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《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(8):1101-1114
Two species of marine Enchytraeidae belonging to the genus Grania Southern, 1913, Grania mira sp.nov and Grania pusilla Erséus, 1974, are described from the rocky shores of southeast Ireland. Grania mira has distinctive muscular modifications of the male ducts. Grania pusilla which was previously reported only from the coasts of Norway and Sweden by Erséus (1974), is completely redescribed, including information on many additional morphological characters noted from recent taxonomic literature on Grania. It is reinstated to the level of species. The species has a penial stylet and a large glandular penial bulb. Differences in setal distribution between specimens of G. pusilla from Ireland and those from Norwegian and Swedish populations are attributed to geographical separation limiting genetic exchange. This is the first report of Grania in Ireland since Southern's discovery of Grania maricola in 1913. Grania maricola shares a structurally simple penial bulb type with G. pusilla, but the species differ in spermathecal shape, spermathecal ectal pore position and vas deferens length.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(17-18):1043-1065
A new Fridericia species (Fridericia lacii sp. nov.) is described. Including this new species the number of valid Fridericia species with two diverticula per spermatheca is 50. The present study provides an opportunity for the comparison and separation of Fridericia species on the basis of spermatheca and diverticulum characteristics. Nine tables summarize the two larger groups and five subgroups of species possessing bidiverticulate spermathecae. The new species is distinguished from all known valid congeners in this assemblage by the following combination of traits: (1) 4–7 mm long, 200–290 µm wide (in vivo) with 30–36 segments; (2) maximum four chaetae per bundle; (3) all pairs of pharyngeal glands with ventral lobes, the third is the largest with posterior projections; (4) only three pairs of preclitellar nephridia; (5) oesophageal appendages type a; (6) mucocytes type a, lenticytes small; (7) chylus cells in preclitellar segments; (8) clitellum girdle‐shaped, glands in transverse rows, between the bursal slits only granulocytes; bursal slit is longitudinal; (9) seminal vesicle small or absent; (10) sperm funnel one‐half as long as the body diameter, collar narrower than the funnel body; (11) subneural glands absent; (12) the ampulla of the spermatheca with two sessile (or with short stalks), spherical, thin‐walled diverticula, communication with the oesophagus separate, ectal duct about as long as body diameter, one floppy ectal gland at the orifice.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(45-46):2769-2785
From the Seoraksan National Park, Korea, a new enchytraeid genus, Globulidrilus gen. nov., is defined and three new species, Globulidrilus helgei sp. nov., Fridericia seoraksani sp. nov. and Mesenchytraeus longiductus sp. nov., are described. Globulidrilus also includes Marionina riparia Bretscher, 1899 Bretscher, K. 1899. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Oligochaeten-Fauna der schweiz. Rev Suisse Zool., 3: 369426.  [Google Scholar] augm. ?ernosvitov 1928, a globally distributed species with a complicated taxonomic history. Pending a revision of Marionina riparia sensu latu (auct.), we retain the species name riparia for a variant of common occurrence in Europe.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(17-18):1143-1160
This paper describes four new species of earthworms from Hainan Island, China: Amynthas obsoletus sp. nov., Amynthas dorsualis sp. nov., Amynthas mirifius sp. nov. and Amynthas pulvinus sp. nov. Amynthas obsoletus is an athecate earthworm, has greyish or brownish pigment on the dorsum, and has two genital papillae beside each male pore, one medial and one anterior, three genital papillae arranged transversely in VIII, prostates in XVII–XX. Amynthas dorsualis, Amynthas mirifius and Amynthas pulvinus are all octothecate earthworms, and key to the corticis-group, but the spermathecal pores are located on the dorsum in Amynthas dorsualis. Amynthas dorsualis has dark grey and dark brown pigment on the dorsum, an annular clitellum in 1/10XIV–7/10XVI, and lacks genital markings. Amynthas mirifius and Amynthas pulvinus both have four pairs of spermathecal pores on the ventrum. Amynthas mirifius has four peanut-in-shell-shaped genital markings, which are rectangular with enlarged rounded ends, between the two male pores, while Amynthas pulvinus has a large glandular rounded rectangle-shaped genital marking on the ventral side of 17/18–18/19. DNA barcodes are provided for the last two new species collected in 2011, and have been submitted to NCBI to enable molecular species identification. http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:27AD7191-5438-4F10-B177-5FCCA893A2EB  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(21-22):1251-1267
Four new species of terrestrial earthworms belonging to the genus Amynthas (Megascolecidae: Oligochaeta) are described from the Central Mountain Range in southern Taiwan. Two octothecate species, Amynthas pavimentus sp. nov. and Amynthas biorbis sp. nov., were found at elevations of 2000–2700 m and 412–1000 m, respectively, on both east and west slopes. Amynthas pavimentus has patched genital papillae between setal line and intersegmental furrow in VIII–IX and XVII–XX. Amynthas biorbis has a pair of large papillae adjacent to male porophores in XVIII. The other two species are the octothecate Amynthas libratus sp. nov., found at 1000 m, and the sexthecate Amynthas hongyehensis sp. nov., found at 950–1000 m, on the eastern slope. Amynthas libratus is related to A. pavimentus but has horizontal rows of papillae along setal lines or intersegmental furrows in VII–IX and XVII–XX. Amynthas hongyehensis has two pairs of large, presetal papillae medial to male porophores in XVIII and XIX.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(31-32):1961-1974

Herein, three new species are described, all from Yunnan Province, China: Amynthas hiatus sp. nov., Amynthas recavus sp. nov. and Metaphire daliensis sp. nov. Amynthas hiatus sp. nov. belongs to the Amynthas aeruginosus-group, A. recavus sp. nov. belongs to the Amynthas corticis-group and M. daliensis sp. nov. belongs to Metaphire insulana-group. Amynthas hiatus sp. nov. and M. daliensis sp. nov. have two pairs of spermathecal pores in 7/8-8/9, A. recavus sp. nov. has four pairs of spermathecal pores in 5/6-8/9. The male pores of A. hiatus sp. nov. are 1/3 circumference apart ventrally and each on top of a large, raised pulvinate pad; the male pores of A. recavus sp. nov. are 2/5 circumference apart ventrally and each on top of a raised, elliptic, collapse-topped porophore; the male pores of M. daliensis sp. nov. are 2/5 circumference apart ventrally and in the oval copulatory chambers. In this paper, the anatomical and morphological characters of these three species are described. We also sequenced COI and 12S gene fragments in order to provide an analysis of K2P distances and a neighbour-joining tree.  相似文献   

A survey to explore the earthworm fauna of New Caledonia was carried out between 14 January 2014 and 2 April 2014. Altogether, 24 earthworm species were recorded, of which eight belong to the native genus Acanthodrilus including four species new to science, Acanthodrilus barrieri, A. doanus, A. millei and A. ouenghianus spp. nov., raising the number of Acanthodrilus species in New Caledonia to 29. The 16 recorded peregrine species are distributed among five families, namely Benhamiidae (5 spp.), Eudrilidae (1 sp.), Megascolecidae (8 spp.), Moniligastridae (1 sp.) and Rhinodrilidae (1 sp.).

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:4E0A6295-A2FA-43BB-993D-BB00AFF54406  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(5-8):357-379
This paper describes four new species of earthworms, Amynthas shinanmontis sp. nov., Amynthas chilanensis sp. nov., Amynthas bilineatus sp. nov., and Amynthas cruxus sp. nov. from Taiwan. Amynthas shinanmontis is sexthecate and parthenogenetic with individuals with various levels of degeneration of spermathecae and male reproductive organs. It occurs at elevations of 1700–2700 m in the Central Mountain Range in southern Taiwan. Amynthas bilineatus and A. chilanensis are athecate and also parthenogenetic. They occur, respectively, at elevations of 1000 m in the central region and 1325 m in the northeastern region of Taiwan. Amynthas cruxus is octothecate, amphimictic, and occurs at elevations of 900–1700 m in southern Taiwan. This paper also discusses confusion and dilemma caused by uncertain, speculative synonyms and parthenogenetic morphs in species delimitation in oligochaete taxonomy, and recommends the use of absolute synonyms and phylogenetic species concept.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(17-20):999-1023
Seven species of the marine enchytraeid genus Grania Southern, 1913 are described from sediments sampled during the 2003 International Workshop on the Marine Flora and Fauna of Esperance Bay and the Recherche Archipelago, on the southern coast of Western Australia. Two species are new to science, the euryhaline Tasmanian G. dolichura Rota and Erséus, 2000 Rota, E. and Erséus, C. 2000. Two new and peculiar species of Grania (Annelida: Clitellata: Enchytraeidae) inhabiting Tasmanian estuaries.. New Zealand Journal of Zoology, 27: 245254. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] represents a new record for the state, and the remaining four species were known from other parts of Western Australia. Grania quaerens sp. n. is recognized by having a high chaetal index ( = short chaetal foot), small coelomocytes, penial apparati with long whip‐like terminal stylets, conspicuous spermathecae with ectally bulbous ducts, and ectally granulated ampullae housing sperm rings in their ental region. Grania sperantia sp. n. is readily distinguishable by the complete lack of lateral chaetae, a multiple‐banded pattern of the clitellum, extremely long sperm funnels, and the intrasegmental location of the spermathecal pores. The latter new species and four others in the collection (G. bykane Coates, 1990 Coates, K. A. 1990. “Marine Enchytraeidae (Oligochaeta, Annelida) of the Albany area, Western Australia.”. In The marine flora and fauna of Albany, Western Australia, 1, Edited by: Wells, F. E, Walker, D. I, Kirkman, H and Lethbridge, R. 1341. Perth: Western Australian Museum.  [Google Scholar], G. crassiducta Coates, 1990 Coates, K. A. 1990. “Marine Enchytraeidae (Oligochaeta, Annelida) of the Albany area, Western Australia.”. In The marine flora and fauna of Albany, Western Australia, 1, Edited by: Wells, F. E, Walker, D. I, Kirkman, H and Lethbridge, R. 1341. Perth: Western Australian Museum.  [Google Scholar], G. dolichura, and G. ersei Coates, 1990 Coates, K. A. 1990. “Marine Enchytraeidae (Oligochaeta, Annelida) of the Albany area, Western Australia.”. In The marine flora and fauna of Albany, Western Australia, 1, Edited by: Wells, F. E, Walker, D. I, Kirkman, H and Lethbridge, R. 1341. Perth: Western Australian Museum.  [Google Scholar]) are remarkable in possessing the head organ, a sensory structure unique to Grania that was not noted previously in Western Australian species. When considering the whole genus, the geographic pattern of the head organ appears southern‐centred: of the 17 species of Grania reported to possess it, as many as 13 inhabit the southern latitudes. The seventh species of the Esperance collection, G. vacivasa Coates and Stacey, 1993 Coates, K. A. and Stacey, D. 1993. “The marine Enchytraeidae (Oligochaeta, Annelida) of Rottnest Island, Western Australia.”. In The marine flora and fauna of Rottnest Island, Western Australia, Edited by: Wells, F. E, Walker, D. I, Kirkman, H and Lethbridge, R. 391414. Perth: Western Australian Museum.  [Google Scholar], is notable for the kind of items found in its gut and the unusual appearance of its pygidium.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(33-34):2105-2143
This paper deals with annelids (Oligochaeta and Polychaeta) collected in the Sea of Marmara between 2006 and 2010 at depths from 0 to 66 m. A total of five oligochaete and 198 polychaete species were found. Five polychaete species, namely Prosphaerosyllis marmarae sp. nov., Levinsenia demiri sp. nov., Levinsenia kosswigi sp. nov., Levinsenia marmarensis sp. nov. and Levinsenia tribranchiata sp. nov. are new to science, and five oligochaete and 84 polychaete species are new to the fauna of the Sea of Marmara. A list of species found in the region and their maximum densities are presented at depth intervals. The present material includes six alien polychaete species, Paraprionospio coora, Polydora cornuta, Prionospio (Minuspio) pulchra, Pseudopolydora paucibranchiata, Chaetozone corona and Metasychis gotoi, of which the latter four species were new records for the region.  相似文献   

Thirteen species of Limnodriloidinae (Tubificidae) are recorded from marine and brackish-water habitats of Hainan Island, southern China, including 11 species of Doliodrilus and two species belonging to Limnodriloides. Eight species are new to science: D. bisaccus sp. n. (types from Japan), D. longidentatus sp. n. (types from Hong Kong), D. ciliatus sp. n., D. adiacens sp. n., D. fibrisaccus sp. n. (also from Fiji), D. brachyductus sp. n., D. bidolium sp. n. and D. chinensis sp. n. In addition, material of D. puertoricensis Erséus and Milligan, 1988, from New Caledonia, is briefly described. This study shows that Doliodrilus is unexpectedly species-rich in Asian seas, in particular, around Hainan. Including an unnamed species from this island, the known members of this genus increase from three to 12.  相似文献   

Four new species were collected from Mt. Emei, Sichuan Province, China. They are Amynthas leshanensis sp. nov., Amynthas gilvus sp. nov., Amynthas retortus sp. nov. and Amynthas orbicularis sp. nov. The first three species could be assigned to the Amynthas sieboldi group and the last species could be assigned to the Amynthas aeruginosus group according to the definition of Sims and Easton. A. leshanensis sp. nov. has the male pore porophore surrounded by a large irregular-shaped pad which extends from 17/18–½ XIX, and the intestinal caeca are complex. A. gilvus sp. nov. has each male pore on a slightly raised elliptical glandular flat-top pad, with a pointed extension lateral to each porophore. Amynthas retortus sp. nov. has a pair of small, round post-setal genital papillae medial to male porophores on XVII, spermathecal seminal chambers are twisted into zigzags and accessory glands are present on spermathecae and prostate gland areas. A. orbicularis sp. nov. has the spermathecal pores near dorso-lateral, complex intestinal caeca complex, three accessory glands with long ducts near the male pores, and the spermathecal seminal chambers are twisted into zigzags. The barcode data (partial sequence of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I) of each species has been submitted to the National Center of Biotechnology Information GenBank.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:5B82315E-5CF8-4048-87C4-B702021464B5  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(29-30):1911-1919
In 2001 the Soil Biodiversity Group of the Natural History Museum, London collected Oligochaeta material from bromeliad epiphytes and litter samples in Belize. This material remained unidentified until being passed to the Annelida curator in 2010. Elaborating this material resulted in discovery of two earthworm species new to science Eutrigaster (Graffia) georgei sp. nov. and Kaxdrilus sherbutti sp. nov. belonging to the family Acanthodrilidae (Benhamiinae) and Acanthodrilidae (Acanthodrilinae) respectively. http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:6BEB9E5A-7D54-4E48-913D-EF76D7DACC16  相似文献   

We describe four new pheretimoid earthworm species, one in Polypheretima and three in Pithemera, from Mt. Malindang, Misamis Occidental Province, Mindanao Island, Philippines, and provide diagrams of external morphology and internal anatomy. Polypheretima mindanaoensis sp. nov. belongs to the Po. elongata species group, characterised by having genital markings on xix and successive segments and pairs of spermathecal batteries in vi and/or vii. It differs from the other members of the Po. elongata species group in having no copulatory bursae. This species shows individual variation in the number of spermathecae in each battery. Individuals that lack spermathecae are presumed to reproduce parthenogenetically. Pithemera malindangensis sp. nov. and Pi. duminagati sp. nov. belong to the Pi. bicincta species group, characterised by having the first spermathecal pores in 4/5. These two species differ in size and in the distance between male pores. Pithemera donvictorianoi sp. nov. belongs to the Pi. pacifica species group, characterised by having the first spermathecal pores in 5/6. This is the only member of this species group so far reported from the Philippines, and this is the only Philippine Pithemera species whose clitellum covers two rather than two and a half segments. Current studies show that worldwide, the Philippines has the highest diversity for Pithemera, with 13 species, followed by Papua New Guinea and the Pacific Islands, each area with six species. Indonesia has the highest diversity for Polypheretima, with 18 species, followed by Vietnam with 13 species, and then Papua New Guinea and the Philippines, each area with eight species. These findings indicate a high degree of endemicity within these areas, suggesting that many species remain to be detected in the Philippines.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:2198709C-F5E1-4A0D-A185-CA506D206171  相似文献   

Two new earthworms species, Beddardiella soforei n.sp. and Beddardiella numanensis n.sp., are described from Michika and Numan in north eastern Nigeria. They, like their earlier described congeners, are characterized by non-continuity of the lumen of the thecovarian duct with that of the spermatheca, the locations of two oesophageal gizzards in either V–VI or VI–VII (as against a single gizzard in V in other Eudrilinae), the location of ventral oesophageal sacs in X–XII as against IX–XI, and the location of calciferous glands in XV as against XIII. These probably represent sufficient reasons to erect a new subfamily to accommodate the genus Beddardiella. But, as a continuing analysis reveals more variations among the Eudrilinae it is recommended that this awaits a more comprehensive reclassification of the family.  相似文献   

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