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J L Noebels 《Nature》1984,310(5976):409-411
One strategy for deciphering inherited neurological disease is to examine the expression of individual genes controlling the assembly and physiology of specific cell groups within the developing mammalian central nervous system (CNS). This neurogenetic approach, using defined single-locus mutations arising on coisogeneic mouse strains, has recently been used to analyse a major class of neuronal membrane diseases involving abnormal excitability, the epilepsies, and to identify examples of hereditary variation in signalling properties at central synapses. An interesting mutation, the Tottering (tg) gene, causes a delayed onset, recessive neurological disorder in the mouse featuring a stereotyped triad of ataxia, intermittent myoclonus and cortical spike-wave discharges accompanied by behavioural absence seizures which resemble petit mal epilepsy. Axon branches of the locus coeruleus, a noradrenergic brain-stem nucleus, hyperinnervate specific target regions of the tg brain. The number of parent coerulean perikarya is unaffected, indicating a true proliferation of the terminal axonal arbor. With the exception of this unusually precise error of axonal growth, no other cytopathology has been identified in the tg brain. Here I present evidence that selective lesions of the central noradrenergic axons early in development limit the expression of the disease.  相似文献   

C M Lent  B M Frazer 《Nature》1977,266(5605):844-847

C S Goodman  N C Spitzer 《Nature》1979,280(5719):208-214
Individually identified neurones are sufficiently large and accessible in grasshopper embryos to permit visualisation and impalement with intracellular microelectrodes from the time of their birth to their maturation. In this article part of the temporal pattern of differentiation from an identified neuroblast (precursor cell) to a group of identified neurones is described.  相似文献   

A M Davies  H Thoenen  Y A Barde 《Nature》1986,319(6053):497-499
Work on nerve growth factor has established that the survival of developing vertebrate neurones depends on the supply of a neurotrophic factor from their target field. The discovery of several new neurotrophic factors has raised the possibility that neurones which innervate multiple target fields require several different neurotrophic factors for survival. Here we show that two distinct neurotrophic factors, one in the central nervous system (CNS) and the other in skeletal muscle, promote the survival of proprioceptive neurones in culture. At saturating concentrations, either factor alone supported most neurones and there was no additional survival in the presence of both factors, but at subsaturating concentrations the combined effect was additive. The neurotrophic activity of each factor was greatest during the period of natural neuronal death. Our results demonstrate that each cultured proprioceptive neurone responds to two distinct neurotrophic factors present in its respective central and peripheral target fields, and suggest that these factors cooperate in regulating survival during development.  相似文献   

The failure of lesioned axons to regenerate over long distances in the mammalian central nervous system (CNS) is not due to an inability of central neurons to regenerate, but rather to the non-permissive nature of the CNS tissue environment. Regenerating CNS axons, which grow well within a peripheral nerve, for example, fail to penetrate mature CNS tissue by more than about 1 mm. Recent evidence indicates that this may be due to inhibitory membrane proteins associated with CNS oligodendrocytes and myelin. We report here that human telencephalic neuroblasts implanted into the excitotoxically lesioned striatum of adult rats can escape or neutralize this inhibitory influence of the adult CNS environment and extend axons along major myelinated fibre tracts for distances of up to approximately 20 mm. The axons were seen to elongate along the paths of the striato-nigral and cortico-spinal tracts to reach the substantia nigra, the pontine nuclei and the cervical spinal cord, which are the normal targets for the striatal and cortical projection neurons likely to be present in these implants.  相似文献   

K Y Ng  T N Chase  I J Kopin 《Nature》1970,228(5270):468-469

J Kehoe 《Nature》1978,274(5674):866-869
Concanavalin A causes in all Aplysia and Helix neurones a depolarising response to L-glutamate. The Con A-induced glutamate response is pharmacologically distinct from the three cell-specific glutamate responses (two inhibitory, one excitatory) that can be elicited from untreated molluscan neurones. The transformation in glutamate sensitivity brought about by Con A does not seem to be related to the lectin's capacity to produce redistribution of receptor sites in cell membranes.  相似文献   

Elongation factor eEF3 is an ATPase that, in addition to the two canonical factors eEF1A and eEF2, serves an essential function in the translation cycle of fungi. eEF3 is required for the binding of the aminoacyl-tRNA-eEF1A-GTP ternary complex to the ribosomal A-site and has been suggested to facilitate the clearance of deacyl-tRNA from the E-site. Here we present the crystal structure of Saccharomyces cerevisiae eEF3, showing that it consists of an amino-terminal HEAT repeat domain, followed by a four-helix bundle and two ABC-type ATPase domains, with a chromodomain inserted in ABC2. Moreover, we present the cryo-electron microscopy structure of the ATP-bound form of eEF3 in complex with the post-translocational-state 80S ribosome from yeast. eEF3 uses an entirely new factor binding site near the ribosomal E-site, with the chromodomain likely to stabilize the ribosomal L1 stalk in an open conformation, thus allowing tRNA release.  相似文献   

T D White 《Nature》1977,267(5606):67-68

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