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Speleophriopsis balearicus n. gen., n. sp., and Speleophria gymnesica, n. sp. are described from the flooded coastal karst of the Balearic Is. Two existing species of Speleophria are transferred to the new genus. Speleophriopsis scottodicarloi (Boxshall and Iliffe), new combination, occurs on Bermuda (Atlantic) and S. campaneri (Boxshall and Iliffe), new combination, in the Palau Archipelago (Indo-West Pacific). The type species of Speleophria is known only from caves on Bermuda. Both genera are noteworthy for displaying the most primitive condition known in copepods of the allobasis of maxilla (setal formula 5,3), and of the male antennule which, in Speleophriopsis n. gen., is geniculate but exhibits a 27-segmented condition. They inhabit cave waters with salinities in excess of 18‰., avoiding lower salinity inland groundwater habitats. A Tethyan relict status is proposed for both taxa.  相似文献   

The genera Cratera Carbayo et al., 2013 and Obama Carbayo et al., 2013, belonging to the subfamily Geoplaninae, were recently proposed to encompass some of the species that belonged to the genus Geoplana Stimpson, 1857. Herein we describe two new species of Geoplaninae, occurring in areas of ombrophilous forest which belong to the southern portion of the Brazilian Atlantic Rain Forest. The species are sympatric in their type-locality. In general, both new species herein described match the diagnostic characteristics of their genera. However, some of these features are noteworthy when characters of the new species are taken into consideration, especially the pattern of the sensory pits and the morphology of the prostatic vesicle. Both species are differentiated from their congeners by a combination of morphological characteristics, corroborated by phylogenetic analyses of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene, using maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference, as well as the Automatic Barcode Gap tool.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(41-42):2627-2644
Xenomorellia Malloch, a subgenus of Morellia Robineau-Desvoidy, is revised to include two new species, Morellia (Xenomorellia) inca Nihei and Carvalho sp. nov. from South America, and M. (X.) maia Carvalho and Nihei sp. nov. from Costa Rica and Mexico. Diagnoses for M. (X.) holti (Malloch) and M. (X.) montanhesa (Albuquerque) are provided, as well as an identification key to the four species of the subgenus. A cladistic analysis was performed to test the monophyly of Xenomorellia and to recover the phylogenetic relationships among its species. Tree searches resulted in one single most-parsimonious cladogram, wherein the monophyly of Xenomorellia is supported, as well as a sister-group relationship with the Neotropical subgenus Trichomorellia Stein. Xenomorellia was divided into two clades: one with Caribbean–Andean species (maia?+?inca), and another with species from southeastern South America (holti?+?montanhesa).  相似文献   

A synopsis of Pseudoperma is provided. This genus mainly differs from Onocephala and Stethoperma by the antennal tubercles well separated; antennae relatively short, in the female subequal to the body length; and scape and third antennomere subequal in length. Pseudoperma includes two species, P. chalcogramma (Bates, 1887) and P. patruelis (Breuning, 1940), both from Brazil; herein we describe one new species, Pseudoperma lingafelteri sp. nov. from Brazil (Rio de Janeiro). This species differs from its congeners mainly in having the frons and occiput covered with greyish pubescence, and the sides of the elytra with several interrupted or coalescent vittae. We provide new distribution data for Pseudoperma patruelis (Breuning, 1940) from Brazil, Minas Gerais, São Paulo and Santa Catarina, as well as illustrations and a key to the species of Pseudoperma.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:FFD274A3-3AA8-457E-A54C-4CA5AB0340AB  相似文献   

To date, the family Pudeoniscidae includes six species and three genera, Pudeoniscus, Brasiloniscus and Iansaoniscus, with distributions restricted to Brazil. Here, we redefine the family Pudeoniscidae based on the discovery of a new genus and two new species, Oxossioniscus pataxo sp. nov. and Oxossioniscus akoko sp. nov., from the Brazilian Atlantic forest in the state of Bahia, and on the examination of Pudeoniscus birabeni and Pudeoniscus obscurus. Moreover, P. obscurus is re-described and new records are provided for P. birabeni.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:A0123730-C623-49CE-8665-AE17FDDF994A.  相似文献   

Two new species of Tedania (Porifera: Demospongiae: Poecilosclerida) are described from the Mexican Pacific. Tedania (Tedania) tropicalis sp. nov. is an encrusting to massive sponge having ectosomal tylotes with microspined heads, choanosomal styles and onychaetes. Tedania (Tedania) fulvum sp. nov. is a thinly encrusting sponge having ectosomal tylotes with smooth heads, choanosomal styles and onychaetes. Tables for all the Tedania (subgenera Tedania and Tedaniopsis) and Trachytedania species described worldwide are included. We suggest that species of Tedania and Trachytedania bearing ectosomal diactinal spicules (excluding Tedania (Stylotedania)) can be separated in two main groups: those having choanosomal monactinal spicules and those with choanosomal diactinal spicules.

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:5B212DC3-3827-44D5-8E63-3E652BCB29E6  相似文献   

A new species of Pseudolepturges from Bolivia is described and illustrated; a key to the species is also provided. Based on the similar body size, orange-yellowish colour, behaviour, and close co-occurrence on a Triplaris americana tree, we suggest that Pseudolepturges triplarinus sp. nov. is a mimic of the ant Pseudomyrmex triplarinus.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:6DF38C64-6986-4A79-8D9A-645DA89149F2  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(17):1327-1347
Two new species of the genus Alexandrella are described: A. mandibulata and A. martae. One species, A. mixta, is considered a junior synonym of the type species A. dentata. The genus now comprises six species, all of which are restricted to either the Antarctic or sub‐Antarctic region or the South Pacific. Oostegites are observed to be present on pereopod 1 in two Alexandrella species. This is a novel morphological trait among the Amphipoda. Developmental information is presented for two other Alexandrella species, in which the mandibular incisor is seen to be modified from strongly toothed in marsupial young to totally smooth in mature specimens. Also the armature dorsally on their body and the morphology of the telson undergo conspicuous allometric changes. A key to all known Alexandrella species is provided.  相似文献   

The male, female, pupa and larva of a new species of Gelechiidae (Lepidoptera), Locharcha opportuna Moreira and Becker, are described and illustrated with the aid of optical and scanning electron microscopy. A preliminary analysis of mitochondrial DNA sequences including members of related lineages is also provided. The immature stages are associated with galls induced by a species of Palaeomystella Fletcher (Lepidoptera: Momphidae) on Tibouchina sellowiana (Cham.) Cogn. (Melastomataceae), endemic to the Atlantic Rainforest. Larvae are kleptoparasitic, usurping the gall internal space and thereafter feeding on the internal tissues. By determining the variation in population density of both species and following gall development individually throughout ontogeny under field conditions, we demonstrated that the kleptoparasite completes its life cycle inside galls induced by Palaeomystella, where pupation occurs. The variation in seasonal abundance of the kleptoparasite is tied to that of the cecidogenous species, with their corresponding peaks in density occurring sequentially.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:525F6D52-8CE1-47D1-A0D9-78B564DF5565  相似文献   

A new species of Hapalotremus Simon, 1903 from northern Argentina is described and illustrated. Hapalotremus martinorum sp. nov. differs from all other congeners by the colour pattern of live specimens. Males differ in the male palpal bulb morphology, with thickened and less curved embolus having a blunt subapical keel and less-developed apical keel. Females differ in the shape of the spermathecae, with the lateral bases more pronounced than the superiors and the upper edge more rounded. Specimens were captured inhabiting short burrows or crevices under stones in high cloud forests. Hapalotremus cyclothorax (Mello-Leitão 1923) is a junior synonym of Homoeomma montanum (Mello-Leitão, 1923), Hapalotremus scintillans (Mello-Leitão 1929) is a junior synonym of Pachistopelma rufonigrum Pocock, 1901, Hapalotremus exilis (Mello-Leitão 1923) and Hapalotremus muticus (Mello-Leitão 1923) are considered species inquirenda.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:1758F6FD-8883-445D-A757-0AC7E120DCF6  相似文献   

Guizhou Province, located in southwest China, is famous for its wholly karst landforms, in which many pygmy locusts with poor dispersal ability have been isolated and preserved. Species diversity of Tetrigidae from Guizhou is introduced, which deals with six sub-families, 28 genera and 69 species, among them, 33 species are endemic to Guizhou. Two new species, Paragavialidum prominemarginatus Zha & Ding sp. nov. and Teredorus jinshaensis Zha & Ding sp. nov. are described and illustrated with photographs. Flatocerus chishuiensis, Flatocerus nigritibialis and Flatocerus nigrifemura are considered as synonyms of Flatocerus wuyishanensis. Flatocerus wuyishanensis is redescribed and photographed based on our collections.

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:334D6268-E3C1-450E-A3A2-31F9839B4EE6  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(45-46):2787-2828
Four new and six known species of Dorylaimellus Cobb, 1913 Cobb, NA. 1913. New nematode genera found inhabiting freshwater and non-brackish soils. J Wash Acad Sci, 3: 432444. [Crossref] [Google Scholar] are described. Dorylaimellus shamimi sp. nov. has body 1.1–1.2 mm, offset lip region, odontostyle 7–8 μm, pharyngeal expansion 35–43%, longitudinal vulva, amphidelphic gonad and conoid ventrally arcuate tail. Dorylaimellus parindicus sp. nov. has body 1.2–1.5 mm, distinct ventral body pores, lip region offset, odontostyle thick walled, 5–6 μm, odontophore with poorly developed flanges, pharyngeal expansion 38–45%, longitudinal vulva, amphidelphic gonad and short conoid tail. Dorylaimellus hanifae sp. nov. has body 0.3–0.4 mm, offset lip region with peri-oral disc, odontostyle 4–5 μm, pharyngeal expansion 50–55%, transverse vulva, amphidelphic gonad and clavate tail. Dorylaimellus khasianus sp. nov. has body 1.2–1.4 mm; offset lip region; odontostyle 7 μm; odontophore with well developed flanges; pharyngeal expansion 31–35%; longitudinal vulva; amphidelphic gonad and elongate-conoid tail. Dorylaimellus occidentalis, Dorylaimellus parvulus, Dorylaimellus deviatus, Dorylaimellus paraclavatus, Dorylaimellus salvus and Dorylaimellus filamentosus are redescribed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(5-6):317-331
Four new species of Clinotanypus Kieffer, 1913 (Diptera: Chironomidae: Tanypodinae) from Brazil are described and figured as male and immatures: Clinotanypus caritus, Clinotanypus gymnos, Clinotanypus setosus and Clinotanypus striatus. Keys to the Neotropical males, pupae and larvae of known species of Clinotanypus are provided. http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:DAE70C2F-15CA-4B72-9AE5-F601EAD76A7C  相似文献   

The genus Coralaxius is rediagnosed, and the type species C. nodulosus (Meinert, 1877), the holotype of which was found to be identical with C. abelei Kensley and Gore, 1982, is redescribed. The two new species of Coralaxius are described, viz. C. galapagensis from the Galapagos Islands, and C. indopacificus from Fiji and the Comoro Islands. On the basis of carapace, gill and appendage characters, it is concluded that C. indopacificus is more primitive than the other two species. The genus is thought to have had a tethyan distribution, with the eastern Pacific representative being cut off from the western Atlantic form with the raising of the Isthmus of Panama.  相似文献   


A new species of the genus Setelacher Bou?ek, S. lasallei sp. nov. Gumovsky and van Noort, is described from the Afrotropical region (Central African Republic, Gabon and Uganda). It confirms the presence of the genus in the region. The only described species of the genus, S. fasciatus Bou?ek, is of Australasian and Indo-Malayan distribution, and one undescribed species was previously recorded from South Africa. All images presented here are available on www.waspweb.org

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:D6AA0B15-6EA7-4C93-827C-1807E69BD6D2  相似文献   

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