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《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(17-18):1093-1114
The present study reports on collections of hypogean freshwater atyid shrimps of the genera Caridina Milne Edwards, 1837 Milne Edwards, H. 1837. Histoire naturalle des Crustacés, Comprenant l'Anatomie, la Physiologie et la Classification de ces Animaux, Vol. 2, 1532. Paris (France): Libraire Encyclopedique de Roret.  [Google Scholar], and Parisia Holthuis, 1956 Holthuis, L. B. 1956. The troglobic Atyidae of Madagascar (Crudtacea, Decapoda, Natantia), Mem Inst Sci Madagascar ser.. A., 11: 97110.  [Google Scholar], obtained from the karst caves and associated epigean waters of Sulawesi, Indonesia. Six species of Caridina were present, of which two are new to science and one is new to Sulawesi, as well as one new species of Parisia. Types of Caridina pareparensis De Man, 1892 De Man, J. G. 1892. Decapoden des Indischen Archipels.. Zool Ergebn Reise Niederland Ost‐Ind., 2: 265527. pl. 15–29 [Google Scholar], and C. pareparensis parvidentata Roux, 1904 Roux, J. 1904. Décapodes d'eau douce de Cèlébes (Genres Caridina et Potamon).. Rev Suisse Zool., 12(3): 539572. pl. 9 [Google Scholar], were re‐examined and redescribed; lectotypes for both taxa are designated. Caridina pareparensis parvidentata is here regarded as a distinct species. The new taxa are described, figured and compared with congeners.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(25-28):1585-1602
Re‐examination of the syntypes of Caridina gracilirostris De Man, 1892 De Man, J. G. 1892. “Decapoden des Indischen Archipels.”. In Zoologische Ergebnisse einer Reise in Niederlandisch Ost‐Indien Edited by: Weber, M. Vol. 2, 265527. Plates 15–29 [Google Scholar], shows that the type series is composed of three species. These three species are similar in the form of the rostrum, but can be differentiated easily by a combination of rostral formula and sexual appendages. To stabilize the taxonomic status of these species, a lectotype for C. gracilirostris is selected. A lectotype for Caridina appendiculata Jalihal and Shenoy, 1998 Jalihal, D. R. and Shenoy, S. 1998. “Taxonomic revision of some Indian prawn species of genus Caridina H. Milne Edward, 1837 (Atyidae).”. In Proceedings and abstracts of the Fourth International Crustacean Congress, 128129. Amsterdam, , Netherlands: The Crustacean Socrety.  [Google Scholar], is also designated from among the remaining syntypes of C. gracilirostris. A new species, C. neglecta, is described. Caridina gracilirostris and C. gracilima Lanchester, 1901 Lanchester, W. F. 1901. On the Crustacea collected during the “Skeat” expedition to the Malay Peninsula.. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1900([1901]): 533574.  [Google Scholar], are redescribed and figured, and C. appendiculata is transferred to the C. nilotica species group. A new species group is also recognized for C. gracilirostris, C. neglecta, C. gracilima, and a new species, C. longifrons. The C. gracilirostris species group is defined here as taxa possessing a rostrum with subapical teeth, fewer than 10 dorsal teeth, and without any postorbital teeth.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(45-48):2891-2917
The epibiont communities of the freshwater shrimp Caridina ensifera, endemic to Lake Poso (Sulawesi, Indonesia), were analysed for the first time based on their morphological and biometrical characteristics and taxonomic position. Seven ciliated protozoans and a rotifer were examined: three suctorian ciliate protozoan species (Acineta sulawesiensis, Podophrya maupasi, and Spelaeophrya polypoides), three peritrichs (Zoothamnium intermedium, Vorticella globosa, and Cothurnia compressa), a haptorid (Amphileptus fusidens), and the rotifer species Embata laticeps. A mean number of 314.6 epibionts was found per shrimp specimen. The distribution of the epibiont species on the surface of the basibiont was recorded, to allow calculation of the density on the different colonized individuals of C. ensifera and on each anatomical unit of the shrimp. The most abundant species, Zoothamnium intermedium and Acineta sulawesiensis, were also the ones most widely distributed. The statistical analysis showed that Zoothamnium, Acineta, Podophrya, and Embata were the epibiont genera most widely distributed on the basibiont, and the pairs of epibiont genera ZoothamniumEmbata, PodophryaAcineta, SpelaeophryaAmphileptus, and CothurniaVorticella followed a similar pattern of distribution. There was a significant difference between the distribution patterns of the different epibiont species on the shrimp. The analysis of the densities of the epibionts throughout the longitudinal axis of the shrimp showed a gradient from the anterior to the posterior end of the body, and a significantly different distribution of each epibiont species. Their colonization follows a certain pattern of behaviour, the species occupying the available substratum, with particular requirements of each functional group, but with a trend resulting in equilibrium among species and groups, compensating for diversity and density. The possible adaptations of the epibionts, as well as the colonization patterns are discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(31):2901-2911
A new species of freshwater crab, Nanhaipotamon dongyinense sp. nov. (Decapoda: Brachyura: Potamidae), is described from Dongyin Island, Matsu, Taiwan. Based on morphological and molecular (mitochondrial 16S rRNA) evidence, it can be distinguished from its congeners. The biogeography of the species, found on an island 50 km from mainland China, is also discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(11):1603-1638
The taxonomy of the Caridina serrata species group (Caridea: Atyidae) is revised. Neotypes of C. serrata Stimpson, 1860, and C. cantonensis Yu, 1938, are designated. Additional information on Caridina sphyrapoda Liang and Zhou, 1993 is provided. Five new species of the Caridina serrata species group are described, namely Caridina nanaoensis from Guangdong Province, C. apodosis from Hong Kong, and C. yulinica, C. wumingensis and C. mutata from Guangxi Province, all in southern China. A key to all members of the species group is included.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(21-22):1279-1298
A new genus of freshwater crab, Ghatiana, with two new species, Ghatiana aurantiaca and Ghatiana hyacintha, and a new species of Gubernatoriana Bott, 1970, are described from the Western Ghat Mountains in Maharashtra State, India. Ghatiana is most similar to Gubernatoriana by its wide, highly arched carapace and by the shape of the male abdomen. Nevertheless, the new genus can be distinguished from Gubernatoriana by the broadness of carapace, length of male abdomen, shape of sixth abdominal somite, length of telson and length of G1 terminal article. Ghatiana aurantiaca sp. nov. and G. hyacintha sp. nov. are distinguished by differences in body colour, carapace width, and G1 morphology, whereas Gubernatoriana triangulus sp. nov. is distinguished from two other known species [Gubernatoriana gubernatoris (Alcock, 1909) and Gubernatoriana pilosipes (Alcock, 1909)] by its triangular G1 subterminal segment and by its carapace morphology. Keys to the species of both the genera are provided.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:36BAA1EA-DC15-4B06-BA09-7BD26C63FF54  相似文献   

The taxonomy of the Caridina yunnanensis and its allied species (Caridea: Atyidae) from Yunnan Province in southern China, is revised. A neotype for C. yunnanensis Yu, 1938, is designated. Additional information is provided on C. disparidentata Liang, Yan and Wang, 1984; C. dianchiensis Liang and Yan, 1985; C. mongziensis Liang, Yan and Wang, 1987; and C. disjuncta Cai and Liang, 1999. One new species, Caridina impensa, is described. A key to members of the species group is included.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(5-6):259-285
The genus Sanyuania Zhao and Han, 1980 Zhao, G. and Han, D. 1980. “Late Quaternary brackish‐water ostracod faunas from the area to the west of Weishanhu Lake, Jiangsu and their significance.”. In Papers on Marine Micropaleontology, Edited by: Wang, P. 120129. Beijing (China): Ocean Press.  [Google Scholar] is here transferred from the Cytherideidae to the Loxoconchidae, based on the morphology of valves and soft parts. Sanyuania segersi sp. nov., is described from a freshwater habitat, a river, in Thailand. This is the first record of this genus in Southeast Asia. The new species has a number of remarkable characters distinguishing it from other members in the genus and family: invicidont hinge, spearhead‐like protruding posterior extremity of carapace in dorsal view, subtriangular shape of carapace in lateral view, sieve plate without a central seta (sensillum) and an aberrant chaetotaxy of first and second antennae. The new taxon is compared with other recent freshwater loxoconchids [Cytheromorpha fuscata (Brady, 1869 Brady, G. S. 1869. Contributions to the study of the Entomostraca. IV. Ostracoda from the River Scheldt and the Grecian Archipelago.. Ann Mag Nat Hist ser 4., 3: 4450.  [Google Scholar]), Elofsonia baltica (Hirschmann, 1909), Loxoconcha elliptica Brady, 1868, Loxoconcha galilea Lerner‐Seggev, 1968, Pseudolimnocythere hartmanni Danielopol, 1979 Danielopol, D. L. 1979. On the origin and the antiquity of the Pseudolimnocythere species (Ostracoda, Loxoconchidae).. Biol Gallo‐Hellen., 8: 99107.  [Google Scholar], Pseudolimnocythere hypogaea Klie, 1938 Klie, W. 1938. Ostracoden aus unterirdischen Gewässern in Süditalien.. Zool Anz., 123: 148154.  [Google Scholar]] using (1) phylogenetic analyses and (2) analyses of the chaetotaxy of the first antenna and second and third thoracopods, by comparison with an ontogenetic series of Loxoconcha japonica Ishizaki, 1968. The results from both types of analyses are congruent and reveal that Sanyuania segersi sp. nov., Pseudolimnocythere and Loxoconcha are in a more derived clade in the Loxoconchidae and are closely related to each other, whereas Cytheromorpha and Elofsonia are more ancestral.  相似文献   


We describe a new species of rhacophorid frogs from Nghe An Province in northern Vietnam based on morphological and molecular evidences. Morphologically, Kurixalus gracilloides sp. nov. is distinguished from its congeners by a combination of the following diagnostic characters: body size small (snout–vent length 27.9–31.2 mm in males); head width subequal to head length; snout rounded with no dermal projection; canthus rostralis distinct, curved; vomerine teeth present; single internal vocal sac; iris golden-brown; small nuptial pad in finger I; dorsal surfaces golden-brown with a saddle-shaped dark marking; large dark spots on ventral surfaces absent; dermal fringes along outer edge of limbs; conical dermal appendage at the heel; skin on dorsum rough; skin on throat and chest granular; finger webbing rudimentary and toe webbing moderately developed, webbing formula I 2–2½ II 1½–3 III 1¾–3½ IV 3–1½ V. The new species is separated from all other congeners by uncorrected genetic distances ranging from 5.4% to 12.7% based on mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene. Phylogenetic analyses of mtDNA suggest that the new species is nested within a clade of Taiwanese and Yunnan Kurixalus with strong support values. The new species is currently known only from secondary bamboo forest in Pu Mat National Park, northern Vietnam, at elevations of 150 m asl. We suggest the new species should be considered as Near Threatened (NT) following the IUCN’s Red List categories.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:C1BF843F-2F31-4CED-B1F9-13A9035C77C9  相似文献   

Three cryptic species of the genus Munida from New Caledonia, previously identified as M. tuberculata Henderson, , M. notata Macpherson, and M. clinata Macpherson, , are described and illustrated. The three species are identified by subtle and constant morphological characters, which match clear differences in molecular sequences (16S rDNA and COI genes). The results also confirm the importance of several of these characters (e.g. length of the antennular and antennal spines) in the taxonomy of the genus Munida.  相似文献   

The genus Coralaxius is rediagnosed, and the type species C. nodulosus (Meinert, 1877), the holotype of which was found to be identical with C. abelei Kensley and Gore, 1982, is redescribed. The two new species of Coralaxius are described, viz. C. galapagensis from the Galapagos Islands, and C. indopacificus from Fiji and the Comoro Islands. On the basis of carapace, gill and appendage characters, it is concluded that C. indopacificus is more primitive than the other two species. The genus is thought to have had a tethyan distribution, with the eastern Pacific representative being cut off from the western Atlantic form with the raising of the Isthmus of Panama.  相似文献   


Two species of bopyrid isopods of the Bopyrinae subfamily are recorded from new localities and hosts in northeastern Brazil. Parabopyrella lata (Nierstrasz and Brender à Brandis, 1929) was recorded from the state of Ceará, found for the first time parasitising the caridean shrimp Alpheus packardii Kingsley, 1880. In addition, Probopyrus cf. pandalicola (Packard, 1879) is recorded from the state of Bahia, parasitising the palaemonid shrimp Palaemon northropi (Rankin, 1898). Taxonomic comments are provided for each species.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(47-48):2993-3004

We describe a new species of freshwater crab, Himalayapotamon robertsianum sp. nov. from Punjab province of Pakistan, based on morphological characters of the carapace and the first gonopod. The new species demarcates the westernmost distribution limit of the genus. Additionally, we analysed partial sequences of the 16S rRNA locus for some species of the genus Himalayapotamon (p-distances, Bayesian phylogenetical inference), indicating that Himalayapotamon separates into an eastern and a western clade. Based on these results, we propose a biogeographical scenario that can explain the occurrence of the genera Himalayapotamon and Potamon within the same river system: we assume an ancestral widespread distribution of Himalayapotamon in the palaeo-Ganges. When drainage rearrangement diverted the western tributaries of the Ganges into the Indus since the latest Miocene, Himalayapotamon diverged into two clades. Consequently, the western clade is now sharing the Indus drainage with Potamon.

urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:80B52E6C-0120-4669-A6B0-9F0DA5918EE3  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(8):1625-1637
A new genus, Stelomon, is established for the Thai freshwater crabs Potamon kanchanaburiense Naiyanetr, 1992, and P. pruinosum Alcock, 1909. The unique structure of the male first pleopod is the key diagnostic generic character. One new species, which differs in the form of the male first pleopod, is also described. A key to the species of Stelomon is included.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(5-8):357-379
This paper describes four new species of earthworms, Amynthas shinanmontis sp. nov., Amynthas chilanensis sp. nov., Amynthas bilineatus sp. nov., and Amynthas cruxus sp. nov. from Taiwan. Amynthas shinanmontis is sexthecate and parthenogenetic with individuals with various levels of degeneration of spermathecae and male reproductive organs. It occurs at elevations of 1700–2700 m in the Central Mountain Range in southern Taiwan. Amynthas bilineatus and A. chilanensis are athecate and also parthenogenetic. They occur, respectively, at elevations of 1000 m in the central region and 1325 m in the northeastern region of Taiwan. Amynthas cruxus is octothecate, amphimictic, and occurs at elevations of 900–1700 m in southern Taiwan. This paper also discusses confusion and dilemma caused by uncertain, speculative synonyms and parthenogenetic morphs in species delimitation in oligochaete taxonomy, and recommends the use of absolute synonyms and phylogenetic species concept.  相似文献   

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