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Journal of Systems Science and Complexity - Exact (approximate) controllability and exact (approximate) observability of stochastic singular systems in Banach spaces are discussed. Firstly, the...  相似文献   

本文针对具有直接控制馈入的奇异系统, 研究了与之输出零化有关的不变子空间及能子空间, 引入了奇异系统的取消输出不变子空间及取消输出能控子空间的概念, 并且讨论了这两种子空间的性质及其相互关系, 得到了Wonham有关正常系统的(A, B)不变子空间和(A, B)能控子空间的平行结果。本文的结果为解决带有直接控制馈入的奇异系统的反馈综合问题提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

This paper mainly studies observability and detectability for continuous-time stochastic Markov jump systems.Two concepts called W-observability and W-detectability for such systems are introduced,which are shown to coincide with various notions of observability and detectability reported recently in literature,such as exact observability,exact detectability and detectability.Besides,by introducing an accumulated energy function,some efficient criteria and interesting properties for both W-observability and W-detectability are obtained.  相似文献   

Ge  Zhaoqiang  Ge  Xiaochi 《系统科学与复杂性》2020,33(5):1485-1496
Necessary and sufficient conditions for the exact controllability and approximate controllability of a singular distributed parameter system are obtained. These general results are used to examine the exact controllability and approximate controllability of the Dzektser equation in the theory of seepage.  相似文献   

StabilityofSingularandTime-DelayMeasureDifferentialLarge-ScaleSystemswithImpulseEffectsGUANZhihong;LIUYongqing(DepartmentofAu...  相似文献   

从和谐管理理论框架出发,基于项目团队系统的和谐状态模型,提出描述项目团队系统结构性质的两个概念-币口谐能控性与和谐能观性,并对其定义及适用的判别准则进行了详细的描述.分析项目团队的和谐能控性和和谐能观性,对于计算管理活动对项目团队、项目绩效的影响,优化项目团队构成具有重要的帮助,具有广泛的应用空间.  相似文献   

一类线性切换系统的能控性和能观测性的充要条件   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
循环不变子空间是常用于控制科学和信号处理理论的重要数学工具之一。用循环不变子空间的性质研究了切换系统的能控性和能观测性。先给出了切换系统能控性、能达性和能观测性的概念,并讨论了循环不变子空间的性质。然后用循环不变子空间的性质研究了周期线性切换系统的能控制性、能达性及能观测性,得到线性周期切换系统完全能控和完全能观测的充分必要条件。最后给出一般线性切换系统完全能控和完全能观测的充分条件和必要条件。  相似文献   

本文利用广义系统的系数矩阵,构造了它的不变子空间及其算法,在此基础上讨论了其广义弱可观性和脉冲弱不可观性。  相似文献   

This study investigates finite-time observability of probabilistic logical control systems(PLCSs) under three definitions(i.e., finite-time observability with probability one, finite-time singleinput sequence observability with probability one, and finite-time arbitrary-input observability with probability one). The authors adopt a parallel extension technique to recast the finite-time observability problem of a PLCS as a finite-time set reachability problem. Then, the finite-time set reachabili...  相似文献   

1  IntroductionIn the area of singular systems control much work has been done recently. The basictheory of singular systems has been proposed. A lot of results are obtained fordeterministic singluar systems[1~ 2 ] . However,only a few results are from stochasticsingular systems[3~ 5] ,in which attention is paid to time-invariant stochastic singularsystems. The state estimation and observation problems of time-invariant stochasticsingular systems have been discussed in[3 ] .The state estim…  相似文献   

The modelling of risky asset by stochastic processes with continuous paths, based on Brownian motions, suffers from several defects. First, the path continuity assumption does not seem reasonable in view of the possibility of sudden price variations(jumps) resulting of market crashes. A solution is to use stochastic processes with jumps, that will account for sudden variations of the asset prices. On the other hand, such jump models are generally based on the Poisson random measure. Many popular economic and financial models described by stochastic differential equations with Poisson jumps. This paper deals with the approximate controllability of a class of second-order neutral stochastic differential equations with infinite delay and Poisson jumps. By using the cosine family of operators, stochastic analysis techniques, a new set of sufficient conditions are derived for the approximate controllability of the above control system. An example is provided to illustrate the obtained theory.  相似文献   

We present in this paper a structural decomposition for linear multivariable singular systems. Such a decomposition has a distinct feature of capturing and displaying all the structural properties, such as the finite and infinite zero structures, invertibility structures, and redundant dynamics of the given system. As its counterpart for non-singular systems, we believe that the technique is a powerful tool in solving control problems for singular systems.  相似文献   


This paper focuses on zero-sum stochastic differential games in the framework of forward-backward stochastic differential equations on a finite time horizon with both players adopting impulse controls. By means of BSDE methods, in particular that of the notion from Peng’s stochastic backward semigroups, the authors prove a dynamic programming principle for both the upper and the lower value functions of the game. The upper and the lower value functions are then shown to be the unique viscosity solutions of the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman-Isaacs equations with a double-obstacle. As a consequence, the uniqueness implies that the upper and lower value functions coincide and the game admits a value.


This paper investigates the controllability of general linear discrete-time multi-agent systems with directed and weighted signed networks by using graphic and algebraic methods. The nondelay and delay cases are considered respectively. For the case of no time delay, the upper bound condition of the controllable subspace is given by using the equitable partition method, and the influence of coefficient matrix selection of individual dynamics is illustrated. For the case of single delay and multi...  相似文献   

软件IDMR是用于辨识离散时间多变量随机系统的有效工具,它同时还使用辨识结果给出系统输出仿真。本文介绍IDMR的结构和功能及其特点,并对使用方法和运行操作进行了说明。  相似文献   

研究了一类广义不确定分布参数系统的综合问题,由广义不确定分布参数系统的特点,直接给出了变结构控制的设计方法。设计过程简单,控制易于实现,且给出了实例  相似文献   

This paper deals with the robust admissibility and state feedback stabilization problems for discrete-time T-S fuzzy singular systems with norm-bounded uncertainties. By introducing a new approximation technique, the initial membership functions are conveniently expressed in piecewiselinear functions with the consideration of the approximation errors. By utilizing the piecewise-linear membership functions, the fuzzy weighting-based Lyapunov function and the use of auxiliary matrices,the admissibility of the systems is determined by examining the conditions at some sample points. The conditions can be reduced into the normal parallel distributed compensation ones by choosing special values of some slack matrices. Furthermore, the authors design the robust state feedback controller to guarantee the closed-loop system to be admissible. Two examples are provided to illustrate the advantage and effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

不确定广义系统的保成本可靠控制   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
对一类含有时变范数有界参数不确定广义系统和部分执行器可能失效的系统,结合一个二次型性能指标,研究了使得闭环系统保持正则、无脉冲和稳定,且闭环性能指标值不超过某个确定界的保成本可靠控制律的设计问题。通过矩阵不等式导出保成本可靠控制律的一个充分存在条件,进而用线性矩阵不等式给出了保成本可靠控制器的一个参数化的表示。在此基础上,通过建立并求解一个凸优化问题,给出了最优保成本可靠控制律的设计方法。最后,通过例子对所得结论加以说明。  相似文献   

滞后广义系统的渐近稳定与镇定   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
广义系统的渐近稳定与镇定问题是广义系统理论的基本问题之一,在许多领域均有应用,时滞广义系统的研究与无时滞广义系统相比要困难得多。利用广义Lyapunov泛函方法研究了具滞后的广义系统的渐近稳定性和镇定问题,给出了渐近稳定判定定理,设计了适当的反馈律,以实现滞后广义系统的镇定,方法简单,直观,易于理解,给出的例子说明了该定理的可行性。  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the global controllability of a class of n-dimensional affine nonlinear systems with n- 1 controls and constant control matrix. A necessary and sufficient condition for its global controllability has been obtained by using the methods recently developed. Furthermore, we generalize the above result to a class of affine nonlinear systems with a block-triangular-like structure. Finally, we will give three examples to show the applications of our results.  相似文献   

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