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Brosmodorsalis persicinus n. gen., n. sp. is described from specimens collected from shallow coastal rocky reefs of northern New Zealand. Brosmodorsalis is placed in the bythitid fish subfamily Brosmophycinae because it has the caudal fin separate from the dorsal and anal fins. The genus differs from all others within the subfamily by the origin of the dorsal fin being well in advance of the posterior margin of the operculum and the anterior dorsal fin rays being free of membrane.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(5):1313-1330
The genus Ceratomerus Philippi (Diptera: Empididae; Ceratomerinae) of New Zealand is revised and a key to species given. Thirteen species are recognized and the following new species are proposed: C. biseriatus sp. nov., C. flavus sp. nov., C. earlyi sp. nov., C. melaneus sp. nov., C. brevifurcatus sp. nov., C. tarsalis sp. nov. and C. vittatus sp. nov. The biology and phylogeny are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1639-1655
The genus Bovichtus includes four species from the Australasian region, viz. B. variegatus Richardson, B. psychrolutes Günther, B. angustifrons Regan, and B. oculus n. sp. B. decipiens Regan and Aurion effulgens Waite are junior synonyms of B. variegatus and B. psychrolutes respectively. B. oculus, described from a specimen taken in 847–902 m on the Campbell Plateau in the New Zealand Subantarctic, is the first known deep water Bovichtus species. It differs from all congeners in having a very large eye (horizontal diameter <9·0 times in SL) and, alone with B. psychrolutes, has a patch of ctenoid scales on the body behind the pectoral fin base.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(33-34):2041-2055
A new species of bopyrid isopod is described from a host hermit crab Paguristes tomentosus collected from Pisco, Peru and assigned to the pseudionine isopod genus Asymmetrione Codreanu, Codreanu and Pike, 1965. This is the second species in the genus with less than 20° asymmetry in females, but agrees with all other species in the genus in having the characteristic “socket” on the propodus of the female's pereopods, and in all characters of the males. A key is provided to the 10 species now in Asymmetrione. New records of an Anathelges sp. from Pagurus villosus collected in central Chile are given but additional material is required to determine whether these specimens represent the eastern Pacific A. thompsoni or the western Atlantic A. hyptius. A review of all the bopyrid species known from the western South American coast, with remarks on their taxonomy and biology, is provided.  相似文献   

Five new species and one new combination of marine flatworms belonging to the new genus, Maritigrella nov. gen. (Platyhelminthes, Polycladida, Euryleptidae) are presented here from the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Additional records are given from Australia, Indonesia and the Republic of the Maldives.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(7):1125-1133
Two new genera of the bryozoan family Calloporidae are described from New Zealand. The first, Leptinatella, is introduced for L. gordoni n. sp., specimens of which have been referred in the past to Watersia militaris (Waters) but are distinct from this species, which is a phase of the cribrimorph Corbulipora tubulifera (Hincks). The second genus, Bryocalyx, is introduced for B. cinnameus n. sp., which has small, conical colonies anchored by rhizoids. Another species of Bryocalyx is known from a few fragments only: and has also been referred in the past to Watersia sp. It is briefly discussed, but left unnamed here.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1483-1488
A new species of parasitoid wasp Chilepyris platythelys (Chrysidoidea: Bethylidae), from New Zealand, is described and illustrated. Its life history is described and its host, an anobiid (Coleoptera) larva, Hadrobregmus (Megabregmus) magnus is mentioned as the first host record for the genus Chilepyris.  相似文献   

During the course of a recent investigation into the phylogeny of the Cynipoidea (Fergusson, 1990) a new species was discovered which is unusually elongate and has a remarkably deep incision between the metanotum and propodeum. This species constitutes a new genus, Eileenella, which is described below.  相似文献   

Colonial ascidians collected from wharf piles and natural substrata from Bluff Harbour and Stewart Island in the South Island of New Zealand are described in this paper. Two species, Lissoclinum violaceum sp. nov. and Didemnum marineae sp. nov. are new to science and described for the first time. The ascidian fauna in this region is a mixed assemblage of southern species, species with a New Zealand-wide distribution, and two species with trans-Tasman affinities.

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:37DC0D4B-8FB9-4F1D-A5A0-E9CAB3203447  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(11):1401-1406
A helminthological investigation was carried out on the lacertid lizard, Gallotia atlantica (Peters and Doria, 1882) (Reptilia: Lacertidae) from Lanzarote, Canary Islands (Spain). One hundred and three digenean trematodes were found in the small intestine. Based on morphological and morphometric analysis of 35 specimens, it is concluded to be a new species which is here named Pseudoparadistomum yaizaensis gen. et sp. nov. referring to the locality where the hosts were caught. Pseudoparadistomum n.g. most closely resembles members of Paradistomum and Paradistomoidella, but is characterized by a V-shaped excretory vesicle, a spined tegument, and the position of the ovary relative to the testes.  相似文献   

Small (c. 1 cm long) terrestrial planarians found in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and France are described as a new species, Marionfyfea adventor sp. nov. Individuals of the new species have a patchy brown external appearance with small, seemingly random pale blue-ish patches. They have multiple eyes, uniserial around the anterior end, biserial or triserial laterally for a short distance then sparsely uniserial and lateral to the posterior end. The anatomy is characterized by five or six pairs of ventral testes and a single pair of ovaries adjacent to the pharyngeal pouch. The base of each ovary is surrounded by parovarian cells. The penis is of the inverted type with a basal hemispherical seminal vesicle. Two adenodactyls, one ventral, one dorsal, are present in the common antrum. The only other known species of Marionfyfea is recorded only from the Auckland Islands, New Zealand and we assume that the new species has been introduced to Europe.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:7AC3D565-0BEB-4B67-8BEC-11A13A70D663  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(17-18):1081-1094
A new genus and species of the family Parabathynellidae, Octobathynella peelensis gen. nov. sp. nov., is described from New South Wales, Australia. The new genus displays several exclusive characters: a very large and distinctive male thoracopod VIII with one crest-like projection containing two lobules on the basipod; and four aesthetascs on segments six and seven of the antennule. It also has several combinations of characters that make it unique in the Parabathynellidae, specifically that: the antennule is eight-segmented (a new character in the Australian species); there are seven segments in the antenna; the labrum has 18–20 teeth; the exopod of thoracopod I has three to four segments and the exopod of thoracopod II has four segments; the endopod has one dorsal seta on the first and second segments and the epipod is absent on thoracopod I; pleopods are absent; the endopod of the male thoracopod VIII has two setae and the exopod has setules; there are 10–12 spines on the sympod, three or four spines on the endopod and five setae on the exopod of the uropod. The new genus and species is placed into context with all known Bathynellacea in Australia, and the biogeographic patterns are discussed for this ancient group of subterranean crustaceans.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(5):1033-1039
A new terrestrial isopod, Cephaloniscus sociabilis gen. nov., sp. nov., from Fraser Hill in central Malaysia, is described and illustrated. The new genus belongs to the family Platyarthridae and is distinguished from other members of the family by the characteristic structure of the cephalon. The specimens were collected from the nest of the termite Hospitalitermes sp. (near medioflavus Holmgren) together with the ant Centromyrmex hamulatus (Karavaiev).  相似文献   

A new species under the name Scaptognathus ventridiscus sp. nov. is described from Japan. It differs from its congeners by the possession of a ventral disc in the male, a peculiar arrangement of dorsal plates and dorsal setae, and unique leg chaetotaxy.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1319-1339
The diagnostic characters of the cavernicolous genus Spelaeoblatta Bolívar, 1897, previously known only from a female, are given based on the male of S. thamfaranga n. sp. from Thailand. Nocticola adebratti n. sp. from Sabah is described.  相似文献   

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