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《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(16):2013-2031
A new crangonid shrimp and its four zoeal stages are described and illustrated in detail from Okinawa Island, Japan. The new species of Vercoia is readily distinguished from V. gibbosa Baker, 1904 Baker W. H 1904 Notes on South Australian decapod Crustacea Transactions and Proceedings and Report of the Royal Society of South Australia, 28, 146–161, pls 27–31  [Google Scholar], V. socotrana Duris, 1992 Duris, Z. 1992. Revision of Vercoia Baker (Crustacea: Decapoda: Crangonidae). Invertebrate Taxonomy, 6: 14371457.  [Google Scholar] and V. japonica Komai, 1995 Komai, T. 1995. Vercoia japonica, a new species of crangonid shrimp (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) from Japan. Natural History Research, 3: 123132.  [Google Scholar], in adult morphology, by the bilobed anterior expansion of the hepatic carina of the carapace, the notched mid-dorsal carina on the fifth abdominal somite, and the presence of the distoventral tooth on the ischium of the second pereopod. The larvae of the new species which are the first larvae of a species assigned to Vercoia to be described, are very similar to those of species of Philocheras, but they differ in the setation of the endopods of the maxillule and maxilla. A key to the adult species of Vercoia is provided.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(21-22):1273-1289
This study tests the hypothesis that sympatric species of Hyalella may show different reproductive strategies that permit their coexistence. Ovigerous females were collected monthly with nets during a 1-year period in two aquaculture trout ponds in Vale das Trutas, São José dos Ausentes County, southern Brazil. In both species there was a decrease in the number of embryos in the brood pouch during embryonic development, and an increase in egg volume. However, the two species differed in the body size of ovigerous females, number of eggs and juveniles per female, brood mortality rate, egg size and hatching size of juveniles. Egg production continued throughout the year, with the highest number of eggs produced during winter and spring by Hyalella pleoacuta, and winter, spring and autumn by Hyalella castroi. These differences in the reproductive traits of species of Hyalella may permit their coexistence in nature.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(25-26):1615-1638
Two new species of Hudsonimyia Roback, 1979 Roback, SS. 1979. Hudsonimyia karelena, a new genus and species of Tanypodinae, Pentaneurini. Proc Acad Nat Sci Philadelphia., 131: 18. [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] (Diptera: Chironomidae: Tanypodinae) are described and illustrated as male, pupa and larva. The generic diagnosis of pupa is emended and keys to males, pupae and larvae of known species are provided. The different life stages for one of the described species were associated by DNA barcodes.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(29-30):1959-1982
The immature stages of Sigara santiagiensis are described and illustrated for the first time. The eggs of Sigara can be distinguished by the chorionic surface. The main characters separating the five nymphal instars of S. santiagiensis are: body and head lengths; body, head and eye widths; ocular index; numbers of transverse sulcations of the rostrum, setae on the inner surface of protibiotarsus, campaniform sensilla on posterior surface of protrochanter, spines on posteroventral surface of mesotibia and on tibial comb of metaleg, long, slender setae on posterodorsal surface of mesotarsus, spines and swimming hairs on anteroventral and posterodorsal surfaces of metatarsus; and grade of development of the wing pads. The body length, the chaetotaxy of the mesonotum, profemora and metafemora, protibiotarsus, metatibia, metatarsus and urosternites distinguish species or group of species of instars I and V of some of the species of the genus Sigara described up to now.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(31-32):1995-2014
The egg and the five nymphal instars of Ectemnostega quechua are described and illustrated for the first time. The eggs of Ectemnostega have a short stalk, and the shape, size and chorionic structure differ among groups of species. The nymphal characters most useful in identifying instars I–V of Ectemnostega are: body length; number of rostrum sulcations; number of setae on inner surface of protibiotarsus; spines and setae, and spines on posteroventral surface of mesofemur and mesotibia, respectively; setae on posterodorsal surface of mesotibia and mesotarsus; spines and setae on anteroventral surface and setae on posterior surface of metatibia; swimming hairs on anteroventral and posterodorsal surfaces of metatarsus; and the grade of development of wing pads. The nymphs of E. quechua can be easily distinguished from other species of Ectemnostega by the number of spines and setae on the posteroventral surface of mesofemur.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(33-34):2117-2129
A new species of Mesabolivar is described from Brazilian forests: Mesabolivar delclaroi. The mating behaviour, postembryonic development, number of egg sacs and eggs, birth rate, number of instars, developmental time until adulthood, sex ratio and size of cephalothorax (per instar) were recorded. The sexual behaviour was described and categorized into four steps: courtship, pre-copulation, copulation and post-copulation. After hatching, individuals presented five instars until maturity. The mean number of eggs (42 ± 16.6) and live births (31.5 ± 3.4) of the first egg sac were significantly greater than that of a second one (23.8 ± 3.8, and 19.25 ± 3.9, respectively). The developmental time from birth to adulthood (130.8 ± 9.6 days) did not differ significantly between egg sacs produced (128.61 ± 11.1). The size of the cephalothorax did not differ among adults or between sexes. The sex ratio revealed a shift in favour of females (4: 3).  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(37-38):2325-2367
Leaf beetles (Chrysomelidae; ~40,000 species) are commonly solitary animals but subsociality, maternal care of broods, is known in Cassidinae and Chrysomelinae. We report 11 novel records from Brazil and Peru, bringing the number of subsocial chrysomelids to 35 species in 10 genera. Two evolutionary models of chrysomelid subsociality have been proposed. One proposed three independent origins within Chrysomelinae, based on the potential phylogenetic positions of subsocial genera. The other hypothesised that an evolutionary arms race between chrysomelid prey and their predators, parasites, and parasitoids has led to an escalation of defences. Using our phylogenies, we propose that subsociality originated independently in Cassidinae and Chrysomelinae, and several times within each subfamily. Subsociality was preceded by particular behaviours. In Cassidinae, exophagous larvae with chemically offensive faecal weaponry preceded aggregated living, group defences (e.g. cycloalexy), and maternal guarding. In Chrysomelinae, offensive glandular compounds preceded ovi- and viviparity before subsociality.  相似文献   

Zoeal, megalopal, and early juvenile stages of Pagurus ochotensis (Brandt, 1851) from a northeastern Pacific population are described from laboratory-reared individuals. Zoeal and megalopal development in this population is compared with that described for a population of this species from Hokkaido, Japan. First and second juvenile crab stages of this species are described for the first time. The nearly identical developmental morphology of the two populations supports the earlier synonymy of the northeastern Pacific species, Pagurus alaskensis (Benedict) with P. ochotensis.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(15-16):951-971
The larva, nymphal stages and adult of Hydrozetes longisetosus sp. nov. are described and illustrated, and the relationship of this species with the other European species of Hydrozetes is investigated. This species was first found at the edge of a forest lake, Dury 3, in the Tuchola Forest (Poland). Subsequently, we studied specimens that had been collected in 1976 by Dr H.M. Engelmann 40 km north of Görlitz Niederspree (Germany). Many adults of this species have three setae of the c‐series, which is rare in Hydrozetes and is considered a primitive character. Most adults have two pairs of p‐series setae, which is not common in Brachypylina and is unique among European Hydrozetes. The nymphal stages have many long setae in the marginal part of the gastronotum (whole l‐ and h‐series and seta p 1), and some or all long setae of the c‐ and d‐series, which is unique among European Hydrozetes. In H. longisetosus neotrichy occurs in the h‐series, as in H. parisiensis Grandjean, 1948 Grandjean, F. 1948. Sul les Hydrozetes (Acariens) de l'Europe occidentale.. Bull Mus Natl Hist Nat Série 2., 20: 328335. French [Google Scholar]. Therefore, the former species is closely related to the latter, and also to H. lacustris (Michael, 1882) and H. octosetosus Willmann, 1932 Willmann, C. 1932a. Oribatiden aus dem Moosebruch.. Archiv Hydrobiol., 23: 333347.  [Google Scholar], which rarely retain all the c‐series setae in the adults.  相似文献   

The egg, three larval instars, and puparium of Pherbina mediterranea are described. The duration of the various immature stages indicates that this specis is univoltine and spends the winter as quiescent larvae. The biology, phenology and geographical distribution are presented. The main features of the larvae are illustrated with scanning electron micrographs. A key to the adults of genus Pherbina is given.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(33-36):2081-2098
The systematic status of Hydrozetes octosetosus was investigated by comparing this species to H. lacustris, which is the type species for the genus Hydrozetes Berlese, 1902. These species are similar, but probably not synonyms as recently proposed. They differ mainly by the position of notogastral seta lm in the adult and position and length of this seta and total number of long setae in the posterior part of nymphs. In the adult of H. octosetosus, this seta inserts behind the opisthosomal gland opening (gla), but in front of it in H. lacustris. In the nymphs of H. octosetosus seta lm inserts behind gla opening, but medially to it in H. lacustris. In H. octosetosus this seta is very long and the total number of long setae in nymphs is four pairs, while in H. lacustris seta lm is short and the total number of long setae in nymphs is three pairs.  相似文献   

This review of the literature shows that amphipod crustaceans create disturbance through predation on commercial harvests, attacks on macroalgae, introductions as exotic species, and interference competition. Amphipods are also affected by disturbance events, both man-made and natural. Anthropogenic disturbance includes environmental alteration by toxins, oil, organic enrichment, acidification, salinity alteration, and ships' wakes. Natural disturbances are space clearance by the feeding activities of other fauna, and physical disturbance by sediment erosion and ice scour.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(15-16):969-992
A remarkable new species of black fungus gnat Pnyxiopalpus roslii sp. nov., was discovered from nests of the termite Nasutitermes proatripennis in Ulu Gombak, Malaysia, and is described based on the female morphology and DNA barcodes. This is the first record of a termitophilous black fungus gnat from South-east Asia. The new species is easily distinguished from its known congeners by the degeneration of all thoracic setae into tiny setulae. This species is described as a symbiont of the host termite based on field observations and the examination of specimens. The “wing stump” structure of the new species indicates that this species has wings after eclosion and later loses them, an adaptation to a cryptic life. A second still undescribed termitophilous species of Pnyxiopalpus was observed walking in a marching column of the termite Longipeditermes longipes in Ulu Gombak.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(17-18):1079-1109
Ninety series of rhinotermitid termites were collected from 19 localities distributed across much of Thailand, and compared with specimens deposited in the NHML. Eleven species belonging to five genera of Rhinotermitidae are recorded from Thailand. Three species of two genera, Reticulitermes (Reticulitermes assamensis) and Parrhinotermes (Parrhinotermes microdentiformisoides and Parrhinotermes buttelreepeni), are new records from Thailand. Keys to the genera and species based on the soldier caste are given. Soldiers of all species are illustrated and morphological measurements are given.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(7):1143-1151
The Afrotropical genus Sisyrophanus Karsch is reviewed and a key is provided for the separation of the eight known species, including Sisyrophanus stylifer sp. nov. which is described from Burundi and Tanzania.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(5):1135-1169
Leptotachidia iberica Becker is completely redescribed from the type material and is shown to carry claviform aesthetascs on the mouthparts. This is regarded as a character of high phylogenetic significance and, together with the loss of the mandibular exopod and the form of sexual dimorphism of the distal segment of the male P2 endopod, provides overwhelming evidence for a common ancestry for the genera Leptotachidia, Micropsammis Mielke and Paradanielssenia Soyer. Additional observations are made of the morphology of M. noodti Mielke, M. secunda Mielke and P. biclavata Gee. From a discussion of the probable relationships within this group of genera it is concluded that M. secunda is the most likely sister group of Leptotachidia and therefore must be removed to a new genus Telopsammis gen. nov. New diagnoses are given for all the genera.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(13-14):785-805
Members of the brachyuran family Pinnotheridae are nearly all symbionts of other invertebrates; some crabs are parasitic and others are commensal. Most live inside bivalve molluscs or in the tubes or burrows of polychaetes and other marine organisms. Animals living on or in pinnotherid crabs are considered to be hypersymbiotic and are reviewed here. Hypersymbionts are poorly represented within only 26 members (~8.6%) of the Pinnotheridae (20 species in the subfamily Pinnotherinae and six species in the Pinnothereliinae). Parasitic hypersymbionts are as follows: three species of fungi; one cestode larva (undescribed procercoid of Trypanorhynchida); one trematode metacercaria (undescribed Microphallidae); nematode cysts (undescribed); three species of Nemertea (Carcinonemertidae, two undescribed); two species of rhizocephalan Cirripedia (Sacculinidae; plus five or more undescribed potential sacculinid species); epicaridean Isopoda [13 species of Bopyridae (one undescribed) and four species of entoniscids (Entoniscidae, three undescribed)]. Preliminary biological information on undescribed entoniscids is presented. Several mainly incidental hypersymbioses involving ectosymbionts are known primarily from Pinnixa chaetopterana, a symbiont of polychaete burrows. The ctenostome bryozoan Triticella elongata is the only known obligate ectosymbiont in P. chaetopterana, but it also infests five other species of pinnotherids. Some of the other ectosymbionts (all incidental) on P. chaetopterana are stalked ciliates, hydroids, juvenile polychaetes, bivalve molluscs, balanomorph barnacles, harpacticoid copepods and urochordates. Species of ectosymbionts including an ectoproct bryozoan have been reported from other pinnotherid species. Factors influencing our meagre knowledge of hypersymbioses in the Pinnotheridae are discussed, among them the inaccessibility of crab hosts and research emphasis on taxonomy within the family.  相似文献   

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