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多孔氧化铝膜的制备及其表征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在硫酸、磷酸及草酸溶液中 ,通过阳极氧化铝箔制备出了多孔氧化铝模板 ,用阶梯降压法将氧化铝层与铝基底分离 .透射电镜结果表明 :这种膜的孔间距 ,孔径以及晶胞尺寸均随所加氧化电压的增加而增加 .通过 FT- IR谱发现 ,在阳极氧化过程中 ,电解液阴离子也参与了多孔膜的形成 .XRD谱证明形成了无定形氧化铝  相似文献   

多孔壳聚糖膜的制备研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以邻苯二甲酸二丁酯为致孔剂,制备了多孔壳聚糖膜,研究了多孔壳聚糖包膜对尿素的包膜及包膜尿素对氨氮的缓释溶出并经红外光谱表征。  相似文献   

Calcium exchange diffusion in a porous phospholipid ion-exchange membrane   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
D Van Breemen  C Van Breemen 《Nature》1969,223(5209):898-900

Objective: To investigate the effects and complications of primary and secondary placements of motility coupling post (MCP) in the unwrapped porous polyethylene orbital implant (PPOI) following enucleation. Methods: We investigated 198 patients who received PPOI implantation following the standard enucleation procedure in the First Affiliated Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, from 2002 to 2004. These patients were subgrouped into PPOI-only patients (112 cases, received PPOI following enucleation), primary MCP patients (46 cases, received primary placement of MCP during PPOI operation), and secondary MCP patients (40 cases, received secondary placement ofMCP 6 months after the initial surgery). Effects and complications among these three groups were compared. Results: The PPOI-only patients took shorter treatment course when compared with other two MCP groups (P〈0.001), without significant difference noted between the two MCP groups. However, the two MCP groups had better prosthetic motility than PPOI-only group (P〈0.001), without significant difference between the two MCP groups. In the early stage, 2 eyes in the PPOI-only group and l eye in the primary MCP group had PPOI infection. In PPOI-only group, 3 (2.68%) eyes had PPOI exposure, which occurred after fitting the prostheses; 4 eyes (8.70%) in primary MCP group and 1 eye (2.50%) in secondary MCP had PPOI exposure, which occurred before fitting the prostheses. After prosthesis was fit successfully, the excessive discharge and granuloma were 33.9% and 1.79% in PPOI group-only, 53.3% and 8.9% in primary MCP group, and 52.5% and 7.5% in secondary MCP group, respectively. Conclusion: Both primary and secondary placements of MCP into the PPOI following enucleation can help patients to obtain desirable prosthetic motility, but may be associated with more complications. The primary placement of MCP with skilled operation in selected patients is more recommendable than secondary plac  相似文献   

为了克服传统有机膜与陶瓷膜的一些不足之处,以TiAl金属间化合物为支撑体,用悬浮粒子烧结法在孔径为10.6um的片状支撑体上制备多孔金属Ni膜。考察了浸浆时间、烧结温度等工艺参数对膜表面形貌和孔径大小、分布等膜性能的影响。结果表明,合适的制膜条件是:浸浆时间为60s,烧结温度为500℃。得到了孔径分布比较窄而且表面比较平整的微滤膜,其平均孔径为0.83μm,膜厚约为30μm。  相似文献   

采用可逆加成-断裂链转移(RAFT)可控/活性自由基聚合方法,以二硫代苯甲酸-2-腈基异丙酯(CPDB)为RAFT链转移剂并以丙烯酸(AA)为单体,在聚丙烯(PP)多孔膜表面进行了等离子体引发的RAFT接枝聚合改性.聚合动力学研究结果表明:聚合反应具有RAFT聚合动力学特征,等离子体处理可以引发RAFT自由基聚合.以傅立叶红外光谱仪(FT- IR)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、压汞、水通量等方法,研究了改性多孔膜的表面化学与形态结构及孔结构特征.改性多孔膜表面的接枝率随单体转化率的提高呈线性增长,表面亲水性得到显著改善,同时膜孔径及水通量随接枝聚合时间的提高持续减小.其趋势符合RAFT可控/活性自由基聚合机制,实现了多孔膜膜孔径控制的目的.  相似文献   

为了解决用传统方法制备微球粒径不均的缺点,实验使用自制的膜乳化装置,通过膜乳化法制备粒径在12~20μm、单分散系数小于20%的聚苯乙烯多孔微球.使用扫描电镜考察多孔微球的表面形貌及孔径.结果表明:膜孔径是影响微球粒径的决定性因素;适当的膜乳化压力、乳化剂和分散剂浓度是生产粒径均一微球的重要条件;在致孔剂DBP质量分数为20%时,微球的平均孔径为0.12 μm.  相似文献   

Grüninger M  Rückamp R  Windt M  Reutler P  Zobel C  Lorenz T  Freimuth A  Revcolevschi A 《Nature》2002,418(6893):39-40; discussion 40
One challenge in condensed-matter physics is the experimental confirmation of a new kind of elementary excitation orbital waves, or orbitons, which are predicted to exist in an orbitally ordered state. Saitoh et al. have observed three peaks at 160, 144 and 126 meV in the Raman scattering of orbitally ordered lanthanum manganate (LaMnO(3)), and interpret these as evidence of orbitons. However, we find similar peaks in the optical conductivity, sigma(omega), of LaMnO(3) and point out that the direct observation of orbitons in sigma(omega) is prohibited by a selection rule. This suggests that the Raman peaks observed by Saitoh et al. arise from multiphonons, and that the existence of orbitons has yet to be experimentally confirmed.  相似文献   

中空纤维多孔膜基气体吸收传质性能研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
气相传质阻力是中空纤维多孔膜基气体化学吸收过程中的主要传质阻力。文中采用聚丙烯中空纤维膜组件、CO2-空气-水和CO2-空气-NaOH水溶液两种体系对膜基气体吸收过程的传质性能进行了研究。测定了不同气速和液速条件下的总传质系数。根据气液反应理论对实验结果进行分析,由实验和理论计算获得了气相分传质系数。通过进一步的拟合计算获得中空纤维多孔膜管内气相传质数学关联式Sh =0.0038Re0.44Sc0.33.用此关联式计算得到的总传质系数与实验测得的结果进行了比较,一致性良好.  相似文献   

研究了在温度为45~90℃、浓度为1-10mol/L的HNO3溶液中,高铝多孔陶瓷膜支撑体的微观结构变化、质量损失率与时间的关系以及支撑体机械强度随其质量损失率的变化关系。结果表明,多孔氧化铝支撑体在酸性溶液中的腐蚀主要发生在支撑体颗粒之间的烧结颈部。建立了多孔支撑体的质量损失率与腐蚀时间的定量数学关系,并结合支撑体机械强度与其质量损失率的关系,对多孔支撑体在不同温度和浓度HNO3溶液中的使用寿命进行了预测。研究表明,多孔陶瓷膜支撑体具有优异的耐酸性能。  相似文献   

多孔陶瓷管基膜上合成ZSM-5沸石膜新方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用喷涂晶种法在多孔α -Al2 O3基膜上引入一晶种层后 ,再用水热法一次可合成出渗透量大、选择性高的 ZSM-5沸石膜 .XRD、SEM及气体渗透性对所合成膜的结构、形态和分离性能表征表明 :所合成的膜是典型的 ZSM-5沸石膜 ,膜表面晶粒排列有序 ,整齐地连成一致密层 ,未发现有裂缝、针孔等缺陷 .H2 的渗透率很大 ,在常温下可达 2 .70× 1 0 - 6 mol.m- 2 .Pa- 1 .s- 1 ,H2 /C3H8的分离因数达 1 4以上  相似文献   

L Giacomatti  P F Parakkal 《Nature》1969,223(5205):514-515

多通道无机陶瓷膜处理特种印刷工业废水研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用50nm、200nm和800nm的多通道无机陶瓷膜对高浓度特种印刷废水进行处理,可实现废水中固体成分和COD的良好分离。研究结果表明,平均孔径为50nm的氧化锆膜对印刷废水具有良好的分离能力,在操作压差0.2MPa、膜面流速2.57m/s、温度30~35℃的优化条件下,过程的稳定通量为233.5L/(m2·h),对固体成分和COD的去除率分别达到61.3%和80.7%。  相似文献   

通过对LAMOST大科学工程中焦面板面型测量所遇到的问题进行后续的理论分析,给出了测量过程中的微小误差影响测量结果的几何理论的推导.由于焦面板的形状近似于一个半径为20m的截球,其采样测量面积只占焦面理论半径所构成的虚拟球面面积的两千分之一,仅采用面型上取点计算球心、半径的一般测量方法,拟合后的数据会有非常大的离散性.此时球面测量中任何一个微小的误差都将在半径和球心位置的最后测量结果中放大.误差分析从四点拟合球面的方法入手,近似计算出测量误差对最小二乘法拟合所得的球面半径值的影响,为改进测量方法、提高测量精度提供理论依据.  相似文献   

. 《科学通报(英文版)》2000,45(15):1373-1376
A new simple approach was devetoped for preparing wetl-aligned and monodispersed carbon nanotube (CNT) array membrane within the cylindrical pores of anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) template by chemical vapor deposition (CVD). Acetylene and hydrogen were used in the CVD process with Fe-catalyzer at 700°C under 250 Pa. Scanning etectron microscope (SEM) and transmission etectron microscope (TEM) were employed to characterize the resulting highly-oriented uniform hollow tube array which had a diameter of about 250 nm, a tube density of 5.3x108 cm2 and a length of about 60 μm. The length and diameter of the tubes depend on the thickness and pore diameter of the template. The growth properties of the CNT array film can be achieved by controlling the structure of the template, the particle size of Fe-catalyzer, the temperature in the reactor, the flow ratio and the deposition time. The highly-oriented and uniform CNT array membrane fabricated by this simple method is very much useful in a variety of applications.  相似文献   

给出球面上紧致极小子流形的某些内蕴刚性定理,改进了丘成桐、沈一兵等人关于截曲率和Ricci曲率的Pinching常数.  相似文献   

令M~n是n维单位球空间S~(n+p)(n≥3)中的紧致k-极值子流形(1≤kn/2),证明当(∫_(M~n)ρ~ndv)2/nC时,|A|~2=nH~2且M~n全脐,其中C依赖于n,p,M~n.记ρ~2=|A|~2-nH~2,H和|A|~2分别表示Mn的平均曲率和第2基本型模长平方.  相似文献   

用溶胶凝胶法在烧结多孔金属基体上附载SiO2膜   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为了克服传统陶瓷膜的某些缺陷,以正硅酸乙酯为原料,采用溶胶-凝胶法在多孔钛金属基体上制备出SiO2膜,为避免金属基体与膜材料由于热膨胀系数的不同而引起膜的破裂,采用填堵的方法成膜。整个挂膜-干燥-煅烧过程须重复8-10次。常温和高温下的气体渗透实验表明所制得的金属-陶瓷复合膜具有努森扩散特征,该膜能够在较高温度下使用。  相似文献   

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