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In North Wales the larva of Cheilosia semifasciata (Diptera: Syrphidae) makes full-depth blotch mines in leaves of Umbilicus rupestris. Mines occur mostly on shaded plants with one larva per plant. Each larva mines several leaves to complete development and initiates new mines by curling round the leaf margin and puncturing the epidermis under the leaf. Unlike other dipteran leaf-miners which feed on their sides, only the thorax is turned sideways when feeding. The larva uses a grasping organ on the anal segment to grip the substrate when moving externally on the food-plant. Inside leaf mines, position is further secured by the integumental vestiture which grips the epidermis above the larva. The morphology and behaviour of the larva of C. semifasciata differs markedly from larvae of three congeneric species that tunnel in stems and roots.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1539-1560
The complete larval development is described of laboratory-reared Atelecyclus rotundatus and the stages are compared with larvae of other cancrideans (= corystoideans). The results suggest that the subfamily Atelecyclinae requires reappraising and that present larval evidence does not support the currently accepted grouping of families in the Cancridea.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(13-14):885-922
The type genus of the family Geometridae, Geometra Linnaeus, is reviewed. In addition to the 16 species known worldwide, two new species are described: Geometra neovalida sp. nov. from China, and Geometra burmensis sp. nov. from Burma (Myanmar). All the known species are redescribed. Genitalia of all species are described and illustrated, most for the first time. Generic characters based on all species are summarized. The monophyly of the genus and its relationship with allied genera are reviewed and discussed in detail. Most species fall into two species groups, named the papilionaria and smaragdus groups, on the basis of the morphology of the male genitalia. Biological information is provided where available. Illustrations of moths and genitalia are presented.  相似文献   

The Geometrine genus Metallolophia is revised. In addition to the 11 species known, five new species are described as new. All the known species are redescribed and lectotypes are designated for M. opalina (Warren), M. arenaria (Leech) and M. danielaria (Oberthür) (=M. arenaria (Leech)). The male of M. ocellata (Warren) and the females of M. medullosa Inoue and M. devecisi Herbulot are described for the first time. The generic characters based on all species are summarized and a key to all taxa is given. Illustrations of moths and genitalia are presented. The new and revised taxa are: Metallolophia purpurivenata sp. nov., Metallolophia cuneataria sp. nov., Metallolophia inanularia sp. nov., Metallolophia flavomaculata sp. nov., Metallolophia stueningi sp. nov. and Metallolophia ostrumaria Xue, syn. nov. (of Metallolophia albescens Inoue).  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(17-18):1035-1087
The genus Helcystogramma Zeller from China is reviewed. Of the 20 species treated in this paper, nine are described as new: H. imagibicuneum sp. nov., H. flavifuscum sp. nov., H. brevinodium sp. nov., H. albilepidotum sp. nov., H. angustum sp. nov., H. flavistictum sp. nov., H. furvimaculare sp. nov., H. imagitrijunctum sp. nov. and H. rectangulum sp. nov.; six are newly recorded for this country: H. flavilineolella Ponomarenko, H. bicuneum (Meyrick), H. epicentra (Meyrick), H. perelegans (Omelko et Omelko), H. fuscomarginatum Ueda and H. lutatella (Herrich-Schäffer); the previously unknown females of H. epicentra (Meyrick) and H. hassenzanensis Park et Hodges are described for the first time; H. bicuneum (Meyrick) and H. epicentra (Meyrick) are redescribed; and the misidentification of H. trijunctum (Meyrick) is clarified. These species are arranged into five species groups based on the forewing patterns and the genital characters: the flavilineolella group, the hibisci group, the perelegans group, the triannulella group and the trijunctum group. Images of the adults and the illustrations of the male and female genitalia are provided. A key to distinguish the Chinese species and three maps to show the localities of these species are included.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(43-44):2639-2664
Four new species of the genus Calamotropha Zeller are described from China: Calamotropha duofurcata sp. nov., Calamotropha abrupta sp. nov., Calamotropha aequilata sp. nov. and Calamotropha unispinea sp. nov. Three species are redescribed: Calamotropha formosella Bleszynski, 1961 Bleszynski, S. 1961. Revision of the World species of the Family Crambidae (Lepidoptera). Part I. Genus Calamotropha Zell. Acta Zool Cracov., 6(7): 137272. pls. 20–71 [Google Scholar], Calamotropha josettae Bleszynski, 1961 Bleszynski, S. 1961. Revision of the World species of the Family Crambidae (Lepidoptera). Part I. Genus Calamotropha Zell. Acta Zool Cracov., 6(7): 137272. pls. 20–71 [Google Scholar] and Calamotropha melli (Caradja and Meyrick, 1933 Caradja, A and Meyrick, E. 1933. Materialien zu einer Microlepidopteren-Fauna Kwangtungs. Dtsch entomol Z Iris., 47(3):123–144) [Google Scholar]). Calamotropha latella (Snellen, 1890 Snellen, PCT. 1890. A catalogue of the Pyralidina of Sikkim collected by Henry J. Elwes and the late Otto Möller, with notes by H. J. Elwes. Trans Entomol Soc Lond 1890:557–647, pls 19–20 [Google Scholar]) is newly recorded for China. Images of adults and illustrations of genitalia of the new species and the redescribed species are provided. A checklist and a key to the known Chinese species are presented, along with a map showing the distribution of these species.  相似文献   

In this study, a total of nine species of the family Psychidae were recognised from Korea. Among them, Psyche yeongwolensis sp. nov. is described as new to science. Also, a species, Proutia maculatella Saigusa et Sugimoto, is reported for the first time from Korea. All available material were dissected and illustrated. Also, an annotated catalogue of the family Psychidae from Korea is provided.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(5):1109-1117
In this report we describe some aspects of the reproductive biology of a population of the chalcedon checkerspot, Euphydryas chalcedona, in central Arizona. Successful courtship in this species lasts about a minute and has a form similar to that of other nymphalids. During copulation the male forms a spermatophore within the female's bursa copulatrix that represents about 7% of the male's body weight. After copulation females may remate and older females may have mated as many as three times. The spermatophore deflates as time since deposition passes. Females oviposit every other day on average and lay their eggs in clusters. These data confirm previous brief reports of courtship structure and spermatophore size for E. chalcedona. Questions are raised about the control of receptivity in this species and the function of the mating plug.  相似文献   

During mating, males of Cressida cressida (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae) form a large external mating plug or sphragis that covers the female's copulatory opening and physically prevents remating. The sphragis has lateral and distal projections that make it an obvious structure. We tested experimentally the hypothesis that the sphragis acts as a signal of female mating status. Males pursue mated females with an intact sphragis only briefly and rarely make physical contact with them. When the sphragis of a mated female is removed or reduced in size, males are significantly more likely to physically contact the female and initiate the aerial takedown that preceeds a copulation attempt. These results suggest that the sphragis deters male sexual interest at a distance and thus functions as a signal of female mating status. The discussion focuses on the fitness consequences for females and their mates of the signal function of the sphragis.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(31-32):1867-1906
A phylogenetic analysis was conducted on the moth tribe Cnephasiini based on 83 morphological characters of adults (63 binary and 20 multistate). The analysis included 26 species representing 20 genera, plus two outgroup representatives of the tribe Tortricini. The cladistic analysis resulted in the 10 most parsimonious trees. The tribe Cnephasiini was recovered as monophyletic; the genus Cnephasia was not recovered as monophyletic; the New World Decodes clustered with the primarily Old World Cnephasia; Oxypteron is best treated as monotypic (with the single species palmoni), and Amphicoecia adamana, Oporopsamma dunaria and O. wertheimsteini should be assigned to a different genus; Propriomorpha and Xerocnephasia were the most basal groups; Exapate duratella and Epicnephasia mongolica were recognised as sister-groups; and Kawabeia was closest to Tortricodes.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(7):1039-1048
Diathera gen. n., a new larentiine genus from central and southwestern China, is described. Three new species are named and described: fluctuata sp. n., metacolorata sp. n. and brunneata sp. n. All species and their genitalia are described and illustrated. A key is provided and the monophyly of the genus and its relationships to the allied taxa are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(19-20):1309-1323
This paper forms part of a series on the butterfly fauna of Mount Kilimanjaro. Three genera (Catopsilia, Colias and Eurema) with eight species of Coliadinae are believed to occur within the main forest zone. However, of these, one or two may prove to be no more than variants of a third species, Eurema desjardinsii. A fourth conventionally recognized member of the complex may occur on the lower slopes below 1800 m. The widespread species Eurema hecabe occurs on the lower slopes, but records are sparse, and no records of its close relative Eurema floricola, with which it has often been confused, have been found. The need for original field and laboratory research on the taxonomy of African Eurema species is stressed. Keys to adult Coliadinae found in Tanzania, with colour illustrations, are included as online supplementary material.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(43-44):2707-2717
“Plant-ants”, i.e. those symbiotic with myrmecophyte plants, defend their hosts against herbivores. Plant-ants are expected to affect the host-plant ranges of herbivores that feed on myrmecophytes. This study aimed to experimentally determine whether anti-herbivore defences by plant-ants restrict the larval host-plant ranges of four Arhopala (Lycaenidae) butterflies that feed on Macaranga (Euphorbiaceae) trees, some of which are myrmecophytes. We fed Arhopala larvae with the leaves of five Macaranga species under ant-excluded conditions to examine their potential host-plant ranges. Under ant-excluded conditions, three Arhopala species survived to the pupal stage when fed species not used in the field as well as their normal host species. Our data suggested that the aggressive behaviours of plant-ants towards leaf-feeding insects restrict the potential host-plant ranges of some Macaranga-feeding Arhopala butterflies.  相似文献   

Scent organs in male Lepidoptera are sources of pheromones, and have been found in many species belonging to various higher taxa. Here I report the discovery of a unique scent-producing structure in the male of Ceromitia chalcocapna Meyrick (Adelidae). This is the first record of a male scent organ in any family of the Incurvarioidea, a superfamily of the clade Neolepidoptera of the suborder Glossata. At the same time this is the first case of a highly specialized male scent organ to be found on the modified posterior part of the thorax in Lepidoptera. Club-like scent scales, densely packed on the two enlarged, hemispherical surfaces of the metepimeron, metameron and metacoxa, are incorporated within a scent-disseminating apparatus which also comprises modified abdominal segments and the thoraco-abdominal articulation.  相似文献   

A morphology-based phylogenetic analysis of the 24 species of Isobactrus (Acari: Halacaridae) demonstrated three major monophyletic groups supported by synapomorphies. Each group is geographically distinct being tropical Pacific, North Atlantic and Holarctic. Character optimization indicates some evolutionary tendencies of character transformation. Reduction of idiosomal lateral setation, loss of setae on the genu and the addition of female subgenital setae are postulated synapomorphies congruent throughout the tropical lineage. Similarly, setal addition on the telofemur occurred in the North Atlantic lineage, while reduction of genital area sclerotization is recognized in a northern phyletic group.  相似文献   

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