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In this study, the new amphipod superfamily Protodulichioidea and family Protodulichiidae are established. Both belong to the infraorder Corophiida but is different from all known superfamilies and families. Amphipods included in the new superfamily and family are characterised by having a triangular head with large eyes, extremely long pereopod 7, and uropod 3 with a short peduncle and slender rami bearing a few robust setae. Protodulichia scandens gen. et sp. nov. is fully described here and its mast-building behaviour is also recorded.

urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:F6613B27-D954-4E4C-86CB-9FC5E9624334  相似文献   

A new genus and species, Parafoxiphalus longicarpus, and a new species, Metharpinia protuberantis belonging to the family Phoxocephalidae, are described from the Argentine Sea. Both taxa were collected from sandy substrata in the intertidal and subtidal regions. Parafoxiphalus longicarpus is related to Foxiphalus Barnard, 1979 and they share many characters, most of them in plesiomorphic condition. Metharpinia protuberantis is an intermediate species between Metharpinia Schellenberg, 1931 and Microphoxus Barnard, 1960, and its assignation to the first genus is discussed.  相似文献   


Luisacaprella eliae gen. nov, sp. nov. (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Caprellidae) is described bwct ased on specimens collected from Kiribati, Pacific Ocean. The new genus is close to Aciconula but can be mainly distinguished by the following characteristics: (1) pereonites 6 and 7 are fused in Luisacaprella gen. nov. while they are separated in Aciconula; (2) the setal formula of mandibular palp is 2-x-1 in Luisacaprella and 1-x-1 in Aciconula; (3) pereopods 3 and 4 are two-articulate in males and females of Luisacaprella, whereas there is sexual dimorphism in Aciconula, and males have pereopods 3 and 4 two-articulate while females have pereopod 3 two- or three-articulate and pereopod 4 four-articulate. The new species L. eliae is additionally characterised by its tiny size (<3 mm). The new taxon was collected from dead branching coral of shallow waters (3–32 m). Further studies targeting small caprellids which could easily be overlooked from substrates such as sediments and dead corals are needed to properly understand the global caprellid diversity of tropical and temperate areas.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:1F5A24BE-A7AC-4D3C-A087-F7284F84A2DC  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(21-22):1421-1449
Two Niphargus species, Niphargus khayyami sp. nov. and Niphargus khwarizmi sp. nov., are morphologically analysed and described. Both species are found in western Iran, which represents the easternmost border of the distributional area for this subterranean amphipod genus. We were unable to attribute N. khayyami sp. nov. to any of 80 Niphargus species that were analysed for 28S ribosomal DNA sequences; sequencing of N. khwarizmi sp. nov. failed. Niphargid findings from west Asia recorded in 5 years imply that almost one half of the range of this large freshwater amphipod genus is still unexplored. http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:9E9E7CC9-83E2-419F-A394-57197305E1EF  相似文献   

The caprellids of shallow-water localities from the Mexican Central Pacific coast are investigated. The Mexican Pacific coast is poorly known, unlike more northern sites such as the California coast where c. 40 species have been reported. Hence, this is the first study dealing with the caprellidean fauna of this area. Seven species in three genera were found (four of which are new to science): Aciconula acanthosoma Chess, 1989; Caprella equilibra Say, 1818; Caprella mendax Mayer, 1903; Caprella pitu sp. nov.; Liropus isabelensis sp. nov.; Paracaprella carballoi sp. nov.; and Paracaprella isabelae sp. nov. All the species are fully illustrated.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:B04D3837-E7E1-4DA5-A8ED-28CA7BF1E1AF  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(15):1101-1110
The genus Haustorius is represented by six species in the world; three are described as American species, three European including a new species described from the Mediterranean. This new species, H. orientalis, is similar to H. algeriensis Mulot, from the Algerian coast but differs in rostrum slightly exceeding in length the antennal lobes, merus of pereiopod 7 with posterior margin lacking spines, and uropod 1 with two separate rows of spines.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(11):1385-1395
One new species, Andaniopsis isaki n. sp., is described, and one species, Steleuthera maremboca, is redescribed. Both genera belong to the newly erected subfamily Andaniopsinae. The combination of the enlarged merus on pereopod 7 and the weakly incised apex of the telson separates the new species from all other Andaniopsinae species.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(9):1029-1057
A new species from the Argentine Sea, Metharpinia iado (Phoxocephalidae), is described. It is distinguished by many morphological character states from Metharpinia longirostris Schellenberg, 1931, found in South America for Argentina and Chile; primarily, they differ in numbers of spines and setae on mouthparts and appendages, and shape of epimeron plate 3. The new species is recorded in Buenos Aires and Chubut provinces. Two other Phoxocephalidae, Microphoxus cornutus (Schellenberg, 1931) and Fuegiphoxus fuegiensis (Schellenberg, 1931), partially illustrated, are compared in different populations, and some variations in number of spines and setae on mouthparts and appendages are noted. Microphoxus cornutus, known in Chile (Punta Arenas) and Argentina (Ushuaia), extends its geographical distribution towards the north of Argentina, in Buenos Aires and Chubut. Fuegiphoxus fuegiensis, known in the austral part of South America (Punta Arenas and Ushuaia) and in Chubut (Puerto Madryn), expands its geographical distribution in Chubut. The Ipanemidae Ipanema talpa Barnard and Thomas, 1988 is figured in part, both males and females are compared with the male specimen described from Brazil; it constitutes a new record in Argentina. All taxa were collected from sandy substrata in the intertidal and subtidal regions, in Buenos Aires and Chubut provinces.  相似文献   

Stegosoladidus simplex (K. H. Barnard, 1930) and S. ingens (Chevreux, 1906) are both figured and redescribed. Three new species (Stegosoladidus antarcticus, S. complex and S. debroyeri) are described. The terminology used for classification of both setae and different setae arrangements is discussed, and the main types of setae are figured.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(21):2521-2545
Two new species, Metharpinia dentiurosoma and Metharpinia grandirama, belonging to the family Phoxocephalidae are described and illustrated from the Argentine Sea. Both taxa were collected dredging at different depths and the grain size of the sediment was determined for each sampling station. The new species share character states with Metharpinia Schellenberg, 1931 and Microphoxus Barnard, 1960, and their assignation to the first genus is discussed. Metharpinia dentiurosoma and Metharpinia grandirama are distinguished from the other known species of the genus by the dorsal hook on urosomite 3; in addition, the first species is characterized by its epimeron 3 and the second species by its uropod 2.  相似文献   

A new deep-sea species of amphipod collected at a depth of 1317 m from the soft bottom of the Bay of Campeche, SW Gulf of Mexico, is herein described. The sediment included a high proportion of silt and organic carbon. The specimen examined in this study was collected during the Oceanographic Expedition Xcambó-4, along the Bay of Campeche, aboard the RV Justo Sierra. The new species represents the sixteenth known species of the genus Psammogammarus worldwide. This new species is the second Psammogammarus recorded from the deep sea, and the first record of the genus for the Gulf of Mexico. Identification keys to males and females of Psammogammarus species are provided. Psammogammarus barrerai sp. nov. is characterised by head with anteroventral notch present; gnathopods 1 and 2 palmar margins oblique, and basis of pereopod 7 forming a wide serrated posterior lobe.

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:C843777B-FF15-4AEC-B046-6513A96A9BFF  相似文献   

A new species under the name Scaptognathus ventridiscus sp. nov. is described from Japan. It differs from its congeners by the possession of a ventral disc in the male, a peculiar arrangement of dorsal plates and dorsal setae, and unique leg chaetotaxy.  相似文献   

The present study reviews the taxonomy of the Phtisicidae (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from the coast of New South Wales, Australia. The following seven species are described; Dodecas decacentrum Stebbing, 1910b, Dodecas hexacentrum Mayer, 1903, Hircella cornigera (Haswell, 1879b), Metaproto novaehollandiae (Haswell, 1879a), Notoprotomima smithi gen. nov., sp. nov., Paraproto sp. and Perotripus sp. Generic diagnoses of Notoprotomima gen. nov., Dodecas, Hircella and Metaproto are provided based on the present materials. Notoprotomima smithi is fully described as a new species of the new genus. Dodecas decacentrum differs from Dodecas hexacentrum by the presence of paired dorsodistal projections on pereonite 2, paired mid-dorsal projections on pereonites 3 and 4 and shorter gill length on pereonites 2 and 3. Hircella cornigera and Metaproto novaehollandiae are described in detail. The larger mature males of M. novaehollandiae possess the unusual massive type of the propodus of gnathopod 2. The extended distribution of Perotripus to the New South Wales coast is noted. A key for these phtisicid amphipods from New South Wales, Australia is provided.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(23-24):3137-3142
A new species of Neomegamphopus Shoemaker is described from Rodrigues, Indian Ocean. The systematics of the Neomegamphopidae from the Indian Ocean is discussed and a key to the species from that ocean is provided.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(14):1757-1772
A new species of ischyrocerid amphipod, Ischyrocerus fractus sp. nov., is described from south-west Ireland. An examination of material from the Sars Collection at the Zoologisk Museum, Oslo, has confirmed that Ischyrocerus minutus Sars, previously placed as a synonym of Ischyrocerus anguipes Krøyer, is a valid species and is widespread in the British Isles, while I. anguipes is Arctic/boreal in distribution.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(10):1939-1966
Two species of Ampelisca, Ampelisca pectenata and Ampelisca cavicoxa, are studied here. These species were originally taken to be varieties of Ampelisca brevicornis, but they proved upon closer study actually to be different species. They are redescribed here in detail, and raised to the status of species. These two species have hitherto only been known to inhabit tropical Atlantic areas. Now for the first time they have been recorded on the French Atlantic coast, which shows that they have a wider geographical distribution than was previously assumed. Some biological data are also given which add to the knowledge available about this family of Amphipoda. Deux espèces d'Ampeliscidae sont étudiées dans ce travail, Ampelisca pectenata et Ampelisca cavicoxa. A l'origine, elles ont été décrites comme variétés de Ampelisca brevicornis, mais une étude détaillée montre qu'il s'agit d'espèces différentes. Elles ont donc étéentièrement redécrites et élevées au rang d'espèces. Ces espèces n'étaient connues jusqu'àprésent qu'en régions tropicales Atlantiques. Pour la première fois elles sont signalées sur les cô  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(30):2759-2794
New data on the warm temperate and tropical east Atlantic Bathyporeia species are presented. Four new species are described: Bathyporeia cunctator sp. nov. from South Africa, B. chevreuxi sp. nov. from Senegal, B. gladiura sp. nov. from South Africa, and B. griffithsi sp. nov. from Namibia. Bathyporeia cunctator sp. nov. and B. chevreuxi sp. nov. are very closely related to the west European B. tenuipes Meinert, 1877 and the Mediterranean B. lindstromi Stebbing, 1906 Stebbing, T. R. R. 1906. Amphipoda 1: Gammaridea.. Das Tierreich, 21: 1806.  [Google Scholar]; these four cryptic species forming the complex tenuipes. Bathyporeia griffithsi sp. nov. and B. gladiura sp. nov. are highly distinctive new species. The morphotype “sunnivae” of Bathyporeia guilliamsoniana is recorded for the first time outside the Mediterranean Sea, in the Canary Islands. An identification key to all known Bathyporeia species is given.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1639-1655
The genus Bovichtus includes four species from the Australasian region, viz. B. variegatus Richardson, B. psychrolutes Günther, B. angustifrons Regan, and B. oculus n. sp. B. decipiens Regan and Aurion effulgens Waite are junior synonyms of B. variegatus and B. psychrolutes respectively. B. oculus, described from a specimen taken in 847–902 m on the Campbell Plateau in the New Zealand Subantarctic, is the first known deep water Bovichtus species. It differs from all congeners in having a very large eye (horizontal diameter <9·0 times in SL) and, alone with B. psychrolutes, has a patch of ctenoid scales on the body behind the pectoral fin base.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(21):2733-2757
Three new species, Gammarus shenmuensis n. sp., G. murarius n. sp. and G. martensi n. sp. are described, based on the collections from the Shaanxi Province of China. The morphological characters that distinguish these different species are presented. Distribution data on these gammarids are also given.  相似文献   

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