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Paralamyctes (Haasiella) Pocock, 1901 (= Wailamyctes Archey, 1917) includes three described species from New Zealand and its Subantarctic Islands. Australian species of P. (Haasiella) include P. (H.) subicolus n. sp. from Tasmania and a clade composed of P. (H.) cammooensis n. sp. from Queensland and New South Wales, P. (H.) ginini n. sp. from New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory, and an allied species from Tasmania. Monophyly of P. (Haasiella) and the membership of a P. (H.) cammooensis Group are supported by parsimony analysis of morphological characters. A grouping of P. (Haasiella) and P. (Thingathinga) as retrieved by molecular data analysis is also found in minimal length cladograms based on morphology. The dataset incorporates new information on several previously poorly known henicopids, including the types of Lamyctopristus Attems, 1928, and Analamyctes Chamberlin, 1955.  相似文献   

Hedychridium is recorded for the first time for Brazil. A new species from southeastern Brazil, Hedychridium periotoi sp. nov., is described and illustrated. So far, the single species known to South America has been Hedychridium argentinum Buysson, which is restricted to the western and southern parts of Argentina.

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:C0D66A84-3168-478D-9AC5-5EC3B4EB32FC  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(45-46):2841-2854
A new genus and species of the family Parabathynellidae, Siambathynella laorsriae gen. nov. et sp. nov. is described from Thailand. The new genus displays an exclusive character: a distinctive male thoracopod VIII with a row of denticles on the basipod. The new species also displays a unique combination of morphological characters, including a seven-segmented antennule, seven-segmented antenna, sexual dimorphism on the antennule, exopod of thoracopod I one-segmented, exopod of thoracopod II–VII two-segmented, male thoracopod VIII lacking basipodal seta, female thoracopod VIII with two setae, lacking pleopods, sympod of the uropod with inhomonomous row of spines, and endopod of uropod with a spinous distal process and a large distal spine ornamented with rows of setules. This is the first record of Bathynellacea (family Parabathynellidae) in Thailand, extending the distributional range of this taxon in Asia.  相似文献   

Notiasemus glauerti gen. nov., sp. nov. is described from specimens collected around Perth, Western Australia.  相似文献   

Several specimens of a small geophilomorph centipede were collected by the author from the Isles of Scilly between 1984 and 1987. The last legs bear a tuberculate pretarsus which is a diagnostic character of the North American genus Arenophilus but this species is not among those listed in Crabill's (1969) review of that genus.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(17-18):1083-1092
Two new species of free‐living marine nematodes Adoncholaimus chinensis sp. nov. and Bathylaimus huanghaiensis sp. nov. from the Yellow Sea, China are described and illustrated. Adoncholaimus chinensis sp. nov. is characterized by the gubernaculum with a slender apophysis; two files of seven to eight circumcloacal setae on each subventral side of body. Bathylaimus huanghaiensis sp. nov. is characterized by a cylindrical body and smooth cutical. The buccal cavity is relatively smaller than in other species of the genus Bathylaimus. The anterior buccal cavity has only one obvious dorsal tooth. The amphids are subspiral with 1.2 turns, posterior to the base of posterior buccal cavity. They also have a long three‐jointed cephalic seta.  相似文献   

Three new tenuipalpid species are described and illustrated from Hungary: Cenopalpus cumanicus sp. nov., Cenopalpus adventicius sp. nov. and Tenuipalpus budensis sp. nov. (Acari: Tenuipalpidae). The authors give an account of one new record of Cenopalpus spinosus (Donnadieu, 1875) found on woody host plants, a species that has not previously been recorded in the Hungarian fauna. Additional species encountered during these surveys are: Brevipalpus lewisi (McGregor, 1949), Cenopalpus pulcher (Canestrini and Fanzago, 1876), Pentamerismus oregonensis McGregor, 1949, and Pentamerismus taxi (Haller, 1877).  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1657-1663
A new genus and species of geophilomorph centipede, Nothogeophilus turki is described from the Scilly Isles and the Isle of Wight. The precise relationships of this new genus are not clear. The species is, presumably, an introduction.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(47-48):2925-2935
Two new species of the genus Alloclubionoides from two National Parks of Korea are described with detailed illustrations, leg spination, trichobothrium patterns and scanning electron micrographs. Alloclubionoides wolchulsanensis sp. nov. can be distinguished from other Alloclubionoides spiders by a heart-shaped conductor with rounded base in the male palp and a large genital opening situated in the middle of the atrium, and a broadly cylinder-like copulatory duct in female. Alloclubionoides jirisanensis sp. nov. resembles Alloclubionoides napolovi (Ovtchinnikov, 1999 Zhang, ZS, Zhu, MS and Song, DX. 2007. Three new species of the genus Ambanus Ovtchinnikov, 1999 from China (Araneae: Amaurobiidae: Coelotinae). Zootaxa., 1425: 2128.  [Google Scholar]) but can be distinguished from it by the ‘Y’-shaped conductor dorsal apophysis and wound distal part of conductor.  相似文献   

Two new species of free-living marine nematodes of the genus Lauratonema Gerlach, 1953 from an intertidal sandy beach of the East China Sea are described and illustrated. Lauratonema macrostoma sp. nov. is characterized by a spacious buccal cavity, depth 2.1–2.3 times width; cup-shaped amphids; small blade-like spicules (14–16 µm long, 0.55–0.65 anal or cloacal body diameter [a.b.d.]) and unequal length of outer labial setae and cephalic setae (13–17 µm and 9–12 µm respectively). Lauratonema dongshanense sp. nov. can be distinguished by the small buccal cavity with a strong cuticularized transverse strip structure; cup-shaped amphids; small blade-like spicules (14–15 µm long, 0.58–0.67 a.b.d.), unequal length of outer labial setae and cephalic setae (8–10 µm and 5–7 µm respectively); the presence of a small precloacal papilla. A dichotomous key for the genus Lauratonema is given.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:B5BA6C15-E72A-4C62-97B4-1823E71A9355  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(5-6):309-321
Montanabathynella salish gen. nov. sp. nov., of the family Parabathynellidae, from Montana, USA, is described. The new species displays several exclusive characters: distal endite of the maxillule with nine claws and a very large and distinctive male thoracopod 8 with four lobes in the basal penial region and a long recurved exopod without setation. It also presents a unique combination of characters: antennule seven‐segmented; antenna six‐segmented; labrum with 18 teeth; exopod of thoracopods three‐ to six‐segmented, endopod with one dorsal seta on the first and second segments and epipod only present on thoracopods 4 to 7; pleopods absent; endopod of thoracopod 8 male with two setae and exopod without setae; female thoracopod 8 having two segments, first segment with two groups of denticles and the second one with three long barbed setae; 15 spines on sympod, four spines and spinous process on endopod and 12 setae on exopod of uropod.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(41-42):2535-2541
Two new species, Sinella hexaseta sp. nov. and Sinella pauciseta sp. nov., collected from East China, Anhui and Zhejiang provinces, respectively, were described. Both are easily discriminated from each other and all known Sinella species by their unique dorsocentral chaetotaxic patterns on Abd. IV. In S. pauciseta sp. nov., postlabial setae H1–4 are ciliate, which are smooth in all other known species of the genus.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(17-18):1243-1255
Thirteen species of the genus Pogonognathellus Paclt, 1944 Paclt, J. 1944. Nomina nova in Collembola. Entomol Listy, 7: 92 [Google Scholar] have been reported worldwide, two from East Asia. Two new species of the genus from Jilin Province, northeast China are described here. Pogonognathellus heterochros sp. nov. is characterized by its unique body colour. Pogonognathellus mai sp. nov. is most similar to Pogonognathellus beckeri (Börner, 1909) but differs from it mainly in maxilla and tenaculum. A key to the East Asian species is provided, and the confusion among these species is discussed. http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:902CD044-0A58-4CCF-A1B1-449C9DE10938  相似文献   


Five species of tettigoniid of the Decticine genus, Platycleis (sensu stricto), are found in the environs of Montpellier, Hérault, S. France. P. intermedia, P. sabulosa and P. albopunctata are essentially early-evening singers. There is a nycthemeral cycle of vertical migration in these three species—they sing from a greater height than that at which they rest during the daytime. P. affinis and P. falx sing both during the day and during the evening. As the syllables of the songs of the five species are similar, and since these insects sing at the same time of year and at least during the evening, interspecific acoustic interference would seem likely. However, such interference appears to be avoided by spatial separation of singing individuals (the males only). The difference in habitat preferences may be so distinct that two species do not occur in the same locality (e.g. P. falx and P. albopunctata). Where two species do occur in one local area, one of them is generally confined to one type of vegetation (e.g. P. intermedia in the bushes) and the other to another type (e.g. P. affinis on the open ground). Differences in chirp types, and in the specific response to particular song patterns, mean that ethological barriers as well as ecological ones would appear to prevent heterospecific matings. However, prevention of acoustic interference between allospecific males seems to be brought about mainly by habitat-preference differences. In one species pair, P. falx and P. affinis, the habitat-preference difference is very slight, and their songs are similar. These facts, coupled with the impression that the range and abundance of P. affinis are increasing, while those of P. falx are decreasing, suggest that P. affinis is supplanting P. falx in the open areas of wasteland in the Montpellier area.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(29-30):1911-1919
In 2001 the Soil Biodiversity Group of the Natural History Museum, London collected Oligochaeta material from bromeliad epiphytes and litter samples in Belize. This material remained unidentified until being passed to the Annelida curator in 2010. Elaborating this material resulted in discovery of two earthworm species new to science Eutrigaster (Graffia) georgei sp. nov. and Kaxdrilus sherbutti sp. nov. belonging to the family Acanthodrilidae (Benhamiinae) and Acanthodrilidae (Acanthodrilinae) respectively. http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:6BEB9E5A-7D54-4E48-913D-EF76D7DACC16  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(45-48):2817-2841
Three new species of the genus Vejdovskybathynella are described from caves in northern Spain. It is the first time that this genus has been documented in the Iberian Peninsula. Vejdovskybathynella edelweiss n. sp. has several unique features: the setal formula of the antenna (0/2+exp/2+0/1+0/0+0/2+2/4); the form of the segments and claws of the mandibular palp of the mandible of the male; exopod of the female thoracopod VIII similar in size to the endopod (exopod is always longer than the endopod); small frontal projection of the basipod of the male thoracopod VIII, large or very large is common; the form and size of the lobes of the male thoracopod VIII is unique; the second spine of the furcal rami 2.5 times longer than the first spine. Vejdovskybathynella caroloi n. sp. has a unique male thoracopod VIII with a spur in the exopod that is a feature unknown in the genus, and additionally, this species has the smallest endopod of the thoracopod VIII male of the entire genus; the presence of three aesthetascs in segments VI and VII of the antennule had not been observed in this genus until now; the form of the segments of the mandibular palp of the mandible of the male are unique; the distal spine of the sympod of the uropod is larger than in other species, whereas in the rest of the species of the genus they are equal in size. Vejdovskybathynella pascalis n. sp. is the smallest species of the genus and has two and three aesthetascs in segments VI and VII of the antennule, respectively; it is the only species of the genus that has one seta on segment I and two setae on segment IV of the antenna; it has a unique male thoracopod VIII with a small spur on the frontal projection of the basipod and with the endopod larger than all other species in spite of its small size; the basal spine of the sympod of the uropod is smaller than the other three.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(21-22):1421-1449
Two Niphargus species, Niphargus khayyami sp. nov. and Niphargus khwarizmi sp. nov., are morphologically analysed and described. Both species are found in western Iran, which represents the easternmost border of the distributional area for this subterranean amphipod genus. We were unable to attribute N. khayyami sp. nov. to any of 80 Niphargus species that were analysed for 28S ribosomal DNA sequences; sequencing of N. khwarizmi sp. nov. failed. Niphargid findings from west Asia recorded in 5 years imply that almost one half of the range of this large freshwater amphipod genus is still unexplored. http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:9E9E7CC9-83E2-419F-A394-57197305E1EF  相似文献   


Pontocyprididae is a diverse ostracod family with over 300 species described so far. It has a worldwide distribution in various marine ecosystems. I describe two new species belonging to Ekpontocypris Maddocks, 1969 and Schedopontocypris Maddocks, 1969. They have been collected from shallow littoral and interstitial waters from the east coast of Korea. This is the first record of the family from this country. Two new species differ from their closest congeners mostly by male sexual characters, including morphology of the hemipenis and prehensile palps. Taxonomic keys to living representatives of Ekpontocypris and genera of Pontocyprididae are provided.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:1B3664EA-4999-4625-81A3-9BE31D11F517http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:A18697AE-F331-4E10-B1E6-866752F83ADA  相似文献   

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