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Bile acids and bile alcohols in the form of their conjugates are amphipathic end products of cholesterol metabolism with multiple physiological functions. The great variety of bile acids and bile alcohols that are present in vertebrates are tabulated. Bile salts have an enterohepatic circulation resulting from efficient vectorial transport of bile salts through the hepatocyte and the ileal enterocyte; such transport leads to the accumulation of a pool of bile salts that cycles between the liver and intestine. Bile salt anions promote lipid absorption, enhance tryptic cleavage of dietary proteins, and have antimicrobial effects. Bile salts are signaling molecules, activating nuclear receptors in the hepatocyte and ileal enterocyte, as well as an increasing number of G-protein coupled receptors. Bile acids are used therapeutically to correct deficiency states, to decrease the cholesterol saturation of bile, or to decrease the cytotoxicity of retained bile acids in cholestatic liver disease.  相似文献   

Forkhead transcription factors in immunology   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

Myosin I is a non-filamentous, single-headed, actin-binding motor protein and is present in a wide range of species from yeast to man. The role of these class I myosins have been studied extensively in simple eukaryotes, showing their role in diverse processes such as actin cytoskeleton organization, cell motility, and endocytosis. Recently, studies in metazoans have begun to reveal more specialized functions of myosin I. It will be a major challenge in the future to examine the physiological functions of each class I myosin in different cell types of metazoans.  相似文献   

The Agouti-Related Protein (AgRP) is a powerful orexigenic peptide that increases food intake when ubiquitously overexpressed or when administered centrally. AgRP-deficiency, on the other hand, leads to increased metabolic rate and a longer lifespan when mice consume a high fat diet. In humans, AgRP polymorphisms have been consistently associated with resistance to fatness in Blacks and Whites and resistance to the development of type-2 diabetes in African Blacks. Systemically administered AgRP accumulates in the liver, the adrenal gland and fat tissue while recent findings suggest that AgRP may also have inverse agonist effects, both centrally and peripherally. AgRP could thus modulate energy balance via different actions. Its absence or reduced functionality may offer a benefit both in terms of bringing about negative energy balance in obesigenic environments, as well as leading to an increased lifespan.  相似文献   

The semaphorin family is a large group of proteins controlling cell migration and axonal growth cone guidance. These proteins are bi-functional signals capable of growth promotion or growth inhibition. Initially described in the nervous system, the majority of studies related to semaphorins and semaphorin signalling are nowadays performed in model systems outside the nervous system. Here, we provide an exhaustive review of the many faces of semaphorins both during developmental, regulatory and pathological processes. Indeed, because of their crucial fundamental roles, the semaphorins and their receptors represent important targets for the development of drugs directed at a variety of diseases. Received 22 August 2008; received after revision 22 September 2008; accepted 24 September 2008 L. Roth, E. Koncina, S. Satkauskas: These authors contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Coenzyme Q is a lipid molecule required for respiration and antioxidant protection. Q biosynthesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae requires nine proteins (Coq1p–Coq9p). We demonstrate in this study that Q levels are modulated during growth by its conversion from demethoxy-Q (DMQ), a late intermediate. Similar conversion was produced when cells were subjected to oxidative stress conditions. Changes in Q6/DMQ6 ratio were accompanied by changes in COQ7 gene mRNA levels encoding the protein responsible for the DMQ hydroxylation, the penultimate step in Q biosynthesis pathway. Yeast coq null mutant failed to accumulate any Q late biosynthetic intermediate. However, in coq7 mutants the addition of exogenous Q produces the DMQ synthesis. Similar effect was produced by over-expressing ABC1/COQ8. These results support the existence of a biosynthetic complex that allows the DMQ6 accumulation and suggest that Coq7p is a control point for the Q biosynthesis regulation in yeast. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Received 04 September 2008; received after revision 22 October 2008; accepted 23 October 2008  相似文献   

Progress in understanding the neuronal SNARE function and its regulation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Vesicle budding and fusion underlies many essential biochemical deliveries in eukaryotic cells, and its core fusion machinery is thought to be built on one protein family named soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor (SNARE). Recent technical advances based on site-directed fluorescence labelling and nano-scale detection down to the single-molecule level rapidly unveiled the protein and the lipid intermediates along the fusion pathway as well as the molecular actions of fusion effectors. Here we summarize these new exciting findings in context with a new mechanistic model that reconciles two existing fusion models: the proteinaceous pore model and the hemifusion model. Further, we attempt to locate the points of action for the fusion effectors along the fusion pathway and to delineate the energetic interplay between the SNARE complexes and the fusion effectors. Received 01 July 2008; received after revision 29 August 2008; accepted 23 September 2008  相似文献   

Extracellular domains of some cellular receptors expressed in the organisms at different levels of development belong to three-fingered protein (TFP) fold. The Homo sapiens genome encodes at least 45 genes containing from one to three TFP domains (TFPDs), namely diverse paralogues of the Ly6 gene, CD59 and the receptors of activins, bone morphogenetic proteins, Mullerian inhibiting substance and transforming growth factor-β. C4.4a and urokinase/plasminogen activatory receptor contain two and three TFPD repeats, respectively. These diverse proteins have a low overall sequence similarity with each other and their hydrophobicity levels vary to a considerable degree. It is suggested that sequence differentiation within the TFPD led to distinct groups of proteins whose attributes were optimized to fit both the physicochemical properties specific to their functional microenvironment and selective targeting of their highly diversified extracellular cofactors. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Received 7 August 2008; accepted 29 August 2008  相似文献   

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