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《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(8):1169-1179
Two new genera are described for some species of Cryptocephalinae from the Australasian region. Melatia is erected for 29 species hitherto described in Cadmus Erichson, Cryptocephalus Geoffroy and Lachnabothra Saunders, from New Guinea and nearby islands; Ditropidella for four species described in Coenobius Suffrian and Ditropidus Erichson, from southern Australia.  相似文献   

The genus Colasposoma Laporte is shown to be represented in Australia by a single species, C. sellatum Baly (= C. barbatum Harold, syn. conf.; = C. regulare Jacoby, syn. nov.). The adult and larva are described and lectotypes designated for C. sellatum and C. regulare. Colasposoma sellatum is recorded from the Northern Territory, northern Queensland and New Guinea. This species is a pest of Ipomoea batatas (sweet potato) in northern Queensland, where the adults damage stems and foliage and larvae may cause considerable damage to tubers. Its pest status is assessed and control measures discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(33-34):2213-2287
The leaf beetle fauna of Turkey is reviewed and a complete checklist with provincial distributions is presented for the first time. Seven hundred and seventy-six species are catalogued in total. This represents approximately 22% of the known Palaearctic leaf beetle fauna. The Turkish leaf beetle fauna is characterized by 81 endemic species. Distributions of the species in Turkey are given based on available literature records. Some new materials from new localities are also examined. Taxa in the list are arranged systematically under family, subfamily, genus, subgenus (when recognized) and species. The subspecies are not included in the list but mentioned in the notes given for certain species. The species whose occurrences in Turkey need conformation are not included in the list but are given separately. Additionally, two new synonymies are stated: Psylliodes diversicolor Nadein 2006 = Pkasnakensis Gök et Aslan, 2007 syn.nov.; Phyllotreta maculicornis Pic, 1906 = Ph. ispartaensis Gök, 2005 syn.nov.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(37-40):2411-2418
The taxonomy of the eight species of Gonioctena Chevrolat belonging to the subgenus Spartoxena Motschulsky is mostly based on male genitalia due to the unsuitability of external characters (i.e. coloration patterns) for identification. In order to provide similar diagnostic characters for both genders, the female genitalia of the eight species are described and illustrated. Considering the lack of spermathecae within the genus, the shapes of tergite 8, and sternites 8 and 9 have been explored as possible diagnostic characters. These structures present marked differences between taxa and simultaneously stability among individuals of each species, and thus they are very useful for taxonomic purposes. A key to the females of the subgenus Spartoxena is provided, and figures of tergite 9, and sternites 8 and 9 of each species are included.  相似文献   

The status of Homichloda barkeri (Jacoby) n. comb. is discussed. A key is presented to four Afrotropical Homichloda species, including fulva n. sp. The eggs, larvae and pupae of H. barkeri are described for the first time. Unusual adult and immature stage characters are discussed in relation to the placement of Homichloda in the Alticinae.  相似文献   

Considering the little information on the biology and phenology of Chrysomelidae beetles and interaction with their host plants, we have followed the populations of Stolas chalybea, S. areolata and Anacassis phaeopoda for 2 years in order to obtain basic biological data on them and to describe their occurrence throughout the year. After emerging from the eggs, larvae of the three studied species remained aggregated, although the size of the groups decreased as the larvae developed. Egg clusters and young larvae of the two Stolas species were more frequently found on the underside of leaves of their host plants and mature larvae of S. areolata were only observed on the upper side of leaves. Adults of the three species were always isolated and both Stolas species were more frequently found on the upper side of leaves. The number of new branches on the host plant and some other plant physical characteristics were significantly related to Cassidinae abundance. The three studied species became active with the end of the dry season, reproduced more intensely during the rainy season and reduced their activity with the lowering of temperature and rainfall. The beetles also showed a lower peak of egg laying at the end of diapause of adults. This pattern of occurrence was very similar to the occurrence of leaves, especially the newest ones, on their host plants. Significant positive correlations between Cassidinae numbers and temperature showed that this parameter could influence ovipositing and mating activities.  相似文献   

A new genus of Dytiscidae, Borneodessus gen. n., is described for Borneodessus zetteli zetteli sp. n. (Sabah, East Malaysia) and Borneodessus zetteli kalimantanensis ssp. n. (East Kalimantan, Indonesia). The new genus belongs to the tribe Bidessini because of the presence of two-segmented parameres of the aedeagus. A modified male clypeus is an apomorphy for Borneodessus zetteli. The species habitually resembles some species of Africodytes Biström, 1988 (Africa), Amarodytes Régimbart, 1900 (South America), and some Clypeodytes Régimbart, 1894 (Old World tropics). However, a sister group relation or closer affinities to any of the genera of Bidessini could not be established. Borneodessus is so far the first genus of Dytiscidae which is endemic to Borneo, but we suggest a certain probability of its occurrence in other Sundaic areas. The species is a rheobiont, being collected from forest streams. We briefly address biogeographical aspects and provide a checklist of Bornean Dytiscidae, indicating the currently known degree of endemism.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(23-24):1407-1440
This paper studies the taxonomy of the genus Aetheomorpha Lacordaire, 1848 Lacordaire, JT. 1848. Monographie des coléoptères subpentamères de la famille des phytophages. Tome second. Mém Soc R Sci Liége., : 890 5: vi?+? [Google Scholar] (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cryptocephalinae: Clytrini) occurring in China. Five new species are described: Aetheomorpha bidentata sp. nov. from Sichuan, Aetheomorpha bilobata sp. nov., Aetheomorpha obtusapicata sp. nov., Aetheomorpha punctistriata sp. nov. and Aetheomorpha wangi sp. nov. from Yunnan. Aetheomorpha furcata Medvedev and Kantner, 2002 Medvedev, LN and Kantner, F. 2002. Some new and poorly known Clytrinae (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) of the Old World. Entomol Basil., 24: 259269.  [Google Scholar] is reported from China for the first time. The Chinese fauna of the genus is therefore increased to 16 species. A key to species is provided in the text in addition to colour plates and line drawings of habitus, maxilla, labium, male genitalia and female spermatheca and rectal sclerites, which are very helpful for species identification.  相似文献   


A second Baltic amber taxon, Retromalisus damzeni, gen. et sp. nov., is discovered in the previously monotypic extinct family Berendtimiridae. The morphological portrait of Berendtimiridae is complemented with the data on the structure of prosternum and abdomen.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(17):2013-2102
This paper reviews the 77 Old World genera of blister beetles (Coleoptera: Meloidae). Included is a key to genera and a synopsis of each genus. The generic synopses incorporate synonyms, number of species, geographic distribution, and the most significant references on taxonomy, life history and certain other topics. Additional notes are appended to several of the generic treatments. Formal nomenclatural changes include two new generic synonymies, one new status, three new combinations and the transfer of one subgenus.  相似文献   

A new species of hydromedusa from the Antarctic, Rathkea lizzioides sp. nov. is described and illustrated. The species is characterized by its rounded bell-shaped form, being almost as broad as high, the presence of an apical dome and a gastric peduncle, the 4 unbranched oral arms, the number of nematocyst clusters (7 to 18 in specimens 1·5 mm or greater in height), the occasional presence of 1 or more nematocyst clusters near the mouth margin, the 5 to 7 tentacles in each perradial tentacular bulb, the 3 to 5 tentacles in each interradial tentacular bulb, and the ovoid shape of the tentacular bulb. A key to the known species of Rathkea is provided.  相似文献   

In North Wales the larva of Cheilosia semifasciata (Diptera: Syrphidae) makes full-depth blotch mines in leaves of Umbilicus rupestris. Mines occur mostly on shaded plants with one larva per plant. Each larva mines several leaves to complete development and initiates new mines by curling round the leaf margin and puncturing the epidermis under the leaf. Unlike other dipteran leaf-miners which feed on their sides, only the thorax is turned sideways when feeding. The larva uses a grasping organ on the anal segment to grip the substrate when moving externally on the food-plant. Inside leaf mines, position is further secured by the integumental vestiture which grips the epidermis above the larva. The morphology and behaviour of the larva of C. semifasciata differs markedly from larvae of three congeneric species that tunnel in stems and roots.  相似文献   

Intra-specific colour differences in insects may occur as a result of environmental factors such as food type, temperature and humidity, or may be under genetic control. These colour polymorphisms may result in fitness differences through several mechanisms, including mate selection, camouflage from or warning to natural enemies, and heat absorption. Two colour morphs of adult Chrysophtharta agricola (Chapuis) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Paropsini) are present in the field in mainland Australia and Tasmania: a common green-brown form, and a rare black form. Tasmanian populations were sampled to assess the frequency of each morph at eight localities. The black form represented less than 3% of beetles (N=1724), with the proportion not significantly different between localities. Crossing tests using the two colour morphs of C. agricola showed that the black form was genetically dominant over the common form. To assess whether colour morphs had any fitness differences, we measured pre-oviposition period, fecundity, longevity, adult size and egg hatch rate, which each showed no significant difference between colour morphs. Field sampling of mating pairs and rearing the offspring of field-collected females showed no evidence of non-random mating. Modelling the population over 100 generations confirmed that for this species, melanism is controlled by a dominant but neutral allele, and, thus, is maintained at a constant low level in the population.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(37-38):2325-2367
Leaf beetles (Chrysomelidae; ~40,000 species) are commonly solitary animals but subsociality, maternal care of broods, is known in Cassidinae and Chrysomelinae. We report 11 novel records from Brazil and Peru, bringing the number of subsocial chrysomelids to 35 species in 10 genera. Two evolutionary models of chrysomelid subsociality have been proposed. One proposed three independent origins within Chrysomelinae, based on the potential phylogenetic positions of subsocial genera. The other hypothesised that an evolutionary arms race between chrysomelid prey and their predators, parasites, and parasitoids has led to an escalation of defences. Using our phylogenies, we propose that subsociality originated independently in Cassidinae and Chrysomelinae, and several times within each subfamily. Subsociality was preceded by particular behaviours. In Cassidinae, exophagous larvae with chemically offensive faecal weaponry preceded aggregated living, group defences (e.g. cycloalexy), and maternal guarding. In Chrysomelinae, offensive glandular compounds preceded ovi- and viviparity before subsociality.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(7-8):373-398
New information is provided on the morphology and biology of the Australian leaf‐beetle Pterodunga mirabile Daccordi. This species is unusual in the Chrysomelinae for the following features: adult with deeply grooved prothoracic hypopleuron, laterally pointed elytral margins, concealed mesoventrite and fused abdominal ventrites; female ovoviviparous and without spermatheca; first‐instar larva with lappet‐like sclerites; maternal care; host plant in the Proteaceae. The systematic position and conservation status of Pterodunga are discussed. Maternal care in the Chrysomelinae and Proteaceae‐feeding in the Chrysomelidae are reviewed. The first record of maternal care in Chrysomelinae, for Labidomera suturella Guérin‐Méneville, is shown to be a misidentification of Platyphora selvae Daccordi.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1365-1375
Twenty-two species of Scolytidae (including one new species), and one species of Platypodidae are recorded from the Cook Islands and Niue in the South Pacific, and a key is given to all species. Corrections are made to earlier records from the islands. Xyleborinus perexiguus (Schedl) comb. n. is transferred from Xyleborus. The faunal composition, breeding habits and geographical distribution of the species are discussed and related to those of other islands in the Pacific. Many species have probably been introduced by man. In the absence of a major timber industry, the species are likely to be of minor economic importance.  相似文献   


New Baltic amber species of Pteromalidae sensu lato are described, from two different subfamilies, Asaphesinae n. n. and Eunotinae. Asaphesinae is provided as a replacement name for Asaphinae Ashmead 1904, which is a junior homonym of the trilobite family Asaphidae Burmeister 1843. Coriotela lasallei gen. n., sp. n.. and Butiokeras costae gen. n., sp. n.. are described as the first known fossil species of Asaphesinae and Eunotinae, respectively. These species establish the minimum known age of both groups in the Eocene. Taxonomic changes are also proposed for some extant species. The genus Desantisiana Neder de Román syn. n.. is found to be a junior synonym of Notoglyptus, and its only described species is transferred as Notoglyptus jujuyensis (Neder de Román) comb. n.. The tribe Calyconotiscini, previously classified in Eunotinae, is abolished and Calyconotiscus Narendran & Saleem is transferred to Pireninae.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:7A107FF9-28E7-40AA-8A9B-71321E476C07  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1309-1320
Tatochila autodice and T. blanchardii, common native ‘cabbage butterflies’ whose combined range covers most of the southern half of South America, intergrade in the only region where they are known to be in contact—north-western Argentine Patagonia. The zone of intergradation is centred east of the Hua Hum and nearby low passes, with decreasing influence of the Chilean blanchardii both northwards and southwards. Larvae and pupae from the zone display some phenotypic traits never observed elsewhere. The zone is largely concordant with one in which three members of the Tatochila sterodice species-group are also hybridizing.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(13):1571-1610
The oribatid mite family Eremaeidae is represented in Mongolia by eight species in three genera. Three new species, Eueremaeus tenuisensillatus sp. nov., Eu. crassisetosus sp. nov. and Eu. laticostulatus sp. nov., collected from cool temperate forests, dry steppe and semi-desert habitats in central and southern Mongolia, are described on the basis of adults. Five known species, Eremaeus hepaticus C. L. Koch, Eu. oblongus (C. L. Koch), Eu. granulatus (Mihel?i?), Proteremaeus mongolicus (Golosova) and P. punctulatus Bayartogtokh are redescribed; the first three of these are recorded for the first time from Mongolia. Taxonomic status of Eu. granulatus (Mihel?i?) and Eu. silvestris (Forsslund) is discussed, and the latter is considered a junior synonym of the former species. The following new combinations are proposed: Eueremaeus brevifer (Mahunka), Eueremaeus fossulatus (Kunst) and Eueremaeus roissi (Piffl). A key to Mongolian species of Eremaeidae is given. Data on distribution and diversity of Eremaeidae of the world are discussed.  相似文献   

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