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Eight species of chondracanthid copepods (Poecilostomatoida) were recovered from nine species of flatfishes collected in Kerala, India. They are: Acanthochondria zebriae sp. nov. from Zebrias synaturoides; Bactrochondria papilla gen. et sp. nov. from Cynoglossus dubius; B. hoi (Pillai, 1985) from C. lida; Heterochondria pillai Ho, 1970 from C. lida, Pseudorhombus arsius, P. elevatus, P. javanicus and P. triocellatus; H. petila sp. nov. from P. arsius, P. javanicus and P. triocellatus; H. similis (Yu and Wu, 1932) from C. azureus; and both Protochondracanthus alatus (Heller, 1868) and P. trilobatus (Pillai, 1964) from Psettodes erumi.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1227-1241
Six species of ergasilid copepods are described, based on material found on 11 species of fishes collected from estuaries and rivers in Kerala, India. Five are new to science, they are: Dermoergasilus varicoleus n. sp. from Liza tade Forskål; Ergasilus parvitergum n. sp. from Etroplus suratensis (Bloch) and Caranx malabaricus (Bloch and Schneider); Ergasilus rostralis n. sp. from Liza tade, L. macrolepis (Smith), and Valamugil seheli (Forskål); Ergasilus uniseriatus n. sp. from Glossogobius giuris (Hamilton) and Xenentodon cancila Hamilton; and Paraergasilus dentatus n. sp. from Glossogobius giuris. Dermoergasilus amplectens (Dogiel and Akhmerov) was recovered in India from six species of hosts: Etroplus maculatus (Bloch), Gerres setifer (Hamilton), Hyporamphus xanthopterus (Cuvier and Valenciennes), Megalops cyprinoides (Broussonet), Valamugil seheli (Forskål), and Chanos chanos (Forskål).  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(5):1233-1246
Six species of copepods parasitic on elasmobranch fishes from the Peruvian coast has been recorded. Two of them, Eudactylina peruensis and E. myliobatidos parasitic on Rhinobatos planiceps (Rhinobatidae) and Myliobatis chilensis (Myliobatidae), are considered new species. New geographical and host records for Pseudocharopinus narcinae Pillai, Pseudocharopinoides myliobatidos Castro and Baeza, Perissopus oblongus (Wilson) and Trebius latifurcatus (Wilson) are included, as also is a checklist of copepod species parasitic on elasmobranch fishes from the coast of the South American Pacific.  相似文献   


Streams and meander lakes in the Mato Grosso, between the Rio das Mortes and the Rio Suiá Missú, have low conductivities ranging from 12 to 50 μmho/cm/20°c, but exceptional isolated pools reach 800 μmho under the influence of evaporation.

Rainfall at the beginning of the wet season had conductivities up to 110 μmho, but the general level of conductivity fell as the wet season progressed.

Run-off water flowing over the ground during heavy rain generally had a higher conductivity than the rain.

Short-term fluctuations in the conductivity of small streams showed increases with heavy rain accompanied by surface run-off.

The rainfall had a high calcium to sodium ratio. It is estimated that during the period from 1 September to 30 November 1968 the rainfall supplied the area with at least 4 kg Ca per hectare.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(12):1807-1819
Two new species of Paraergasilus are reported from the gills of four species of grey mullet (Mugilidae). Paraergasilus dichotomus n. sp. was recorded on M. cephalus Linn. from New South Wales, Australia. Paraergasilus curtus n. sp. was found on the same host in Western Australia, on Valamugil cunnesius (Valenciennes) from the Philippines, on Valamugil seheli (Forsskal) from Sri Lanka and on Liza macrolepis (Smith) from Socotra, Yemen. Both new species differ from congeners in possessing a bifid antennary claw. The distribution of Paraergasilus species is summarized and the host specificity of Paraergasilus species is examined. Phylogenetic analysis of the relationships between Paraergasilus species indicated that there are two main lineages within the genus.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(12):1779-1798
Six species of Colobomatus, five of which are new to science, were found in a survey of 26 species of sillaginid fishes in the Indo-west Pacific. Three of the species are closely related and occur in the head cavities of various species of their hosts. Colobomatus sillaginis West, 1983 is recorded in Sillaginodes punctata and 12 species of Sillago, from around the coast of Australia and in the Gulf of Thailand, representing many new host and locality records. Female C. asiaticus sp. nov. are described from southeast Asia and the Persian Gulf, in three species of Sillago. Female C. arabicus sp. nov. are described from two species of Sillago occurring only in the Persian Gulf. A second intrageneric grouping of three species of Colobomatus inhabits a different microhabitat: tubes of the lateral line scales. Each of these species infects several sillaginid fishes, and in contrast to members of the first species-group they are entirely allopatric with each other. In Australia, female C. fulloonae sp. nov. are described from three species of Sillago in northern waters, and female C. charleah sp. nov. are described from two species of Sillago and Sillaginodes punctata in southern waters. Female C. westi sp. nov. are described from three species of Sillago in the waters of eastern Asia (Japan, Korea and China). Only one male specimen of each of C. arabicus sp. nov., C. charleah sp. nov. and C. westi sp. nov. was found.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(12):1795-1805
We describe the five copepodids of Astericola asterinae (Bocquet, 1952) a poecilostomatoid copepod (family Lichomolgidae), reared in the laboratory. It shows only very slight sexual dimorphism in the third segment of C5 maxilliped. Our study of the copepodid development, together with the observations of Carton (1964), Bocquet et al. (1970) and Conradi et al. (1993), support the separation of A. asterinae from its sister species A. clausi (Rosoll, 1889).  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(5):1171-1231
Nine new species and three new genera, Parandrianellus, Scyphuliger, and James-cookina, are associated with various species of hard corals in the vicinity of Lizard Island, Big Broadhurst Reef, and Bowl Reef on the Great Barrier Reef. These copepods include the lichomolgids Parandrianellus annulatus from Hydnophora rigida, Scyphuliger concavipes from Acropora hyacinthus and Acropora sarmentosa, Scyphuliger manifestus from Acropora hyacinthus and Acropora squarrosa, James-cookina redacta from Echinopora horrida, Panjakus eumeces from Hydnophora rigida, Anchimolgus abbreviatus and Anchimolgus tanaus from Acrhelia horrescens, Anchimolgus exsertus from Echinopora horrida, and Odontomolgus bulbalis from Merulina ampliata. Schedomolgus tenuatus Humes, 1990, recorded from Acropora hyacinthus and Acropora humilis, is transferred to the genus Scyphuliger. Schedomolgus lobophorus (Humes and Ho, 1968) is recorded from Acropora hyacinthus, Acropora humilis, Acropora sarmentosa, and Acropora intermedia; Amarda goniastreae Humes, 1985, from Favia stelligera; and Amardopsis merulinae Humes, 1974, from Merulina ampliata and Leptoria phrygia. The harpacticoid Alteuthellopsis corallina Humes, 1981, is reported from Merulina ampliata and Stylophora pistillata. A list of those copepods previously known to be associated with hard corals in the area and a key to the 81 genera of the Lichomolgidae are provided.  相似文献   

Two new species of the freshwater planktonic copepod genusMastigodiaptomusM. maya and M. reidae—are described from material collected in southeastern Mexico. This neotropical genus is known to be distributed mainly in the southern part of the United States, Mexico and Central America, and now embraces eight species. Of these, six occur in Mexico. Both new species seem to be closely related to M. texensis and M. albuquerquensis. It is probable that this group of Mexican species represents a northwards radiation from the Proto-Antilles-Central America region into the continent, eventually reaching North America. A key for the identification of the known species of the genus is provided.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(7):1019-1028
The five copepodids of Lichomolgus forficula, a poecilostomatoid copepod (family Lichomolgidae), are described. Sexual dimorphism first occurs in copepodid V in which the male maxilliped, unlike that of female, shows a row of spinules on its second segment. Changes of leg armatures during copepodid development are discussed.  相似文献   


O, I and II group flounders showed a regular increase in length and weight between April and September, but did not grow during the winter months. These immature fish showed highest condition factors and calorific values in summer and lowest in winter. III and ? IV group flounders had highest condition factors and calorific values in winter prior to spawning and lowest when they returned to the estuary as spents in April. Males matured towards the end of their third year and females towards the end of their fourth. Gonad development started in October and peak gonad weights were attained in November (males) and February to April (females).

Diurnal variations in the numbers of fish were very marked on the Sleek of Tarty where larger numbers were caught at night. Little diurnal variation was noticeable on the Forvie Bank mud flat.

Largest numbers of flounders were recorded between May and September when the population was 50–100 times larger than the winter low (January to March). Estimates of the total population size are given, based on observed densities on underwater transects.

Seasonal changes in the population of flounders on the intertidal mud flats were influenced by four major migrations:
  • (1)A spring immigration (April and May) of immature (except the O group) and spent fish, the spent females being present in significantly greater numbers than males.

  • (2)O group flounders entered the estuary in late June early/July, approximately two months later than the immigration of O group plaice.

  • (3)A proportion of III and ? IV group flounders left the mud flats in July and tagging data suggested that they left for the sea.

  • (4)The winter emigration of all age classes started in October and continued through the winter, leaving a small population composed mainly of O group and maturing fish. Cormorants preyed mainly on I and II group flounders in winter and probably accounted for the low numbers of these age groups at this time.


《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1623-1637
Two species of thalestrid harpacticoid: Amenophia orientalis n. sp. and Parathalestris infestus n. sp., are described based on specimens collected from Soando Island in Korea. These copepods infest the cultivated brown alga, Wakame, Undaria pinnatifida (Harvey), producing galls with pinholes (0·5–1·1.5 mm in diameter) on the fronds, midribs, and sporophylls. A. orientalis outnumbered P. infestus in all of the observed incidences; however, the fecundity of the latter species is twice that of the former.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1439-1448
Seventy-four sharks of the families Carcharhinidae and Sphyridae, mainly from the central Atlantic Ocean, were examined. Fourteen species of Copepoda were found on them. Prionace glauca and Sphyrna zygaena are new hosts for the copepod Pandarus floridanus. Kroyeria carchariaeglauci is reported from the nasal cavities of Prionace glauca for the first time.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(23):2787-2806
Three new species of the deep-water family Neotanaididae Lang are described. Neotanais minimus n. sp. and N. curvimanus n. sp. were collected from the Gulf of Mexico and are the first species to be described from this region. Neotanais minimus cannot be grouped with other Neotanais species, since it displays characters from all groupings. Neotanais curvimanus has strong affinities to the ‘americanus’ group but can be separated by the short pereonite 6 and by the presence of many setulose setae lateral on the pleonites. Male N. curvimanus can easily be separated from all other species of the genus by the cheliped fixed finger being only half as long as the dactylus and the dactylus being incurved from fixed finger at an angle of about 40°. Neotanais noelietaiti n. sp. was found off south-east Australia and is the first Neotanais species to be described from Australian waters. It also has strong affinities to the ‘americanus’ group but can be distinguished by the complete lack of a midventral keel and by the uropodal exopod being as long as the endopod article 1.  相似文献   

Isocyamus deltobranchium n. sp. is described from the short-finned pilot whale, Globicephala macrorhynchus Gray 1946 in Japanese waters, and the long-finned pilot whale, Globicephala melaena (Traill 1809) from Tasmania, Australia. To date only two species of Isocyamus have been described: I. delphini (Geurin-Meneville 1836) Gervais and Beneden, 1859 and I. kogiae Sedlak-Weinstein 1991. The present species differs from I. delphini and I. kogiae in having large triangular accessory gills in the males, and a bilobed maxilla 2. It is similar to I. delphini in ventral spination, and single serrated comb on dactylus of gnathopod 1. Isocyamus deltobranchium n. sp. is the second species of cyamid reported from the long-finned pilot whale and the first from the short-finned pilot whale. The occurrence of I. deltobranchium in the northern and southern hemispheres, and in two different host species, suggests that the ranges of the host species overlap.  相似文献   

Two new copepods are described from a depth of 2254m at a hydrothermal site on the Juan de Fuca Ridge, northeastern Pacific. In Barathricola rimensis, gen. nov., sp. nov. (Cyclopoida: Cyclopinidae), the antennule is 13-segmented, the antenna lacks an exopod, the second segment of the endopod of legs 1–4 has 1, 2, 2, 2 setae, and leg 5 is three-segmented in both sexes, the last segment (exopod) having I, I, l, I in the female and I, I, l, I, l in the male. In Misophriopsis longicauda, gen. nov., sp. nov. (Misophrioida: Misophriidae), the antennule is 18-segmented in the female, 13-segmented in the male, the antenna has a six-segmented exopod, legs 1–4 are biramous with three-segmented rami, leg 5 is biramous with a one-segmented endopod and an exopod which is two-segmented in the female, three-segmented in the male.  相似文献   

Bristly millipedes (subclass Penicillata, order Polyxenida) are minute diplopods characterised by uncalcified cuticle and a body covered with unique tufts of bristles. The order is found worldwide and comprises less than 200 described species divided into three families, with many of the species and genera being poorly known. The first evolutionary analysis of the order presented here utilises both molecular (COI, 18S rRNA and 16S rRNA) and morphological data to examine monophyly of the families and subfamilies and the evolutionary relationships between them. Maximum likelihood analysis was based on molecular data only, whereas parsimony analyses were based on molecular data as well as combined morphological and molecular data. The results of these analyses with two different optimality criteria were incongruent in many aspects. Unlike parsimony, the likelihood result found strong support for a basal position of the family Synxenidae and separation of the order into two monophyletic clades corresponding to the two superfamilies Synxenoidea, containing the family Synxenidae, and Polyxenoidea, containing the families Polyxenidae and Lophoproctidae. Parsimony results did not support the existence of the two superfamilies. Both analyses resolved the family Synxenidae as monophyletic and Polyxenidae as polyphyletic, whereas the family Lophoproctidae was shown to be paraphyletic in likelihood and monophyletic in parsimony analysis. The subfamilies Monographinae and Polyxeninae were found to be monophyletic in the likelihood tree but parsimony suggested paraphyly of both. The results suggest that further revision of the systematics of the Polyxenida may be necessary. However, a much larger molecular data set will be necessary to clarify and provide stronger nodal support for phylogenetic trees and to confirm the relationships, particularly of the families Polyxenidae and Lophoproctidae. Molecular identification is likely to be an important tool for this taxonomically challenging order in future. A simplified key to the genera is provided.  相似文献   

Plankton samples taken in the Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia, yielded material of a new genus containing 3 new species: Anawekia spinosa gen. nov. et sp. nov., A. robusta sp. nov. and A. bilobata sp. nov., which are described herein. The family Diaixidae now contains 12 described species in 2 genera, 9 being in the genus Diaixis. It is noted that 3 of the Diaixis species (including the type species) share some features which are not shared with the remaining 6 species, and that these latter species should probably be placed into a third genus. An amplified redefinition of the family is given.  相似文献   

The leafhopper tribe Scaphytopiini is reviewed, and a key to genera given. The following taxonomic changes are made: Masiripius lugubris (Distant) comb. nov. (from Mahalana); Mahalana Distant, junior synonym of Platymetopius Burmeister syn. nov. (Athysanini); Hododoecus bunyensis Evans comb. nov. (from Stenometopius) (Stenometopiini). In addition, the monotypic genus Nesothamnus Linnavuori is transferred from Athysanini to Scaphytopiini and its characters discussed.  相似文献   

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