic polynomial assignment in the closed-loop systems is discussed. In terms of the theory of algebraic geometry, the problem of characteristic polynomial assignment is transferred to the one whether a rational mapping is onto. Sufficient conditions for almost arbitrary assignment coefficients of characteristic polynomial in F-M model Ⅱ of 2-D systems via state feedback are derived, and they are available for multi-input cases. It also has been shown that this method can be applied to assign the characteristic polynomial with output feedback. The sufficient conditions for almost arbitrary assignment coefficients of characteristic polynomial of multi-input 2-D systems described by F-M model Ⅱ with output feedback are established.  相似文献   

Models of 2-D continuous-discrete systems are introduced, which can be used to describe some complex systems. Different from classical 2-D continuous systems or 2-D discrete systems, the asymptotic stability of the continuous-discrete systems is determined by Hurwitz-Schur stability (hybrid one) of 2-D characteristic polynomials of the systems. An algebraic algorithm with simpler test procedure for Hurwitz-Schur stability test of 2-D polynomials is developed. An example to illustrate the applications of the test approach is provided.  相似文献   

1. INTRODUCTION The robust stability test of time-delay systems with interval parameters is to determine whether the eigenvalues of the characteristic polynomials of the systems are located at open left half complex plane. Different from classical 1-D systems, the eigenvalues of the characteristic polynomials are infinite, classical robust stability results (Kharitonov extreme test and Edge test) for 1-D systems are not suitable for the stability test of the characteristic polynomials of…  相似文献   

Characteristic Polynomial Assignment in 2-D System   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
CONTROL THEORY AND APPLICATION1. IWTSODUCTIONTwo-dimensional (2-D) systems have mad applications such as 2-D digital Kalman filtering, image processing,etc., and have been studied extensively during the past two decades [1, 2]. The characteristic polynomialassignment problem for 2-D systems is one of the most important problems in the research of 2-D systems,and has been considered by many authors. In reference 13], the author has presellt a method for coefficielltassignmellt …  相似文献   

将变精度粗糙集模型引入模糊目标信息系统,建立了模糊目标信息系统的变精度粗糙集模型。定义了四种该模型上的知识约简——β上下近似约简和β上下分布约简;讨论了β上下分布约简的一些性质,提出了β上下分布协调集的判定定理,通过定义相应的区分矩阵给出了求β上下分布约简的区分矩阵算法。  相似文献   

新的空时二维谱估计信号模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对现有空时二维谱估计算法在信号数增大时均不同程度出现性能上的恶化直至失败的问题,总结了目前通用的空时二维谱估计信号模型,提出了“时域副流形”的概念及相应的信号处理方法。该算法通过时域投影对信号进行预处理,先从时域上对信号进行粗分,从而以较小的代价换取大信号数情况下算法性能的改善。理论分析与仿真结果证明了算法的有效性。  相似文献   

传统的两坐标雷达目标定位算法需通过迭代求取目标位置估计,不仅计算量大,而且有可能得到局部最优解,甚至无效解。提出了一种组网融合定位算法,利用数据融合技术进行目标定位,回避了费时的迭代搜索,同时保证了估值的有效性。仿真实验验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

With the world talking about climate change,the United States(U.S.),China and India have announced their carbon emission reduction targets.For these three countries to achieve their targets, significant questions arise,such as what will be the annual emission reduction efforts to achieve those targets,how much it would cost and what would be the economic effects.This paper puts the carbon intensity reduction targets of China and India together with the absolute emission reduction target of the U.S.into the same non-linear model to quantitatively study the optimal emission control strategies and associated total cost for achieving those targets by the year 2020,and estimate and compare the minimized total costs of the three countries to reach their targets.Our results show that the total cost for the U.S.to achieve its emission reduction target is greater than those of China and India in terms of absolute amount.However,in terms of proportion of total cost to GDP,China and India’s ratios are significantly greater than that of the U.S.,indicating that for the developing countries such as China and India,the achievement of emission reduction targets needs relatively greater effort.  相似文献   

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