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There are numerous geometric objects stored in the spatial databases. An importance function in a spatial database is that users can browse the geometric objects as a map efficiently. Thus the spatial database should display te geometric objects users concern about swiftly onto the display window. This process includes two operations:retrieve data from database and then draw them onto screen. Accordingly,to improve the efficiency,we should try to reduce time of both retrieving object and displaying them. The former can be achieved with the aid of spatial index such as R-tree,the latter require to simplify the objects. Simplification means that objects are shown with sufficient but not with unnecessary detail which depend on the scale of browse. So the major problem is how to retrieve data at different detail level efficiently. This paper intrrduces the implementation of a multi-scale index in the spatial database SISP (Spatial Information Shared Platform ) which is generalized from R-tree. The difference between the generalization and the R-tree lies on two facets : One is that every node and geometric object in the generalization is assigne+ with a importance value which +enote the importance of them,and every vertex in the objects are assigned with a importance value,too. The importance value can be use to decide which data should be retrieve from disk in a query. The other difference is that geometric objects in the generalization are divided into one or more sub-blocks,and vertexes are total ortiered by their importance value. With the help of the generalized R-tree,one can easily rtrieve data at differnt detail levels. Some experiments are performed on real-life data to evaluate the performance of solutions that separately use normal spatial index and multi-scale spatial index. The results show that the solution using multi-scale index in SISP is satisfying.  相似文献   

Combining the concept of partially blind signature with the concept of directed signature, we introduce a new concept of convertible directed partially blind signature (CDPBS), in which only the signer and the user can verify, confirm and disavow the validity of given signatures and convert given signatures into universally verifiable ones, to meet the need of signing personally or commercially sensitive messages. We give a formal definition of CDPBS and propose a concrete provably secure CDPBS scheme. The proposed scheme is efficient and secure, in which its unforgeability is the same as that of the Schnorr's signature scheme and its untransferability relies on the hardness of the decisional Diffie-Hellman problem. Furthermore, by letting the user's private key be a common constant, the proposed scheme can be used as a normal partially blind signature scheme.  相似文献   

Probability theory faces difficulties when it is applied to describing uncertain objects in geographic information system (GIS). This is mainly due to the fact that an object in GIS is normally described by a series of discrete vertexes. Modeling uncertainty objects should be therefore based on error of the composed vertexes. This type of model is normally complex and relatively difficult to implement because of many unknown factors, such as the number of vertexes of a polygon, error nature of each individual vertex and error correlation among the vertexes. In this paper, a probabilistic paradigm for handling uncertain objects in GIS by randomized graph algebra is presented. The theoretical basis for this paradigm is the randomized graph algebra-a probability theory for graph-which is newly proposed in this study. Classical probability theory is based on numerical algebra and is also an extension of numerical algebra by further defining probability density within a numerical domain. In the same token, this study begins with defining graph algebra as the basis for probability theory for graph. First, we adopt the theory of graph algebra and further refine the theory by defining the modulo operation for graph. As a result, a graph can thereafter be treated as a "number" and operated by "addition", "subtraction" and others. Second, we construct a measure space by generating sigma-algebra and defining measurable function upon it. The measure space becomes a probability space when the measurable function is a probability density function. Third, we propose the probabilistic paradigm for describing and inferring the uncertainty of geometric objects in GIS by applying the developed randomized graph algebra.  相似文献   

Topology is normally considered as independent of shape of spatial objects. This may not necessarily be true in describing relations between spatial objects in GIS. In this paper, we present proof that the topological relations between spatial objects are dependent on the shape of spatial objects. That is, that the topological relations of non-convex sets cannot be deformed to the topological relations of convex sets. The significant theoretical value of this paper is on its findings that topology of spatial objects is shape dependent. This indicates that when we want to describe topological relations between spatial objects in GIS, both topology and the shape of objects need to be considered. As a result, spatial data modeling, query and analysis based on the existing understanding of topology of spatial objects may need re-assessed.  相似文献   

Spatial distance has a remarkable effect on the attended mode of a network embedded in a certain space. First, we investigate how spatial restriction leads to information-information correlation that is strong, linear and positive in real networks. We then construct a two-dimensional space, define the action radius R for nodes of networks, and propose a class of models that depend on spatial distance. Information correlation of the models is consistent with that of real networks. The spatial distance plays a leading role in generating assortative mixing by degree, while the generation of disassortative mixing relies on both the degree of preferential attachment and spatial restriction.  相似文献   

In this article, a real number is defined as a granulation and the real space is transformed into real granu-lar space[1]. In the entironment, solution of nonlinear equation is denoted by granulation in real granular space. Hence,the research of whole optimization to solve nonlinear equation based on granular computing is proposed[2]. In classicalcase, we solve usually accurate solution of problems. If can't get accurate solution, also finding out an approximate solutionto close to accurate solution. But in real space, approximate solution to close to accurate solution is very vague concept. Inreal granular space, all of the approximate solutions to close to accurate solution are constructed a set, it is a granulation inreal granular space. Hence, this granulation is an accurate solution to solve problem in some sense, such, we avoid to sayvaguely "approximate solution to close to accurate solution". We introduce the concept of granulation in one dimension real space. Any positive real number a together with movinginfinite small distance ε will be constructed an interval [a-ε,a ε], we call it as granulation in real granular space, denotedby ε(a) or [a]. We will discuss related properties and operations[3] of the granulations. Let one dimension real space be R, where each real number a will be generated a granulation, hence we get a granularspace R* based on real space R. Obviously, R∈R*. Infinite small number in real space R is only O, and there are three in-finite small granulations in real number granular space R* : [0], [ε] and [-ε]. As the graph in Fig. 1 shows. In Fig. 1,[-ε] is a negative infinite small granulation,[ε] is a positive infinite small granulation,[0] is a infinite small granulation.[a] is a granulation of real number a generating, it could be denoted by interval [a-ε,a ε] in real space [3-5].Letf(x)=0 be a nonliner equation,its graph in interval[-3,10]id showed in Fig.2.Where -3≤x≤10 Relation ρ(f‖,ε)is defied is follows:(x1,x2)∈ p(f‖,ε)iff |f(x1)- f(x2)|<εWhere ε is any given small real number.We have five appoximate solution sets on the nonliner equation f(x)=0 by ρ(f‖,ε)∧|f(x)|[a,b]max,to denote by granulations[xi1 xi2/2],[xi3 xi4/2],[xi5 xi6/2],[xi7 xi8/2]and[xi9 xi10/2]respectively,where |f(x)|[a,b]max denotes local maximum on x ∈[a,b].This is whole optimum on nonliear equation in interval [-3,10].We will get best opmension solution on nonliner equation via computing f(x)to use the five solutions dented by grandlation in one dimension real granlar space[2,5].  相似文献   

It is agreed by many people that Death of a Salesman relies on realistic techniques. Few people notice that there is also an element of expressionism in it. In this essay we shall discuss the expressionistic technique employed in the play.Expressionism refers to a movement in Germany very early in the 20th century.In the movement a number of painters sought to avoid the representation of external reality and, instead, to project themselves and a highly personal vision of the world. The term can be applied to literature. In modern literature it can be referred to as any deliberate distortion of reality. In drama, expressionism applies to a style of playwriting and production emphasizing emotional content, the subjective reactions of characters, and symbolic or abstract representation of reality. The  相似文献   

In order to address spectrum resource scarcity in traditional cellular networks,television (TV) white space is considered as a potential solution to offload a portion of network traffic and enlarge network capacity.This paper describes a cognitive cellular network which allocates low geometry users to the TV white space based on a proportional fair criterion.An uplink user allocation scheme is proposed and the validity of the proposed scheme is established by simulation of the cellular network usage in conjunction with the TV white space.The simulation results show clear improvements in both the user and the system performance with the cognitive coexistent cellular network compared with the traditional cellular network,and that the performance of the proposed user allocation scheme is superior to other user allocation schemes.  相似文献   

Most of spatial phenomena like natural vegetation units and land use areas constantly change over time and have uncertainty spatial extents. Till now,a considerable number of data models have been proposed for spatial objects with sharp boundaries as well as with indeterminate boundaries. However,they mainly concern space and time or space and fuzziness and not yet integrate them into a single unified framework. This paper introduces a formal definition of the conceptual fuzzy spatiotemporal data model,called FSTDM for fuzzy regions based on fuzzy set theory. We also contribute a method of manipulating queries with the presence of both temporal predicate and fuzzy spatial predicate in the condition clause efficiently. We then implement a prototype system. Through the experimental results,we prove that our work can be used to build a specialized system such as GIS,spatial database,and so on.  相似文献   

When people move around in their environment, spatial updating, which is an automatic cognitive process, is essential to ensuring people can keep track of their relations between them and the surrounding objects, and to "recalculating" the relative position and orientation of those objects with regard to the current position of the persons. Despite the facilitating effect of spatial updating to people’s mental representation in most circumstances as demonstrated in most of the existing literature, the effect sometimes can be adversarial. For instance, some research suggested that even though people were asked to ignore their locomotion, it is difficult to suppress updating of the spatial representation during movement. The current two studies were conducted to systematically investigate the dual effects of spatial updating in both real and virtual environments. We used a typical spatial updating paradigm to explore the effects of scene familiarity (familiar vs. novel) and person’s locomotion (stationary vs. moving) on change detection accuracy (target object moved or not). The results indicated a facilitating effect of spatial updating in the novel scene condition, but an adversarial effect in the familiar scene condition-the dual effects, in both real and virtual environments.  相似文献   

This paper describes an empirical study on an augmented virtuality (AV)-based system dedicated for tele-inspection of built environments. This system is regarded as a solution that allows users to experience the real remote built environment without the need of physically stepping into that actual place. Such experience is realized by using AV technology to enrich the virtual counterparts of the place with captured real images from the real space. Those integrated into the AV environment are real photos that represent key landmarks/features of the real place, live video streams of on-site crew, and 3D virtual design geome-tries. The focus of this paper is the implementation and evaluation of the AV system in its current state as compared with traditional photo-based methods. Results from this preliminary empirical study show that the AV system achieves good overall satisfaction, although it involves certain general usability issues.  相似文献   

To satisfy the rapid growth of cloud technologies, a large number of web applications have been developed and deployed, and these applications are being run in clouds. Due to the scalability provided by clouds, a single web application may be concurrently visited by several millions or billions of users. Thus, the testing and performance evaluations of these applications are increasingly important. User model based evaluations can significantly reduce the manual work required, and can enable us to determine the performance of applications under real runtime environments. Hence, it has become one of the most popular evaluation methods in both industry and academia. Significant efforts have focused on building different kinds of models using mining web access logs, such as Markov models and Customer Behavior Model Graph (CBMG). This paper proposes a new kind of model, named the User Representation Model Graph (URMG), which is built based on CBMG. It uses an algorithm to refine CBMG and optimizes the evaluations execution process. Based on this model, an automatic testing and evaluation system for web applications is designed, implemented, and deployed in our test cloud, which is able to execute all of the analysis and testing operations using only web access logs. In our system, the error rate caused by random access to applications in the execution phase is also reduced, and the results show that the error rate of the evaluation that depends on URMG is 50% less than that which depends on CBMG.  相似文献   

Optimal clustering for the web documents is known to complicated combinatorial Optimization problem and it is hard to develop a generally applicable oplimal algorithm. An accelerated simuIated arlneaIing aIgorithm is developed for automatic web document classification. The web document classification problem is addressed as the problem of best describing a match between a web query and a hypothesized web object. The normalized term frequency and inverse document frequency coetficient is used as a measure of the match. Test beds are generated on - line during the search by transforming model web sites. As a result,web sites can be clustered optimally in terms of keyword vectors of corresponding web documents.  相似文献   

This paper represents a design and development of a mobile sensing unit as well as its prototype implementation for railway track monitoring. The unit consists of an ultra-small personal computer (PC), a global positioning system (GPS) receiver, an accelerometer and an ADC (Analog/Digital Converter) so that the unit can trace the route while capturing an acceleration response of a passenger vehicle. The unit enables more frequent and qualitative data acquisition compared with traditional and the state of the practice railway track inspection equipments. Locating disorder is the key of our unit, which has a reasonable accuracy of positioning with GPS data, existing facilities landmarks, and car acceleration responses. The proposed unit is a promising device for efficient properties management of railway agencies. The prototype implementation shows a result that car acceleration responses are related with the track displacements in low frequencies. The results also imply that sensor settlement on a vehicle floor, not axes or bogies, is effective for capturing track vertical displacements.  相似文献   

The relation betweenmining pressure field-fracture field and gas emission of working face is analyzed,and the concept that there is a stress point (or strain point) among permeability of coal is presented.It is believed that the mutation of coal permeability caused by the sudden loading or unloading of working face roof as periodic weighting occurs is the main reason that a lot of gas pour into the working face.Based on the above concept,the relation is established among abutment pressure during periodic weighting,permeability of coal seam and gas emission,and relation graph is drawn.Then the loading and unloading features of coal at the moment of fracture and non-fracture of main roof are revealed.And finally it is presented that the process of sudden loading or unloading as periodic weighting occurs plays an important role in rupture propagation of coal,analytical movement of gas and gas emission.  相似文献   

In this paper, we improve the trawling and point out some communities missed by trawling. We use the DBG (Dense Bipartite Graph) to identify a structure of a potential community instead of CBG (Complete Bipartite Graph). Based on DBG, we proposed a new method based on edge removal to extract cores from a web graph. Moreover, we improve the crawler to save only potential pages as fans of a core and save a lot of disk storage space. To evaluate the set of cores whether or not belong to a community, the statistics of term frequency is used. In the paper, the dataset of experiment were crawled under domain ".cn". The result show that the our algorithm works properly and some new cores can be found by our method.  相似文献   

The Web cluster has been a popular solution of network server system because of its scalability and cost effective ness. The cache configured in servers can result in increasing significantly performance, In this paper, we discuss the suitable configuration strategies for caching dynamic content by our experimental results. Considering the system itself can provide support for caching static Web page, such as computer memory cache and disk's own cache, we adopt a special pattern that only caches dynamic Web page in some experiments to enlarge cache space. The paper is introduced three different replacement algorithms in our cache proxy module to test the practical effects of caching dynamic pages under different conditions. The paper is chiefly analyzed the influences of generated time and accessed frequency on caching dynamic Web pages. The paper is also provided the detailed experiment results and main conclusions in the paper.  相似文献   

Focusing on the sensitive behaviors of malware, such as privacy stealing and money costing, this paper proposes a new method to monitor software behaviors and detect malicious applications on Android platform. According to the theory and implementation of Android Binder interprocess communication mechanism, a prototype system that integrates behavior monitoring and intercepting, malware detection, and identification is built in this work. There are 50 different kinds of samples used in the experiment of malware detection, including 40 normal samples and 10 malicious samples. The theoretical analysis and experimental result demonstrate that this system is effective in malware detection and interception, with a true positive rate equal to 100% and a false positive rate less than 3%.  相似文献   

Because of the difficulty of building a high-dimensional quantum register,this paper presents an implementation of the high-dimensional quantum Fourier transform(QFT)based on a low-dimensional quantum register.First,we define the t-bit semi- classical quantum Fourier transform.In terms of probability amplitude,we prove that the transform can realize quantum Fourier transformation,illustrate that the requirement for the two-qubit gate reduces obviously,and further design a quantum circuit of the transform.Combining the classical fixed-window method and the implementation of Shor’s quantum factorization algorithm,we then redesign a circuit for Shor’s algorithm,whose required computation resource is approximately equal to that of Parker’s.The requirement for elementary quantum gates for Parker’s algorithm is 3 O (logN),and the quantum register for our circuit re- quires t-1 more dimensions than Parker’s.However,our circuit is t2 times as fast as Parker’s,where t is the width of the window.  相似文献   

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