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Zusammenfassung Die ultrastruktuelle Untersuchung des Haftorgans vonCardiocephaloides physalis (Trematoda) lässt eine mit Aushöhlungen versehene zellplasmatische Oberfläche erkennen, die mit der lamina propria der Wirtsdarmzotte (Phalacrocorax bougainvillei) in engstem Kontakt steht und möglicherweise Plazenta-funktion besitzt.

I am extremely grateful to Prof.Baer for his interest and generosity in sending me the specimens, and to Mr. T.Davies for his technical assistance.  相似文献   

Summary The study of the distribution of Cd, Zn and Cu in homogenates of mussels has shown that Zn and Cu are principally associated with high mol. wt. proteins. The same distribution is observed for Cd in untreated mussels, but in Cd chronically intoxicated animals, the metal is principally bound to low mol. wt. proteins synthesized in response to the uptake of the cation and similar to metallothioneins of vertebrates.This research was carried out in participation in the Belgian National Research and Development Program on the Environment-Water-Sea Project-Office of the Prime Minister-Interministerial Commission for Science Policy and Programmation.I am grateful to Prof.A. Disteche and Dr.Ch. Gerday for theiradvice throughout this work. I thankR. Biondo andN. Gerardin for excellent technical assistance.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Larven vonG. mellonella sind negativ phototaktisch. Der Grad der Photonegativität verändert sich während 24 h. Durch Dauerdunkel und Dauerlicht wird das phototaktische Verhalten der Larven reziprok verändert. Wahrscheinlich handelt es sich um eine endogene Photoorientierungsrhythmik.

I am grateful to Prof. Dr.G. Birukow for extending all the facilities for this work and for his kind advice. I am also indebted to the Alexander-von-Humboldt-Stiftung for award of post-doctoral fellowship.  相似文献   

Résumé Dans 18 cas de neuroblastome humain la noradrénaline (NA) et la dopamine--hydroxylase présentent des profils de distribution intracellulaire identiques, suggérant un stockage dans la même particule. Le contenu en NA de ces particules n'est pas inférieur à celui des particules du nerf splénique; on peut en conclure qu'un stockage défectueux de NA dans les cas de neuroblastome est peu probable.

The authors are grateful to Prof.F. Derom (Surgical Clinic, University of Ghent Medical School), Prof.R. Eeckels and Prof.E. Eggermont (Paediatric Clinic, University of Leuven Medical School), Prof.A. Lacquet and Prof.J. Gruwez (Surgical Clinic, University of Leuven Medical School), Dr.G. Delalieux, Dr.F. Delange, Dr.P. De Mol, Dr.R. Denis, Dr.R. Maurus and Dr.J. Otten (Paediatric Clinic, University of Brussels Medical School) and Dr.W. Mattheiem (Surgical Clinic, Jules Bordet Institute, Brussels) for making the tumors available to them.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wird gezeigt, dass das Gift der Wespe Philanthus triangulum F. bei der Heuschrecke eine reversible Muskellähmung bewirkt, die auf einer Blockierung der Axon-Muskel-Synapse der «schnellen» Faser beruht. Die Synapse der langsamen und hemmenden Faser wird offenbar nicht beeinflusst.

This work has been supported in part by the European Research Office, United States Army, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

Acknowledgments: I am indebted to Prof. Dr. C.van der Meer for his constant help and criticism and to Dr. R. T.Simon Thomas for providing the wasps. I wish to thank Mr. E.Engels for all the technical work.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Nachweis, dass nach fettreicher Diät Glykogen hauptsächlich in der Zone 1 des Rappaportschen Leberacinus abgelagert wird, was durch den Abbau von Enzymen, die in den Zonen 2 und 3 am Glykogenaufbau beteiligt sind und durch die physiologische Regeneration in der Zone 1 verursacht wird.

Acknowledgments. The authors are grateful to Prof.A. de Minjer and Prof.L. W. J. Holleman for support and stimulating discussions. We acknowledge Mr.G. Tuit and MissT. Deijs for skilful technical assistance and Mr.A. J. H. Hosemans for preparing photomicrographs.  相似文献   

Summary Monolayer cultures of normal rat adrenocortical cells were treated with agents which stimulate steroidogenesis by Y-1 adrenal tumour cells. Choleragen was active, whereas cyclic nucleotides other than cyclic AMP, bacterial endotoxins and antimicrotubular agents were inactive.This work was supported by the Medical Research Council of Great Britain (grant No. 970/656/B). I am grateful to MissR. Magee for technical assistance and Prof.A. M. Neville for continued support.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Möglichkeit einer Chelatbildung zwischen Cystin, Fusarinsäure und Eisenin vitro wurde untersucht. Während Fusarinsäure und Eisen einen stabilen Komplex bilden, ergaben kolorimetrische, chromatographische und spektrophotometrische Untersuchungen wenig Anhaltspunkte für eine Chelierung von Cystin und Eisen.

I am most grateful to ProfessorT. S. Sadasivan for guidance and encouragement and to Dr.S. Suryanarayanan for valuable suggestions. I thank the University Grants Commission for the award of a Fellowship.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Nach Anlage eines portocavalen Shunts bei 53 Sprague-Dawley-Ratten wurde in 47% aller Fälle eine Harnsäure-Urolithiasis beobachtet. Das Vorkommen war bei den Ratten am häufigsten (94%), die mehr als einen Monat überlebten und postoperativ an Gewicht verloren.

Acknowledgments. The authors are grateful to Dr.K. Lauber of the Department of Medical Chemistry and to Prof.H. Fleisch of the Department of Pathophysiology of the University of Berne for performing the chemical analyses. The technical assistance of MissM. Kappeler and MissB. Schütz is greatly appreciated.  相似文献   

Summary The levels of RNA and protein were higher in the brain of alloxan-administered frogs. It is possible that alloxan is responsible for the protein changes in the brain as the protein levels were higher 48 h after alloxan injection than after 96 h. Acknowledgment. I am grateful to the late Prof.K. Pampapathi Rao for encouragement and facilities.  相似文献   

Résumé On a observé chez un mille-pattes (Spirostreptus asthenes) que la péroxidase injectée dans le sang a été trouvée plus tard dans le corps gras, ce qui suggère que celui ci est capable d'isoler la protéine du sang.

I am thankful to Prof. Dr.G. Krishnan for guidance and helpful criticism. I am greatly indebted to Dr.Locke, Case Western Reserve University, USA, for the gift of horse radish peroxidase and for independent verification of the results.  相似文献   

Susammenfassung Es wurde festgestellt, dass zwischen den Asparaginase-empfindlichen und resistenten Tumorzellen ein Unterschied bezüglich der Häufigkeit des Vorkommens von Marker-Chromosomen besteht.

We are grateful to Prof.A. Levan for his kind comments, suggestions and encouragement. We are also thankful of Prof.C. G. Schmidt for the laboratory and research facilities, to MissE. Wenderhost for helping us with the photography and to Dr.D. K. Hossfeld for making the summary in German. Our thanks are due Dr.R. Bierlig of Wuppertal-Elberfeld who provided us with the leukemic tumours.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Zehn der vonLeupold isolierten UV-induzierten Mutanten beim Adenin-1-Gen vonSchizosaccharomyces pombe sind in zehn verschiedenen Stellen im Gen lokalisiert.

I am extremely grateful to ProfessorU. Leupold for his help and hospitality in his laboratory, and to Dr.Charlotte Auerbach for her encouragement and interest.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Erster Bericht über die Vervielfältigung von Sporidien durch binare Spaltung beiRavenelia hobsoni.

Author is grateful to Prof.M. N. Kamat, Head of Mycology Division, M.A.C.S. Laboratory, Poona 4, for his deep interest and guidance, Dr.S. R. Sarvotham, Quality Control Laboratory, Hindustan Antibiotics Ltd., Pimpri, for the laboratory facilities and encouragement given. Thanks are also due to Dr.A. V. Sathe for several suggestions and to Mr.D. N. Nagpure for drawings.  相似文献   

Summary Resilin is present in the endocuticle of the flexible abdominal intersegmental cuticle of the, physogastric queen of the termite,Odontotermes obesus (Rambur). Resilin seems to assist in the extension of abdomen of the queen termites during physogastry.Acknowledgments. I am grateful to Dr S. O. Anderson for examining the cuticle in the fluorescent microscope. I thank Prof. R. G. Michael for interest in this work, Prof. P. S. Ramakrishnan for providing UV Lamp (Toshnival) for the examination of chromatograms and Mr Sudip Dey for valuable discussions.Previously called A. Sannasi.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Kernausstossungen in der Oozyte vonPeriplaneta americana, Dysdercus cingwlatus undLocusta migratoria sind grobkörnig, während sie inA cheta domesticus undChrotogonus sp. besonders fein sind. Kern und Kernausstossungen erweisen sich für RNS, Proteine und Lipoprotéine positiv.

Acknowledgment: I am grateful to Prof.Vishwa Nath, Panjab University, for his direction and supervision of this work.  相似文献   

Summary The presence of monoamine oxidase (MAO) in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and MAO positive tracts bridging the CSF and the subependyma strongly suggest the involvement of CSF in the neuroendocrine control of hypophysial function.Our thanks are due to Prof.K. N. Udupa, Director and Dr.L. M. Singh, Officer in charge of the laboratory, for providing facilities and to the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research of India for the financial assistance. We are grateful to Prof.C. J. Dominic whose cryostat was extensively used for cutting frozen sections.  相似文献   

Summary It has been demonstrated by cytophotometric measurements of the DNA-content in glial- and nerve cells of the snailsHelix pomatia (Stylommatophora) andPlanorbarius corneus (Basommatophora) that the giant nuclei of nerve cells in the central ganglia contain more than tens of thousands of DNA compared with sperm nuclei. According to the DNA-content of sperms (=n), the values for glial cells are between 2n and 4n for both species.

Herrn Prof. Dr. W.Dittrich, Institut für Strahlenbiologie der Universität Münster, danke ich für die Möglichkeit, am UMSP I arbeiten zu dürfen; Frl. A.Stipproweit danke ich für sorgfältige technische Assistenz.  相似文献   

Summary Exposure of severaltrp-auxotrophicEscherichia coli strains, carrying base0pair substitutions, to chloroethylene oxide or chloroacetaldehyde (two metabolites of vinyl chloride) increased the mutation frequency to tryptophan prototrophy. Strong cytotoxic and mutagenic effects were observed with 2.5 mM chloroethylene oxide, while a higher concentration of chloroacetaldehyde (100 mM) exhibited a mutagenic effect which was 400 times lower.I am grateful to Prof. G. Michel, Laboratoire de Biochimie Microbienne, and to Dr H. Bartsch, International Agency for Research on Cancer, for the support of this work. I wish to thank Dr F. Besson-Simien and Dr A. Barbin for their collaboration.  相似文献   

Summary Spirostomum was treated extracellularly and intracellularly with a range of metabolites to investigate the intracellular regulation of cyclic calcium movements. The results indicate, close links between calcium movements and mitochondrial metabolism.We are grateful to Dr.A. Gaudemar, Institut de Chimie des Substances Naturelle, Gif-sur-Yvette, France for a gift of bongkrekic acid, to Dr.D. C. Aldridge, Biochemistry Dept., I. C. I. Ltd., Macclesfield, U. K. for a gift of avenceolide and toE. M. Ettienne for many hours of discussion. Dr.R. B. Hawkes is a Visiting Research Fellow at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.  相似文献   

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