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基于安徽省巢湖市狮子口剖面上泥盆统(法门阶)五通组的标本,对龙潭楔叶Sphenophyllum lungtanense Gothan et Sze的叶形和脉式等重要特征取得了新认识。华南晚泥盆世楔叶目的起源和演化分异模式不同于劳俄大陆的同类植物,它们兼有原始和进化的营养器官(枝状、线状或片状叶)和生殖器官(缺少或具有孢子叶),显示出较高的形态多样性和镶嵌演化。  相似文献   

江西上高七宝山龙潭组中近年发现了一些牙形刺,为确定该组中产出的Gallowayinela的地质年代提供了补充依据.按照牙形刺、菊石等动物化石的组合特征及垂直分布,笔者认为七宝山龙潭组中的Galowayinela的时代为龙潭期  相似文献   

王阳明的良知之学是强调主体心灵精神和道德良知之主导作用的主观唯心主义学说,在适应其宣扬良知之学需要的同时,阳明的散文创作,已经在文体功能、体制特征等方面,突破传统文体之既有规范,展现出一种新的散文艺术风貌。这对以文体解散形式突破传统古文之压制和束缚的晚明小品,起了导向和示范的作用,在某种意义上,可视之为晚明小品之滥觞。  相似文献   

2 个品种(余水糯, 浙辐802)的水稻幼苗经白叶枯菌( Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae) 弱毒株75-1处理后,均获得了对白叶枯菌强毒株 76-25 的系统抗性,超氧化物歧化酶( SOD) 、 过氧化氢酶( CAT) 活性下降, 脂氧合酶( LOX)、 丙二醛含量升高Ti ron 削弱了75- 1对上述指标的诱导作用,导致75-1对余水糯和浙福 802 的互作由非亲和性类型转变为类似亲和性性类型.提示 O- .2 等活性氧介导的脂膜过氧化损伤及防御酶系统的活性变化与水稻幼苗对稻白叶枯病的系统性抗性有关.  相似文献   

行政事实行为是行政主体积极作出的不产生直接的法律效果的行政行为。行政事实行为的目的正当性规范是对行政事实行为合法性研究的重要内容,通过对行政事实行为的目的正当性规范进行详细研究,有利于对行政主体滥用行政权力、任意实施行政事实行为、侵害公民合法权益又规避法律责任的行为予以限制,保障法律的正义性。  相似文献   

费正清主编的《剑桥中国晚清史》虽然总体上是在费正清以文明冲突为核心的“冲击—反应”的研究模式指导下编著而成的,但是作为一部出版于1978年的著作,该书的研究模式表现出了明显的从“西方中心观”向“中国中心观”的过渡。  相似文献   

《朱子语类》中把V共存三类格式:把1V1、把2……V2、把3……V3;宋后前两类格式渐趋退出使用舞台,而把3……V3格式却获得长足的发展和广泛的使用,完成了由词汇单位至句法单位的演化。其演化机制是把语义的虚化,促使把V内部关系的松动,且因V的泛化、双音节化及其处置义的强化,处置对象成分插入的自由度加强。  相似文献   

利用野外实测剖面和区域地质资料,在地层划分和对比、构造格局研究以及早中泥盆世研究基础上,从点—线—面的沉积相分析入手,将晚泥盆世的弗拉斯期和法门期作为一个编图单元进行岩相古地理编图,恢复了东北地区晚泥盆世的岩相古地理面貌。研究表明,晚泥盆世东北地区主要发育浅海陆棚沉积体系(浅海陆棚相)、无障壁海岸沉积体系(滨海相)、三角洲沉积体系(三角洲相)、碳酸盐台地沉积体系(局限台地、开阔台地相、台缘斜坡相)和障壁海岸沉积体系(潟湖、潮坪相);存在额尔古纳和松辽两个主要古陆区,其余地区以滨、浅海相沉积为主。黑龙江小河里河、内蒙古卧都河地区发育三角洲相沉积;苏尼特左旗西南部受到海侵影响,海侵方向由西向东,发育滨海相沉积;沿贺根山-扎兰屯一线仍为陆间洋盆俯冲形成的蛇绿混杂岩带。  相似文献   

对华南湘中地区上泥盆统弗拉/法门(F/F)界线附近的几种腕足动物化石壳体结构所进行的详细研究表明,其原始结构主要表现为两种类型:一是具有棱柱状第三层,二是缺失棱柱状第三层。基于壳体保存程度的详细分析,以阴极发光程度、壳体显微结构为参数建立了壳体成岩作用改造程度的量化模式,经化石壳体氧、碳同位素值的验证,这一模式基本可以用来对不同保存环境下的样品进行筛选。在对比研究中发现,以无洞贝目(Atrypida)为代表的具有柱状第三层结构的样品不仅在保存状况上优于只具有纤维层结构的壳体,而且其氧、碳同位素数值的分布也较为集中,从而说明无洞贝目的壳体是进行氧、碳同位素研究较为理想的材料。  相似文献   

深圳梧桐山苔藓植物区系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过对采自深圳市梧桐山的 4 0 0号标本的鉴定 ,初步确定该地区有 4 2科 ,6 2属和 86种。经区系成分分析 ,作者认为该地区的苔藓植物种类虽与热带亚洲的关系较为密切 ,但其性质仍为亚热带南部性质  相似文献   

Down-core variations of radiolarians at ODP Site 1143 in the southern South China Sea (SCS) are presented for the last 12 Myr. The fluctuations of radiolarian abundances since the Late Miocene can be divided into three stages: a high abundance stage at 12-5.96 Myr, a radiolarian absent stage at 5.96-3.30 Myr and a gradual increasing stage after 3.30 Myr. The three stages correspond to the forming and vicissitudes of the Western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP) and the Eastern Asian Summer Monsoon (EASM). The radiolarian absence event (RAE) was also absent of diatom and occurred nearly simultaneously with the closures of the Panama Isthmus and the Indonesian seaway, which probably caused the reorganization of oceanic circulation systems. Accompanied this circulation reorganization was the weakening of the WPWP and the EASM, which probably led to a weakened upwelling in the southern SCS. In addition dissolved silica (Dsi) content in surface seawater might be very low during 5.96-3.30 Myr due to the "biogenic bloom" event, which consumed a large amount of Dsi in the surface seawater. All these factors together might lead to a great decrease of siliceous production in the southern SCS and consequently caused the RAE. Moreover, the dissolution of siliceous skeletons might also influence the abundance of radiolarians.  相似文献   

Down-core variations of radiolarians at ODP Site 1143 in the southern South China Sea (SCS) are presented for the last 12 Myr. The ?uctuations of radiolarian abundances since the Late Miocene can be divided into three stages: a high abundance stage at 12–5.96 Myr, a radiolarian absent stage at 5.96–3.30 Myr and a gradual increasing stage after 3.30 Myr. The three stages correspond to the forming and vicissitudes of the Western Paci?c Warm Pool (WPWP) and the Eastern Asian Summer Monsoon (EASM). The radiolarian absence event (RAE) was also absent of diatom and occurred nearly imultaneously with the closures of the Panama Isthmus and the Indonesian seaway, which probably caused the reorganization of oceanic circulation systems. Accompanied this circulation reorganization was the weakening of the WPWP and the EASM, which probably led to a weakened upwelling in the southern SCS. In addition dissolved silica (Dsi) content in surface seawater might be very low during 5.96–3.30 Myr due to the ‘‘biogenic bloom” event, which consumed a large amount of Dsi in the surface seawater. All these factors together might lead to a great decrease of siliceous production in the southern SCS and consequently caused the RAE. Moreover, the dissolution of siliceous skeletons might also in?uence the abundance of radiolarians.  相似文献   

Based on a quantitative analysis of planktonic foraminifera in two gravity cores (17928 and 17954), the history of the upper-water structure of the eastern and west ern slopes of the South China Sea (SCS) over the last 220 Ka was reconstructed using the transfer function technique. Our results show that lower sea surface temperature (SST) and shallower depth of thermocline (DOT) exist at Core 17928, off Luzon, in the glacial periods; on the contrary, the same situation turned up in the interglacial at Core 17954, off Vietnam. These changes of the upper-water column structure in the two areas are induced by coastal upwelling, which in turn is driven by monsoons, namely, winter monsoon leads to upwelling at the eastern slope, and summer monsoon gives birth to upwelling on the western slope. Moreover, the intensity of upwellings is also closely related to the evolution of the East Asian monsoon. Therefore, we assume that the changes of the upwelling in the two sites indicate strengthenning of winter and summer monsoon during the glacial and inter glacial periods, respectively.  相似文献   

An aquatic fern leaf, Flabellariopteris mii Sun gen. et sp. nov. from the Late Triassic of Western Liaoning, China, is described and proposed as the type species of the new morphortaxon of the Marsileaceae. The fossil leaves are preserved as impression. No fertile and rhizomatic materials are found. The leaves attached at a common point on the top of the petiole are composed of two leaflets joined basally in an opposite arrangement. The petiole is slender. The leaflet is fan-shaped or semi-circular, and commonly divided into four wedge-shaped lobes. Terminal margin of lobes is usually incised, incisions shallow or deep, with bluntly rounded or notched apex. The veins are conspicu- ously dichotomous, but anastomoses and marginal vein are absent. The unique morphological features, including two- parted thin leaflets, size, shape, veins and slender petiole, indicate that the present specimen represents an aquatic fern, which is the oldest fossil record and the first megafossil evidence assignable to Marsileaceae from the Triassic floras.  相似文献   

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