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<正>科学家、伟人与普通人之间的大脑有什么不同之处?他们是靠勤奋成功还是天生的聪明异于常人?爱因斯坦曾说,天才是99%的汗水加上1%的灵感,这说明灵感还是起了不少的作用,哪怕只有1%。于是,科学家们便兴起了人类大脑之谜的探索。科学家与伟人的大脑结构的确有特殊之处。美国《时代》周刊一篇文章认为,音  相似文献   

王钰潼 《科技信息》2011,(11):I0250-I0250
Under the great background of globalization today,communications between China and America are more frequent,it becomes significant for us to gain a deeper understanding of American presidents' speech.Obama serves as an example for us to study in this aspect.Until now,most people have been studying his speech mainly through either Chinese translations of his speeches or interpretations by the media,conducted through perspectives which are by no means rhetorically informed.Considering the fact that what we are dealing with is political speech,it is high time that the rhetorical perspective be introduced into the process of interpreting Obama's political communication in its original context.Such a perspective will help us obtain a better approach of interpreting his speech.This thesis has widely selected the typical political speeches of president Obama in his Election Campaign process,and analyzed three main rhetorical methods in political speech: simile,metaphor and metonymy.Figure of speech is an expression that departs from the accepted literal sense or from the normal order of words,or in which an emphasis is produced by patterns of sound.It is an especially important resource of poetry;it is also constantly present in all other kinds of speech and writing.The figure of speech is commonly used in political speech.In this part of the thesis the author will analyze three main types of figures in Obama's speech: Simile,metonymy and Metaphor.  相似文献   

正长期以来,科学家一直尝试绘制人类大脑错综复杂的神经回路图。2013年,欧盟和美国相继宣布投入大量资金进行人脑研究。本期简报基于上海市软科学研究基地—前沿技术发展研究中心的研究成果,对国际上主要国家和企业的脑科学研究计划及动态进行了梳理分析。供参考。  相似文献   

湘溪 《世界知识》2014,(12):73-73
春末夏初,是美国军事学院西点军校举行毕业典礼的时节。西点是与英国桑赫斯特皇家军事学院、俄罗斯伏龙芝军事学院和法国圣西尔军校并称的世界“四大军校”之一,更是美国的“军官摇篮”,据说200多年来出过3700名美军将领。美国总统当然深谙这种“豪门军校”的影响力,也愿意在此发表重要的政策见解。(《纽约时报》外交事务记者马克·兰德勒评论说,西点军校是总统“外交政策蓝图的一个宏伟背景板”。  相似文献   

近日,国际鸟类联盟发表的《2004年世界鸟类状况》报告指出,全球鸟类有1/8濒临灭绝。而此前,联合国环境规划署官员也表示,目前在世界范围内,每年至少有6万个物种灭绝。据科学家估计,由于人类活动的强烈干扰,近代物种的灭绝速度比自然灭绝速度快1000倍,历史上从未有这么多的物种在如此短的时间内面临生存危机。那么有哪些因素导致  相似文献   

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