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《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1517-1532
The female of the ectoparasitic copepod Namakosiramia californiensis Ho & Perkins 1977, recovered from the holothurian Stichopus parvimensis, is redescribed and refigured. It is suggested that the species should be included in the Laophontidae and tentatively placed in the subfamily Laophontinae, implying the synonymization of the family name Namakosiramiidae. Previous records of harpacticoid associates of Echinodermata are summarized. A compilation of associations between Laophontidae and marine invertebrate hosts is given.  相似文献   

The anatomy and morphology of the pars jugularis skull region in cichlid fishes has been used recently, and for the first time, as a crucial character to establish intrafamilial phylogenies for these African, Malagasian and Neotropical freshwater teleosts. The new phylogeny cuts across relationships postulated in previous schemes, and suggests novel and geographically disjunct intrafamilial groups. It does not, however, seem tenable.

A detailed investigation of the cichlid pars jugularis, involving many more taxa and wider outgroup comparisons than were used to formulate the new classification, is described here. Apart from clarifying certain misconceptions about the anatomy of the pars jugularis in the Cichlidae, this study shows, at least in that family, that the character is valueless as an indicator of higher level intrafamilial relationships, and is of very limited value for establishing phyletic affinities at lower levels.

Other osteological features used in the new classification were also tested on a larger scale. None of these, either, refutes the two other and recent hypotheses-one of intrarelationships amongst Neotropical cichlids and the second for the family as a whole.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(9):1297-1327
Two new genera of the harpacticoid family Laophontidae from the high Antarctic Weddell Sea are described. At present, both taxa cannot be assigned to any of the known genera or lineages of the family. The Antarctic shows the greatest degree of endemism worldwide in several already investigated taxa and, considering the available records, the Laophontidae appear to be no exception to this rule. The available data on the Laophontidae of the Weddell Sea seem to support a hypothesis of an ‘old’ antarctic fauna rather than a recolonization by ‘phylogenetic younger’ taxa after the major climatic changes, which took place in the Antarctic continent and the surrounding waters from the Miocene onwards.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(45-46):2853-2910
Argentinean specimens of Cletocamptus of the collection of the Smithsonian Institution as well as recently collected material were analyzed and four new species are described. Cletocamptus assimilis sp. nov. and C. tertius sp. nov. seem to be related to C. levis. Cletocamptus pilosus sp. nov. seems to be related to C. stimpsoni. Cletocamptus spinulosus sp. nov. shares the armature formula of the mandibular palp, the armature formula of P1–P4 and the lower insertion level of the innermost seta of the male P5BENP with C. levis, C. assimilis sp. nov. and C. tertius sp. nov. Cletocamptus spinulosus sp. nov. shares the slender seta of the maxillulary arthrite with C. pilosus sp. nov. and C. stimpsoni, and is unique in the strong spinules along the posterior margin of the P2- to P4-bearing somites. Additional comments on some other species and an identification key to the species of Cletocamptus are presented.  相似文献   

Paramphiascopsis waihonu sp. nov. is described and illustrated from deep water (1116m) off New Zealand. Individuals were retrieved from inside a spent skate (Rajiformes) embryo case in association with the mollusc Choristella sp. The species differs from all others in the genus in segments 3 and 4 of the antennule bearing aesthetascs and inter alia the ornamentation of the abdomen; the P1 basis and general morphology of the male P2 assists in isolating the species. Substantial variability is noted, and revised keys to both sexes of the genus are presented. Brief comments are made on the ecology of the species.  相似文献   


A new species of Halectinosoma Lang, 1948, H. pterinum sp. nov. is described from the Isle of Man. Examination of this and some other species of the genus under high magnifications suggests that the diagnosis of the genus may have to be modified.  相似文献   

Neoacrenhydrosoma zhangi gen. et sp. nov. is described from specimens recovered from muddy sediments in the shallow waters of the Bohai Sea. On the basis of the structure of the mouthparts, P5 of both sexes and the female genital field, it is suggested that the taxon is related to the Acrenhydrosoma-complex within the Cletodidae. It differs from other known genera in the structure of the exopod in P2–P4 which is two-segmented as a result of the failure to separate the proximal two segments of a three-segmented ramus; and the P5 in as much as the mucroniform process incorporates the exopod, as well as the endopodal lobe of the baseoendopod.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(22):1961-1979
Bulbamphiascus incus sp. nov. is described from muddy sediments, high in organics, from below fish cages in salmon farms in two Scottish Lochs. It is characterized by the ornamentation of the urosome, the presence of an anvil‐shaped semi‐hyaline structure on the basis of the male P2 and by the structure of the exopod of the male P5. A form, here given specific status under the name B. scilloniensis sp. nov., is described from St Martin's Island in the Isles of Scilly and is identical to B. incus except for the ornamentation of the urosome in both sexes which is very similar to that found in B. imus. Newly described features of the male of B. denticulatus confirm that this species can only be distinguished from B. imus by the projection at the outer distal corner of the second segment of the antennule in both sexes.  相似文献   

Six new copepods are associated with five species of the antipatharian coral Antipathes in the Indo-Pacific. Three asterocherid siphonostomatoids are described. Asteropontius latus sp. nov., from Antipathes sp. at Bohol Island, Philippines, has an unusually broad prosome. Asteropontius bandicola sp. nov., from Antipathes abies (L.) in the Moluccas and Antipathes cf. spinescens Gray in northwestern Madagascar, has rounded lateral margins on the female genital somite and the free segment of leg 5 is elongate with the ratio 2·69:1. Orecturus grandisetiger gen. nov., sp. nov., from Antipathes ericoides Pallas and Antipathes longibrachiata (van Pesch) in northwestern Madagascar, Antipathes reticulata Esper in the Moluccas, and Antipathes sp. at Bohol, Phillipines, has an unusually large seta on the third segment of the first antenna. Three lichomolgid poecilostomatoids are described from Antipathes sp. at Bohol in the Philippines. Visayasia lobura gen. nov., sp. nov., and Visayasia subterna gen. nov., sp. nov., are characterized by having the third segment of the endopod of leg 1 in both sexes armed with I, I, 4. Paramolgus delicatulus sp. nov., has a short caudal ramus and the female genital double somite is indented. The range of Paramolgus insectus (Humes, 1969) is extended from Madagascar and the Moluccas to the Philippines.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(5):1007-1046
Based on specimens of Paranannopidae collected from 30 to 123 m depth in Sassenfjord, Spitsbergen, two species of Paradanielssenia Soyer, 1970 (P. christineae sp. nov. and P. kathleenae sp. nov.) are described. These can be distinguished from known species by differences in the number of claviform aesthetascs on the mouthparts and in the arrangement or form of setae on the legs. A key to species of Paradanielssenia is provided. Mucrosenia gen. nov. (type species M. kendalli sp. nov.) is established on the basis of a single female and can be distinguished from all known paranannopid genera by the structure of the caudal ramus and the P2 endopod-2 which has no inner seta and a large mucroniform process at the outer distal corner. Psammis kliei Smirnov, 1946 is assigned to this genus as species incertae sedis. Danielssenia quadriseta Gee, 1988 is recorded for the first time outside its type locality in Oslofjord. Danielssenia spitsbergensis sp. nov. is described from a single male specimen and can easily be distinguished from other known species by the presence of only two outer spines on exopod-3 of P3-4. However, because of differences in the structure of the P2 endopod and P5, the species is placed incertae sedis within Danielssenia pending the discovery of the female.  相似文献   


Ten species of harpacticoid copepods were collected from two estuarine beaches near Porto Novo, south-east India. Three are described as new species. Two other species add to our knowledge of intra-specific variation in this group of animals.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(41-42):2613-2638

A handful of benthic harpacticoid species are known from the Gulf of California. Here I describe Argestes analongises sp. n. (Argestidae), and Argestigens celibis sp. n. (Ameiridae) from the deep sea of the Tropical Eastern Pacific and Gulf of California. Argestes analongises sp. n. fits in the subfamily Argestinae (Argestidae) and was attributed to the genus Argestes by the presence of small spinules covering the body surface of, at least, the urosome, and by the presence of an extremely elongated distal seta on the sixth segment of the female antennule. This new species seems to be allied to A. angolaensis by the situation of all the caudal setae, and by the ventral position of caudal seta III. They differ in the relative length of the female caudal rami, size, shape and relative position of the sensilla-bearing tubercles associated to the anal somite, armature of the mandibular basis, shape of the exopodal and endopodal segments of swimming legs, and relative length of the setae on the female P5 endopodal lobe and position of the innermost seta of the exopod of the female fifth leg. Argestigens celibis sp. n. was attributed to the family Ameiridae based on the non-argestid maxilla, on the presence of a more or less well-developed endopodal lobe of the male fifth leg and three inner setae on the third endopodal segment of the third leg, and on the presence of the typically modified ameirid-like inner spine on the basis of the male first leg. The new species was attributed to Argestigens based on the non-prehensile endopod of first leg and presence of long inner spinules on the basis of second to fourth legs. Additionally, a new genus, Georgus gen. n., is proposed for Bodinia peterrumi, and some comments are given on the monophyly of that genus.

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:4BD580B0-E856-4FBC-ABA6-B031A9B6E1F9  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(5):1135-1169
Leptotachidia iberica Becker is completely redescribed from the type material and is shown to carry claviform aesthetascs on the mouthparts. This is regarded as a character of high phylogenetic significance and, together with the loss of the mandibular exopod and the form of sexual dimorphism of the distal segment of the male P2 endopod, provides overwhelming evidence for a common ancestry for the genera Leptotachidia, Micropsammis Mielke and Paradanielssenia Soyer. Additional observations are made of the morphology of M. noodti Mielke, M. secunda Mielke and P. biclavata Gee. From a discussion of the probable relationships within this group of genera it is concluded that M. secunda is the most likely sister group of Leptotachidia and therefore must be removed to a new genus Telopsammis gen. nov. New diagnoses are given for all the genera.  相似文献   

Ten distinctive new species of the taxonomically difficult braconine wasp genus Gammabracon Quicke, 1984 are described: G. apicoluteus sp. nov. from Malaysia (Negri); G. curticornis sp. nov. from Malaysia (Negri); G. philippinensis sp. nov. from the Philippines; G. siamensis sp. nov. from Thailand; G. striatus sp. nov. from West Malaysia; G. strandorum sp. nov. from Indonesia (Java), G. subvena sp. nov. from Malaysia (Negri and Sabah); G. townesorum sp. nov. from the Philippines; G. variipennis sp. nov. from Thailand; and G. wegeneri sp. nov. from Indonesia. Myosoma forticarinata Cameron, 1902 is transferred to Gammabracon, hence Gammabracon forticarinata comb. nov. A lectotype is designated for Gammabracon erythroura (Cameron). The status of Cratobracon strandiellus (Cameron) is discussed and a new combination proposed, Shelfordia strandiellus Cameron, 1910 comb. nov. (=Bracon strandiellus Cameron). Paucity of discrete morphological variation makes separation of most of the species with orange-red mesosoma, black metasoma and conspicuous back setae currently unrealistic and it may be that there is a single widespread and morphologically variable species.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:56B8884E-99C8-4B53-9747-D011F552312D  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(10):1219-1245
Three new species of Normanellidae are described from the Texas coast, Gulf of Mexico. Normanella texana sp. nov. has limited areolated patterns on the cephalothorax, short P5 exopod and endopod, short caudal ramus and short caudal seta VI-V. Normanella brevispina sp. nov. is characterized by its relatively long caudal rami, and areolated rostrum. Normanella chanhoi sp. nov. has well-developed areolated patterns on the cephalothorax, six-segmented antennule and a smooth apical margin of the rostrum. N. texana belongs to the bolini -lineage, and N. brevispina to the minuta -lineage. Normanella chanhoi establishes a new lineage of its own.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(37-38):2443-2459
Both sexes of Ciplakastacus mersinensis gen. et sp. nov. (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Leptastacidae) are described in detail based on intertidal material collected from the Mediterranean coast of Turkey (Mersin Province). Plesiomorphic character states displayed by the antenna and P1–P2 indicate Ciplakastacus diverged before the crown group Leptastacidae diversified. The new genus is placed in a basal clade (currently encompassing Archileptastacus and Meloriastacus) defined by eight synapomorphies: (1) caudal ramus with strongly developed seta I flanked by two elongate spinules; (2) caudal ramus with posteriorly directed spinous outgrowth of outer distal corner; (3) caudal ramus seta III vestigial; (4) P5 exopod and baseoendopod forming single plate in both sexes; (5) P2–P4 exp‐3 with one outer spine; (6) dorsal posterior margin of anal somite bilaterally serrate; (7) rostrum triangular or bell‐shaped, and (8) sexually dimorphic ornamentation on the anal somite. Within this clade Ciplakastacus appears most closely related to Meloriastacus on account of the shared presence of the extremely elongate second antennulary segment, an allobasis on the antenna, the strongly reduced accessory seta on the maxillipedal endopod, the subcylindrical sternal process between the maxillipeds and P1, and paired laterodorsal, posteriorly directed, serrate extensions on the anal somite. Both genera can be distinguished from each other by P5 morphology (both sexes), armature of P4 enp‐2 and abdominal hyaline frill structure. The phylogenetic relationships between the basal taxa of the Leptastacidae are briefly outlined.  相似文献   


Two captures each of one and three specimens of Neophrynichthys marmoratus Regan 1913, off Chilean waters are reported. Both represent northward extensions of known geographical range. Observations were made in relation with colour pattern. The presence of sutured platelike hypurals on the terminal vertebral half centrum, and the presence of swimbladder are considered together with pectoral fin shape to suggest location of the species into the family Psychrolutidae of the order Acanthopterygii.  相似文献   

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