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In this contribution, robust fault detection problems for discrete time-delay systems with l2-norm bounded unknown inputs are studied. The basic idea of our study is first to introduce a state-memoryless observer-based fault detection filter (FDF) as the residual generator and then to formulate such a FDF design problem as an Hen optimization problem in the sense of increasing the sensitivity of residual to the faults, while simultaneously enhancing the robustness of residual to unknown input as well as plant input. The main results consist of the formulation of such a residual generation optimization problem, solvability conditions and the derivation of an analytic solution. The residual evaluation problem is also considered, which includes the determination of residual evaluation function and threshold. A numerical example is used to demonstrate the proposed fault detection scheme.  相似文献   

The problem of fuzzy modeling for state and input time-delays systems with a class of nonlinear uncertainties by fuzzy T-S model is addressed. By using the linear matrix inequality (LMI) method, the problem of fuzzy robust H∞ controller design for the system is studied. Assuming that the nonlinear uncertain functions in the model considered are gain-bounded, a sufficient condition for the robustly asymptotic stability of the closed-loop system is obtained via Lyapunov stability theory. By solving the LMI, a feedback control law which guarantees the robustly asymptotic stability of the closed-loop system is constructed and the effect of the disturbance input on the controlled output is ruduced to a prescribed level.  相似文献   

1 .INTRODUCTIONThe dynamic behavior of many physical processes ,such as chemical process , long transmission lineand rolling mill systems , contain ti me-delay anduncertainties . Ti me-delay usually results in unsat-isfactory performance andis frequently a source ofinstability , so control of ti me-delay systems ispractically i mportant , especially state feedbackcontrol . A unknown input observer has i mportantapplications in realization of state feedback con-trol . An UIO is an esti ma…  相似文献   

A receding horizon H∞ control algorithm is presented for linear discrete time-delay system in the presence of constrained input and disturbances. Disturbance attenuation level is optimized at each time instant, and the receding optimization problem includes several linear matrix inequality constraints. When the convex hull is applied to denote the saturating input, the algorithm has better performance. The numerical example can verify this result.  相似文献   

In practice, gain perturbations of controllers which are caused by actuator degradation and other reasons often lead to performance degradation. They are capable of violating the closed-loop stability. For a system with constrained inputs, the actual controllers might exceed their limits because of gain perturbations. By the reason, this article considers the problem of resilient predictive control for a class of uncertain time-delay systems. By describing the gain perturbation as a time-varying uncertainty, the sufficient conditions to ensure the closedloop stability and the input constraints are derived. Additionally, an approach to design the resilient predictive controllers is presented in terms of LMI. Finally, the simulation shows that the proposed approach is very effective.  相似文献   

1.INTRODUCTION The simultaneous stabilization problem is concerned with the design of a single feedback controller P stabilizing every member of a collection of systems that is M 1 , M 2, … , Mr. In this case, the controller P is called the simultaneous stabilization controller. The motivation behind the simultaneous stabilization problem stems from the stability requirement of a system operating in different modes. For example, an industrial plant may be subject to different modes owi…  相似文献   

The robust H∞ control problem of norm bounded uncertain discrete Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy tems with state delay is addressed. First, by constructing an appropriate basis-dependent Lyapunov-Krasovskii function, a new delay-dependent sufficient condition on robust H∞-disturbance attenuation is presented, in which both robust stability and prescribed H∞ performance are guaranteed to be achieved. Then based on the condition, a delay-dependent robust H∞ controller design scheme is developed in term of a convex algorithm. Finally, examples are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

Considering the design problem of non-fragile decentralized H∞ controller with gain variations, the dynamic feedback controller by measurement feedback for uncertain linear systems is constructed and studied. The parameter uncertainties are considered to be unknown but norm bounded. The design procedures are investigated in terms of positive definite solutions to modify algebraic Riccati inequalities. Using information exchange among local controllers, the designed non-fragile decentralized H∞ controllers guarantee that the uncertain closed-loop linear systems are stable and with H∞ -norm bound on disturbance attenuation. A sufficient condition that there are such non-fragile H∞ controllers is obtained by algebraic Riccati inequalities. The approaches to solve modified algebraic Riccati inequalities are carried out preliminarily. Finally, a numerical example to show the validity of the proposed approach is given.  相似文献   

Considering the design problem of non-fragile decentralized H∞ controller with gain variations, the dynamic feedback controller by measurement feedback for uncertain linear systems is constructed and studied. The parameter uncertainties are considered to be unknown but norm bounded. The design procedures are investigated in terms of positive definite solutions to modify algebraic Riccati inequalities. Using information exchange among local controllers, the designed non-fragile decentralized H∞ controllers guarantee that the uncertain closed-loop linear systems are stable and with H∞ -norm bound on disturbance attenuation. A sufficient condition that there are such non-fragile H∞ controllers is obtained by algebraic Riccati inequalities. The approaches to solve modified algebraic Riccati inequalities are carried out preliminarily. Finally, a numerical example to show the validity of the proposed approach is given.  相似文献   

1.INTRODUCTION Physicalplantsareunavoidabletobeaffectedbydis turbance,time delayanduncertainty,whichmay makesomeunwantedinfluenceonthesystem’sper formanceandevenresultininstability.Howtoavoid andcounteractsuchdisadvantagesthroughfeedback designhasbeenaresearchtopicunderintensiveinves tigationrecently[1~7].Inpractice,twokindsofdisturbancesareoften encountered:stochastic(orrandom)disturbanceand deterministicdisturbance.Forthestochasticdistur bance,systemsunderconsiderationaremodeledand st…  相似文献   

Receding horizon H∞ control scheme which can deal with both the H∞ disturbance attenuation and mean square stability is proposed for a class of discrete-time Markovian jump linear systems when minimizing a given quadratic performance criteria. First, a control law is established for jump systems based on pontryagin’s minimum principle and it can be constructed through numerical solution of iterative equations. The aim of this control strategy is to obtain an optimal control which can minimize the cost function under the worst disturbance at every sampling time. Due to the difficulty of the assurance of stability, then the above mentioned approach is improved by determining terminal weighting matrix which satisfies cost monotonicity condition. The control move which is calculated by using this type of terminal weighting matrix as boundary condition naturally guarantees the mean square stability of the closed-loop system. A sufficient condition for the existence of the terminal weighting matrix is presented in linear matrix inequality (LMI) form which can be solved efficiently by available software toolbox. Finally, a numerical example is given to illustrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

1 .INTRODUCTIONNeural network (NN) control has made great pro-gress in past decades[1 ~4]. In Ref .[1] , adaptivebounding design technique was applied to adaptiveneural control for a class of strict-feedback nonlin-ear systems . The requirement of a known boundon the network reconstruction error was removed.By introducing an integral Lyapunov function,anadaptive NN control approach was proposed forunknown strict-feedback nonlinear systems[2],where the controller singularity problem was …  相似文献   

1 .INTRODUCTIONOwingtotheincreasing demandfor highreliabilityinmany industrial processes , much attention has beenpaid to the problem of fault detection and diagnosis(FDD) in dynamic systems over the past twodecades. Fruitful results can be found in Refs .[1 ~3] .It is well known that faults in a dynamic systemcan take many forms . They can be actuator faults ,sensor faults ,unexpected abrupt changes of some pa-rameters or even unexpected structure changes[4 ,5].The purpose of detection…  相似文献   

A novel Krein space approach to robust H ∞ filtering for linear uncertain systems is developed. The parameter uncertainty, entering into both states and measurement equations, satisfies an energy-type constraint. Then a Krein space approach is used to tackle the robust H ∞ filtering problem. To this end, a new Krein space formal system is designed according to the original sum quadratic constraint (SQC) without introducing any nonzero factors into it and, consequently, the estimate recursion is obtained through the filter gain in Krein space. Finally, a numerical example is given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

The robust fault-tolerant control problem of linear uncertain systems is studied. It is shown that a solution for this problem can be obtained from a H∞ robust predictive controller (RMPC) by the method of linear matrix inequality (LMI). This approach has the advantages of both H∞ control and MPC: the robustness and ability to handle constraints explicitly. The robust closed-loop stability of the linear uncertain system with input and output constraints is proven under an actuator and sensor faults condition. Finally, satisfactory results of simulation experiments verify the validity of this algorithm.  相似文献   

1 .INTRODUCTIONSince ti me delays and uncertainties are frequentlyencounteredin practical engineering,and often re-sult in poor performance or even systeminstabili-ty , much work has been done for the analysis andsynthesis of uncertain ti me-delay systems[1 ~5 ,7 ,8].The sliding mode control (SMC) is regarded as oneof the best approaches for the robust stabilizationof uncertain ti me-delay systems ,because it exhib-its the sliding mode which has anintrinsic propertyof adaptiveness for the…  相似文献   

The robust reliable H∞ control problem for discrete-time Markovian jump systems with actuator failures is studied.A more practical model of actuator failures than outage is considered.Based on the state feedback method,the resulting closed-loop systems are reliable in that they remain robust stochastically stable and satisfy a certain level of Hex disturbance attenuation not only when all actuators are operational,but also in case of some actuator failures.The solvability condition of controllers can be equivalent to a feasibility problem of coupled linear matrix inequalities (LMIs).A numerical example is also given to illustrate the design procedures and their effectiveness.  相似文献   

1.INTRODUCTION Manyreal worldsystemscanbemodeledaslinearpa rameter varying(LPV)systems[1],whosestate spacerepresentationmatricesarefunctionsofasetof parametersthataremeasurableinrealtime.Recent ly,manyresearchersathomeandabroadhavebeen engagedinthestabilityanalysisandgainscheduling controlofLPVsystemsextensivelyandagreatnum berofimportantresultshavebeenreportedinthelit erature(see,forinstance,Refs.[1~7]andtheref erencestherein).Mostoftheseresultsfocusoncon tinuous timecases,while…  相似文献   

This paper concerns the disturbance rejection problem arising in the coordination control of a group of autonomous agents subject to external disturbances. The agent network is said to possess a desired level of disturbance rejection, if the H norm of its transfer function matrix from the disturbance to the controlled output is satisfactorily small. Undirected graph is used to represent the information flow topology among agents. It is shown that the disturbance rejection problem of an agent network can be solved by analyzing the H control problem of a set of independent systems whose dimensions are equal to that of a single node. An interesting result is that the disturbance rejection ability of the whole agent network coupled via feedback of merely relative measurements between agents will never be better than that of an isolated agent. To improve this, local feedback injections are applied to a small fraction of the agents in the network. Some criteria for possible performance improvement are derived in terms of linear matrix inequalities. Finally, extensions to the case when communication time delays exist are also discussed. This research is supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants Nos. 10832006 and 60674093.  相似文献   

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