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《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(37-38):2417-2441
Two new species of a new genus and family Rostrocalanidae of benthopelagic clausocalanoid copepods are described from female specimens collected from abyssal depths close to the sea bed in the tropical Atlantic. Rostrocalanus gen. nov. shares the presence of sensory setae on maxilla with other bradfordian families of Clausocalanoidea, but does not fit the diagnosis of any of these families. A family Rostrocalanidae is established for this new genus and is defined by the following derived characters: four‐segmented exopod of mandible supplied with four setae; distal basal endite of maxillule fused to endopod and bearing five setae in total; endopod of maxilla furnished with six worm‐like sensory setae; arrangement of setal numbers on praecoxal endites of maxilliped syncoxa as 0, 1, 2. The establishment of a new clausocalanoidean family sheds new light on the morphological diversity of bradfordian benthopelagic copepods and adds to the biodiversity of the deep‐water calanoid fauna.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1549-1571
Danielssenia intermedia Wells 1965, originally described from a single male specimen from the Fladen ground in the North Sea, is redescribed on the basis of new material of both sexes from off Cullercoats, also in the North Sea. Although D, intermedia has many similarities to the genera Danielssenia Boeck and Psammis Sars, it must be placed in a new genus Fladenia based on distinctive features of the female antennule, the mandible, maxilliped, first and fifth legs and the sexual dimorphism of both rami of legs 2–4. The characteristics of Fladenia are such that it serves to link the other genera of the danielsseniid complex with Paranannopus Lang. The proposal that all these genera should be placed in the family Paranannopidae Por is reinforced by close similarities in the structure of the female genital field.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(24):2909-2917
The new dragonfly family Frenguelliidae based on Frenguellia patagonica gen. nov., sp. nov., is erected from the earliest Eocene of Patagonia (Argentina). Its phylogenetic relationships within the Zygoptera and Epiproctophora (sensu Bechly, 1996) are discussed. The new family seems to be related to Sieblosiidae from the Oligo-Miocene of Eurasia; and both could pertain to the basal lineage of Epiproctophora. These attributions are not supported by the known stratigraphic data and could be explained by the incompleteness of the fossil record of Odonata, mainly in the Triassic.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(5):1007-1046
Based on specimens of Paranannopidae collected from 30 to 123 m depth in Sassenfjord, Spitsbergen, two species of Paradanielssenia Soyer, 1970 (P. christineae sp. nov. and P. kathleenae sp. nov.) are described. These can be distinguished from known species by differences in the number of claviform aesthetascs on the mouthparts and in the arrangement or form of setae on the legs. A key to species of Paradanielssenia is provided. Mucrosenia gen. nov. (type species M. kendalli sp. nov.) is established on the basis of a single female and can be distinguished from all known paranannopid genera by the structure of the caudal ramus and the P2 endopod-2 which has no inner seta and a large mucroniform process at the outer distal corner. Psammis kliei Smirnov, 1946 is assigned to this genus as species incertae sedis. Danielssenia quadriseta Gee, 1988 is recorded for the first time outside its type locality in Oslofjord. Danielssenia spitsbergensis sp. nov. is described from a single male specimen and can easily be distinguished from other known species by the presence of only two outer spines on exopod-3 of P3-4. However, because of differences in the structure of the P2 endopod and P5, the species is placed incertae sedis within Danielssenia pending the discovery of the female.  相似文献   

A new genus and species, Santeria rubalo, is described from the sparid fish Cheimerius nufar from the south-western Indian Ocean. It is placed in the cryptogonimid subfamily Neochasminae and is distinguished from Paracryptogonimus and Apophallus mainly by its oral spination, which consists of six to eight annular rows of spines.  相似文献   

The new damsel‐dragonfly family Paragonophlebiidae is described based on a new genus and two new species from the Middle‐Late Jurassic of Central Asia.  相似文献   

What seems likely to be the first published record of a foraminiferan protozoan (Cibicides lobatulus) epizoic on an isopod (Astacilla longicornis) is reported from material collected by divers off the Berwickshire coast (Scotland). Notes are also provided on other epibionts and a comparison is made with Astacilla from the Clyde Sea area which proved to have a much lower incidence of fouling. There, fouling was due largely to the entroproct Barentsia sp. and the hydroid Clytia hemisphaerica, not to Cibicides.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(33-34):2057-2086
This paper deals with some of the Amphipoda Maeridae, i.e. seven species in the genera Anamaera, Ceradocus, Clessidra gen. nov., Jerbarnia, Maera and Meximaera, collected during the Hourglass cruises, a 28-month sampling programme at 10 stations (5–73 m depth) on the central West Florida shelf. A new genus Clessidra is erected for Maera tinkerensis Kunkel, and Maera caroliniana Bynum and Fox is found to be a junior synonym of Meximaera diffidentia. Keys to these Atlantic maerids, and to world Ceradocus species, are provided.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(27-28):1689-1713
The genus Chilarboreus gen. nov. is described from Nothofagus forests of Chile to accommodate three new species: Chilarboreus fossulatus sp. nov., Chilarboreus acuticollis sp. nov. and Chilarboreus darwini sp. nov. The genus is subdivided into two subgenera: Chilarboreus subgen. nov. (type species: C. fossulatus) and Pictarboreus subgen. nov. (type species: C. darwini). Identification keys to the genera of Chilean Scirtidae and the species in the genus Chilarboreus are provided. The state of knowledge of Chilean Scirtidae is summarized. The position of Chilarboreus within Scirtidae and the phenomenon of wing reduction in Scirtidae are discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(9-10):567-577
Two new species of free-living marine nematodes Paramonohystera eurycephalus sp. nov. and Steineria sinica sp. nov. from the Yellow Sea, China are described. Paramonohystera eurycephalus sp. nov. is characterized by relatively wide head diameter (33 μm in width), large cup-shaped buccal cavity; presence of numerous long cervical setae; amphidial fovea 18–20 μm in diameter; spicules slender, arcuate, 3.1–3.2 anal body diameter; gubernaculum tubular with a distal hook; five to six minute precloacal supplements. Steineria sinica sp. nov. is characterized by eight groups of three subcephalic setae at almost same level as cephalic setae; eight groups of two long cervical setae situated between subcephalic setae and amphidial fovea; amphidial fovea round, 35% of corresponding body diameter, about one head diameter from anterior end; spicules slender, cephalate proximally and taper distally; gubernaculum pipe-shaped with dorsocaudal apophysis; tail conico-cylindrical with three long terminal setae.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(43-44):2701-2722
A new genus and two new species of mites of the family Trochometridiidae (Acari: Heterostigmata) are described from Iran: Neotrochometridium sensillum Hajiqanbar and Khaustov gen. nov., sp. nov. associated with two carabid beetles and Trochometridium iranicum Hajiqanbar and Khaustov sp. nov. associated with a halictid bee. We also present the first report of two previously described species. These findings provide the first record of the family Trochometridiidae from Iran. The chaetotaxy of tarsus I of the family is discussed and a key to world genera and species is provided.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(5):1033-1039
A new terrestrial isopod, Cephaloniscus sociabilis gen. nov., sp. nov., from Fraser Hill in central Malaysia, is described and illustrated. The new genus belongs to the family Platyarthridae and is distinguished from other members of the family by the characteristic structure of the cephalon. The specimens were collected from the nest of the termite Hospitalitermes sp. (near medioflavus Holmgren) together with the ant Centromyrmex hamulatus (Karavaiev).  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(5):1263-1276
Two palaemonid shrimps, from about 80 and 50 m on the Australian North West Shelf, are described and illustrated. A new genus, Carinopontonia, is designated for the single incomplete specimen of C. paucipes sp. nov. The new genus is most closely related to the genus Dasycaris Kemp, 1922. A single specimen of a second shrimp can be referred to Apopontonia Bruce, 1977, but to neither of the known species, and it is now described as A. tridentata sp. nov.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(45-46):2809-2824
Three new species of the harpacticoid family Ameiridae are described from clean sand at high water neap tide on St Martin's Flat, Isles of Scilly. Ameiropsis martinis sp. nov. appears most closely related to A. australis Kunz, 1975 Kunz, H. 1975. Copepoda Harpacticoidea aus dem litoral des sudlichen Afrika. 1 Teil. Kiel Meeresforsch., 31(2): 179212.  [Google Scholar] but can be distinguished from it by the shape of the rostrum and the armature of the operculum, female genital field and the male P5 baseoendopodal lobe. Sarsameira parexilis sp. nov. was originally identified as S. exilis T. and A. Scott, 1894 Scott, T. 1894. Additions to the fauna of the Firth of Forth. Part IV. 12th Annual Report of the Fisheries Board for Scotland, : 231270.  [Google Scholar] but the females can be distinguished from S. exilis by their smaller body size and shape of the caudal ramus whilst the males can be distinguished by the 12-segmented antennule and four setae on the P5 baseoendopodal lobe. Ameira longispina sp. nov. is unique within the “Ameira” complex of genera and species because of the marked elongation of the inner spine on the basis of the male P1. This species is tentatively placed in Ameira Boeck, 1865, but has features which indicate that it probably occupies an intermediate position between this genus and Psammameira Noodt, 1952. The previously unknown males of Sarsameira perezi Bodin, 1970 Bodin, P. 1970. Copépodes Harpacticoides marins des environs de La Rochelle 1. Especes de la vase intertidale de Chatelaillon. Tethys, 2(2): 385436.  [Google Scholar] and Nitocra elegans (T. Scott, 1905 Scott, T. 1905. On some new and rare Crustacea from the Scottish seas. 23rd Annual Report of the Fisheries Board for Scotland, : 141153.  [Google Scholar]) are also described.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(4):1049-1075
The following digeneans are described, recorded or figured from South African waters: Pseudopecoelus ablennesi sp. nov. from Ablennes hians; Coitocaecum capensis sp. nov. from Clinus superciliosus, C. cottoides, Gynutoclinus rotundifrons, Xenopoclinus kochi and X. leprosus; Dactylostomun griffithsi sp. nov. from Cheilodactylus fasciatus; Margolisia vidalensis gen. nov., sp. nov. from Trachinocephalus myops; Pachycreadium obovatum from Sparodon durbanensis, Diplodus cervinus and Cheilodactylus fasciatus; Allopodocotyle recifensis sp. nov. from Pterogymnus laniar; Helicometra fasciata in Arius feliceps, Chirodactylus brachydactylus, Clinus capensis, C. cottoides, C. superciliosus, Gynutoclinus rotundifrons, Pachymetopon blochii, Pomadasys olivaceus, Pomatomus saltator, Xenopoclinus kochi and X. leprosus; Helicometrina nimia from Rhonciscus anus. The other taxa discussed are the genera Pseudopecoelus, Coitocaecum (synonyms Ozakia, Pseudocoitocaecum, Paradactylostomum), Dactylostomum, Pachycreadium and Allopodocotyle. In discussion the following new combinations are made: Coitocaecum (formerly Pseudocoitocaecum) bombayensis (Ahmad, 1983); C. (formerly P.) thrissoclesis (Bilqees, 1972); Dactylostomum (formerly Ozakia) iniistii (Yamaguti, 1970); D. (formerly O.) pfluegeri (Yamaguti, 1970); D. (formerly Coitocaecum) xesuri (Yamaguti, 1940); Allopodocotyle (formerly Podocotyle (Pedunculotrema) israelense (Fischthal, 1980); Allopodocotyle (formerly Podocotyle) jaffensis (Fischthal, 1980).  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(14):1679-1690
A flexible but non-annulated buccal tube was used to erect the subgenus Pseudodiphascon, later raised to genus level (type species Macrobiotus inflexus). However, the presence of a flexible (but non-annulated) buccal tube in the holotype and paratype is due to the moulting simplex stage of both animals. Therefore Macrobiotus inflexus must be considered species dubia. The other species to date attributed to Pseudodiphascon differ from the type species of the genus in the presence of a pharyngeal tube that appears annulated. Because of this and other characters, they do not conform to the definition of Pseudodiphascon and cannot be attributed to this genus, which must be considered genus dubium. The characters of the claws and of the buccal—pharyngeal apparatuses led us to describe three new genera: Biserovus gen. n.: claws without a differentiated basal portion, annulated pharyngeal tube, peribuccal lamellae present; Minilentus gen. n.: claws of ‘hufelandi type’, annulated pharyngeal tube, peribuccal lamellae absent; Insuetifurca gen. n.: claws of modified' hufelandi type, annulated pharyngeal tube, peribuccal lamellae present, stylet furcae of a peculiar shape. Pseudodiphascon diphasconides lacks annulation in the buccal tube and is transferred to the genus Minibiotus.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(8):1213-1222
An unusual new genus and species of coral inhabiting pontoniine shrimp from the Yemen is described and illustrated. The new shrimp is remarkable for its very small size and the unique form of its telson. Three other pontoniine shrimps are also reported from the Yemen for the first time, raising the number of such shrimp species known from southern Arabia to 18.  相似文献   

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